
Wavelab is a multitrack 24-bit, 96 kHz audio editor. Features : Red-Book CD burning, DirectX and VST effects, audio analysis, $A$D
batch processing, audio file database, sampler support and more.$A$D
Main changes/corrections in v3.01-build 12$A$D
- Updated CDR drivers (CDR drivers are also available as an independant patch).$A$D
- When burning a CD under Windows 2000, an error message was sometimes displayed at the end. In fact, the CD was $A$D
correctly burnt, and the message had no reason to be issued.$A$D
- Fixes a problem that could cause sometimes the program to freeze when opening the record dialog (mainly under Windows $A$D
- Fixes a problem that could cause the program to freeze during its starting under certain Windows 2000 configurations.$A$D
- Fixes a problem that could prevent displaying the record mixer with certain audio cards.$A$D
- Pressing F6 to play the current selection, was sometimes restarting playback from the start of the wave/montage.$A$D
- Pressing 4/5 (numeric pad) to move playback position from marker to marker was not working correctly if the edit cursor was $A$D
- Folding/Unfolding dialog boxes is possible again (double-click on the caption bar).$A$D
- Receiving stereo samples from a sampler could produce clicks in the right channel.$A$D
- Cancelling a dump from a sampler would prevent closing the dialog box later. Focus problem also corrected in the Sampler $A$D
- Transport bar : programming the playback to stop on a marker or selection edge does not cause anymore the cursor to jump $A$D
back to its start position when stopping.$A$D
- Transport bar : the playback option « start from beginning of file could work erroneously.$A$D
- The warning message about the need to have a fast computer to be able to scroll during playback is now only displayed $A$D
once (for Audio-Montages).$A$D
- If an Audio-Montage had a missing CD-Track end marker, editing a pause in the track list could cause a crash.$A$D
- In certain rare cases, editing a CD-Track pause in an Audio-Montage CD-Track list could shift certain clips erroneously.$A$D
- The status-bar coul display time values with the wrong unit.$A$D
- In certain cases, if a plugin had the focus, pressing F1 could block WaveLab.$A$D
- The clip menu options « Play clip », « Play clip selection » and « Play clip with preroll » now play the clip in mode « solo » (all $A$D
other clips get muted). Same thing when clicking on the playback icons in the clip list.$A$D
- In synchro mode, WaveLab no longer issues an error message when receiving MTC code that corresponds to a negative $A$D
position (considering the defined offset). Synchro starts as soon as the position is not negative anymore (ie. when the playback $A$D
cursor can be visible).$A$D
- A clip’s Pan envelope behaved erroneously if the clip level was not 0 dB in the clip list.$A$D
- The « Show tips » preference was always active, even if set to Off (preference dialog).$A$D
- The « Button size » preference did not display the correct value (preference dialog).$A$D
- WaveLab would not run with certain Cyrix processors.$A$D
Note : if you are a first time wave lab user, remember that some vst plugs$A$D
have issues with wavelab, Some of them could make your wavelab crash while$A$D
starting, you will need to remove the plugin in conflict.$A$D