{************************************************} { } { ObjectWindows Paint demo } { Copyright (c) 1992 by Borland International } { } {************************************************} unit Bitmaps; { This unit augments the HBitmap type by implementing load and store of the bitmap to a file. Presently operates only on Windows format for bitmaps. } {$S-,R-} interface uses WinTypes, WinProcs; { Read a bitmap from file (full pathname). Returns 0 if error or HBitmap. } function LoadBitmapFile(FileName: PChar): HBitmap; { Write a bitmap to file (full pathname). Returns 0 if error else non-zero. } function StoreBitmapFile(FileName: PChar; HBM: HBitmap): Integer; implementation procedure AHIncr; far; external 'KERNEL' index 114; const OneIO = 32768; { Number bytes handled per huge IO operation } BMType = $4D42; { = 'BM' } type PtrRec = record Lo, Hi: Word end; IOFunction = function(FP: integer; Buf: PChar; Size: Integer): Word; { Perform IO operation in chunks to avoid memory segment crossings. Returns 0 if error else non-zero. } function HugeIO(IOFunc: IOFunction; F: Integer; P: Pointer; Size: Longint) : Word; var L, N: Longint; { L maintains total bytes } begin { N maintains bytes for current pass } HugeIO := 1; L := 0; while L < Size do begin N := Size - L; if N > OneIO then N := OneIO; if IOFunc(F, { Compute the segment and offset reached. The Hi word of P contains the initial segment. Think of the following as performing arithmetic modulo segment-size, since the size of a segment fills one word: The Hi word of L contains the number of segments crossed (the size of one segment fills the Lo word, so Hi word will roll over as segments are filled). Multiply by Ofs(AHIncr) to obtain the number used to indicate this number of segments. The Lo word of L contains the number of bytes already passed in the present segment. } Ptr(PtrRec(P).Hi + PtrRec(L).Hi * Ofs(AHIncr), PtrRec(L).Lo), Integer(N)) { Guaranteed to be in Integer range } <> N then begin HugeIO := 0; Exit; { abnormal termination } end; Inc(L, N); end; end; function _LFileSize(F : integer) : longint; {- an equivalent to TP's FileSize() function } var CurPos : longint; begin CurPos := _llseek(F,0,1); _LFileSize := _llseek(F,0,2); _llseek(F,CurPos,0); end; { Read a bitmap from file (full pathname). Returns 0 if error or HBitmap. } function LoadBitmapFile(FileName: PChar): HBitmap; var F: Integer; { File Handle for Windows file functions } H: THandle; { Handle to memory for bitmap } DC: HDC; { Drawing context for application } Size, N: Longint; { Size of bitmap, Size of color spec } P: PBitmapInfo; { Windows bitmap format info header } Header: TBitmapFileHeader; { Bitmap file header } begin LoadBitmapFile := 0; F := _LOpen(FileName, of_Read); if F = -1 then Exit; { read in the Bitmap file header } if (_LRead(F, @Header, SizeOf(Header)) <> SizeOf(Header)) or (Header.bfType <> BMType) then begin _LClose(F); Exit; end; { read the rest of the file } Size := _LFileSize(F) - SizeOf(TBitmapFileHeader); H := GlobalAlloc(gmem_Moveable, Size); { Allocate the memory } if H = 0 then begin _LClose(F); Exit; end; P := GlobalLock(H); { Lock it down } if (HugeIO(_LRead, F, P, Size) <> 0) and (P^.bmiHeader.biSize = SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader)) then begin { Compute the offset from the beginning of P^ } { where the actual image begins } N := Header.bfOffBits - SizeOf(TBitmapFileHeader); { actually create the Bitmap } DC := GetDC(0); LoadBitmapFile := CreateDIBitmap(DC, P^.bmiHeader, cbm_Init, Ptr(PtrRec(P).Hi,N),P^, dib_RGB_Colors); { clean up } ReleaseDC(0, DC); end; GlobalUnlock(H); GlobalFree(H); _LClose(F); end; { Write a bitmap to file (full pathname). Returns 0 if error else non-zero. } function StoreBitmapFile(FileName: PChar; HBM: HBitmap): Integer; var BM: TBitmap; { Bitmap information } BFH: TBitmapFileHeader; { Bitmap file information } BIP: PBitmapInfo; { Part of bitmap file information } DC: HDC; { Drawing context } HMem: THandle; { Handle to memory for bitmap } Buf: Pointer; { Memory for bitmap } ColorSize, DataSize: Longint; { Size needed to store Color/Data } BitCount: Word; { Number of bits per pixel } FP: Integer; { File } { Takes the size in bits and returns the (aligned) size in bytes. Bitmap data format requires word alignment. } function bmAlignDouble(Size: Longint): Longint; begin bmAlignDouble := (Size + 31) div 32 * 4; end; begin StoreBitmapFile := 0; { Get the information about the Bitmap } if GetObject(HBM, SizeOf(TBitmap), @BM) = 0 then Exit; BitCount := bm.bmPlanes * bm.bmBitsPixel; if (BitCount <> 24) then ColorSize := SizeOf(TRGBQuad) * (1 shl BitCount) else ColorSize := 0; DataSize := bmAlignDouble(bm.bmWidth * BitCount) * bm.bmHeight; { Create the file } FP := _lcreat(FileName, 0); if FP = -1 then Exit; { Allocate memory for the bitmap info structure } GetMem(BIP, SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader) + ColorSize); if BIP <> nil then begin { Fill in the Bitmap info header } with BIP^.bmiHeader do begin biSize := SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader); biWidth := bm.bmWidth; biHeight := bm.bmHeight; biPlanes := 1; biBitCount := BitCount; biCompression := 0; biSizeImage := DataSize; biXPelsPerMeter := 0; biYPelsPerMeter := 0; biClrUsed := 0; biClrImportant := 0; end; { Fill in the file header } with BFH do begin bfOffBits := SizeOf(BFH) + SizeOf(TBitmapInfo) + ColorSize; bfReserved1 := 0; bfReserved2 := 0; bfSize := bfOffBits + DataSize; bfType := BMType; end; { Create the memory Bitmap } HMem := GlobalAlloc(gmem_Fixed, DataSize); if HMem <> 0 then begin Buf := GlobalLock(HMem); { Get the bitmap bits in device independent format } DC := GetDC(0); if GetDIBits(DC, hbm, 0, bm.bmHeight, Buf, BIP^, dib_RGB_Colors) <> 0 then begin ReleaseDC(0, DC); { Write to file } _lwrite(FP, @BFH, SizeOf(BFH)); _lwrite(FP, PChar(BIP), SizeOf(TBitmapInfo) + ColorSize); HugeIO(_lwrite, FP, Buf, DataSize); StoreBitmapFile := 1; end; { Clean up } GlobalUnlock(HMem); GlobalFree(HMem); end; FreeMem(BIP, SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader) + ColorSize); end; _lclose(FP); end; end.