{*******************************************************} { } { Turbo Pascal Version 7.0 } { Turbo Vision Unit } { } { Copyright (c) 1992 Borland International } { } {*******************************************************} unit MsgBox; {$O+,F+,X+,I-,S-} interface uses Objects; const { Message box classes } mfWarning = $0000; { Display a Warning box } mfError = $0001; { Dispaly a Error box } mfInformation = $0002; { Display an Information Box } mfConfirmation = $0003; { Display a Confirmation Box } mfInsertInApp = $0080; { Insert message box into application } { instead of the Desktop } { Message box button flags } mfYesButton = $0100; { Put a Yes button into the dialog } mfNoButton = $0200; { Put a No button into the dialog } mfOKButton = $0400; { Put an OK button into the dialog } mfCancelButton = $0800; { Put a Cancel button into the dialog } mfYesNoCancel = mfYesButton + mfNoButton + mfCancelButton; { Standard Yes, No, Cancel dialog } mfOKCancel = mfOKButton + mfCancelButton; { Standard OK, Cancel dialog } { MessageBox displays the given string in a standard sized } { dialog box. Before the dialog is displayed the Msg and Params } { are passed to FormatStr. The resulting string is displayed } { as a TStaticText view in the dialog. } function MessageBox(const Msg: String; Params: Pointer; AOptions: Word): Word; { MessageBoxRec allows the specification of a TRect for the } { message box to occupy. } function MessageBoxRect(var R: TRect; const Msg: String; Params: Pointer; AOptions: Word): Word; { InputBox displays a simple dialog that allows the user to } { type in a string. } function InputBox(const Title, ALabel: String; var S: String; Limit: Byte): Word; { InputBoxRect is like InputBox but allows the specification of } { a rectangle. } function InputBoxRect(var Bounds: TRect; const Title, ALabel: String; var S: String; Limit: Byte): Word; implementation uses Drivers, Views, Dialogs, App; function MessageBox(const Msg: String; Params: Pointer; AOptions: Word): Word; var R: TRect; begin R.Assign(0, 0, 40, 9); if AOptions and mfInsertInApp = 0 then R.Move((Desktop^.Size.X - R.B.X) div 2, (Desktop^.Size.Y - R.B.Y) div 2) else R.Move((Application^.Size.X - R.B.X) div 2, (Application^.Size.Y - R.B.Y) div 2); MessageBox := MessageBoxRect(R, Msg, Params, AOptions); end; function MessageBoxRect(var R: TRect; const Msg: String; Params: Pointer; AOptions: Word): Word; const ButtonName: array[0..3] of string[6] = ('~Y~es', '~N~o', 'O~K~', 'Cancel'); Commands: array[0..3] of word = (cmYes, cmNo, cmOK, cmCancel); Titles: array[0..3] of string[11] = ('Warning','Error','Information','Confirm'); var I, X, ButtonCount: Integer; Dialog: PDialog; Control: PView; T: TRect; ButtonList: array[0..4] of PView; S: String; begin Dialog := New(PDialog, Init(R, Titles[AOptions and $3])); with Dialog^ do begin R.Assign(3, 2, Size.X - 2, Size.Y - 3); FormatStr(S, Msg, Params^); Control := New(PStaticText, Init(R, S)); Insert(Control); X := -2; ButtonCount := 0; for I := 0 to 3 do if AOptions and ($0100 shl I) <> 0 then begin R.Assign(0, 0, 10, 2); Control := New(PButton, Init(R, ButtonName[I], Commands[i], bfNormal)); Inc(X, Control^.Size.X + 2); ButtonList[ButtonCount] := Control; Inc(ButtonCount); end; X := (Size.X - X) shr 1; for I := 0 to ButtonCount - 1 do begin Control := ButtonList[I]; Insert(Control); Control^.MoveTo(X, Size.Y - 3); Inc(X, Control^.Size.X + 2); end; SelectNext(False); end; if AOptions and mfInsertInApp = 0 then MessageBoxRect := DeskTop^.ExecView(Dialog) else MessageBoxRect := Application^.ExecView(Dialog); Dispose(Dialog, Done); end; function InputBox(const Title, ALabel: String; var S: String; Limit: Byte): Word; var R: TRect; begin R.Assign(0, 0, 60, 8); R.Move((Desktop^.Size.X - R.B.X) div 2, (Desktop^.Size.Y - R.B.Y) div 2); InputBox := InputBoxRect(R, Title, ALabel, S, Limit); end; function InputBoxRect(var Bounds: TRect; const Title, ALabel: String; var S: String; Limit: Byte): Word; var Dialog: PDialog; Control: PView; R: TRect; C: Word; begin Dialog := New(PDialog, Init(Bounds, Title)); with Dialog^ do begin R.Assign(4 + CStrLen(ALabel), 2, Size.X - 3, 3); Control := New(PInputLine, Init(R, Limit)); Insert(Control); R.Assign(2, 2, 3 + CStrLen(ALabel), 3); Insert(New(PLabel, Init(R, ALabel, Control))); R.Assign(Size.X - 24, Size.Y - 4, Size.X - 14, Size.Y - 2); Insert(New(PButton, Init(R, 'O~K~', cmOk, bfDefault))); Inc(R.A.X, 12); Inc(R.B.X, 12); Insert(New(PButton, Init(R, 'Cancel', cmCancel, bfNormal))); Inc(R.A.X, 12); Inc(R.B.X, 12); SelectNext(False); end; Dialog^.SetData(S); C := DeskTop^.ExecView(Dialog); if C <> cmCancel then Dialog^.GetData(S); Dispose(Dialog, Done); InputBoxRect := C; end; end.