' ' Windows Administration Tools Pack (adminpak.msi) ' Diagnostic script - APver.vbs (CG,SG) ' ' Copyright (C) 2002 Microsoft Corporation ' All rights reserved ' ' ' Usage and help provided by typing "APver.vbs /? " ' ' ' Detects OS version, Service Pack version and whether Adminpak.msi is installed or not ' Returns 0 (zero) in %errorlevel% if the adminpak is not installed, otherwise returns AP version ' (ex. a return code of 502 means that the Win2k SP2 adminpak is installed) ' ' Requires WSH 5.6 and Cscript.ext to be your default script interpreter ' Must be an administrator to run this script ' Requires WMI service to be running on your machine to detect OS settings ' Good VBscript practise - make the variable declarations mandatory ' option explicit ' ' MSI database open mode should be read only to be safe ' const msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly = 0 ' ' MSI feature states (see MSI.chm for more info) ' const msiInstallStateNotUsed = -7 const msiInstallStateBadConfig = -6 const msiInstallStateIncomplete = -5 const msiInstallStateSourceAbsent = -4 const msiInstallStateInvalidArg = -2 const msiInstallStateUnknown = -1 const msiInstallStateBroken = 0 const msiInstallStateAdvertised = 1 const msiInstallStateRemoved = 1 const msiInstallStateAbsent = 2 const msiInstallStateLocal = 3 const msiInstallStateSource = 4 const msiInstallStateDefault = 5 ' ' WMI error codes ' const wmiLocalCredentialsSupplied = -2147217308 ' ' NT registry hives constants ' const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000 const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001 const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 const HKEY_USERS = &H80000003 const HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG = &H80000005 ' ' OS and Adminpak version detector return values ' const versionError = 399 const versionWindowsUnknown = 400 const versionWindows2000 = 500 const versionWindows2000SP1 = 501 const versionWindows2000SP2 = 502 const versionWindows2000SP3 = 503 const versionWindows2000Next = 509 const versionWindowsXP = 510 const versionWindowsXPSP1 = 511 const versionWindowsXPNext = 519 const versionWindows2003 = 520 const versionWindows2003Next = 529 const versionWindowsFuture = 999 ' ' Win2k and W2K3 Adminpak product GUIDs ' const guidWindows2000 = "0268927B6CAE1D11F878000680E26AE3" const guidWindows2003 = "2FC670E5DEFE2A346A32310E6DE27C0E" ' ' exit codes returned via %errorlevel% ' const exitcodeNone = 0 const exitcodeNoAPK = 0 const exitcodeInvalidSyntax = 1 const exitcodeError = 2 const exitcodeInvalidMSI = 3 const exitcodeUnexpected = 4 const exitcodeWSHVersionError = 5 const exitcodeInvalidHost = 6 ' ' General return codes from any function ' const returnNoError = 0 const returnInvalidParam = 1 const returnInvalidFile = 2 const returnUnexpected = 3 ' ' Output text strings ' const textMachineName = "Machine Name: " const textOsVersion = "Operating System: " const textAdminpakVersion = "Installed AP Version: " const textAdminpakSPLevel = "Installed AP Service Pack Level Property: " const textAdminpakVersionEx = "AP Package Version: " const textAdminpakSPLevelEx = "AP Package Service Pack Level Property: " const textResult = "Effective Adminpak binaries: " ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' The Script Starts Here ' ' Invoke the function to detect if you have CScript or WScript as your default WSH engine ' ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' check the scripting host -- it should be CSCRIPT, verify or warn if not CheckScriptHost ' display banner WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "APver.vbs - Adminpak.msi version information & diagnostic tool " WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Copyright (C) 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved." ' Do the main script operation Main ' ' exit from the script ' WScript.Quit exitcodeNone ' **************************************************************************** ' main function ' **************************************************************************** Sub Main ' ' variables ' dim result dim strVersion dim strDatabase dim strInstalledDatabase dim osVersion, apkVersion dim strComputer, strUserName, strPassword ' ' default error trapping mechanism ' on error resume next ' ' process the command line arguments ' ParseArguments strDatabase, strComputer, strUserName, strPassword ' ' determine the cached MSI database name -- if installed result = DetectInstalledPackage( strComputer, strUserName, strPassword, strInstalledDatabase ) ' ' sub-heading WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "On machine: " WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "--------------- " WScript.StdOut.WriteLine ' determine and display the OS version osVersion = DetermineOsVersion( strComputer, strUserName, strPassword, strVersion ) if strComputer = "." then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine textMachineName & GetComputerName else WScript.StdOut.WriteLine textMachineName & strComputer end if WScript.StdOut.WriteLine textOsVersion & TranslateVersion( osVersion ) & " (" & strVersion & ")" ' ' now determine which version of adminpak is installed ' if strInstalledDatabase = "" then ' adminpak is not installed WScript.StdOut.WriteLine textAdminpakVersion & "Not Installed" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine textAdminpakSPLevel & "" result = exitcodeNoAPK else if strComputer = "." then ' show the adminpak version info - also get the version number back apkVersion = ShowAdminpakInfo( strInstalledDatabase, true, false ) else ' show the adminpak version info - also get the version number back apkVersion = ShowAdminpakInfoEx( strInstalledDatabase, strComputer, strUserName, strPassword ) end if ' ' check the result and display warning if needed ' select case apkVersion case returnInvalidParam WSctipt.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "The parameter is incorrect" WScript.Quit exitcodeError case returnUnexpected WSctipt.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Unexpected error occurred - failed to get the adminpak version." WScript.Quit exitcodeError case returnInvalidFile WSctipt.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Invalid MSI File" WScript.Quit exitcodeInvalidMSI end select end if ' ' similarly show the version of the adminpak.msi file that was passed as parameter ' if strDatabase <> "" then ' ' sub-heading WScript.StdOut.WriteBlankLines(2) WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Package: (" & strDatabase & ")" WScript.StdOut.Write "----------" WScript.StdOut.Write String( Len( strDatabase ), "-" ) & "-" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine ' show the adminpak version info - also get the version number back ' (for the sake of exit code) result = ShowAdminpakInfo( strDatabase, false, false ) ' ' check the result and warn if needed ' select case result case returnInvalidParam WSctipt.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "The parameter is incorrect" WScript.Quit exitcodeError case returnUnexpected WSctipt.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Unexpected error occurred - failed to get the adminpak version." WScript.Quit exitcodeError case returnInvalidFile WSctipt.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Invalid MSI File was passed to the script" WScript.Quit exitcodeInvalidMSI end select end if ' ' special case if strInstalledDatabase <> "" then ' ' if this MSI file is an installed package and ' adminpak file version is Windows 2000 (any SP), ' and current running operating system version is also any of Windows 2000 (any SP) ' then we need to do some special processing to determine the AP Version SP level ' as the Win2k AP did not set SP level properly from SP1 to SP3 ' ' current output displays Win2k SP0 (2195), SP1, SP2, SP3, future SPs return code is 509 ' so the output could be updated to show future SP levels ' if ( (osVersion < versionWindowsXP) and _ (apkVersion >= versionWindows2000 and apkVersion < versionWindowsXP) ) then ' display the explanation to the user on what's going on WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "On Windows 2000, the effective adminpak binaries on a machine are " WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "determined by the most recent update done to the machine. " WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "The effective adminpak version is the latest of the OS service pack" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "version and the adminpak service pack version. For example, if you" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "install the SP1 version of adminpak and then upgrade the machine" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "to Windows 2000 SP2, the binaries installed by the SP1 adminpak will be" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "updated automatically to the versions from Windows 2000 SP2. Thus the " WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "effective version of adminpak binaries on the machine are from the SP2 " WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "update and you do NOT need to install the SP2 version of adminpak." WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "" ' now determine the result if osVersion > apkVersion then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine textResult & TranslateVersion( osVersion ) if strDatabase = "" then result = osVersion ' change the exit code elseif osVersion = apkVersion then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine textResult & TranslateVersion( osVersion ) if strDatabase = "" then result = osVersion ' change the exit code elseif osVersion < apkVersion then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine textResult & TranslateVersion( apkVersion ) if strDatabase = "" then result = apkVersion ' change the exit code end if else ' adminpak version itself is the exit code if strDatabase = "" then result = apkVersion end if end if ' ' exit from the script ' WScript.Quit result End Sub ' **************************************************************************** ' shows the adminpak version information ' **************************************************************************** Function ShowAdminpakInfo( strDatabase, bInstalledPackage, bRemote ) ' ' local variables ' dim i dim state dim database dim installer dim strVersion dim strFeature dim strProductCode dim nVersion, nAdminpakServicePackLevel ' ' default error trap ' on error resume next ' ' get the product version -- of adminpak.msi ' Check the input filename parameter ' if strDatabase = "" then ShowAdminpakInfo = returnInvalidParam Exit Function end if ' ' connect to Windows Installer ActiveX object ' set installer = nothing set installer = WScript.CreateObject( "WindowsInstaller.Installer" ) : CheckError ' ' open the MSI database ' set database = installer.OpenDatabase( strDatabase, msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly ) CheckErrorEx( installer ) ' ' get the adminpak.msi product version from the database ' GetProductDetails installer, database, strVersion, nAdminpakServicePackLevel ' ' check whether we can proceed furthur or not ' requirement is, we should have the product version information ' if strVersion = "" then ShowAdminpakInfo = returnInvalidFile Exit Function end if ' ' determine the Adminpak.msi version ' nVersion = DetermineAdminPackVersion( strVersion, false ) if nVersion = versionWindows2000 then ' ' need to verify one of the files in the MSI table to determine ' which build this adminpak belongs to ' ' we use the terminal server file to test this but it could be any file in the file table ' strVersion = GetFileVersion( database, "mstsc.exe" ) if strVersion = "" then ShowAdminpakInfo = returnInvalidFile Exit Function end if ' determine the adminpak version nVersion = DetermineAdminPackVersion( strVersion, true ) end if ' ' display the adminpak version info ' if bInstalledPackage = true then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine textAdminpakVersion & TranslateVersion( nVersion ) & " (" & strVersion & ")" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine textAdminpakSPLevel & nAdminpakServicePackLevel else WScript.StdOut.WriteLine textAdminpakVersionEx & TranslateVersion( nVersion ) & " (" & strVersion & ")" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine textAdminpakSPLevelEx & nAdminpakServicePackLevel end if ' ' get the MSI product code GUID from the MSI package database ' strProductCode = GetProperty( installer, database, "ProductCode" ) if strProductCode = "" then ShowAdminpakInfo = returnInvalidFile Exit Function end if ' ' display the state of the adminpak.msi file MSI Features - which are installed locally ? ' if bInstalledPackage = true then WScript.StdOut.WriteBlankLines(2) WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " MSI Features and current state:" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " -------------------------------" if bRemote = true then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " This script needs to be run locally on a machine in order" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " to see the state of MSI features. It can't work remotely." else for each strFeature in installer.Features( strProductCode ) WScript.StdOut.Write " " WScript.StdOut.Write strFeature if Len( strFeature ) < 30 then WScript.StdOut.Write String( 30 - Len( strFeature ), " " ) end if ' ' determine the state for each of the MSI Features state = installer.FeatureState(strProductCode, strFeature) WScript.StdOut.Write TranslateState( state, "f" ) ' new line WScript.StdOut.WriteLine next end if CheckErrorEx( installer ) end if ' ' return code ShowAdminpakInfo = nVersion End Function ' **************************************************************************** ' shows the adminpak version information ' **************************************************************************** Function ShowAdminpakInfoEx( strDatabase, strComputer, strUserName, strPassword ) ' ' local variables ' dim arrTemp dim objNetwork dim strShareName dim strRemotePath dim strRemoteDatabase ' ' default error trap ' on error resume next if strComputer = "." or strComputer = "" then ShowAdminpakInfoEx = ShowAdminpakInfo( strDatabase, false, false ) Exit Function end if ' ' split the database path -- with '\' as delimiter arrTemp = Split( strDatabase, "\", 2 ) ' ensure that the first element in the just splitted array is a "drive" letter (terminated with ':') strShareName = arrTemp( 0 ) if Right( strShareName, 1 ) <> ":" then ShowAdminpakInfoEx = returnInvalidParam Exit Function end if ' now replace ':' with '$' -- the conventional hidden share extension strShareName = Replace( strShareName, ":", "$" ) ' ' now form the UNC share name to connect to a remote machine strRemotePath = "\\" & strComputer & "\" & strShareName ' ' create an WSH network object set objNetwork = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Network" ) : CheckError ' ' now establish connection to this remote share -- objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "", strRemotePath, false, strUserName, strPassword CheckError ' now call the original function on that remote machine strRemoteDatabase = "\\" & strComputer & "\" & strDatabase strRemoteDatabase = Replace( strRemoteDatabase, ":", "$" ) ShowAdminpakInfoEx = ShowAdminpakInfo( strRemoteDatabase, true, true ) ' delete the network connection objNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive strRemotePath, true, false End Function ' **************************************************************************** ' version checker ' **************************************************************************** Function DetermineAdminPackVersion( strVersion, bFileVersion ) ' ' default error trapping mechanism ' on error resume next ' ' default return value ' DetermineAdminPackVersion = versionWindowsUnknown ' ' break-up the product version ' dim arrVersionInfo arrVersionInfo = Split( strVersion, "." ) ' ' validate the OS and Adminpak versions ' the no. of elements should be at least 3 and max 4 ' since the index starts from zero, the upper bound must be greater than 2 (3 items) ' also, it can not be greater than 3, if this is not so the version string is invalid ' if ( UBound( arrVersionInfo ) < 2 or UBound( arrVersionInfo ) > 3 ) then DetermineAdminPackVersion = versionError Exit Function end if ' ' adjust the version info if it contains only 3 elements ' if UBound( arrVersionInfo ) = 2 then redim preserve arrVersionInfo( 4 ) arrVersionInfo( 3 ) = 0 end if ' ' choose the path to follow depending on the product version ' dim verMajor, verMinor, verBuild, verServicePack verMajor = arrVersionInfo( 0 ) verMinor = arrVersionInfo( 1 ) verBuild = arrVersionInfo( 2 ) verServicePack = arrVersionInfo( 3 ) if verMajor < 5 then ' ' Non Win2k or XP or W2K3 version - probably NT4 version (therefore no adminpak) ' DetermineAdminPackVersion = versionWindowsUnknown elseif ( verMajor = 5 and verMinor = 0 ) then ' ' Windows 2000 ' since the Windows 2000 adminpak product version is not updated properly ' we need to choose a different logic to determine it's milestone or build # ' This should be fixed by Win2k SP4 timeframe ' DetermineAdminPackVersion = versionWindows2000 ' ' proceed furthur with checking if the version information passed to this ' function belongs to a specified file (ex. we test mstsc.exe) ' if bFileVersion = true then ' ' this is hard-way to detect the milestone for a specific file ' verBuid = 2195 and ' verServicePack = 1 --> RTM / Gold ' verServicePack = 1620 --> SP1 ' verServicePack = 2721 --> SP2 ' verServicePack = 3895 --> SP3 ' if ( verBuild = 2195 and verServicePack = 1 ) then DetermineAdminPackVersion = versionWindows2000 elseif ( verBuild = 2195 and verServicePack = 1620 ) then DetermineAdminPackVersion = versionWindows2000SP1 elseif ( verBuild = 2195 and verServicePack = 2721 ) then DetermineAdminPackVersion = versionWindows2000SP2 elseif ( verBuild = 2195 and verServicePack = 3895 ) then DetermineAdminPackVersion = versionWindows2000SP3 elseif ( verBuild = 2195 and verServicePack > 3895 ) then DetermineAdminPackVersion = versionWindows2000Next end if end if elseif ( verMajor = 5 and verMinor = 1 ) then ' ' This is Windows XP, there is no adminpak shipped in this version ' DetermineAdminPackVersion = versionWindowsXP elseif ( verMajor = 5 and verMinor = 2 ) then ' ' This is Windows Server 2003 ' verBuild < 3663 --> Beta 3 or pre-RC1 ' verBuild >= 3663 and verBuild <= 3718 --> RC1 ' verBuild >= 3718 --> RC2 ' verBuild >= 3790 --> RTM / GOLD DetermineAdminPackVersion = versionWindows2003 if verServicePack = 0 then DetermineAdminPackVersion = versionWindows2003 else DetermineAdminPackVersion = versionWindows2003Next end if else ' ' This must be a future version of Windows (unknown to us at this time) ' DetermineAdminPackVersion = versionWindowsFuture end if End Function ' **************************************************************************** ' determine the product version ' **************************************************************************** Function GetProductDetails( installer, database, strVersion, nAdminpakServicePackLevel ) ' ' default error trapping mechanism ' on error resume next ' ' get the version of this MSI file -- 'ProductVersion' ' strVersion = GetProperty( installer, database, "ProductVersion" ) ' ' get the version of this MSI file -- 'AdminpakServicePackLevel' ' nAdminpakServicePackLevel = GetProperty( installer, database, "AdminpakServicePackLevel" ) if nAdminpakServicePackLevel = "" then ' ' Windows 2000 will have a different property name (also they did not set this properly until after W2k SP4) ' nAdminpakServicePackLevel = GetProperty( installer, database, "AdminpakBuildVersion" ) end if ' ' return code -- always success GetProductDetails = returnNoError End Function ' **************************************************************************** ' get the property from MSI ' **************************************************************************** Function GetProperty( installer, database, strProperty ) ' ' local variables ' dim strValue, strQuery dim viewProperty, recordProperty ' ' default error trapping mechanism ' on error resume next ' ' get the version of this MSI file -- 'ProductVersion' ' strQuery = "SELECT `Value` FROM `Property` WHERE `Property`='" & strProperty & "'" set viewProperty = database.OpenView( strQuery ) : CheckErrorEx( installer ) ' ' execute the query ' viewProperty.Execute : CheckErrorEx( installer ) ' ' loop thru the view results ' do ' ' fetch the record ' set recordProperty = viewProperty.Fetch : CheckErrorEx( installer ) if recordProperty is nothing then exit do if recordProperty.IsNull(1) then exit function end if ' ' get the property value ' strValue = recordProperty.StringData( 1 ) ' ' since the query returns singleton result -- exit from the loop ' exit do loop ' ' check whether we have the property value or not ' if property value exists, return it -- otherwise return empty string ' GetProperty = "" if strValue <> "" then GetProperty = strValue end if End Function ' **************************************************************************** ' get the version info of a file in the Adminpak.msi File Table ' **************************************************************************** Function GetFileVersion( database, strFileName ) ' ' local variables ' dim strQuery dim strVersion dim viewFile, recordFile ' ' default error trapping mechanism ' on error resume next ' ' get the version info of the specified file ' strQuery = "SELECT `Version` FROM `File` WHERE `File`='" & strFileName & "'" set viewFile = database.OpenView( strQuery ) : CheckError ' ' default value ' strVersion = "" ' ' execute the query ' viewFile.Execute : CheckError ' ' file version ' do ' ' fetch the record ' set recordFile = viewFile.Fetch : CheckError if recordFile is nothing then exit do if recordFile.IsNull(1) then Exit Function end if ' ' get the file version ' strVersion = recordFile.StringData( 1 ) ' ' since the query returns a singleton result -- exit from the loop ' exit do loop ' ' return the file version -- if we have it ' GetFileVersion = "" if strVersion <> "" then GetFileVersion = strVersion end if End Function ' **************************************************************************** ' detect the installed Adminpak.msi package ' **************************************************************************** Function DetectInstalledPackage( strComputer, strUserName, strPassword, strInfo ) ' ' local variables ' dim objService dim objRegistry ' ' default error trapping mechanism ' on error resume next ' ' get the registry object ' set objService = ConnectWMI( strComputer, "root\default", strUserName, strPassword ) set objRegistry = objService.Get( "StdRegProv" ) if objRegistry is nothing then WSctipt.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Unexpected error occured - failed to get the WMI registry provider." WScript.Quit exitcodeUnexpected end if ' ' prepare for scanning the registry ' dim arrPackages( 2, 2 ) ' ' Windows 2000 (server) arrPackages( 0, 0 ) = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\" & guidWindows2000 & "\InstallProperties" arrPackages( 0, 1 ) = "LocalPackage" arrPackages( 0, 2 ) = versionWindows2000 ' ' Windows 2000 (professional) arrPackages( 1, 0 ) = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\LocalPackages\" & guidWindows2000 arrPackages( 1, 1 ) = "S-1-5-18" arrPackages( 1, 2 ) = versionWindows2000 ' ' Windows Server 2003 (identical for Windows XP 2600) arrPackages( 2, 0 ) = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\" & guidWindows2003 & "\InstallProperties" arrPackages( 2, 1 ) = "LocalPackage" arrPackages( 2, 2 ) = versionWindows2003 ' ' default values ' strInfo = "" DetectInstalledPackage = versionWindowsUnknown ' ' search the registry (chronological order) ' dim i dim strData for i = UBound( arrPackages ) to 0 step -1 strData = RegRead( objRegistry, arrPackages( i, 0 ), arrPackages( i, 1 ) ) if strData <> "" then strInfo = strData DetectInstalledPackage = arrPackages( i, 2 ) exit function end if next End Function ' **************************************************************************** ' determine the OS version ' **************************************************************************** Function DetermineOsVersion( strComputer, strUserName, strPassword, strVersion ) ' ' local variables ' dim arrVersionInfo dim objService, colItems, objItem dim verMajor, verMinor, verBuild, verServicePack ' ' default error trapping mechanism ' on error resume next ' ' default value ' DetermineOsVersion = versionError ' ' connect to WMI and query the operating system information ' set objService = ConnectWMI( strComputer, "root\cimv2", strUserName, strPassword ) set colItems = objService.ExecQuery( "Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem", ,48 ) : CheckError for each objItem in colItems ' ' get the OS major and minor versions strVersion = objItem.Version arrVersionInfo = Split( strVersion, "." ) verMajor = arrVersionInfo( 0 ) verMinor = arrVersionInfo( 1 ) verBuild = arrVersionInfo( 2 ) verServicePack = objItem.ServicePackMajorVersion ' ' determine the version if ( verMajor < 5 ) then ' ' pre-Windows 2000 ' DetermineOsVersion = versionWindowsUnknown elseif ( verMajor = 5 and verMinor = 0 ) then if ( verServicePack = 0 ) then ' ' Windows 2000 RTM build # 2195 ' DetermineOsVersion = versionWindows2000 elseif ( verServicePack = 1 ) then ' ' Windows 2000 SP1 ' DetermineOsVersion = versionWindows2000SP1 elseif ( verServicePack = 2 ) then ' ' Windows 2000 SP2 ' DetermineOsVersion = versionWindows2000SP2 elseif ( verServicePack = 3 ) then ' ' Windows 2000 SP3 ' DetermineOsVersion = versionWindows2000SP3 else ' ' Windows 2000 post-SP3 ' DetermineOsVersion = versionWindows2000Next end if elseif ( verMajor = 5 and verMinor = 1 ) then if ( verServicePack = 0 ) then ' ' Windows XP RTM build # 2600 ' DetermineOsVersion = versionWindowsXP elseif ( verServicePack = 1 ) then ' ' Windows XP SP1 ' DetermineOsVersion = versionWindowsXPSP1 else ' ' Windows XP post-SP1 ' DetermineOsVersion = versionWindowsXPNext end if elseif ( verMajor = 5 and verMinor = 2 ) then if ( verServicePack = 0 ) then ' ' Windows Server 2003 RTM ' DetermineOsVersion = versionWindows2003 else ' ' Windows Server 2003 post-RTM ' DetermineOsVersion = versionWindows2003Next end if end if next End Function ' **************************************************************************** ' computer name ' **************************************************************************** Function GetComputerName ' ' local variables ' dim objNetwork ' default value GetComputerName = "." ' ' get a reference to the WSH network object ' set objNetwork = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Network" ) CheckError ' ' get the computer name & return it ' GetComputerName = objNetwork.ComputerName End Function ' **************************************************************************** ' registry access ' **************************************************************************** Function RegRead( objRegistry, strSubKey, strValueName ) ' ' local variables ' dim strValue ' ' default error trapping mechanism ' on error resume next ' ' default value ' RegRead = "" ' ' validate the input object reference if objRegistry is nothing then WSctipt.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Unexpected error occured - invalid registry object." WScript.Quit exitcodeUnexpected end if ' ' read the value from registr objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strSubKey, strValueName, strValue CheckError ' ' return value RegRead = strValue End Function ' **************************************************************************** ' WMI connection helper ' **************************************************************************** Function ConnectWMI( strComputer, strNamespace, strUserName, strPassword ) ' ' local variables ' dim objLocator dim objService ' ' default error trapping mechanism ' on error resume next ' ' create WMI WBEM locator object to connect to remote CIM object manager ' set objLocator = WScript.CreateObject( "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator" ) : CheckError ' connect to the namespace which is either local or remote Err.Clear set objService = objLocator.ConnectServer( strComputer, strNamespace, strUserName, strPassword ) if Err.Number <> 0 Then ' check if user passed credentials for the local machine ' (wmi doesn't support connecting to the local machine with alternate credentials) ' if Err.Number = wmiLocalCredentialsSupplied then ' supress the credentials strComputer = "." strUserName = "" strPassword = "" ' try connecting again Err.Clear set objService = objLocator.ConnectServer( ".", strNamespace, "" , "" ) end if ' check for the connection errors CheckError end if ' set the security level objService.Security_.impersonationlevel = 3 ' return the object to the caller set ConnectWMI = objService End Function ' **************************************************************************** ' translate version code into text ' **************************************************************************** Function TranslateVersion( version ) ' ' default error trapping mechanism ' on error resume next select case version case versionError TranslateVersion = "Unknown error" case versionWindowsUnknown TranslateVersion = "Unknown version" case versionWindows2000 TranslateVersion = "Windows 2000" case versionWindows2000SP1 TranslateVersion = "Windows 2000 SP1" case versionWindows2000SP2 TranslateVersion = "Windows 2000 SP2" case versionWindows2000SP3 TranslateVersion = "Windows 2000 SP3" case versionWindows2000Next TranslateVersion = "Windows 2000 post-SP3" case versionWindowsXP TranslateVersion = "Windows XP" case versionWindowsXPSP1 TranslateVersion = "Windows XP SP1" case versionWindowsXPNext TranslateVersion = "Windows XP post-SP1" case versionWindows2003 TranslateVersion = "Windows Server 2003" case versionWindows2003Next TranslateVersion = "Windows Server 2003 post-RTM" case versionWindowsFuture TranslateVersion = "Future version of Windows (post W2K3)" end select End Function ' **************************************************************************** ' determine product/feature/component state ' **************************************************************************** Function TranslateState( state, statetype ) TranslateState = "" select case state case msiInstallStateNotUsed TranslateState = "Not Used" case msiInstallStateInvalidArg TranslateState = "Invalid argument" case msiInstallStateBadConfig TranslateState = "Corrupted" case msiInstallStateIncomplete TranslateState = "In Progress" case msiInstallStateSourceAbsent TranslateState = "Source Absent" case msiInstallStateBroken TranslateState = "Broken" ' some MSI Feature type ? case msiInstallStateAdvertised if statetype = "f" then TranslateState = "Advertised" elseif statetype = "p" then TranslateState = "Advertised but not installed." end if case msiInstallStateRemoved TranslateState = "Uninstalled" case msiInstallStateAbsent if statetype = "f" then TranslateState = "Not Installed" elseif statetype = "p" then TranslateState = "Installed for a different user." end if case msiInstallStateLocal TranslateState = "Installed" case msiInstallStateSource TranslateState = "Installed (runs from source)" case msiInstallStateDefault if statetype = "f" then TranslateState = "Default" elseif statetype = "p" then TranslateState = "Installed." end if case msiInstallStateUnknown if statetype = "f" then TranslateState = "Unknown" elseif statetype = "p" then TranslateState = "Neither advertised nor installed." end if case else TranslateState = "Unknown (state: " & state & ")" end select End Function ' **************************************************************************** ' parse arguments ' **************************************************************************** Function ParseArguments( strDatabase, strComputer, strUser, strPassword ) ' ' local variables ' dim strArgument dim nEngineVersion ' ' default error trapping mechanism ' on error resume next ' ' default return value ' ParseArguments = 0 ' ' default values strUser = "" strDatabse = "" strPassword = "" strComputer = "." ' ' if there are no arguments, then simply return ' if WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 then Exit Function ' ' check the WSH VBScript engine version ' for this script to run successfully, the WSH engine version should be 5.6 or above ' nEngineVersion = (ScriptEngineMajorVersion * 10) + ScriptEngineMinorVersion if nEngineVersion < 56 then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "For this script to run successfully, the script engine" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "should be using WSH 5.6 or above." WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "You can download this from http://msdn.microsoft.com" WScript.Quit exitcodeWSHVersionError end if ' ' if arguments are greater than 3 -- error exit ' if ( WScript.Arguments.Count > 3 or _ WScript.Arguments.Named.Length > 3 or _ WScript.Arguments.UnNamed.Length > 1 ) then ShowHelp Wscript.Quit exitcodeInvalidSyntax end if ' ' check whether the passed arguments are valid parameters or not ' for each strArgument in WScript.Arguments.Named if strArgument = "" or InStr( 1, "sup?", strArgument ) = 0 then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Invalid syntax" WScript.Quit exitcodeInvalidSyntax end if next ' ' get the command line argument values ' ' ' database if WScript.Arguments.UnNamed.Length >= 1 then strDatabase = WScript.Arguments.UnNamed.Item( 0 ) ' ' validate the database name -- it should be "adminpak.msi" only ' if LCase( Right( strDatabase, 12 ) ) <> "adminpak.msi" then WSctipt.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Invalid file name. File name should be adminpak.msi only" WScript.Quit exitcodeInvalidMSI end if end if ' ' check if user is asking for help if WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists( "?" ) then ShowHelp if WScript.Arguments.Count = 1 then Wscript.Quit exitcodeNone else WScript.Quit exitcodeInvalidSyntax end if end if ' ' If /S provided, get the remote computer name ' if WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists( "s" ) then strComputer = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item( "s" ) if strComputer = "" then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Invalid syntax" WScript.Quit exitcodeInvalidSyntax end if end if ' ' If /U provided, get the alternate user name (needs to be admin level) ' if WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists( "u" ) then strUser = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item( "u" ) if strUser = "" then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Invalid syntax" WScript.Quit exitcodeInvalidSyntax end if end if ' ' If /P provided, get the password ' if WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists( "p" ) then strPassword = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item( "p" ) if strPassword = "" then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Invalid syntax" WScript.Quit exitcodeInvalidSyntax end if end if End Function ' **************************************************************************** ' show usage HELP (/?) ' **************************************************************************** Sub ShowHelp WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "APver.vbs [msi package] [/s:computer [/u:user [/p:password]]]" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Description:" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " This script helps admins to detect which version of the Windows" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " Administration Tools Pack (adminpak.msi) is installed on a machine." WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Parameters:" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " msi package specified msi file that you want to use" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " to cross check with the installed version." WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " /s computer name of the remote machine to check" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " /u user alternate user name, used to make the remote " WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " connection to the machine specified with /s " WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " /p password password to use for the user specified with /u" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " /? displays this help text" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Exit codes:" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "-----------" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "the exit code is returned via environment variable 'ERRORLEVEL'. Each digit " WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "signifies Major version, Minor version and service pack levels respectively." WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Example Exit Codes:" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "-------------------" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " Windows 2000 500" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " Windows 2000 SP1 501" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " Windows 2000 SP2 502" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " Windows 2000 SP3 503" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " Windows 2000 post-SP3 509" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " Windows Server 2003 520" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " Windows Server 2003 post-RTM 529" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " Future Version (post Windows Server 2003) 999" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " Pre-Windows 2000 (NT 4.0) 400" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " Other Exit Codes:" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " -----------------" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " 0 -> Adminpak is not installed" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " 1 -> Invalid syntax" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " 2 -> Error occured executing the script" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " 3 -> Invalid MSI file was passed in" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " 4 -> Unexpected error occured while executing the script" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " 5 -> The script engine is out-of-date. You need WSH 5.6 to run this script" End Sub ' **************************************************************************** ' error checking ' **************************************************************************** Sub CheckError ' ' do not set the default error trapping mechanism -- it will reset the "err" object ' if Err = 0 then Exit Sub WScript.StdOut.WriteLine Hex(Err) & ": " & Err.Description WScript.Quit exitcodeError End Sub ' **************************************************************************** ' error checking - extended ' **************************************************************************** Sub CheckErrorEx( installer ) ' ' do not set the default error trapping mechanism -- it will reset the "err" object ' dim message, errRec if Err = 0 then Exit Sub message = Err.Source & " " & Hex(Err) & ": " & Err.Description if not installer is nothing then set errRec = installer.LastErrorRecord if not errRec is nothing then message = message & vbNewLine & errRec.FormatText end if WScript.StdOut.WriteLine message WScript.Quit exitcodeError End Sub ' **************************************************************************** ' error checking - extended ' **************************************************************************** Sub CheckScriptHost ' ' local variables ' dim fso dim strHostName ' ' default error trapping mechanism ' on error resume next ' get the set fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") : CheckError strHostName = fso.GetFileName( WScript.FullName ) if LCase( strHostName ) <> "cscript.exe" then WScript.Echo _ "This script should be executed from the command prompt using CSCRIPT.EXE." & vbNewLine & _ "For example: CSCRIPT.EXE apver.vbs [arguments]" & vbNewLine & _ "To set CSCRIPT.EXE as the default application to run .vbs files, run the following:" & vbNewLine & _ " CSCRIPT //H:CSCRIPT //S" & vbNewLine & _ "You can then run ""apver.vbs [arguments]"" without preceding the script with CSCRIPT." WScript.Quit exitcodeInvalidHost end if End Sub '' SIG '' Begin signature block '' SIG '' MIIaIgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIaEzCCGg8CAQExCzAJBgUr '' SIG '' DgMCGgUAMGcGCisGAQQBgjcCAQSgWTBXMDIGCisGAQQB '' SIG '' gjcCAR4wJAIBAQQQTvApFpkntU2P5azhDxfrqwIBAAIB '' SIG '' AAIBAAIBAAIBADAhMAkGBSsOAwIaBQAEFBzAviC+2s+I '' SIG '' yFLIgtaRv4W4YAkBoIIUvDCCArwwggIlAhBKGdI4jIJZ '' SIG '' HKVdc18VXdyjMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAMIGeMR8wHQYD '' SIG '' VQQKExZWZXJpU2lnbiBUcnVzdCBOZXR3b3JrMRcwFQYD '' SIG '' VQQLEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjEsMCoGA1UECxMjVmVy '' SIG '' aVNpZ24gVGltZSBTdGFtcGluZyBTZXJ2aWNlIFJvb3Qx '' SIG '' NDAyBgNVBAsTK05PIExJQUJJTElUWSBBQ0NFUFRFRCwg '' SIG '' KGMpOTcgVmVyaVNpZ24sIEluYy4wHhcNOTcwNTEyMDAw '' SIG '' MDAwWhcNMDQwMTA3MjM1OTU5WjCBnjEfMB0GA1UEChMW '' SIG '' VmVyaVNpZ24gVHJ1c3QgTmV0d29yazEXMBUGA1UECxMO '' SIG '' VmVyaVNpZ24sIEluYy4xLDAqBgNVBAsTI1ZlcmlTaWdu '' SIG '' IFRpbWUgU3RhbXBpbmcgU2VydmljZSBSb290MTQwMgYD '' SIG '' VQQLEytOTyBMSUFCSUxJVFkgQUNDRVBURUQsIChjKTk3 '' SIG '' IFZlcmlTaWduLCBJbmMuMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUA '' SIG '' A4GNADCBiQKBgQDTLiDwaHwsLS6BHLEGsqcLtxENV9pT '' SIG '' 2HXjyTMqstT2CVs08+mQ/gkM0NsbWrnN5/aIsZ3AhyXr '' SIG '' fVgQc2p4y3EV/cZY9imrWF6WBP0tYhFYgRzKcZTVIlgv '' SIG '' 1cwUBYQ2upSqtE1K6e47Iq1WmX4hnGyGwEpHl2q0pjbV '' SIG '' /Akt07Q5mwIDAQABMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAA4GBAGFV '' SIG '' Dj57x5ISfhEQjiLM1LMTK1voROQLeJ6kfvOnB3Ie4lnv '' SIG '' zITjiZRM205h77Ok+0Y9UDQLn3BW9o4qfxfO5WO/eWkH '' SIG '' cy6wlSiK9e2qqdJdzQrKEAmPzrOvKJbEeSmEktz/umdC '' SIG '' SKaQEOS/YficU+WT0XM/+P2dT4SsVdH9EWNjMIIEAjCC '' SIG '' A2ugAwIBAgIQCHptXG9ik0+6xP1D4RQYnTANBgkqhkiG '' SIG '' 9w0BAQQFADCBnjEfMB0GA1UEChMWVmVyaVNpZ24gVHJ1 '' SIG '' c3QgTmV0d29yazEXMBUGA1UECxMOVmVyaVNpZ24sIElu '' SIG '' Yy4xLDAqBgNVBAsTI1ZlcmlTaWduIFRpbWUgU3RhbXBp '' SIG '' bmcgU2VydmljZSBSb290MTQwMgYDVQQLEytOTyBMSUFC '' SIG '' SUxJVFkgQUNDRVBURUQsIChjKTk3IFZlcmlTaWduLCBJ '' SIG '' bmMuMB4XDTAxMDIyODAwMDAwMFoXDTA0MDEwNjIzNTk1 '' SIG '' OVowgaAxFzAVBgNVBAoTDlZlcmlTaWduLCBJbmMuMR8w '' SIG '' HQYDVQQLExZWZXJpU2lnbiBUcnVzdCBOZXR3b3JrMTsw '' SIG '' OQYDVQQLEzJUZXJtcyBvZiB1c2UgYXQgaHR0cHM6Ly93 '' SIG '' d3cudmVyaXNpZ24uY29tL3JwYSAoYykwMTEnMCUGA1UE '' SIG '' AxMeVmVyaVNpZ24gVGltZSBTdGFtcGluZyBTZXJ2aWNl '' SIG '' MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA '' SIG '' wHphh+uypwNjGysaYd6AtxUdoIuQPbsnkoQUOeuFzimS '' SIG '' BmZIpANPjehPp/CvXtEvGceR8bWee5Ehzun/407w/K+V '' SIG '' WLhjLeaO9ikYzXCOUMPtlrtA274l6EJV1vaF8gbni5kc '' SIG '' MfMDD9RMnCQq3Bsbj4LzsO+nTeMUp+CP1sdowmFYqXLU '' SIG '' +DBIT9kvb2Mg2YnKgnvCS7woxYFo5+aCQKxGOqD5PzbN '' SIG '' TLtUQlp6ZXv+hOTHR1SsuT3sgMca98QzgYHJKpX7f146 '' SIG '' h5AU28wudfLva+Y9qWC+QgGqT6pbqD8iMZ8SFflzoR6C '' SIG '' iwQr6kYCTG2PH1AulUsqeAaEdD2RjyxHMQIDAQABo4G4 '' SIG '' MIG1MEAGCCsGAQUFBwEBBDQwMjAwBggrBgEFBQcwAYYk '' SIG '' aHR0cDovL29jc3AudmVyaXNpZ24uY29tL29jc3Avc3Rh '' SIG '' dHVzMAkGA1UdEwQCMAAwRAYDVR0gBD0wOzA5BgtghkgB '' SIG '' hvhFAQcBATAqMCgGCCsGAQUFBwIBFhxodHRwczovL3d3 '' SIG '' dy52ZXJpc2lnbi5jb20vcnBhMBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsG '' SIG '' AQUFBwMIMAsGA1UdDwQEAwIGwDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQF '' SIG '' AAOBgQAt809jYCwY2vUkD1KzDOuzvGeFwiPtj0YNzxpN '' SIG '' vvN8eiAwMhhoi5K7Mpnwk7g7FQYnez4CBgCkIZKEEwrF '' SIG '' mOVAV8UFJeivrxFqqeU7y+kj9pQpXUBV86VTncg2Ojll '' SIG '' CHNzpDLSr6y/xwU8/0Xsw+jaJNHOY64Jp/viG+P9QQpq '' SIG '' ljCCBBIwggL6oAMCAQICDwDBAIs8PIgR0T72Y+zfQDAN '' SIG '' BgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADBwMSswKQYDVQQLEyJDb3B5cmln '' SIG '' aHQgKGMpIDE5OTcgTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnAuMR4wHAYD '' SIG '' VQQLExVNaWNyb3NvZnQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xITAfBgNV '' SIG '' BAMTGE1pY3Jvc29mdCBSb290IEF1dGhvcml0eTAeFw05 '' SIG '' NzAxMTAwNzAwMDBaFw0yMDEyMzEwNzAwMDBaMHAxKzAp '' SIG '' BgNVBAsTIkNvcHlyaWdodCAoYykgMTk5NyBNaWNyb3Nv '' SIG '' ZnQgQ29ycC4xHjAcBgNVBAsTFU1pY3Jvc29mdCBDb3Jw '' SIG '' b3JhdGlvbjEhMB8GA1UEAxMYTWljcm9zb2Z0IFJvb3Qg '' SIG '' QXV0aG9yaXR5MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8A '' SIG '' MIIBCgKCAQEAqQK9wXDmO/JOGyifl3heMOqiqY0lX/j+ '' SIG '' lUyjt/6doiA+fFGim6KPYDJr0UJkee6sdslU2vLrnIYc '' SIG '' j5+EZrPFa3piI9YdPN4PAZLolsS/LWaammgmmdA6LL8M '' SIG '' tVgmwUbnCj44liypKDmo7EmDQuOED7uabFVhrIJ8oWAt '' SIG '' d0zpmbRkO5pQHDEIJBSfqeeRKxjmPZhjFGBYBWWfHTdS '' SIG '' h/en75QCxhvTv1VFs4mAvzrsVJROrv2nem10Tq8YzJYJ '' SIG '' KCEAV5BgaTe7SxIHPFb/W/ukZgoIptKBVlfvtjteFoF3 '' SIG '' BNr2vq6Alf6wzX/WpxpyXDzKvPAIoyIwswaFybMgdxOF '' SIG '' 3wIDAQABo4GoMIGlMIGiBgNVHQEEgZowgZeAEFvQcO9p '' SIG '' cp4jUX4Usk2O/8uhcjBwMSswKQYDVQQLEyJDb3B5cmln '' SIG '' aHQgKGMpIDE5OTcgTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnAuMR4wHAYD '' SIG '' VQQLExVNaWNyb3NvZnQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xITAfBgNV '' SIG '' BAMTGE1pY3Jvc29mdCBSb290IEF1dGhvcml0eYIPAMEA '' SIG '' izw8iBHRPvZj7N9AMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAA4IBAQCV '' SIG '' 6AvAjfOXGDXtuAEk2HcR81xgMp+eC8s+BZGIj8k65iHy '' SIG '' 8FeTLLWgR8hi7/zXzDs7Wqk2VGn+JG0/ycyq3gV83TGN '' SIG '' PZ8QcGq7/hJPGGnA/NBD4xFaIE/qYnuvqhnIKzclLb5l '' SIG '' oRKKJQ9jo/dUHPkhydYV81KsbkMyB/2CF/jlZ2wNUfa9 '' SIG '' 8VLHvefEMPwgMQmIHZUpGk3VHQKl8YDgA7Rb9LHdyFfu '' SIG '' ZUnHUlS2tAMoEv+Q1vAIj364l8WrNyzkeuSod+N2oADQ '' SIG '' aj/B0jaK4EESqDVqG2rbNeHUHATkqEUEyFozOG5NHA1i '' SIG '' twqijNPVVD9GzRxVpnDbEjqHk3Wfp9KgMIIEyTCCA7Gg '' SIG '' AwIBAgIQaguZT8AA3qoR1NhAmqi+5jANBgkqhkiG9w0B '' SIG '' AQQFADBwMSswKQYDVQQLEyJDb3B5cmlnaHQgKGMpIDE5 '' SIG '' OTcgTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnAuMR4wHAYDVQQLExVNaWNy '' SIG '' b3NvZnQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xITAfBgNVBAMTGE1pY3Jv '' SIG '' c29mdCBSb290IEF1dGhvcml0eTAeFw0wMDEyMTAwODAw '' SIG '' MDBaFw0wNTExMTIwODAwMDBaMIGmMQswCQYDVQQGEwJV '' SIG '' UzETMBEGA1UECBMKV2FzaGluZ3RvbjEQMA4GA1UEBxMH '' SIG '' UmVkbW9uZDEeMBwGA1UEChMVTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnBv '' SIG '' cmF0aW9uMSswKQYDVQQLEyJDb3B5cmlnaHQgKGMpIDIw '' SIG '' MDAgTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnAuMSMwIQYDVQQDExpNaWNy '' SIG '' b3NvZnQgQ29kZSBTaWduaW5nIFBDQTCCASAwDQYJKoZI '' SIG '' hvcNAQEBBQADggENADCCAQgCggEBAKKEFVPYCzAONJX/ '' SIG '' OhvC8y97bTcjTfPSjOX9r/3FAjQfJMflodxU7H4CdEer '' SIG '' 2zJYFhRRKTjxfrK0jDpHtTlOblTCMQw6bfvNzctQnBuu '' SIG '' p9jZSiY/tcXLj5biSfJt2OmWPt4Fz/CmVTetL2DNgGFC '' SIG '' oUlUSg8Yt0vZk5kwWkd1ZLTTu922qwydT7hzOxg6qrSH '' SIG '' jLCIsE1PH04RtTOA3w06ZG9ExzS9SpObvKYd+QUjTmAp '' SIG '' j8wq8oSama2o2wpwe9Y0QZClt2bHXBsdozMOm1QDGj+Y '' SIG '' kLjM5z0EdEMcj/c55rOsSHprKg5iAWE5dm79PpgHSxTx '' SIG '' AUb9FQDgR9pP5AXkgCUCAQOjggEoMIIBJDATBgNVHSUE '' SIG '' DDAKBggrBgEFBQcDAzCBogYDVR0BBIGaMIGXgBBb0HDv '' SIG '' aXKeI1F+FLJNjv/LoXIwcDErMCkGA1UECxMiQ29weXJp '' SIG '' Z2h0IChjKSAxOTk3IE1pY3Jvc29mdCBDb3JwLjEeMBwG '' SIG '' A1UECxMVTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMSEwHwYD '' SIG '' VQQDExhNaWNyb3NvZnQgUm9vdCBBdXRob3JpdHmCDwDB '' SIG '' AIs8PIgR0T72Y+zfQDAQBgkrBgEEAYI3FQEEAwIBADAd '' SIG '' BgNVHQ4EFgQUKVy5G7bNM+67nll99+XKLsQNNCgwGQYJ '' SIG '' KwYBBAGCNxQCBAweCgBTAHUAYgBDAEEwCwYDVR0PBAQD '' SIG '' AgFGMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEE '' SIG '' BQADggEBAEVY4ppBf/ydv0h3d66M2eYZxVe0Gr20uV8C '' SIG '' oUVqOVn5uSecLU2e/KLkOIo4ZCJC37kvKs+31gbK6yq/ '' SIG '' 4BqFfNtRCD30ItPUwG2IgRVEX2SDZMSplCyK25A3Sg+3 '' SIG '' 6NRhj3Z24dkl/ySElY0EVlSUoRw6PoK87qWHjByMS3lf '' SIG '' tUn6XjJpOh9UrXVN32TnMDzbZElE+/vEHEJx5qA9Re5r '' SIG '' AJ+sQr26EbNW5PvVoiqB2B9OolW+J49wpqJsG/9UioK8 '' SIG '' gUumobFmeqkXp8sGwEfrprPpMRVTPSoEv/9zSNyLJ0P8 '' SIG '' Y+juJIdbvjbR6DH1Mtle33l6ujCsaYZK+4wRvxuNVFkw '' SIG '' ggUPMIID96ADAgECAgphBxFDAAAAAAA0MA0GCSqGSIb3 '' SIG '' DQEBBQUAMIGmMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzETMBEGA1UECBMK '' SIG '' V2FzaGluZ3RvbjEQMA4GA1UEBxMHUmVkbW9uZDEeMBwG '' SIG '' A1UEChMVTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMSswKQYD '' SIG '' VQQLEyJDb3B5cmlnaHQgKGMpIDIwMDAgTWljcm9zb2Z0 '' SIG '' IENvcnAuMSMwIQYDVQQDExpNaWNyb3NvZnQgQ29kZSBT '' SIG '' aWduaW5nIFBDQTAeFw0wMjA1MjUwMDU1NDhaFw0wMzEx '' SIG '' MjUwMTA1NDhaMIGhMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzETMBEGA1UE '' SIG '' CBMKV2FzaGluZ3RvbjEQMA4GA1UEBxMHUmVkbW9uZDEe '' SIG '' MBwGA1UEChMVTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMSsw '' SIG '' KQYDVQQLEyJDb3B5cmlnaHQgKGMpIDIwMDIgTWljcm9z '' SIG '' b2Z0IENvcnAuMR4wHAYDVQQDExVNaWNyb3NvZnQgQ29y '' SIG '' cG9yYXRpb24wggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAw '' SIG '' ggEKAoIBAQCqmb05qBgn9Cs9C0w/fHcup8u10YwNwjp0 '' SIG '' 15O14KBLP1lezkVPmnkp8UnMGkfuVcIIPhIg+FXy7l/T '' SIG '' 4MqWvDDe/ljIJzLQhVTo8JEQu/MrvhnlA5sLhh3zsDmM '' SIG '' uP0LHTxzJqxXK8opohWQghXid6NAUgOLncJwuh/pNPbz '' SIG '' NZJOVYP42jC2IN5XBrVaQgbeWcvy36a9FUdxGSUj0stv '' SIG '' mxl532pb8XYFeSn8w1bKj0QIhVWKy8gPRktVy4yWd0qH '' SIG '' 6KlBBsf/DeloV2Nyw2lXtEPPMjow3Bvp1UMmKnn+ldsi '' SIG '' ZyTJL9A04+b7UUmGuDzQJV/W7J4DYYepaEDH+OID5s8F '' SIG '' AgMBAAGjggFAMIIBPDAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCBsAwEwYD '' SIG '' VR0lBAwwCgYIKwYBBQUHAwMwHQYDVR0OBBYEFGvIxlEg '' SIG '' 8LQv06C2rn9eJrK4h1IpMIGpBgNVHSMEgaEwgZ6AFClc '' SIG '' uRu2zTPuu55Zffflyi7EDTQooXSkcjBwMSswKQYDVQQL '' SIG '' EyJDb3B5cmlnaHQgKGMpIDE5OTcgTWljcm9zb2Z0IENv '' SIG '' cnAuMR4wHAYDVQQLExVNaWNyb3NvZnQgQ29ycG9yYXRp '' SIG '' b24xITAfBgNVBAMTGE1pY3Jvc29mdCBSb290IEF1dGhv '' SIG '' cml0eYIQaguZT8AA3qoR1NhAmqi+5jBKBgNVHR8EQzBB '' SIG '' MD+gPaA7hjlodHRwOi8vY3JsLm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20v '' SIG '' cGtpL2NybC9wcm9kdWN0cy9Db2RlU2lnblBDQS5jcmww '' SIG '' DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADggEBADUj/RNU/Onc8N0MFHr6 '' SIG '' p7PO/ac6yLrl5/YD+1Pbp5mpoJs2nAPrgkccIb0Uy+dn '' SIG '' QAnHFpECVc5DQrTNG12w8zIEPRLlHacHp4+jfkVVdhuW '' SIG '' lZFp8N0480iJ73BAt9u1VYDAA8QutijcCoIOx0Pjekhd '' SIG '' uAaJkkBsbsXc+JrvC74hCowvOrXtp85xh2gj4bPkGH24 '' SIG '' RwGlK8RYy7KJbF/90yzEb7gjsg3/PPIRRXTyCQaZGN1v '' SIG '' wIYBGBIdKxavVu9lM6HqZ070S4Kr6Q/cAfrfYH9mR13L '' SIG '' LHDMe07ZBrhujAz+Yh5C+ZN8oqsKntAjEK5NeyeRbya+ '' SIG '' aPqmP58j68idu4cxggTSMIIEzgIBATCBtTCBpjELMAkG '' SIG '' A1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAgTCldhc2hpbmd0b24xEDAO '' SIG '' BgNVBAcTB1JlZG1vbmQxHjAcBgNVBAoTFU1pY3Jvc29m '' SIG '' dCBDb3Jwb3JhdGlvbjErMCkGA1UECxMiQ29weXJpZ2h0 '' SIG '' IChjKSAyMDAwIE1pY3Jvc29mdCBDb3JwLjEjMCEGA1UE '' SIG '' AxMaTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvZGUgU2lnbmluZyBQQ0ECCmEH '' SIG '' EUMAAAAAADQwCQYFKw4DAhoFAKCBojAZBgkqhkiG9w0B '' SIG '' CQMxDAYKKwYBBAGCNwIBBDAcBgorBgEEAYI3AgELMQ4w '' SIG '' DAYKKwYBBAGCNwIBFTAjBgkqhkiG9w0BCQQxFgQUOitI '' SIG '' vTysaZNR+pqJ6H42ThtFuSwwQgYKKwYBBAGCNwIBDDE0 '' SIG '' MDKgFIASAGEAcAB2AGUAcgAuAHYAYgBzoRqAGGh0dHA6 '' SIG '' Ly93d3cubWljcm9zb2Z0LmNvbTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEF '' SIG '' AASCAQA3Pi8FpoM55+jbOxA9EK3Qh5eWZN7cHynOnTpC '' SIG '' 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