FLV plugin v1.2 by fccHandler Released November 21, 2010 This is version 1.2 of my FLV plugin for VirtualDub 1.8.1 and later versions. This zip contains both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the plugin. To use the 32-bit version, create a folder named "Plugins32" in VirtualDub's program folder, and place the "FLV.vdplugin" file into that folder. To use the 64-bit version, create a folder named "Plugins64" in VirtualDub's program folder, and place the "FLV64.vdplugin" file into that folder. VirtualDub will find and use the plugins automatically. The FLV plugin allows you to open most Adobe Flash Video files with the latest version of VirtualDub. It was compiled using Visual Studio 2005 Pro, and tested on Windows XP Pro SP3 32-bit and Windows 98SE. I haven't yet tested it on any other Windows platforms. You can download the full plugin source code at http://fcchandler.home.comcast.net/Plugins/FLV. Future updates will also be available at that address. This plugin is released under the GNU General Public License, and you should have received a copy of this license as "GPL.txt" in the parent folder of the distribution. You may use, modify, and redistribute the software free of charge, provided you agree to the terms of the GPL. If necessary I can be contacted at fcchandler at comcast dot net, but I don't check my e-mail very often unless I'm expecting something. You'll get a much quicker response by contacting me at the Unofficial VirtualDub Support Forums. (As an administrator I visit there several times a day.) The URL is http://forums.virtualdub.org. ------------------ May the FOURCC be with you...