VERSION 5.00 Begin VB.Form frmTip Caption = "Tip of the Day" ClientHeight = 3285 ClientLeft = 2370 ClientTop = 2400 ClientWidth = 5415 LinkTopic = "Form1" MaxButton = 0 'False MinButton = 0 'False ScaleHeight = 3285 ScaleWidth = 5415 WhatsThisButton = -1 'True WhatsThisHelp = -1 'True Begin VB.CheckBox chkLoadTipsAtStartup Caption = "&Show Tips at Startup" Height = 315 Left = 120 TabIndex = 3 Top = 2940 Width = 2055 End Begin VB.CommandButton cmdNextTip Caption = "&Next Tip" Height = 375 Left = 4080 TabIndex = 2 Top = 600 Width = 1215 End Begin VB.PictureBox Picture1 BackColor = &H00FFFFFF& Height = 2715 Left = 120 Picture = "Tip of the Day.frx":0000 ScaleHeight = 2655 ScaleWidth = 3675 TabIndex = 1 Top = 120 Width = 3735 Begin VB.Label Label1 BackColor = &H00FFFFFF& Caption = "Did you know..." Height = 255 Left = 540 TabIndex = 5 Top = 180 Width = 2655 End Begin VB.Label lblTipText BackColor = &H00FFFFFF& Height = 1635 Left = 180 TabIndex = 4 Top = 840 Width = 3255 End End Begin VB.CommandButton cmdOK Cancel = -1 'True Caption = "OK" Default = -1 'True Height = 375 Left = 4080 TabIndex = 0 Top = 120 Width = 1215 End End Attribute VB_Name = "frmTip" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit ' The in-memory database of tips. Dim Tips As New Collection ' Name of tips file Const TIP_FILE = "TIPOFDAY.TXT" ' Index in collection of tip currently being displayed. Dim CurrentTip As Long Private Sub DoNextTip() ' Select a tip at random. CurrentTip = Int((Tips.Count * Rnd) + 1) ' Or, you could cycle through the Tips in order ' CurrentTip = CurrentTip + 1 ' If Tips.Count < CurrentTip Then ' CurrentTip = 1 ' End If ' Show it. frmTip.DisplayCurrentTip End Sub Function LoadTips(sFile As String) As Boolean Dim NextTip As String ' Each tip read in from file. Dim InFile As Integer ' Descriptor for file. ' Obtain the next free file descriptor. InFile = FreeFile ' Make sure a file is specified. If sFile = "" Then LoadTips = False Exit Function End If ' Make sure the file exists before trying to open it. If Dir(sFile) = "" Then LoadTips = False Exit Function End If ' Read the collection from a text file. Open sFile For Input As InFile While Not EOF(InFile) Line Input #InFile, NextTip Tips.Add NextTip Wend Close InFile ' Display a tip at random. DoNextTip LoadTips = True End Function Private Sub chkLoadTipsAtStartup_Click() ' save whether or not this form should be displayed at startup SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Options", "Show Tips at Startup", chkLoadTipsAtStartup.Value End Sub Private Sub cmdNextTip_Click() DoNextTip End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim ShowAtStartup As Long ' See if we should be shown at startup ShowAtStartup = GetSetting(App.EXEName, "Options", "Show Tips at Startup", 1) If ShowAtStartup = 0 Then Unload Me Exit Sub End If ' Set the checkbox, this will force the value to be written back out to the registry Me.chkLoadTipsAtStartup.Value = vbChecked ' Seed Rnd Randomize ' Read in the tips file and display a tip at random. If LoadTips(App.Path & "\" & TIP_FILE) = False Then lblTipText.Caption = "That the " & TIP_FILE & " file was not found? " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Create a text file named " & TIP_FILE & " using NotePad with 1 tip per line. " & _ "Then place it in the same directory as the application. " End If End Sub Public Sub DisplayCurrentTip() If Tips.Count > 0 Then lblTipText.Caption = Tips.Item(CurrentTip) End If End Sub