{*******************************************************} { } { Turbo Pascal Version 7.0 } { Turbo Vision Unit } { } { Copyright (c) 1992 Borland International } { } {*******************************************************} unit Outline; {$O+,F+,X+,I-,S-} interface uses Objects, Drivers, Views; const ovExpanded = $01; ovChildren = $02; ovLast = $04; const cmOutlineItemSelected = 301; const COutlineViewer = CScroller + #8#8; type { TOutlineViewer object } { Palette layout } { 1 = Normal color } { 2 = Focus color } { 3 = Select color } { 4 = Not expanded color } POutlineViewer = ^TOutlineViewer; TOutlineViewer = object(TScroller) Foc: Integer; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar: PScrollBar); constructor Load(var S: TStream); procedure Adjust(Node: Pointer; Expand: Boolean); virtual; function CreateGraph(Level: Integer; Lines: LongInt; Flags: Word; LevWidth, EndWidth: Integer; const Chars: String): String; procedure Draw; virtual; procedure ExpandAll(Node: Pointer); function FirstThat(Test: Pointer): Pointer; procedure Focused(I: Integer); virtual; function ForEach(Action: Pointer): Pointer; function GetChild(Node: Pointer; I: Integer): Pointer; virtual; function GetGraph(Level: Integer; Lines: LongInt; Flags: Word): String; virtual; function GetNumChildren(Node: Pointer): Integer; virtual; function GetNode(I: Integer): Pointer; function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual; function GetRoot: Pointer; virtual; function GetText(Node: Pointer): String; virtual; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; function HasChildren(Node: Pointer): Boolean; virtual; function IsExpanded(Node: Pointer): Boolean; virtual; function IsSelected(I: Integer): Boolean; virtual; procedure Selected(I: Integer); virtual; procedure SetState(AState: Word; Enable: Boolean); virtual; procedure Store(var S: TStream); procedure Update; private procedure AdjustFocus(NewFocus: Integer); function Iterate(Action: Pointer; CallerFrame: Word; CheckRslt: Boolean): Pointer; end; { TNode } PNode = ^TNode; TNode = record Next: PNode; Text: PString; ChildList: PNode; Expanded: Boolean; end; { TOutline object } { Palette layout } { 1 = Normal color } { 2 = Focus color } { 3 = Select color } POutline = ^TOutline; TOutline = object(TOutlineViewer) Root: PNode; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar: PScrollBar; ARoot: PNode); constructor Load(var S: TStream); destructor Done; virtual; procedure Adjust(Node: Pointer; Expand: Boolean); virtual; function GetRoot: Pointer; virtual; function GetNumChildren(Node: Pointer): Integer; virtual; function GetChild(Node: Pointer; I: Integer): Pointer; virtual; function GetText(Node: Pointer): String; virtual; function IsExpanded(Node: Pointer): Boolean; virtual; function HasChildren(Node: Pointer): Boolean; virtual; procedure Store(var S: TStream); end; const ROutline: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 91; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TOutline)^); Load: @TOutline.Load; Store: @TOutline.Store ); procedure RegisterOutline; function NewNode(const AText: String; AChildren, ANext: PNode): PNode; procedure DisposeNode(Node: PNode); implementation { TOutlineViewer } constructor TOutlineViewer.Init(var Bounds: TRect; AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar: PScrollBar); begin inherited Init(Bounds, AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar); GrowMode := gfGrowHiX + gfGrowHiY; Foc := 0; end; constructor TOutlineViewer.Load(var S: TStream); begin inherited Load(S); S.Read(Foc, SizeOf(Foc)); end; { Called when the user requests Node to be contracted or expanded (i.e. its children to be hidden or shown) } procedure TOutlineViewer.Adjust(Node: Pointer; Expand: Boolean); begin Abstract; end; { Called internally to ensure the focus is within range and displayed } procedure TOutlineViewer.AdjustFocus(NewFocus: Integer); begin if NewFocus < 0 then NewFocus := 0 else if NewFocus >= Limit.Y then NewFocus := Limit.Y - 1; if Foc <> NewFocus then Focused(NewFocus); if NewFocus < Delta.Y then ScrollTo(Delta.X, NewFocus) else if NewFocus - Size.Y >= Delta.Y then ScrollTo(Delta.X, NewFocus - Size.Y + 1); end; { Called to draw the outline } procedure TOutlineViewer.Draw; var NrmColor, SelColor, FocColor: Word; B: TDrawBuffer; I: Integer; function DrawTree(Cur: Pointer; Level, Position: Integer; Lines: LongInt; Flags: Word): Boolean; far; var Color: Word; S: String; begin DrawTree := False; if Position >= Delta.Y then begin if Position >= Delta.Y + Size.Y then begin DrawTree := True; Exit; end; if (Position = Foc) and (State and sfFocused <> 0) then Color := FocColor else if IsSelected(Position) then Color := SelColor else Color := NrmColor; MoveChar(B, ' ', Color, Size.X); S := GetGraph(Level, Lines, Flags); if Flags and ovExpanded = 0 then S := Concat(S, '~', GetText(Cur), '~') else S := Concat(S, GetText(Cur)); MoveCStr(B, Copy(S, Delta.X + 1, 255), Color); WriteLine(0, Position - Delta.Y, Size.X, 1, B); I := Position; end; end; begin NrmColor := GetColor($0401); FocColor := GetColor($0202); SelColor := GetColor($0303); FirstThat(@DrawTree); MoveChar(B, ' ', NrmColor, Size.X); WriteLine(0, I + 1, Size.X, Size.Y - (I - Delta.Y), B); end; { ExpandAll expands the current node and all child nodes } procedure TOutlineViewer.ExpandAll(Node: Pointer); var I, N: Integer; begin if HasChildren(Node) then begin Adjust(Node, True); N := GetNumChildren(Node) - 1; for I := 0 to N do ExpandAll(GetChild(Node, I)); end; end; { Draws a graph string suitable for returning from GetGraph. Level indicates the outline level. Lines is the set of bits decribing the which levels have a "continuation" mark (usually a vertical lines). If bit 3 is set, level 3 is continued beyond this level. Flags gives extra information about how to draw the end of the graph (see the ovXXX constants). LevWidth is how many characters to indent for each level. EndWidth is the length the end characters. The graphics is divided into two parts: the level marks, and the end or node graphic. The level marks consist of the Level Mark character separated by Level Filler. What marks are present is determined by Lines. The end graphic is constructed by placing on of the End First charcters followed by EndWidth-4 End Filler characters, followed by the End Child character, followed by the Retract/Expand character. If EndWidth equals 2, End First and Retract/Expand are used. If EndWidth equals 1, only the Retract/Expand character is used. Which characters are selected is determined by Flags. The layout for the characters in the Chars is: 1: Level Filler Typically a space. Used between level markers. 2: Level Mark Typically a vertical bar. Used to mark the levels currenly active. 3: End First (not last child) Typically a sideways T. Used as the first character of the end part of a node graphic if the node is not the last child of the parent. 4: End First (last child) Typically a L shape. Used as the first character of the end part of a node graphic if the node is the last child of the parent. 5: End Filler Typically a horizontal line. Used as filler for the end part of a node graphic. 6: End Child position Typically not used. If EndWidth > LevWidth this character will be placed on top of the markers for next level. If used it is typically a T. 7: Retracted character Typically a '+'. Displayed as the last character of the end node if the level has children and they are not expanded. 8: Expanded character Typically as straight line. Displayed as the last character of the end node if the level has children and they are expanded. As an example GetGraph calls CreateGraph with the following paramters: CreateGraph(Level, Lines, Flags, 3, 3, ' '#179#195#192#196#196'+'#196); To use double, instead of single lines use: CreateGraph(Level, Lines, Flags, 3, 3, ' '#186#204#200#205#205'+'#205); To have the children line drop off prior to the text instead of underneath, use the following call: CreateGraph(Level, Lines, Flags, 2, 4, ' '#179#195#192#196#194'+'#196); } function TOutlineViewer.CreateGraph(Level: Integer; Lines: LongInt; Flags: Word; LevWidth, EndWidth: Integer; const Chars: String): String; assembler; const FillerOrBar = 0; YorL = 2; StraightOrTee = 4; Retracted = 6; var Last, Children, Expanded: Boolean; asm PUSH DS CLD { Break out flags } XOR BX,BX MOV AX,Flags MOV Expanded,BL SHR AX,1 ADC Expanded,BL MOV Children,BL SHR AX,1 ADC Children,BL MOV Last,BL SHR AX,1 ADC Last,BL { Load registers } LDS SI,Chars INC SI LES DI,@Result INC DI MOV AX,Lines.Word[0] MOV DX,Lines.Word[2] INC Level { Write bar characters } JMP @@2 @@1: XOR BX,BX SHR DX,1 RCR AX,1 RCL BX,1 PUSH AX MOV AL,[SI].FillerOrBar[BX] STOSB MOV AL,[SI].FillerOrBar MOV CX,LevWidth DEC CX REP STOSB POP AX @@2: DEC Level JNZ @@1 { Write end characters } MOV BH,0 MOV CX,EndWidth DEC CX JZ @@4 MOV BL,Last MOV AL,[SI].YorL[BX] STOSB DEC CX JZ @@4 DEC CX JZ @@3 MOV AL,[SI].StraightOrTee REP STOSB @@3: MOV BL,Children MOV AL,[SI].StraightOrTee[BX] STOSB @@4: MOV BL,Expanded MOV AL,[SI].Retracted[BX] STOSB MOV AX,DI LES DI,@Result SUB AX,DI DEC AX STOSB POP DS end; { Internal function used to fetch the caller's stack frame } function CallerFrame: Word; inline( $8B/$46/$00 { MOV AX,[BP] } ); { FirstThat iterates over the nodes of the outline until the given local function returns true. The declaration for the local function must look like (save for the names, of course): function MyIter(Cur: Pointer; Level, Position: Integer; Lines: LongInt; Flags: Word); far; The parameters are as follows: Cur: A pointer to the node being checked. Level: The level of the node (how many node above it it has) Level is 0 based. This can be used to a call to either GetGraph or CreateGraph. Position: The display order position of the node in the list. This can be used in a call to Focused or Selected. If in range, Position - Delta.Y is location the node is displayed on the view. Lines: Bits indicating the active levels. This can be used in a call to GetGraph or CreateGraph. It dicatates which horizontal lines need to be drawn. Flags: Various flags for drawing (see ovXXXX flags). Can be used in a call to GetGraph or CreateGraph. } function TOutlineViewer.FirstThat(Test: Pointer): Pointer; begin FirstThat := Iterate(Test, CallerFrame, True); end; { Called whenever Node is receives focus } procedure TOutlineViewer.Focused(I: Integer); begin Foc := I; end; { Iterates over all the nodes. See FirstThat for a more details } function TOutlineViewer.ForEach(Action: Pointer): Pointer; begin Iterate(Action, CallerFrame, False); end; { Returns the outline palette } function TOutlineViewer.GetPalette: PPalette; const P: String[Length(COutlineViewer)] = COutlineViewer; begin GetPalette := @P; end; { Overridden to return a pointer to the root of the outline } function TOutlineViewer.GetRoot: Pointer; begin Abstract; end; { Called to retrieve the characters to display prior to the text returned by GetText. Can be overridden to return change the appearance of the outline. My default calls CreateGraph with the default. } function TOutlineViewer.GetGraph(Level: Integer; Lines: LongInt; Flags: Word): String; {const LevelWidth = 2; EndWidth = LevelWidth + 2; GraphChars = ' '#179#195#192#196#194'+'#196; { GraphChars = ' '#186#204#200#205#203'+'#205;} const LevelWidth = 3; EndWidth = LevelWidth; GraphChars = ' '#179#195#192#196#196'+'#196; { GraphChars = ' '#186#204#200#205#205'+'#205;} begin GetGraph := Copy(CreateGraph(Level, Lines, Flags, LevelWidth, EndWidth, GraphChars), EndWidth, 255); end; { Returns a pointer to the node that is to be shown on line I } function TOutlineViewer.GetNode(I: Integer): Pointer; var Cur: Pointer; function IsNode(Node: Pointer; Level, Position: Integer; Lines: LongInt; Flags: Word): Boolean; far; begin IsNode := I = Position; end; begin GetNode := FirstThat(@IsNode); end; { Overridden to return the number of children in Node. Will not be called if HasChildren returns false. } function TOutlineViewer.GetNumChildren(Node: Pointer): Integer; begin Abstract; end; { Overriden to return the I'th child of Node. Will not be called if HasChildren returns false. } function TOutlineViewer.GetChild(Node: Pointer; I: Integer): Pointer; begin Abstract; end; { Overridden to return the text of Node } function TOutlineViewer.GetText(Node: Pointer): String; begin Abstract; end; { Overriden to return if Node's children should be displayed. Will never be called if HasChildren returns False. } function TOutlineViewer.IsExpanded(Node: Pointer): Boolean; begin Abstract; end; { Returns if Node is selected. By default, returns true if Node is Focused (i.e. single selection). Can be overriden to handle multiple selections. } function TOutlineViewer.IsSelected(I: Integer): Boolean; begin IsSelected := Foc = I; end; { Internal function used by both FirstThat and ForEach to do the actual iteration over the data. See FirstThat for more details } function TOutlineViewer.Iterate(Action: Pointer; CallerFrame: Word; CheckRslt: Boolean): Pointer; var Position: Integer; function TraverseTree(Cur: Pointer; Level: Integer; Lines: LongInt; LastChild: Boolean): Pointer; far; label Retn; var Result: Boolean; J, ChildCount: Integer; Ret: Pointer; Flags: Word; Children: Boolean; begin TraverseTree := Cur; if Cur = nil then Exit; Children := HasChildren(Cur); Flags := 0; if LastChild then Inc(Flags, ovLast); if Children and IsExpanded(Cur) then Inc(Flags, ovChildren); if not Children or IsExpanded(Cur) then Inc(Flags, ovExpanded); Inc(Position); { Perform call } asm LES DI,Cur { Push Cur } PUSH ES PUSH DI MOV BX,[BP+6] { Load parent frame into BX } PUSH Level PUSH WORD PTR SS:[BX].offset Position PUSH Lines.Word[2] PUSH Lines.Word[0] PUSH Flags PUSH WORD PTR SS:[BX].offset CallerFrame CALL DWORD PTR SS:[BX].offset Action OR AL,AL MOV BX,[BP+6] { Load parent frame into BX } AND AL,SS:[BX].offset CheckRslt { Force to 0 if CheckRslt False } JNZ Retn end; if Children and IsExpanded(Cur) then begin ChildCount := GetNumChildren(Cur); if not LastChild then Lines := Lines or (1 shl Level); for J := 0 to ChildCount - 1 do begin Ret := TraverseTree(GetChild(Cur, J), Level + 1, Lines, J = (ChildCount - 1)); TraverseTree := Ret; if Ret <> nil then Exit; end; end; TraverseTree := nil; Retn: end; begin Position := -1; asm { Convert 0, 1 to 0, FF } DEC CheckRslt NOT CheckRslt end; Iterate := TraverseTree(GetRoot, 0, 0, True); end; { Called to handle an event } procedure TOutlineViewer.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); const MouseAutoToSkip = 3; var Mouse: TPoint; Cur: Pointer; NewFocus: Integer; Count: Integer; Graph: String; Dragged: Byte; function GetFocusedGraphic(var Graph: String): Pointer; var Lvl: Integer; Lns: LongInt; Flgs: Word; function IsFocused(Cur: Pointer; Level, Position: Integer; Lines: LongInt; Flags: Word): Boolean; far; begin if Position = Foc then begin IsFocused := True; Lvl := Level; Lines := Lines; Flgs := Flags; end else IsFocused := False; end; begin GetFocusedGraphic := FirstThat(@IsFocused); Graph := GetGraph(Lvl, Lns, Flgs); end; begin inherited HandleEvent(Event); case Event.What of evMouseDown: begin Count := 0; Dragged := 0; repeat if Dragged < 2 then Inc(Dragged); MakeLocal(Event.Where, Mouse); if MouseInView(Event.Where) then NewFocus := Delta.Y + Mouse.Y else begin if Event.What = evMouseAuto then Inc(Count); if Count = MouseAutoToSkip then begin Count := 0; if Mouse.Y < 0 then Dec(NewFocus); if Mouse.Y >= Size.Y then Inc(NewFocus); end; end; if Foc <> NewFocus then begin AdjustFocus(NewFocus); DrawView; end; until not MouseEvent(Event, evMouseMove + evMouseAuto); if Event.Double then Selected(Foc) else begin if Dragged < 2 then begin Cur := GetFocusedGraphic(Graph); if Mouse.X < Length(Graph) then begin Adjust(Cur, not IsExpanded(Cur)); Update; DrawView; end; end; end; end; evKeyboard: begin NewFocus := Foc; case CtrlToArrow(Event.KeyCode) of kbUp, kbLeft: Dec(NewFocus); kbDown, kbRight: Inc(NewFocus); kbPgDn: Inc(NewFocus, Size.Y - 1); kbPgUp: Dec(NewFocus, Size.Y - 1); kbHome: NewFocus := Delta.Y; kbEnd: NewFocus := Delta.Y + Size.Y - 1; kbCtrlPgUp: NewFocus := 0; kbCtrlPgDn: NewFocus := Limit.Y - 1; kbCtrlEnter, kbEnter: Selected(NewFocus); else case Event.CharCode of '-', '+': Adjust(GetNode(NewFocus), Event.CharCode = '+'); '*': ExpandAll(GetNode(NewFocus)); else Exit; end; Update; end; ClearEvent(Event); AdjustFocus(NewFocus); DrawView; end; end; end; { Called to determine if the given node has children } function TOutlineViewer.HasChildren(Node: Pointer): Boolean; begin Abstract; end; { Called whenever Node is selected by the user either via keyboard control or by the mouse. } procedure TOutlineViewer.Selected(I: Integer); begin end; { Redraws the outline if the outliner sfFocus state changes } procedure TOutlineViewer.SetState(AState: Word; Enable: Boolean); begin inherited SetState(AState, Enable); if AState and sfFocused <> 0 then DrawView; end; { Store the object to a stream } procedure TOutlineViewer.Store(var S: TStream); begin inherited Store(S); S.Write(Foc, SizeOf(Foc)); end; { Updates the limits of the outline viewer. Should be called whenever the data of the outline viewer changes. This includes during the initalization of base classes. TOutlineViewer assumes that the outline is empty. If the outline becomes non-empty during the initialization, Update must be called. Also, if during the operation of the TOutlineViewer the data being displayed changes, Update and DrawView must be called. } procedure TOutlineViewer.Update; var Count, MaxX: Integer; function CountNode(P: Pointer; Level, Position: Integer; Lines: LongInt; Flags: Word): Boolean; far; var Len: Integer; begin Inc(Count); Len := Length(GetText(P)) + Length(GetGraph(Level, Lines, Flags)); if MaxX < Len then MaxX := Len; CountNode := False; end; begin Count := 0; MaxX := 0; FirstThat(@CountNode); SetLimit(MaxX, Count); AdjustFocus(Foc); end; { TOutline } constructor TOutline.Init(var Bounds: TRect; AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar: PScrollBar; ARoot: PNode); begin inherited Init(Bounds, AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar); Root := ARoot; Update; end; constructor TOutline.Load(var S: TStream); function LoadNode: PNode; var IsNode: Boolean; Node: PNode; begin S.Read(IsNode, SizeOf(IsNode)); if IsNode then begin New(Node); with Node^ do begin S.Read(Expanded, SizeOf(Expanded)); Text := S.ReadStr; ChildList := LoadNode; Next := LoadNode; end; LoadNode := Node; end else LoadNode := nil; end; begin inherited Load(S); Root := LoadNode; end; destructor TOutline.Done; begin DisposeNode(Root); inherited Done; end; procedure TOutline.Adjust(Node: Pointer; Expand: Boolean); begin PNode(Node)^.Expanded := Expand; end; function TOutline.GetRoot: Pointer; begin GetRoot := Root; end; function TOutline.GetNumChildren(Node: Pointer): Integer; var I: Integer; P: PNode; begin P := PNode(Node)^.ChildList; I := 0; while P <> nil do begin P := P^.Next; Inc(I); end; GetNumChildren := I; end; function TOutline.GetChild(Node: Pointer; I: Integer): Pointer; var P: PNode; begin P := PNode(Node)^.ChildList; while (I <> 0) and (P <> nil) do begin P := P^.Next; Dec(I); end; GetChild := P; end; function TOutline.GetText(Node: Pointer): String; begin GetText := PNode(Node)^.Text^; end; function TOutline.IsExpanded(Node: Pointer): Boolean; begin IsExpanded := PNode(Node)^.Expanded; end; function TOutline.HasChildren(Node: Pointer): Boolean; begin HasChildren := PNode(Node)^.ChildList <> nil; end; procedure TOutline.Store(var S: TStream); procedure StoreNode(Node: PNode); var IsNode: Boolean; begin IsNode := Node <> nil; S.Write(IsNode, SizeOf(IsNode)); if IsNode then begin with Node^ do begin S.Write(Expanded, SizeOf(Expanded)); S.WriteStr(Text); StoreNode(ChildList); StoreNode(Next); end; end; end; begin inherited Store(S); StoreNode(Root); end; function NewNode(const AText: String; AChildren, ANext: PNode): PNode; var P: PNode; begin New(P); with P^ do begin Text := NewStr(AText); Next := ANext; ChildList := AChildren; Expanded := True; end; NewNode := P; end; procedure DisposeNode(Node: PNode); begin if Node <> nil then with Node^ do begin if ChildList <> nil then DisposeNode(ChildList); if Next <> nil then DisposeNode(Next); end; Dispose(Node); end; procedure RegisterOutline; begin RegisterType(ROutline); end; end.