Quicktime Import Plugin for VirtualDub v1.7.5 or greater 2007-10-11 v0.2.0.0 1) Fixed a bug that only read 3 characters of the FourCC code from "Quicktime.ini," instead of 4. 2) When VFW decoding fails, the FourCC of the quicktime video should be displayed now (thanks to Moitah for pointing this out). 3) If mode = -1 (Auto mode is selected) and VFW fails, it will automatically try again using a Quicktime API. 4) YV12 for Quicktime APIs has been disabled (mode=0, mode=2, mode=3). Quicktime doesn't seem to be able to decode to YV12. 5) When YUY2 or YV12 is selected, RGB32 decoding is also setup. This should allow all preview windows for filters to work correctly. 6) Audio decoding now works. Audio is decoded to 16bit PCM with however many channels are in the source (stereo, 5.1, etc.). 5.1 is decoded to L, R, C, LFE, Ls, Rs (kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_1_A). 7) Blank video, at 320x240 30 fps, is created when you open audio only file (aac, etc.). 8) Implemented the "Ask for Extended Options Dialog." This contains the same parameters as Quicktime.ini. 2007-10-11 v0.1.0.0 Initial Release