{*******************************************************} { } { Turbo Pascal Version 7.0 } { Turbo Vision Unit } { } { Copyright (c) 1992 Borland International } { } {*******************************************************} unit App; {$O+,F+,X+,I-,S-} interface uses Objects, Drivers, Memory, HistList, Views, Menus, Dialogs; const { TApplication palette entries } apColor = 0; apBlackWhite = 1; apMonochrome = 2; { TApplication palettes } { Turbo Vision 1.0 Color Palettes } CColor = #$71#$70#$78#$74#$20#$28#$24#$17#$1F#$1A#$31#$31#$1E#$71#$1F + #$37#$3F#$3A#$13#$13#$3E#$21#$3F#$70#$7F#$7A#$13#$13#$70#$7F#$7E + #$70#$7F#$7A#$13#$13#$70#$70#$7F#$7E#$20#$2B#$2F#$78#$2E#$70#$30 + #$3F#$3E#$1F#$2F#$1A#$20#$72#$31#$31#$30#$2F#$3E#$31#$13#$38#$00; CBlackWhite = #$70#$70#$78#$7F#$07#$07#$0F#$07#$0F#$07#$70#$70#$07#$70#$0F + #$07#$0F#$07#$70#$70#$07#$70#$0F#$70#$7F#$7F#$70#$07#$70#$07#$0F + #$70#$7F#$7F#$70#$07#$70#$70#$7F#$7F#$07#$0F#$0F#$78#$0F#$78#$07 + #$0F#$0F#$0F#$70#$0F#$07#$70#$70#$70#$07#$70#$0F#$07#$07#$78#$00; CMonochrome = #$70#$07#$07#$0F#$70#$70#$70#$07#$0F#$07#$70#$70#$07#$70#$00 + #$07#$0F#$07#$70#$70#$07#$70#$00#$70#$70#$70#$07#$07#$70#$07#$00 + #$70#$70#$70#$07#$07#$70#$70#$70#$0F#$07#$07#$0F#$70#$0F#$70#$07 + #$0F#$0F#$07#$70#$07#$07#$70#$07#$07#$07#$70#$0F#$07#$07#$70#$00; { Turbo Vision 2.0 Color Palettes } CAppColor = #$71#$70#$78#$74#$20#$28#$24#$17#$1F#$1A#$31#$31#$1E#$71#$1F + #$37#$3F#$3A#$13#$13#$3E#$21#$3F#$70#$7F#$7A#$13#$13#$70#$7F#$7E + #$70#$7F#$7A#$13#$13#$70#$70#$7F#$7E#$20#$2B#$2F#$78#$2E#$70#$30 + #$3F#$3E#$1F#$2F#$1A#$20#$72#$31#$31#$30#$2F#$3E#$31#$13#$38#$00 + #$17#$1F#$1A#$71#$71#$1E#$17#$1F#$1E#$20#$2B#$2F#$78#$2E#$10#$30 + #$3F#$3E#$70#$2F#$7A#$20#$12#$31#$31#$30#$2F#$3E#$31#$13#$38#$00 + #$37#$3F#$3A#$13#$13#$3E#$30#$3F#$3E#$20#$2B#$2F#$78#$2E#$30#$70 + #$7F#$7E#$1F#$2F#$1A#$20#$32#$31#$71#$70#$2F#$7E#$71#$13#$38#$00; CAppBlackWhite = #$70#$70#$78#$7F#$07#$07#$0F#$07#$0F#$07#$70#$70#$07#$70#$0F + #$07#$0F#$07#$70#$70#$07#$70#$0F#$70#$7F#$7F#$70#$07#$70#$07#$0F + #$70#$7F#$7F#$70#$07#$70#$70#$7F#$7F#$07#$0F#$0F#$78#$0F#$78#$07 + #$0F#$0F#$0F#$70#$0F#$07#$70#$70#$70#$07#$70#$0F#$07#$07#$78#$00 + #$07#$0F#$0F#$07#$70#$07#$07#$0F#$0F#$70#$78#$7F#$08#$7F#$08#$70 + #$7F#$7F#$7F#$0F#$70#$70#$07#$70#$70#$70#$07#$7F#$70#$07#$78#$00 + #$70#$7F#$7F#$70#$07#$70#$70#$7F#$7F#$07#$0F#$0F#$78#$0F#$78#$07 + #$0F#$0F#$0F#$70#$0F#$07#$70#$70#$70#$07#$70#$0F#$07#$07#$78#$00; CAppMonochrome = #$70#$07#$07#$0F#$70#$70#$70#$07#$0F#$07#$70#$70#$07#$70#$00 + #$07#$0F#$07#$70#$70#$07#$70#$00#$70#$70#$70#$07#$07#$70#$07#$00 + #$70#$70#$70#$07#$07#$70#$70#$70#$0F#$07#$07#$0F#$70#$0F#$70#$07 + #$0F#$0F#$07#$70#$07#$07#$70#$07#$07#$07#$70#$0F#$07#$07#$70#$00 + #$70#$70#$70#$07#$07#$70#$70#$70#$0F#$07#$07#$0F#$70#$0F#$70#$07 + #$0F#$0F#$07#$70#$07#$07#$70#$07#$07#$07#$70#$0F#$07#$07#$70#$00 + #$70#$70#$70#$07#$07#$70#$70#$70#$0F#$07#$07#$0F#$70#$0F#$70#$07 + #$0F#$0F#$07#$70#$07#$07#$70#$07#$07#$07#$70#$0F#$07#$07#$70#$00; { TBackground palette } CBackground = #1; { Standard application commands } cmNew = 30; cmOpen = 31; cmSave = 32; cmSaveAs = 33; cmSaveAll = 34; cmChangeDir = 35; cmDosShell = 36; cmCloseAll = 37; { Standard application help contexts } { Note: range $FF00 - $FFFF of help contexts are reserved by Borland } hcNew = $FF01; hcOpen = $FF02; hcSave = $FF03; hcSaveAs = $FF04; hcSaveAll = $FF05; hcChangeDir = $FF06; hcDosShell = $FF07; hcExit = $FF08; hcUndo = $FF10; hcCut = $FF11; hcCopy = $FF12; hcPaste = $FF13; hcClear = $FF14; hcTile = $FF20; hcCascade = $FF21; hcCloseAll = $FF22; hcResize = $FF23; hcZoom = $FF24; hcNext = $FF25; hcPrev = $FF26; hcClose = $FF27; type { TBackground object } PBackground = ^TBackground; TBackground = object(TView) Pattern: Char; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; APattern: Char); constructor Load(var S: TStream); procedure Draw; virtual; function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual; procedure Store(var S: TStream); end; { TDesktop object } PDesktop = ^TDesktop; TDesktop = object(TGroup) Background: PBackground; TileColumnsFirst: Boolean; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect); constructor Load(var S: TStream); procedure Cascade(var R: TRect); procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; procedure InitBackground; virtual; procedure Store(var S: TStream); procedure Tile(var R: TRect); procedure TileError; virtual; end; { TProgram object } { Palette layout } { 1 = TBackground } { 2- 7 = TMenuView and TStatusLine } { 8-15 = TWindow(Blue) } { 16-23 = TWindow(Cyan) } { 24-31 = TWindow(Gray) } { 32-63 = TDialog } PProgram = ^TProgram; TProgram = object(TGroup) constructor Init; destructor Done; virtual; function CanMoveFocus: Boolean; function ExecuteDialog(P: PDialog; Data: Pointer): Word; procedure GetEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; procedure Idle; virtual; procedure InitDesktop; virtual; procedure InitMenuBar; virtual; procedure InitScreen; virtual; procedure InitStatusLine; virtual; function InsertWindow(P: PWindow): PWindow; procedure OutOfMemory; virtual; procedure PutEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; procedure Run; virtual; procedure SetScreenMode(Mode: Word); function ValidView(P: PView): PView; end; { TApplication object } PApplication = ^TApplication; TApplication = object(TProgram) constructor Init; destructor Done; virtual; procedure Cascade; procedure DosShell; procedure GetTileRect(var R: TRect); virtual; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; procedure Tile; procedure WriteShellMsg; virtual; end; { Standard menus and status lines } function StdStatusKeys(Next: PStatusItem): PStatusItem; function StdFileMenuItems(Next: PMenuItem): PMenuItem; function StdEditMenuItems(Next: PMenuItem): PMenuItem; function StdWindowMenuItems(Next: PMenuItem): PMenuItem; { App registration procedure } procedure RegisterApp; const { Public variables } Application: PProgram = nil; Desktop: PDesktop = nil; StatusLine: PStatusLine = nil; MenuBar: PMenuView = nil; AppPalette: Integer = apColor; { Stream registration records } RBackground: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 30; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TBackground)^); Load: @TBackground.Load; Store: @TBackground.Store); RDesktop: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 31; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TDesktop)^); Load: @TDesktop.Load; Store: @TDesktop.Store); implementation uses Dos; const { Private variables } Pending: TEvent = (What: evNothing); { TBackground } constructor TBackground.Init(var Bounds: TRect; APattern: Char); begin TView.Init(Bounds); GrowMode := gfGrowHiX + gfGrowHiY; Pattern := APattern; end; constructor TBackground.Load(var S: TStream); begin TView.Load(S); S.Read(Pattern, SizeOf(Pattern)); end; procedure TBackground.Draw; var B: TDrawBuffer; begin MoveChar(B, Pattern, GetColor($01), Size.X); WriteLine(0, 0, Size.X, Size.Y, B); end; function TBackground.GetPalette: PPalette; const P: string[Length(CBackground)] = CBackground; begin GetPalette := @P; end; procedure TBackground.Store(var S: TStream); begin TView.Store(S); S.Write(Pattern, SizeOf(Pattern)); end; { TDesktop object } constructor TDesktop.Init(var Bounds: TRect); begin inherited Init(Bounds); GrowMode := gfGrowHiX + gfGrowHiY; InitBackground; if Background <> nil then Insert(Background); end; constructor TDesktop.Load(var S: TStream); begin inherited Load(S); GetSubViewPtr(S, Background); S.Read(TileColumnsFirst, SizeOf(TileColumnsFirst)); end; function Tileable(P: PView): Boolean; begin Tileable := (P^.Options and ofTileable <> 0) and (P^.State and sfVisible <> 0); end; procedure TDesktop.Cascade(var R: TRect); var CascadeNum: Integer; LastView: PView; Min, Max: TPoint; procedure DoCount(P: PView); far; begin if Tileable(P) then begin Inc(CascadeNum); LastView := P; end; end; procedure DoCascade(P: PView); far; var NR: TRect; begin if Tileable(P) and (CascadeNum >= 0) then begin NR.Copy(R); Inc(NR.A.X, CascadeNum); Inc(NR.A.Y, CascadeNum); P^.Locate(NR); Dec(CascadeNum); end; end; begin CascadeNum := 0; ForEach(@DoCount); if CascadeNum > 0 then begin LastView^.SizeLimits(Min, Max); if (Min.X > R.B.X - R.A.X - CascadeNum) or (Min.Y > R.B.Y - R.A.Y - CascadeNum) then TileError else begin Dec(CascadeNum); Lock; ForEach(@DoCascade); Unlock; end; end; end; procedure TDesktop.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); begin TGroup.HandleEvent(Event); if Event.What = evCommand then begin case Event.Command of cmNext: FocusNext(False); cmPrev: if Valid(cmReleasedFocus) then Current^.PutInFrontOf(Background); else Exit; end; ClearEvent(Event); end; end; procedure TDesktop.InitBackground; var R: TRect; begin GetExtent(R); New(Background, Init(R, #176)); end; function ISqr(X: Integer): Integer; assembler; asm MOV CX,X MOV BX,0 @@1: INC BX MOV AX,BX IMUL AX CMP AX,CX JLE @@1 MOV AX,BX DEC AX end; procedure MostEqualDivisors(N: Integer; var X, Y: Integer; FavorY: Boolean); var I: Integer; begin I := ISqr(N); if ((N mod I) <> 0) then if (N mod (I+1)) = 0 then Inc(I); if I < (N div I) then I := N div I; if FavorY then begin X := N div I; Y := I; end else begin Y := N div I; X := I; end; end; procedure TDesktop.Store(var S: TStream); begin inherited Store(S); PutSubViewPtr(S, Background); S.Write(TileColumnsFirst, SizeOf(TileColumnsFirst)); end; procedure TDesktop.Tile(var R: TRect); var NumCols, NumRows, NumTileable, LeftOver, TileNum: Integer; procedure DoCountTileable(P: PView); far; begin if Tileable(P) then Inc(NumTileable); end; function DividerLoc(Lo, Hi, Num, Pos: Integer): Integer; begin DividerLoc := LongDiv(LongMul(Hi - Lo, Pos), Num) + Lo; end; procedure CalcTileRect(Pos: Integer; var NR: TRect); var X,Y,D: Integer; begin D := (NumCols - LeftOver) * NumRows; if Pos < D then begin X := Pos div NumRows; Y := Pos mod NumRows; end else begin X := (Pos - D) div (NumRows + 1) + (NumCols - LeftOver); Y := (Pos - D) mod (NumRows + 1); end; NR.A.X := DividerLoc(R.A.X, R.B.X, NumCols, X); NR.B.X := DividerLoc(R.A.X, R.B.X, NumCols, X+1); if Pos >= D then begin NR.A.Y := DividerLoc(R.A.Y, R.B.Y, NumRows+1, Y); NR.B.Y := DividerLoc(R.A.Y, R.B.Y, NumRows+1, Y+1); end else begin NR.A.Y := DividerLoc(R.A.Y, R.B.Y, NumRows, Y); NR.B.Y := DividerLoc(R.A.Y, R.B.Y, NumRows, Y+1); end; end; procedure DoTile(P: PView); far; var R: TRect; begin if Tileable(P) then begin CalcTileRect(TileNum, R); P^.Locate(R); Dec(TileNum); end; end; begin NumTileable := 0; ForEach(@DoCountTileable); if NumTileable > 0 then begin MostEqualDivisors(NumTileable, NumCols, NumRows, not TileColumnsFirst); if ((R.B.X - R.A.X) div NumCols = 0) or ((R.B.Y - R.A.Y) div NumRows = 0) then TileError else begin LeftOver := NumTileable mod NumCols; TileNum := NumTileable-1; Lock; ForEach(@DoTile); Unlock; end; end; end; procedure TDesktop.TileError; begin end; { TProgram } constructor TProgram.Init; var R: TRect; begin Application := @Self; InitScreen; R.Assign(0, 0, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight); TGroup.Init(R); State := sfVisible + sfSelected + sfFocused + sfModal + sfExposed; Options := 0; Buffer := ScreenBuffer; InitDesktop; InitStatusLine; InitMenuBar; if Desktop <> nil then Insert(Desktop); if StatusLine <> nil then Insert(StatusLine); if MenuBar <> nil then Insert(MenuBar); end; destructor TProgram.Done; begin if Desktop <> nil then Dispose(Desktop, Done); if MenuBar <> nil then Dispose(MenuBar, Done); if StatusLine <> nil then Dispose(StatusLine, Done); Application := nil; inherited Done; end; function TProgram.CanMoveFocus: Boolean; begin CanMoveFocus := Desktop^.Valid(cmReleasedFocus); end; function TProgram.ExecuteDialog(P: PDialog; Data: Pointer): Word; var C: Word; begin ExecuteDialog := cmCancel; if ValidView(P) <> nil then begin if Data <> nil then P^.SetData(Data^); C := Desktop^.ExecView(P); if (C <> cmCancel) and (Data <> nil) then P^.GetData(Data^); Dispose(P, Done); ExecuteDialog := C; end; end; procedure TProgram.GetEvent(var Event: TEvent); var R: TRect; function ContainsMouse(P: PView): Boolean; far; begin ContainsMouse := (P^.State and sfVisible <> 0) and P^.MouseInView(Event.Where); end; begin if Pending.What <> evNothing then begin Event := Pending; Pending.What := evNothing; end else begin GetMouseEvent(Event); if Event.What = evNothing then begin GetKeyEvent(Event); if Event.What = evNothing then Idle; end; end; if StatusLine <> nil then if (Event.What and evKeyDown <> 0) or (Event.What and evMouseDown <> 0) and (FirstThat(@ContainsMouse) = PView(StatusLine)) then StatusLine^.HandleEvent(Event); end; function TProgram.GetPalette: PPalette; const P: array[apColor..apMonochrome] of string[Length(CAppColor)] = (CAppColor, CAppBlackWhite, CAppMonochrome); begin GetPalette := @P[AppPalette]; end; procedure TProgram.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); var I: Word; C: Char; begin if Event.What = evKeyDown then begin C := GetAltChar(Event.KeyCode); if (C >= '1') and (C <= '9') then if Message(Desktop, evBroadCast, cmSelectWindowNum, Pointer(Byte(C) - $30)) <> nil then ClearEvent(Event); end; TGroup.HandleEvent(Event); if Event.What = evCommand then if Event.Command = cmQuit then begin EndModal(cmQuit); ClearEvent(Event); end; end; procedure TProgram.Idle; begin if StatusLine <> nil then StatusLine^.Update; if CommandSetChanged then begin Message(@Self, evBroadcast, cmCommandSetChanged, nil); CommandSetChanged := False; end; end; procedure TProgram.InitDesktop; var R: TRect; begin GetExtent(R); Inc(R.A.Y); Dec(R.B.Y); New(Desktop, Init(R)); end; procedure TProgram.InitMenuBar; var R: TRect; begin GetExtent(R); R.B.Y := R.A.Y + 1; MenuBar := New(PMenuBar, Init(R, nil)); end; procedure TProgram.InitScreen; begin if Lo(ScreenMode) <> smMono then begin if ScreenMode and smFont8x8 <> 0 then ShadowSize.X := 1 else ShadowSize.X := 2; ShadowSize.Y := 1; ShowMarkers := False; if Lo(ScreenMode) = smBW80 then AppPalette := apBlackWhite else AppPalette := apColor; end else begin ShadowSize.X := 0; ShadowSize.Y := 0; ShowMarkers := True; AppPalette := apMonochrome; end; end; procedure TProgram.InitStatusLine; var R: TRect; begin GetExtent(R); R.A.Y := R.B.Y - 1; New(StatusLine, Init(R, NewStatusDef(0, $FFFF, NewStatusKey('~Alt-X~ Exit', kbAltX, cmQuit, StdStatusKeys(nil)), nil))); end; function TProgram.InsertWindow(P: PWindow): PWindow; begin InsertWindow := nil; if ValidView(P) <> nil then if CanMoveFocus then begin Desktop^.Insert(P); InsertWindow := P; end else Dispose(P, Done); end; procedure TProgram.OutOfMemory; begin end; procedure TProgram.PutEvent(var Event: TEvent); begin Pending := Event; end; procedure TProgram.Run; begin Execute; end; procedure TProgram.SetScreenMode(Mode: Word); var R: TRect; begin HideMouse; SetVideoMode(Mode); DoneMemory; InitMemory; InitScreen; Buffer := ScreenBuffer; R.Assign(0, 0, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight); ChangeBounds(R); ShowMouse; end; function TProgram.ValidView(P: PView): PView; begin ValidView := nil; if P <> nil then begin if LowMemory then begin Dispose(P, Done); OutOfMemory; Exit; end; if not P^.Valid(cmValid) then begin Dispose(P, Done); Exit; end; ValidView := P; end; end; { TApplication } constructor TApplication.Init; begin InitMemory; InitVideo; InitEvents; InitSysError; InitHistory; TProgram.Init; end; destructor TApplication.Done; begin TProgram.Done; DoneHistory; DoneSysError; DoneEvents; DoneVideo; DoneMemory; end; procedure TApplication.Cascade; var R: TRect; begin GetTileRect(R); if Desktop <> nil then Desktop^.Cascade(R); end; procedure TApplication.DosShell; begin DoneSysError; DoneEvents; DoneVideo; DoneDosMem; WriteShellMsg; SwapVectors; Exec(GetEnv('COMSPEC'), ''); SwapVectors; InitDosMem; InitVideo; InitEvents; InitSysError; Redraw; end; procedure TApplication.GetTileRect(var R: TRect); begin Desktop^.GetExtent(R); end; procedure TApplication.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); begin inherited HandleEvent(Event); case Event.What of evCommand: begin case Event.Command of cmTile: Tile; cmCascade: Cascade; cmDosShell: DosShell; else Exit; end; ClearEvent(Event); end; end; end; procedure TApplication.Tile; var R: TRect; begin GetTileRect(R); if Desktop <> nil then Desktop^.Tile(R); end; procedure TApplication.WriteShellMsg; begin PrintStr('Type EXIT to return...'); end; { App registration procedure } procedure RegisterApp; begin RegisterType(RBackground); RegisterType(RDesktop); end; { Standard menus and status lines } function StdStatusKeys(Next: PStatusItem): PStatusItem; begin StdStatusKeys := NewStatusKey('', kbAltX, cmQuit, NewStatusKey('', kbF10, cmMenu, NewStatusKey('', kbAltF3, cmClose, NewStatusKey('', kbF5, cmZoom, NewStatusKey('', kbCtrlF5, cmResize, NewStatusKey('', kbF6, cmNext, NewStatusKey('', kbShiftF6, cmPrev, Next))))))); end; function StdFileMenuItems(Next: PMenuItem): PMenuItem; begin StdFileMenuItems := NewItem('~N~ew', '', kbNoKey, cmNew, hcNew, NewItem('~O~pen...', 'F3', kbF3, cmOpen, hcOpen, NewItem('~S~ave', 'F2', kbF2, cmSave, hcSave, NewItem('S~a~ve as...', '', kbNoKey, cmSaveAs, hcSaveAs, NewItem('Save a~l~l', '', kbNoKey, cmSaveAll, hcSaveAll, NewLine( NewItem('~C~hange dir...', '', kbNoKey, cmChangeDir, hcChangeDir, NewItem('~D~OS shell', '', kbNoKey, cmDosShell, hcDosShell, NewItem('E~x~it', 'Alt+X', kbAltX, cmQuit, hcExit, Next))))))))); end; function StdEditMenuItems(Next: PMenuItem): PMenuItem; begin StdEditMenuItems := NewItem('~U~ndo', '', kbAltBack, cmUndo, hcUndo, NewLine( NewItem('Cu~t~', 'Shift+Del', kbShiftDel, cmCut, hcCut, NewItem('~C~opy', 'Ctrl+Ins', kbCtrlIns, cmCopy, hcCopy, NewItem('~P~aste', 'Shift+Ins', kbShiftIns, cmPaste, hcPaste, NewItem('C~l~ear', 'Ctrl+Del', kbCtrlDel, cmClear, hcClear, Next)))))); end; function StdWindowMenuItems(Next: PMenuItem): PMenuItem; begin StdWindowMenuItems := NewItem('~T~ile', '', kbNoKey, cmTile, hcTile, NewItem('C~a~scade', '', kbNoKey, cmCascade, hcCascade, NewItem('Cl~o~se all', '', kbNoKey, cmCloseAll, hcCloseAll, NewLine( NewItem('~S~ize/Move','Ctrl+F5', kbCtrlF5, cmResize, hcResize, NewItem('~Z~oom', 'F5', kbF5, cmZoom, hcZoom, NewItem('~N~ext', 'F6', kbF6, cmNext, hcNext, NewItem('~P~revious', 'Shift+F6', kbShiftF6, cmPrev, hcPrev, NewItem('~C~lose', 'Alt+F3', kbAltF3, cmClose, hcClose, Next))))))))); end; end.