VERSION 5.00 Begin {AC0714F6-3D04-11D1-AE7D-00A0C90F26F4} Connect ClientHeight = 9945 ClientLeft = 1740 ClientTop = 1545 ClientWidth = 6585 _ExtentX = 11615 _ExtentY = 17542 _Version = 393216 Description = "Add-In Project Template" DisplayName = "My Add-In" AppName = "Visual Basic" AppVer = "Visual Basic 98 (ver 6.0)" LoadName = "Command Line / Startup" LoadBehavior = 5 RegLocation = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Visual Basic\6.0" CmdLineSupport = -1 'True End Attribute VB_Name = "Connect" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = True Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = True Option Explicit Public FormDisplayed As Boolean Public VBInstance As VBIDE.VBE Dim mcbMenuCommandBar As Office.CommandBarControl Dim mfrmAddIn As New frmAddIn Public WithEvents MenuHandler As CommandBarEvents 'command bar event handler Attribute MenuHandler.VB_VarHelpID = -1 Sub Hide() On Error Resume Next FormDisplayed = False mfrmAddIn.Hide End Sub Sub Show() On Error Resume Next If mfrmAddIn Is Nothing Then Set mfrmAddIn = New frmAddIn End If Set mfrmAddIn.VBInstance = VBInstance Set mfrmAddIn.Connect = Me FormDisplayed = True mfrmAddIn.Show End Sub '------------------------------------------------------ 'this method adds the Add-In to VB '------------------------------------------------------ Private Sub AddinInstance_OnConnection(ByVal Application As Object, ByVal ConnectMode As AddInDesignerObjects.ext_ConnectMode, ByVal AddInInst As Object, custom() As Variant) On Error GoTo error_handler 'save the vb instance Set VBInstance = Application 'this is a good place to set a breakpoint and 'test various addin objects, properties and methods Debug.Print VBInstance.FullName If ConnectMode = ext_cm_External Then 'Used by the wizard toolbar to start this wizard Me.Show Else Set mcbMenuCommandBar = AddToAddInCommandBar("My AddIn") 'sink the event Set Me.MenuHandler = VBInstance.Events.CommandBarEvents(mcbMenuCommandBar) End If If ConnectMode = ext_cm_AfterStartup Then If GetSetting(App.Title, "Settings", "DisplayOnConnect", "0") = "1" Then 'set this to display the form on connect Me.Show End If End If Exit Sub error_handler: MsgBox Err.Description End Sub '------------------------------------------------------ 'this method removes the Add-In from VB '------------------------------------------------------ Private Sub AddinInstance_OnDisconnection(ByVal RemoveMode As AddInDesignerObjects.ext_DisconnectMode, custom() As Variant) On Error Resume Next 'delete the command bar entry mcbMenuCommandBar.Delete 'shut down the Add-In If FormDisplayed Then SaveSetting App.Title, "Settings", "DisplayOnConnect", "1" FormDisplayed = False Else SaveSetting App.Title, "Settings", "DisplayOnConnect", "0" End If Unload mfrmAddIn Set mfrmAddIn = Nothing End Sub Private Sub IDTExtensibility_OnStartupComplete(custom() As Variant) If GetSetting(App.Title, "Settings", "DisplayOnConnect", "0") = "1" Then 'set this to display the form on connect Me.Show End If End Sub 'this event fires when the menu is clicked in the IDE Private Sub MenuHandler_Click(ByVal CommandBarControl As Object, handled As Boolean, CancelDefault As Boolean) Me.Show End Sub Function AddToAddInCommandBar(sCaption As String) As Office.CommandBarControl Dim cbMenuCommandBar As Office.CommandBarControl 'command bar object Dim cbMenu As Object On Error GoTo AddToAddInCommandBarErr 'see if we can find the Add-Ins menu Set cbMenu = VBInstance.CommandBars("Add-Ins") If cbMenu Is Nothing Then 'not available so we fail Exit Function End If 'add it to the command bar Set cbMenuCommandBar = cbMenu.Controls.Add(1) 'set the caption cbMenuCommandBar.Caption = sCaption Set AddToAddInCommandBar = cbMenuCommandBar Exit Function AddToAddInCommandBarErr: End Function