{********************************************************************} { } { Turbo Art Demo Program } { Copyright (c) 1998 by TMT Development Corporation } { Copyright (c) 1992 by Borland International } { } { This program will work with both TMT Pascal and Borland Pascal } { } {********************************************************************} program Arty; { This program is a demonstration of the Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) Runtime Commands for ARTY ------------------------- - changes background color - changes drawcolor - exits program Any other key pauses, then regenerates the drawing Note: If a /H command-line parameter is specified, the highest resolution mode will be used (if possible). } uses {$ifdef __TMT__} Use32, {$endif} Crt, Graph; const Memory = 100; Windows = 4; type ResolutionPreference = (Lower, Higher); ColorList = array [1..Windows] of integer; var Xmax, Ymax, ViewXmax, ViewYmax : integer; Line: array [1..Memory] of record LX1,LY1: integer; LX2,LY2: integer; LColor : ColorList; end; X1,X2,Y1,Y2, CurrentLine, ColorCount, IncrementCount, DeltaX1,DeltaY1,DeltaX2,DeltaY2: integer; Colors: ColorList; Ch: char; GraphDriver, GraphMode : integer; MaxColors : word; MaxDelta : integer; ChangeColors: Boolean; {$IFDEF __TMT__} ModeNo: Word; ModesList: array [0..MaxVbeModes] of GraphModeType; Res, SummRes: DWord; {$ENDIF} procedure Frame; begin SetViewPort(0, 0, Xmax, Ymax-(TextHeight('M')+4)-1,ClipOn); {$IFDEF __TMT__} SetColor(clWhite); {$ELSE} SetColor(White); {$ENDIF} Rectangle(0, 0, Xmax-1, (Ymax-(TextHeight('M')+4)-1)-1); SetViewPort(1, 1, Xmax-2, (Ymax-(TextHeight('M')+4)-1)-2,ClipOn); end { Frame }; procedure FullPort; { Set the view port to the entire screen } begin SetViewPort(0, 0, Xmax, Ymax, ClipOn); end; { FullPort } procedure MessageFrame(Msg:string); begin FullPort; {$IFDEF __TMT__} SetColor(clWhite); SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir); SetFillColor(clBlack); {$ELSE} SetColor(MaxColors); SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir, 1); SetFillStyle(EmptyFill, 0); {$ENDIF} SetTextJustify(CenterText, TopText); SetLineStyle(SolidLn, 0, NormWidth); Bar(0, Ymax-(TextHeight('M')+4), Xmax, Ymax); Rectangle(0, Ymax-(TextHeight('M')+4), Xmax, Ymax); OutTextXY(Xmax div 2, Ymax-(TextHeight('M')+2), Msg); { Go back to the main window } Frame; end { MessageFrame }; procedure WaitToGo; var Ch : char; begin MessageFrame('Press any key to continue... Esc aborts'); repeat until KeyPressed; Ch := ReadKey; if Ch = #27 then begin CloseGraph; Writeln('All done.'); Halt(1); end else ClearViewPort; MessageFrame('Press a key to stop action, Esc quits.'); end; { WaitToGo } procedure TestGraphError(GraphErr: integer); begin if GraphErr <> grOk then begin Writeln('Graphics error: ', GraphErrorMsg(GraphErr)); repeat until keypressed; ch := readkey; Halt(1); end; end; procedure Init; var Err, I: integer; StartX, StartY: integer; Resolution: ResolutionPreference; s: string; begin Resolution := Lower; if paramcount > 0 then begin s := paramstr(1); if s[1] = '/' then if upcase(s[2]) = 'H' then Resolution := Higher; end; CurrentLine := 1; ColorCount := 0; IncrementCount := 0; Ch := ' '; {$IFDEF __TMT__} if Resolution = Higher then begin GetVbeModesList(ModesList); SummRes:=0; ModeNo:=$13; for i:=0 to TotalVbeModes-1 do begin Res:=DWord(ModesList[i].XResolution)*DWord(ModesList[i].YResolution); if (SummRes4) then begin SummRes:=Res; ModeNo:=ModesList[i].VideoMode; end; end; SetGraphMode(ModeNo); end else SetSVGAMode(640,480,8,LfbOrBanked); if GraphResult<>0 then SetGraphMode($13); SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir); MaxDelta:=16; {$ELSE} GraphDriver := Detect; DetectGraph(GraphDriver, GraphMode); TestGraphError(GraphResult); case GraphDriver of CGA : begin MaxDelta := 7; GraphDriver := CGA; GraphMode := CGAC1; end; MCGA : begin MaxDelta := 7; case GraphMode of MCGAMed, MCGAHi: GraphMode := MCGAC1; end; end; EGA : begin MaxDelta := 16; If Resolution = Lower then GraphMode := EGALo else GraphMode := EGAHi; end; EGA64 : begin MaxDelta := 16; If Resolution = Lower then GraphMode := EGA64Lo else GraphMode := EGA64Hi; end; HercMono : MaxDelta := 16; EGAMono : MaxDelta := 16; PC3270 : begin MaxDelta := 7; GraphDriver := CGA; GraphMode := CGAC1; end; ATT400 : case GraphMode of ATT400C1, ATT400C2, ATT400Med, ATT400Hi : begin MaxDelta := 7; GraphMode := ATT400C1; end; end; VGA : begin MaxDelta := 16; end; end; InitGraph(GraphDriver, GraphMode, ''); TestGraphError(GraphResult); SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir, 1); {$ENDIF} SetTextJustify(CenterText, TopText); MaxColors := GetMaxColor; ChangeColors := TRUE; Xmax := GetMaxX; Ymax := GetMaxY; ViewXmax := Xmax-2; ViewYmax := (Ymax-(TextHeight('M')+4)-1)-2; StartX := Xmax div 2; StartY := Ymax div 2; for I := 1 to Memory do with Line[I] do begin LX1 := StartX; LX2 := StartX; LY1 := StartY; LY2 := StartY; end; X1 := StartX; X2 := StartX; Y1 := StartY; Y2 := StartY; end; {init} procedure AdjustX(var X,DeltaX: integer); var TestX: integer; begin TestX := X+DeltaX; if (TestX<1) or (TestX>ViewXmax) then begin TestX := X; DeltaX := -DeltaX; end; X := TestX; end; procedure AdjustY(var Y,DeltaY: integer); var TestY: integer; begin TestY := Y+DeltaY; if (TestY<1) or (TestY>ViewYmax) then begin TestY := Y; DeltaY := -DeltaY; end; Y := TestY; end; procedure SelectNewColors; begin if not ChangeColors then exit; Colors[1] := Random(MaxColors)+1; Colors[2] := Random(MaxColors)+1; Colors[3] := Random(MaxColors)+1; Colors[4] := Random(MaxColors)+1; ColorCount := 3*(1+Random(5)); end; procedure SelectNewDeltaValues; begin DeltaX1 := Random(MaxDelta)-(MaxDelta Div 2); DeltaX2 := Random(MaxDelta)-(MaxDelta Div 2); DeltaY1 := Random(MaxDelta)-(MaxDelta Div 2); DeltaY2 := Random(MaxDelta)-(MaxDelta Div 2); IncrementCount := 2*(1+Random(4)); end; procedure SaveCurrentLine(CurrentColors: ColorList); begin with Line[CurrentLine] do begin LX1 := X1; LY1 := Y1; LX2 := X2; LY2 := Y2; LColor := CurrentColors; end; end; procedure Draw(x1,y1,x2,y2,color:word); begin SetColor(color); Graph.Line(x1,y1,x2,y2); end; procedure Regenerate; var I: integer; begin Frame; for I := 1 to Memory do with Line[I] do begin Draw(LX1,LY1,LX2,LY2,LColor[1]); Draw(ViewXmax-LX1,LY1,ViewXmax-LX2,LY2,LColor[2]); Draw(LX1,ViewYmax-LY1,LX2,ViewYmax-LY2,LColor[3]); Draw(ViewXmax-LX1,ViewYmax-LY1,ViewXmax-LX2,ViewYmax-LY2,LColor[4]); end; WaitToGo; Frame; end; procedure Updateline; begin Inc(CurrentLine); if CurrentLine > Memory then CurrentLine := 1; Dec(ColorCount); Dec(IncrementCount); end; procedure CheckForUserInput; begin if KeyPressed then begin Ch := ReadKey; if Upcase(Ch) = 'B' then SetRGBPalette(0,Random(63),Random(63),Random(63)) else if Upcase(Ch) = 'C' then begin if ChangeColors then ChangeColors := FALSE else ChangeColors := TRUE; ColorCount := 0; end else if Ch<>#27 then Regenerate; end; end; procedure DrawCurrentLine; var c1,c2,c3,c4: integer; begin c1 := Colors[1]; c2 := Colors[2]; c3 := Colors[3]; c4 := Colors[4]; if MaxColors = 1 then begin c2 := c1; c3 := c1; c4 := c1; end; Draw(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,c1); Draw(ViewXmax-X1,Y1,ViewXmax-X2,Y2,c2); Draw(X1,ViewYmax-Y1,X2,ViewYmax-Y2,c3); if MaxColors = 3 then c4 := Random(3)+1; { alternate colors } Draw(ViewXmax-X1,ViewYmax-Y1,ViewXmax-X2,ViewYmax-Y2,c4); SaveCurrentLine(Colors); end; procedure EraseCurrentLine; begin with Line[CurrentLine] do begin Draw(LX1,LY1,LX2,LY2,0); Draw(ViewXmax-LX1,LY1,ViewXmax-LX2,LY2,0); Draw(LX1,ViewYmax-LY1,LX2,ViewYmax-LY2,0); Draw(ViewXmax-LX1,ViewYmax-LY1,ViewXmax-LX2,ViewYmax-LY2,0); end; end; procedure DoArt; begin SelectNewColors; repeat {$IFDEF __TMT__} Retrace; {$ENDIF} EraseCurrentLine; if ColorCount = 0 then SelectNewColors; if IncrementCount=0 then SelectNewDeltaValues; AdjustX(X1,DeltaX1); AdjustX(X2,DeltaX2); AdjustY(Y1,DeltaY1); AdjustY(Y2,DeltaY2); if Random(5)=3 then begin x1 := (x1+x2) div 2; { shorten the lines } y2 := (y1+y2) div 2; end; DrawCurrentLine; Updateline; CheckForUserInput; until Ch=#27; end; begin Init; Frame; MessageFrame('Press a key to stop action, Esc quits.'); DoArt; CloseGraph; RestoreCrtMode; {$ifdef MSDOS} Writeln('The End.'); {$endif} end.