{*******************************************************} { } { Turbo Pascal Version 7.0 } { Turbo Vision Unit } { } { Copyright (c) 1992 Borland International } { } {*******************************************************} unit StdDlg; {$O+,F+,V-,X+,I-,S-} interface uses Objects, Drivers, Views, Dialogs, Dos; const { Commands } cmFileOpen = 800; { Returned from TFileDialog when Open pressed } cmFileReplace = 801; { Returned from TFileDialog when Replace pressed } cmFileClear = 802; { Returned from TFileDialog when Clear pressed } cmFileInit = 803; { Used by TFileDialog internally } cmChDir = 804; { Used by TChDirDialog internally } cmRevert = 805; { Used by TChDirDialog internally } { Messages } cmFileFocused = 806; { A new file was focused in the TFileList } cmFileDoubleClicked { A file was selected in the TFileList } = 807; type { TSearchRec } { Record used to store directory information by TFileDialog } TSearchRec = record Attr: Byte; Time: Longint; Size: Longint; Name: string[12]; end; type { TFileInputLine is a special input line that is used by } { TFileDialog that will update its contents in response to a } { cmFileFocused command from a TFileList. } PFileInputLine = ^TFileInputLine; TFileInputLine = object(TInputLine) constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; AMaxLen: Integer); procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; end; { TFileCollection is a collection of TSearchRec's. } PFileCollection = ^TFileCollection; TFileCollection = object(TSortedCollection) function Compare(Key1, Key2: Pointer): Integer; virtual; procedure FreeItem(Item: Pointer); virtual; function GetItem(var S: TStream): Pointer; virtual; procedure PutItem(var S: TStream; Item: Pointer); virtual; end; { TSortedListBox is a TListBox that assumes it has a } { TStoredCollection instead of just a TCollection. It will } { perform an incremental search on the contents. } PSortedListBox = ^TSortedListBox; TSortedListBox = object(TListBox) SearchPos: Word; ShiftState: Byte; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; ANumCols: Word; AScrollBar: PScrollBar); procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; function GetKey(var S: String): Pointer; virtual; procedure NewList(AList: PCollection); virtual; end; { TFileList is a TSortedList box that assumes it contains } { a TFileCollection as its collection. It also communicates } { through broadcast messages to TFileInput and TInfoPane } { what file is currently selected. } PFileList = ^TFileList; TFileList = object(TSortedListBox) constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; AScrollBar: PScrollBar); destructor Done; virtual; function DataSize: Word; virtual; procedure FocusItem(Item: Integer); virtual; procedure GetData(var Rec); virtual; function GetText(Item: Integer; MaxLen: Integer): String; virtual; function GetKey(var S: String): Pointer; virtual; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; procedure ReadDirectory(AWildCard: PathStr); procedure SetData(var Rec); virtual; end; { TFileInfoPane is a TView that displays the information } { about the currently selected file in the TFileList } { of a TFileDialog. } PFileInfoPane = ^TFileInfoPane; TFileInfoPane = object(TView) S: TSearchRec; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect); procedure Draw; virtual; function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; end; { TFileDialog is a standard file name input dialog } TWildStr = PathStr; const fdOkButton = $0001; { Put an OK button in the dialog } fdOpenButton = $0002; { Put an Open button in the dialog } fdReplaceButton = $0004; { Put a Replace button in the dialog } fdClearButton = $0008; { Put a Clear button in the dialog } fdHelpButton = $0010; { Put a Help button in the dialog } fdNoLoadDir = $0100; { Do not load the current directory } { contents into the dialog at Init. } { This means you intend to change the } { WildCard by using SetData or store } { the dialog on a stream. } type PFileDialog = ^TFileDialog; TFileDialog = object(TDialog) FileName: PFileInputLine; FileList: PFileList; WildCard: TWildStr; Directory: PString; constructor Init(AWildCard: TWildStr; const ATitle, InputName: String; AOptions: Word; HistoryId: Byte); constructor Load(var S: TStream); destructor Done; virtual; procedure GetData(var Rec); virtual; procedure GetFileName(var S: PathStr); procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; procedure SetData(var Rec); virtual; procedure Store(var S: TStream); function Valid(Command: Word): Boolean; virtual; private procedure ReadDirectory; end; { TDirEntry } PDirEntry = ^TDirEntry; TDirEntry = record DisplayText: PString; Directory: PString; end; { TDirCollection is a collection of TDirEntry's used by } { TDirListBox. } PDirCollection = ^TDirCollection; TDirCollection = object(TCollection) function GetItem(var S: TStream): Pointer; virtual; procedure FreeItem(Item: Pointer); virtual; procedure PutItem(var S: TStream; Item: Pointer); virtual; end; { TDirListBox displays a tree of directories for use in the } { TChDirDialog. } PDirListBox = ^TDirListBox; TDirListBox = object(TListBox) Dir: DirStr; Cur: Word; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; AScrollBar: PScrollBar); destructor Done; virtual; function GetText(Item: Integer; MaxLen: Integer): String; virtual; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; function IsSelected(Item: Integer): Boolean; virtual; procedure NewDirectory(var ADir: DirStr); procedure SetState(AState: Word; Enable: Boolean); virtual; end; { TChDirDialog is a standard change directory dialog. } const cdNormal = $0000; { Option to use dialog immediately } cdNoLoadDir = $0001; { Option to init the dialog to store on a stream } cdHelpButton = $0002; { Put a help button in the dialog } type PChDirDialog = ^TChDirDialog; TChDirDialog = object(TDialog) DirInput: PInputLine; DirList: PDirListBox; OkButton: PButton; ChDirButton: PButton; constructor Init(AOptions: Word; HistoryId: Word); constructor Load(var S: TStream); function DataSize: Word; virtual; procedure GetData(var Rec); virtual; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; procedure SetData(var Rec); virtual; procedure Store(var S: TStream); function Valid(Command: Word): Boolean; virtual; private procedure SetUpDialog; end; const CInfoPane = #30; { TStream registration records } const RFileInputLine: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 60; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TFileInputLine)^); Load: @TFileInputLine.Load; Store: @TFileInputLine.Store ); const RFileCollection: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 61; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TFileCollection)^); Load: @TFileCollection.Load; Store: @TFileCollection.Store ); const RFileList: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 62; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TFileList)^); Load: @TFileList.Load; Store: @TFileList.Store ); const RFileInfoPane: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 63; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TFileInfoPane)^); Load: @TFileInfoPane.Load; Store: @TFileInfoPane.Store ); const RFileDialog: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 64; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TFileDialog)^); Load: @TFileDialog.Load; Store: @TFileDialog.Store ); const RDirCollection: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 65; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TDirCollection)^); Load: @TDirCollection.Load; Store: @TDirCollection.Store ); const RDirListBox: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 66; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TDirListBox)^); Load: @TDirListBox.Load; Store: @TDirListBox.Store ); const RChDirDialog: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 67; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TChDirDialog)^); Load: @TChDirDialog.Load; Store: @TChDirDialog.Store ); const RSortedListBox: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 68; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TSortedListBox)^); Load: @TSortedListBox.Load; Store: @TSortedListBox.Store ); procedure RegisterStdDlg; implementation uses App, Memory, HistList, MsgBox; function DriveValid(Drive: Char): Boolean; near; assembler; asm MOV AH,19H { Save the current drive in BL } INT 21H MOV BL,AL MOV DL,Drive { Select the given drive } SUB DL,'A' MOV AH,0EH INT 21H MOV AH,19H { Retrieve what DOS thinks is current } INT 21H MOV CX,0 { Assume false } CMP AL,DL { Is the current drive the given drive? } JNE @@1 MOV CX,1 { It is, so the drive is valid } MOV DL,BL { Restore the old drive } MOV AH,0EH INT 21H @@1: XCHG AX,CX { Put the return value into AX } end; function PathValid(var Path: PathStr): Boolean; var ExpPath: PathStr; F: File; SR: SearchRec; begin ExpPath := FExpand(Path); if Length(ExpPath) <= 3 then PathValid := DriveValid(ExpPath[1]) else begin if ExpPath[Length(ExpPath)] = '\' then Dec(ExpPath[0]); FindFirst(ExpPath, Directory, SR); PathValid := (DosError = 0) and (SR.Attr and Directory <> 0); end; end; function ValidFileName(var FileName: PathStr): Boolean; const IllegalChars = ';,=+<>|"[] \'; var Dir: DirStr; Name: NameStr; Ext: ExtStr; { Contains returns true if S1 contains any characters in S2 } function Contains(S1, S2: String): Boolean; near; assembler; asm PUSH DS CLD LDS SI,S1 LES DI,S2 MOV DX,DI XOR AH,AH LODSB MOV BX,AX OR BX,BX JZ @@2 MOV AL,ES:[DI] XCHG AX,CX @@1: PUSH CX MOV DI,DX LODSB REPNE SCASB POP CX JE @@3 DEC BX JNZ @@1 @@2: XOR AL,AL JMP @@4 @@3: MOV AL,1 @@4: POP DS end; begin ValidFileName := True; FSplit(FileName, Dir, Name, Ext); if not ((Dir = '') or PathValid(Dir)) or Contains(Name, IllegalChars) or Contains(Dir, IllegalChars) then ValidFileName := False; end; function GetCurDir: DirStr; var CurDir: DirStr; begin GetDir(0, CurDir); if Length(CurDir) > 3 then begin Inc(CurDir[0]); CurDir[Length(CurDir)] := '\'; end; GetCurDir := CurDir; end; type PSearchRec = ^TSearchRec; function IsWild(const S: String): Boolean; begin IsWild := (Pos('?',S) > 0) or (Pos('*',S) > 0); end; function IsDir(const S: String): Boolean; var SR: SearchRec; begin FindFirst(S, Directory, SR); if DosError = 0 then IsDir := SR.Attr and Directory <> 0 else IsDir := False; end; { TFileInputLine } constructor TFileInputLine.Init(var Bounds: TRect; AMaxLen: Integer); begin TInputLine.Init(Bounds, AMaxLen); EventMask := EventMask or evBroadcast; end; procedure TFileInputLine.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); var Dir: DirStr; Name: NameStr; Ext: ExtStr; begin TInputLine.HandleEvent(Event); if (Event.What = evBroadcast) and (Event.Command = cmFileFocused) and (State and sfSelected = 0) then begin if PSearchRec(Event.InfoPtr)^.Attr and Directory <> 0 then Data^ := PSearchRec(Event.InfoPtr)^.Name + '\'+ PFileDialog(Owner)^.WildCard else Data^ := PSearchRec(Event.InfoPtr)^.Name; DrawView; end; end; { TFileCollection } function TFileCollection.Compare(Key1, Key2: Pointer): Integer; begin if PSearchRec(Key1)^.Name = PSearchRec(Key2)^.Name then Compare := 0 else if PSearchRec(Key1)^.Name = '..' then Compare := 1 else if PSearchRec(Key2)^.Name = '..' then Compare := -1 else if (PSearchRec(Key1)^.Attr and Directory <> 0) and (PSearchRec(Key2)^.Attr and Directory = 0) then Compare := 1 else if (PSearchRec(Key2)^.Attr and Directory <> 0) and (PSearchRec(Key1)^.Attr and Directory = 0) then Compare := -1 else if PSearchRec(Key1)^.Name > PSearchRec(Key2)^.Name then Compare := 1 else Compare := -1; end; procedure TFileCollection.FreeItem(Item: Pointer); begin Dispose(PSearchRec(Item)); end; function TFileCollection.GetItem(var S: TStream): Pointer; var Item: PSearchRec; begin New(Item); S.Read(Item^, SizeOf(TSearchRec)); GetItem := Item; end; procedure TFileCollection.PutItem(var S: TStream; Item: Pointer); begin S.Write(Item^, SizeOf(TSearchRec)); end; { TSortedListBox } constructor TSortedListBox.Init(var Bounds: TRect; ANumCols: Word; AScrollBar: PScrollBar); begin TListBox.Init(Bounds, ANumCols, AScrollBar); SearchPos := 0; ShowCursor; SetCursor(1,0); end; procedure TSortedListBox.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); var CurString, NewString: String; K: Pointer; Value, OldPos, OldValue: Integer; T: Boolean; function Equal(const S1, S2: String; Count: Word): Boolean; var I: Word; begin Equal := False; if (Length(S1) < Count) or (Length(S2) < Count) then Exit; for I := 1 to Count do if UpCase(S1[I]) <> UpCase(S2[I]) then Exit; Equal := True; end; begin OldValue := Focused; TListBox.HandleEvent(Event); if OldValue <> Focused then SearchPos := 0; if Event.What = evKeyDown then begin if Event.CharCode <> #0 then begin Value := Focused; if Value < Range then CurString := GetText(Value, 255) else CurString := ''; OldPos := SearchPos; if Event.KeyCode = kbBack then begin if SearchPos = 0 then Exit; Dec(SearchPos); if SearchPos = 0 then ShiftState := GetShiftState; CurString[0] := Char(SearchPos); end else if (Event.CharCode = '.') then SearchPos := Pos('.',CurString) else begin Inc(SearchPos); if SearchPos = 1 then ShiftState := GetShiftState; CurString[0] := Char(SearchPos); CurString[SearchPos] := Event.CharCode; end; K := GetKey(CurString); T := PSortedCollection(List)^.Search(K, Value); if Value < Range then begin if Value < Range then NewString := GetText(Value, 255) else NewString := ''; if Equal(NewString, CurString, SearchPos) then begin if Value <> OldValue then begin FocusItem(Value); { Assumes ListControl will set the cursor to the first character } { of the sfFocused item } SetCursor(Cursor.X+SearchPos, Cursor.Y); end else SetCursor(Cursor.X+(SearchPos-OldPos), Cursor.Y); end else SearchPos := OldPos; end else SearchPos := OldPos; if (SearchPos <> OldPos) or (Event.CharCode in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z']) then ClearEvent(Event); end; end; end; function TSortedListBox.GetKey(var S: String): Pointer; begin GetKey := @S; end; procedure TSortedListBox.NewList(AList: PCollection); begin TListBox.NewList(AList); SearchPos := 0; end; { TFileList } constructor TFileList.Init(var Bounds: TRect; AScrollBar: PScrollBar); begin TSortedListBox.Init(Bounds, 2, AScrollBar); end; destructor TFileList.Done; begin if List <> nil then Dispose(List, Done); TListBox.Done; end; function TFileList.DataSize: Word; begin DataSize := 0; end; procedure TFileList.FocusItem(Item: Integer); begin TSortedListBox.FocusItem(Item); Message(Owner, evBroadcast, cmFileFocused, List^.At(Item)); end; procedure TFileList.GetData(var Rec); begin end; function TFileList.GetKey(var S: String): Pointer; const SR: TSearchRec = (); procedure UpStr(var S: String); var I: Integer; begin for I := 1 to Length(S) do S[I] := UpCase(S[I]); end; begin if (ShiftState and $03 <> 0) or ((S <> '') and (S[1]='.')) then SR.Attr := Directory else SR.Attr := 0; SR.Name := S; UpStr(SR.Name); GetKey := @SR; end; function TFileList.GetText(Item: Integer; MaxLen: Integer): String; var S: String; SR: PSearchRec; begin SR := PSearchRec(List^.At(Item)); S := SR^.Name; if SR^.Attr and Directory <> 0 then begin S[Length(S)+1] := '\'; Inc(S[0]); end; GetText := S; end; procedure TFileList.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); begin if (Event.What = evMouseDown) and (Event.Double) then begin Event.What := evCommand; Event.Command := cmOK; PutEvent(Event); ClearEvent(Event); end else TSortedListBox.HandleEvent(Event); end; procedure TFileList.ReadDirectory(AWildCard: PathStr); const FindAttr = ReadOnly + Archive; AllFiles = '*.*'; PrevDir = '..'; var S: SearchRec; P: PSearchRec; FileList: PFileCollection; NumFiles: Word; CurPath: PathStr; Dir: DirStr; Name: NameStr; Ext: ExtStr; Event: TEvent; Tmp: PathStr; Flag: Integer; begin NumFiles := 0; AWildCard := FExpand(AWildCard); FSplit(AWildCard, Dir, Name, Ext); FileList := New(PFileCollection, Init(5, 5)); FindFirst(AWildCard, FindAttr, S); P := @P; while (P <> nil) and (DosError = 0) do begin if (S.Attr and Directory = 0) then begin P := MemAlloc(SizeOf(P^)); if P <> nil then begin Move(S.Attr, P^, SizeOf(P^)); FileList^.Insert(P); end; end; FindNext(S); end; Tmp := Dir + AllFiles; FindFirst(Tmp, Directory, S); while (P <> nil) and (DosError = 0) do begin if (S.Attr and Directory <> 0) and (S.Name[1] <> '.') then begin P := MemAlloc(SizeOf(P^)); if P <> nil then begin Move(S.Attr, P^, SizeOf(P^)); FileList^.Insert(PObject(P)); end; end; FindNext(S); end; if Length(Dir) > 4 then begin P := MemAlloc(SizeOf(P^)); if P <> nil then begin FindFirst(Tmp, Directory, S); FindNext(S); if (DosError = 0) and (S.Name = PrevDir) then Move(S.Attr, P^, SizeOf(P^)) else begin P^.Name := PrevDir; P^.Size := 0; P^.Time := $210000; P^.Attr := Directory; end; FileList^.Insert(PObject(P)); end; end; if P = nil then MessageBox('Too many files.', nil, mfOkButton + mfWarning); NewList(FileList); if List^.Count > 0 then begin Event.What := evBroadcast; Event.Command := cmFileFocused; Event.InfoPtr := List^.At(0); Owner^.HandleEvent(Event); end; end; procedure TFileList.SetData(var Rec); begin with PFileDialog(Owner)^ do Self.ReadDirectory(Directory^ + WildCard); end; { TFileInfoPane } constructor TFileInfoPane.Init(var Bounds: TRect); begin TView.Init(Bounds); EventMask := EventMask or evBroadcast; end; procedure TFileInfoPane.Draw; var B: TDrawBuffer; D: String[9]; M: String[3]; PM: Boolean; Color: Word; Time: DateTime; Path: PathStr; FmtId: String; Params: array[0..7] of LongInt; Str: String[80]; const sDirectoryLine = ' %-12s %-9s %3s %2d, %4d %2d:%02d%cm'; sFileLine = ' %-12s %-9d %3s %2d, %4d %2d:%02d%cm'; Month: array[1..12] of String[3] = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun', 'Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'); begin { Display path } Path := FExpand(PFileDialog(Owner)^.Directory^+PFileDialog(Owner)^.WildCard); Color := GetColor($01); MoveChar(B, ' ', Color, Size.X); MoveStr(B[1], Path, Color); WriteLine(0, 0, Size.X, 1, B); { Display file } Params[0] := LongInt(@S.Name); MoveChar(B, ' ', Color, Size.X); Params[0] := LongInt(@S.Name); if S.Attr and Directory <> 0 then begin FmtId := sDirectoryLine; D := 'Directory'; Params[1] := LongInt(@D); end else begin FmtId := sFileLine; Params[1] := S.Size; end; UnpackTime(S.Time, Time); M := Month[Time.Month]; Params[2] := LongInt(@M); Params[3] := Time.Day; Params[4] := Time.Year; PM := Time.Hour >= 12; Time.Hour := Time.Hour mod 12; if Time.Hour = 0 then Time.Hour := 12; Params[5] := Time.Hour; Params[6] := Time.Min; if PM then Params[7] := Byte('p') else Params[7] := Byte('a'); FormatStr(Str, FmtId, Params); MoveStr(B, Str, Color); WriteLine(0, 1, Size.X, 1, B); { Fill in rest of rectangle } MoveChar(B, ' ', Color, Size.X); WriteLine(0, 2, Size.X, Size.Y-2, B); end; function TFileInfoPane.GetPalette: PPalette; const P: String[Length(CInfoPane)] = CInfoPane; begin GetPalette := @P; end; procedure TFileInfoPane.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); begin TView.HandleEvent(Event); if (Event.What = evBroadcast) and (Event.Command = cmFileFocused) then begin S := PSearchRec(Event.InfoPtr)^; DrawView; end; end; { TFileDialog } constructor TFileDialog.Init(AWildCard: TWildStr; const ATitle, InputName: String; AOptions: Word; HistoryId: Byte); var Control: PView; R: TRect; S: String; Opt: Word; ACurDir: PathStr; begin R.Assign(15,1,64,20); TDialog.Init(R, ATitle); Options := Options or ofCentered; WildCard := AWildCard; R.Assign(3,3,31,4); FileName := New(PFileInputLine, Init(R, 79)); FileName^.Data^ := WildCard; Insert(FileName); R.Assign(2,2,3+CStrLen(InputName),3); Control := New(PLabel, Init(R, InputName, FileName)); Insert(Control); R.Assign(31,3,34,4); Control := New(PHistory, Init(R, FileName, HistoryId)); Insert(Control); R.Assign(3,14,34,15); Control := New(PScrollBar, Init(R)); Insert(Control); R.Assign(3,6,34,14); FileList := New(PFileList, Init(R, PScrollBar(Control))); Insert(FileList); R.Assign(2,5,8,6); Control := New(PLabel, Init(R, '~F~iles', FileList)); Insert(Control); R.Assign(35,3,46,5); Opt := bfDefault; if AOptions and fdOpenButton <> 0 then begin Insert(New(PButton, Init(R, '~O~pen', cmFileOpen, Opt))); Opt := bfNormal; Inc(R.A.Y,3); Inc(R.B.Y,3); end; if AOptions and fdOkButton <> 0 then begin Insert(New(PButton, Init(R, 'O~K~', cmFileOpen, Opt))); Opt := bfNormal; Inc(R.A.Y,3); Inc(R.B.Y,3); end; if AOptions and fdReplaceButton <> 0 then begin Insert(New(PButton, Init(R, '~R~eplace',cmFileReplace, Opt))); Opt := bfNormal; Inc(R.A.Y,3); Inc(R.B.Y,3); end; if AOptions and fdClearButton <> 0 then begin Insert(New(PButton, Init(R, '~C~lear',cmFileClear, Opt))); Opt := bfNormal; Inc(R.A.Y,3); Inc(R.B.Y,3); end; Insert(New(PButton, Init(R, 'Cancel', cmCancel, bfNormal))); Inc(R.A.Y,3); Inc(R.B.Y,3); if AOptions and fdHelpButton <> 0 then begin Insert(New(PButton, Init(R, 'Help',cmHelp, bfNormal))); Inc(R.A.Y,3); Inc(R.B.Y,3); end; R.Assign(1,16,48,18); Control := New(PFileInfoPane, Init(R)); Insert(Control); SelectNext(False); if AOptions and fdNoLoadDir = 0 then ReadDirectory; end; constructor TFileDialog.Load(var S: TStream); var ACurDir: DirStr; ViewId: Word; begin TDialog.Load(S); S.Read(WildCard, SizeOf(TWildStr)); GetSubViewPtr(S, FileName); GetSubViewPtr(S, FileList); ReadDirectory; end; destructor TFileDialog.Done; begin DisposeStr(Directory); TDialog.Done; end; procedure TFileDialog.GetData(var Rec); begin GetFilename(PathStr(Rec)); end; procedure TFileDialog.GetFileName(var S: PathStr); var Path: PathStr; Name: NameStr; Ext: ExtStr; TPath: PathStr; TName: NameStr; TExt: NameStr; function LTrim(const S: String): String; var I: Integer; begin I := 1; while (I < Length(S)) and (S[I] = ' ') do Inc(I); LTrim := Copy(S, I, 255); end; function RTrim(const S: String): String; var I: Integer; begin I := Length(S); while S[I] = ' ' do Dec(I); RTrim := Copy(S, 1, I); end; function RelativePath(var S: PathStr): Boolean; var I,J: Integer; P: PathStr; begin S := LTrim(RTrim(S)); if (S <> '') and ((S[1] = '\') or (S[2] = ':')) then RelativePath := False else RelativePath := True; end; function NoWildChars(S: String): String; near; assembler; asm PUSH DS LDS SI,S XOR AX,AX LODSB XCHG AX,CX LES DI,@Result INC DI JCXZ @@3 @@1: LODSB CMP AL,'?' JE @@2 CMP AL,'*' JE @@2 STOSB @@2: LOOP @@1 @@3: XCHG AX,DI MOV DI,WORD PTR @Result SUB AX,DI DEC AX STOSB POP DS end; begin S := FileName^.Data^; if RelativePath(S) then S := FExpand(Directory^ + S) else S := FExpand(S); FSplit(S, Path, Name, Ext); if ((Name = '') or (Ext = '')) and not IsDir(S) then begin FSplit(WildCard, TPath, TName, TExt); if ((Name = '') and (Ext = '')) then S := Path + TName + TExt else if Name = '' then S := Path + TName + Ext else if Ext = '' then begin if IsWild(Name) then S := Path + Name + TExt else S := Path + Name + NoWildChars(TExt); end; end; end; procedure TFileDialog.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); begin TDialog.HandleEvent(Event); if Event.What = evCommand then case Event.Command of cmFileOpen, cmFileReplace, cmFileClear: begin EndModal(Event.Command); ClearEvent(Event); end; end; end; procedure TFileDialog.SetData(var Rec); begin TDialog.SetData(Rec); if (PathStr(Rec) <> '') and (IsWild(TWildStr(Rec))) then begin Valid(cmFileInit); FileName^.Select; end; end; procedure TFileDialog.ReadDirectory; begin FileList^.ReadDirectory(WildCard); Directory := NewStr(GetCurDir); end; procedure TFileDialog.Store(var S: TStream); begin TDialog.Store(S); S.Write(WildCard, SizeOf(TWildStr)); PutSubViewPtr(S, FileName); PutSubViewPtr(S, FileList); end; function TFileDialog.Valid(Command: Word): Boolean; var T: Boolean; FName: PathStr; Dir: DirStr; Name: NameStr; Ext: ExtStr; function CheckDirectory(var S: PathStr): Boolean; begin if not PathValid(S) then begin MessageBox('Invalid drive or directory.', nil, mfError + mfOkButton); FileName^.Select; CheckDirectory := False; end else CheckDirectory := True; end; begin if Command = 0 then begin Valid := True; Exit; end else Valid := False; if TDialog.Valid(Command) then begin GetFileName(FName); if (Command <> cmCancel) and (Command <> cmFileClear) then begin if IsWild(FName) then begin FSplit(FName, Dir, Name, Ext); if CheckDirectory(Dir) then begin DisposeStr(Directory); Directory := NewStr(Dir); WildCard := Name+Ext; if Command <> cmFileInit then FileList^.Select; FileList^.ReadDirectory(Directory^+WildCard); end end else if IsDir(FName) then begin if CheckDirectory(FName) then begin DisposeStr(Directory); Directory := NewSTr(FName+'\'); if Command <> cmFileInit then FileList^.Select; FileList^.ReadDirectory(Directory^+WildCard); end end else if ValidFileName(FName) then Valid := True else begin MessageBox('Invalid file name.', nil, mfError + mfOkButton); Valid := False; end end else Valid := True; end; end; { TDirCollection } function TDirCollection.GetItem(var S: TStream): Pointer; var DirItem: PDirEntry; begin New(DirItem); DirItem^.DisplayText := S.ReadStr; DirItem^.Directory := S.ReadStr; GetItem := DirItem; end; procedure TDirCollection.FreeItem(Item: Pointer); var DirItem: PDirEntry absolute Item; begin DisposeStr(DirItem^.DisplayText); DisposeStr(DirItem^.Directory); Dispose(DirItem); end; procedure TDirCollection.PutItem(var S: TStream; Item: Pointer); var DirItem: PDirEntry absolute Item; begin S.WriteStr(DirItem^.DisplayText); S.WriteStr(DirItem^.Directory); end; { TDirListBox } const DrivesS: String[6] = 'Drives'; Drives: PString = @DrivesS; constructor TDirListBox.Init(var Bounds: TRect; AScrollBar: PScrollBar); begin TListBox.Init(Bounds, 1, AScrollBar); Dir := ''; end; destructor TDirListBox.Done; begin if List <> nil then Dispose(List, Done); TListBox.Done; end; function TDirListBox.GetText(Item: Integer; MaxLen: Integer): String; begin GetText := PDirEntry(List^.At(Item))^.DisplayText^; end; procedure TDirListBox.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); begin if (Event.What = evMouseDown) and (Event.Double) then begin Event.What := evCommand; Event.Command := cmChangeDir; PutEvent(Event); ClearEvent(Event); end else TListBox.HandleEvent(Event); end; function TDirListBox.IsSelected(Item: Integer): Boolean; begin IsSelected := Item = Cur; end; procedure TDirListBox.NewDirectory(var ADir: DirStr); const PathDir = 'ÀÄÂ'; FirstDir = 'ÀÂÄ'; MiddleDir = ' ÃÄ'; LastDir = ' ÀÄ'; IndentSize = ' '; var AList: PCollection; NewDir, Dirct: DirStr; C, OldC: Char; S, Indent: String[80]; P: PString; isFirst: Boolean; SR: SearchRec; I: Integer; DirEntry: PDirEntry; function NewDirEntry(const DisplayText, Directory: String): PDirEntry; near; var DirEntry: PDirEntry; begin New(DirEntry); DirEntry^.DisplayText := NewStr(DisplayText); DirEntry^.Directory := NewStr(Directory); NewDirEntry := DirEntry; end; function GetCurDrive: Char; near; assembler; asm MOV AH,19H INT 21H ADD AL,'A' end; begin Dir := ADir; AList := New(PDirCollection, Init(5,5)); AList^.Insert(NewDirEntry(Drives^,Drives^)); if Dir = Drives^ then begin isFirst := True; OldC := ' '; for C := 'A' to 'Z' do begin if (C < 'C') or DriveValid(C) then begin if OldC <> ' ' then begin if isFirst then begin S := FirstDir + OldC; isFirst := False; end else S := MiddleDir + OldC; AList^.Insert(NewDirEntry(S, OldC + ':\')); end; if C = GetCurDrive then Cur := AList^.Count; OldC := C; end; end; if OldC <> ' ' then AList^.Insert(NewDirEntry(LastDir + OldC, OldC + ':\')); end else begin Indent := IndentSize; NewDir := Dir; Dirct := Copy(NewDir,1,3); AList^.Insert(NewDirEntry(PathDir + Dirct, Dirct)); NewDir := Copy(NewDir,4,255); while NewDir <> '' do begin I := Pos('\',NewDir); if I <> 0 then begin S := Copy(NewDir,1,I-1); Dirct := Dirct + S; AList^.Insert(NewDirEntry(Indent + PathDir + S, Dirct)); NewDir := Copy(NewDir,I+1,255); end else begin Dirct := Dirct + NewDir; AList^.Insert(NewDirEntry(Indent + PathDir + NewDir, Dirct)); NewDir := ''; end; Indent := Indent + IndentSize; Dirct := Dirct + '\'; end; Cur := AList^.Count-1; isFirst := True; NewDir := Dirct + '*.*'; FindFirst(NewDir, Directory, SR); while DosError = 0 do begin if (SR.Attr and Directory <> 0) and (SR.Name[1] <> '.') then begin if isFirst then begin S := FirstDir; isFirst := False; end else S := MiddleDir; AList^.Insert(NewDirEntry(Indent + S + SR.Name, Dirct + SR.Name)); end; FindNext(SR); end; P := PDirEntry(AList^.At(AList^.Count-1))^.DisplayText; I := Pos('À',P^); if I = 0 then begin I := Pos('Ã',P^); if I <> 0 then P^[I] := 'À'; end else begin P^[I+1] := 'Ä'; P^[I+2] := 'Ä'; end; end; NewList(AList); FocusItem(Cur); end; procedure TDirListBox.SetState(AState: Word; Enable: Boolean); begin TListBox.SetState(AState, Enable); if AState and sfFocused <> 0 then PChDirDialog(Owner)^.ChDirButton^.MakeDefault(Enable); end; { TChDirDialog } constructor TChDirDialog.Init(AOptions: Word; HistoryId: Word); var R: TRect; Control: PView; CurDir: DirStr; begin R.Assign(16, 2, 64, 20); TDialog.Init(R, 'Change Directory'); Options := Options or ofCentered; R.Assign(3, 3, 30, 4); DirInput := New(PInputLine, Init(R, 68)); Insert(DirInput); R.Assign(2, 2, 17, 3); Control := New(PLabel, Init(R, 'Directory ~n~ame', DirInput)); Insert(Control); R.Assign(30, 3, 33, 4); Control := New(PHistory, Init(R, DirInput, HistoryId)); Insert(Control); R.Assign(32, 6, 33, 16); Control := New(PScrollBar, Init(R)); Insert(Control); R.Assign(3, 6, 32, 16); DirList := New(PDirListBox, Init(R, PScrollBar(Control))); Insert(DirList); R.Assign(2, 5, 17, 6); Control := New(PLabel, Init(R, 'Directory ~t~ree', DirList)); Insert(Control); R.Assign(35, 6, 45, 8); OkButton := New(PButton, Init(R, 'O~K~', cmOK, bfDefault)); Insert(OkButton); Inc(R.A.Y,3); Inc(R.B.Y,3); ChDirButton := New(PButton, Init(R, '~C~hdir', cmChangeDir, bfNormal)); Insert(ChDirButton); Inc(R.A.Y,3); Inc(R.B.Y,3); Insert(New(PButton, Init(R, '~R~evert', cmRevert, bfNormal))); if AOptions and cdHelpButton <> 0 then begin Inc(R.A.Y,3); Inc(R.B.Y,3); Insert(New(PButton, Init(R, 'Help', cmHelp, bfNormal))); end; if AOptions and cdNoLoadDir = 0 then SetUpDialog; SelectNext(False); end; constructor TChDirDialog.Load(var S: TStream); var CurDir: DirStr; begin TDialog.Load(S); GetSubViewPtr(S, DirList); GetSubViewPtr(S, DirInput); GetSubViewPtr(S, OkButton); GetSubViewPtr(S, ChDirbutton); SetUpDialog; end; function TChDirDialog.DataSize: Word; begin DataSize := 0; end; procedure TChDirDialog.GetData(var Rec); begin end; procedure TChDirDialog.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); var CurDir: DirStr; P: PDirEntry; begin TDialog.HandleEvent(Event); case Event.What of evCommand: begin case Event.Command of cmRevert: GetDir(0,CurDir); cmChangeDir: begin P := DirList^.List^.At(DirList^.Focused); if (P^.Directory^ = Drives^) or DriveValid(P^.Directory^[1]) then CurDir := P^.Directory^ else Exit; end; else Exit; end; if (Length(CurDir) > 3) and (CurDir[Length(CurDir)] = '\') then CurDir := Copy(CurDir,1,Length(CurDir)-1); DirList^.NewDirectory(CurDir); DirInput^.Data^ := CurDir; DirInput^.DrawView; DirList^.Select; ClearEvent(Event); end; end; end; procedure TChDirDialog.SetData(var Rec); begin end; procedure TChDirDialog.SetUpDialog; var CurDir: DirStr; begin if DirList <> nil then begin CurDir := GetCurDir; DirList^.NewDirectory(CurDir); if (Length(CurDir) > 3) and (CurDir[Length(CurDir)] = '\') then CurDir := Copy(CurDir,1,Length(CurDir)-1); if DirInput <> nil then begin DirInput^.Data^ := CurDir; DirInput^.DrawView; end; end; end; procedure TChDirDialog.Store(var S: TStream); begin TDialog.Store(S); PutSubViewPtr(S, DirList); PutSubViewPtr(S, DirInput); PutSubViewPtr(S, OkButton); PutSubViewPtr(S, ChDirButton); end; function TChDirDialog.Valid(Command: Word): Boolean; var P: PathStr; begin Valid := True; if Command = cmOk then begin P := FExpand(DirInput^.Data^); if (Length(P) > 3) and (P[Length(P)] = '\') then Dec(P[0]); {$I-} ChDir(P); if IOResult <> 0 then begin MessageBox('Invalid directory.', nil, mfError + mfOkButton); Valid := False; end; {$I+} end; end; procedure RegisterStdDlg; begin RegisterType(RFileInputLine); RegisterType(RFileCollection); RegisterType(RFileList); RegisterType(RFileInfoPane); RegisterType(RFileDialog); RegisterType(RDirCollection); RegisterType(RDirListBox); RegisterType(RSortedListBox); RegisterType(RChDirDialog); end; end.