{************************************************} { } { Turbo Vision File Manager Demo } { Copyright (c) 1992 by Borland International } { } {************************************************} {$X+} {$V-} uses Drivers, Objects, App, Views, Dialogs, Menus, StdDlg, MsgBox, HistList, ColorSel; const AddToWin = #64#65#66#67#68#69#70#71#72#73#74#75#76#77#78#79 + #80#81#82#83#84#85#86#87#88#89#90#91#92#93#94#95 + #96#97#98#99#100#101#102#103#104#105#106#107#108#109#110#111 + #112#113#114#115#116#117#118#119#120#121#122#123#124#125#126#127; AppPal : String[Length(CColor) * 2] = CColor + CColor; WinPal : String[Length(CDialog) + 64] = CDialog + AddToWin; GrpPal : String[64] = #33#34#35#36#37#38#39#40#41#42#43#44#45#46#47#48 + #49#50#51#52#53#54#55#56#57#58#59#60#61#62#63#64 + #65#66#67#68#69#70#71#72#73#74#75#76#77#78#79#80 + #81#82#83#84#85#86#87#88#89#90#91#92#93#94#95#96; cmNothing = 100; cmInActive = 101; { Change the current palette entry } cmBack = 110; cmFore = 111; { Commands to insert new windows and controls } cmBWindow = 200; cmCWindow = 201; cmGWindow = 202; cmDListBox = 204; { Dialog with TListBox } cmDClusters = 205; cmDInputs = 206; cmRefresh = 120; cmNewColor = 121; cmSavePalette = 130; cmOpenPalette = 131; cmShowDialog = 132; type PPalApp = ^TPalApp; TPalApp = object(TApplication) function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual; procedure InitStatusLine; virtual; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; end; PWorkWindow = ^TWorkWindow; TWorkWindow = object(TDialog) ListBox: PListBox; ForSel: PColorSelector; BackSel: PColorSelector; function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; end; ColorWindowType = (wcBlue, wcCyan, wcGray); PColorWindow = ^TColorWindow; TColorWindow = object(TWindow) ThePalette: PPalette; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; ATitle: TTitleStr; APalette: PPalette); function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual; end; PWorkDesktop = ^TWorkDesktop; TWorkDesktop = object(TDesktop) procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; end; PWorkGroup = ^TWorkGroup; TWorkGroup = object(TGroup) DT: PWorkDeskTop; MB: PMenuBar; SL: PStatusLine; function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; end; PTextCollection = ^TTextCollection; TTextCollection = object(TCollection) procedure FreeItem(Item: Pointer); virtual; end; PPaletteList = ^TPaletteList; TPaletteList = object(TListBox) procedure FocusItem(Item: Integer); virtual; end; PWinInterior = ^TWinInterior; TWinInterior = object(TScroller) Lines: PCollection; procedure Draw; virtual; destructor Done; virtual; end; const CurrentPalette : FNameStr = ''; isDirty: Boolean = False; WindowPalettes: array[ColorWindowType] of TPalette = (CBlueWindow, CCyanWindow, CGrayWindow); { TColorWindow } constructor TColorWindow.Init(var Bounds: TRect; ATitle: TTitleStr; APalette: PPalette); begin inherited Init(Bounds, ATitle, wnNoNumber); ThePalette := APalette; end; function TColorWindow.GetPalette: PPalette; begin GetPalette := ThePalette; end; { TWinInterior } procedure TWinInterior.Draw; var B: TDrawBuffer; C: Byte; I: Integer; S: String; P: PString; begin for I := 0 to Size.Y - 1 do begin if (Delta.Y + I) = 1 then C := GetColor(2) else C := GetColor(1); MoveChar(B, ' ', C, Size.X); if Delta.Y + I < Lines^.Count then begin P := Lines^.At(Delta.Y + I); if P <> nil then S := Copy(P^, Delta.X + 1, Size.X) else S := ''; MoveStr(B, S, C); end; WriteLine(0, I, Size.X, 1, B); end; end; destructor TWinInterior.Done; begin if Lines <> nil then Dispose(Lines, Done); inherited Done; end; procedure SavePalette; var S: TBufStream; Desc: String; D: PFileDialog; C: Word; begin if CurrentPalette = '' then begin D := New(PFileDialog, Init('*.PAL', 'Save As', '~N~ame', fdOKButton, 100)); if Desktop^.ExecView(D) <> cmCancel then D^.GetFileName(CurrentPalette); Dispose(D, Done); end; if CurrentPalette = '' then Exit; S.Init(CurrentPalette, stCreate, 1024); if S.Status <> stOK then Exit; S.Write(AppPal[64], 64); S.Done; end; procedure OpenPalette; var S: TBufStream; Desc: String; D: PFileDialog; C: Word; begin D := New(PFileDialog, Init('*.PAL', 'Open Palette', '~N~ame', fdOKButton, 100)); if Desktop^.ExecView(D) <> cmCancel then D^.GetFileName(CurrentPalette); Dispose(D, Done); if CurrentPalette = '' then Exit; S.Init(CurrentPalette, stOpenRead, 1024); if S.Status <> stOK then Exit; S.Read(AppPal[64], 64); S.Done; Message(Desktop, evBroadcast, cmRefresh, nil); end; procedure NoBuf(var Options: Word); begin Options := Options and (not ofBuffered); end; function NewTextCollection: PTextCollection; var C: PTextCollection; begin C := New(PTextCollection, Init(10,0)); with C^ do begin Insert(NewStr('This is line 1 of 10')); Insert(NewStr('This line is selected')); Insert(NewStr('This line is normal')); Insert(NewStr('This is line 4 of 10')); Insert(NewStr('This is line 5 of 10')); Insert(NewStr('This is line 6 of 10')); Insert(NewStr('This is line 7 of 10')); Insert(NewStr('This is line 8 of 10')); Insert(NewStr('This is line 9 of 10')); Insert(NewStr('This is line 10 of 10')); end; NewTextCollection := C; end; function NewWinInterior(var R: TRect; SB: PScrollBar): PWinInterior; var Interior: PWinInterior; begin Interior := New(PWinInterior, Init(R, nil, SB)); Interior^.Lines := NewTextCollection; Interior^.SetLimit(0,10); Interior^.GrowMode := gfGrowHiX + gfGrowHiY; NewWinInterior := Interior; end; function NewWindow(wType: ColorWindowType; ATitle: TTitleStr): PWindow; var W: PWindow; R: TRect; SB: PScrollBar; begin R.Assign(0,0,23,7); W := New(PColorWindow, Init(R, ATitle, @WindowPalettes[wType])); with W^ do begin NoBuf(Options); SB := StandardScrollBar(sbVertical); Insert(SB); GetExtent(R); R.Grow(-1,-1); Insert(NewWinInterior(R,SB)); end; NewWindow := W; end; function NewClusterDialog: PDialog; var D: PDialog; R: TRect; P: PView; begin R.Assign(0,0,30,14); D := New(PDialog, Init(R, 'Clusters')); with D^ do begin Options := Options or ofCentered; NoBuf(Options); R.Assign(2,2,15,5); P := New(PCheckBoxes, Init(R, NewSItem('Check ~1~', NewSItem('Check ~2~', NewSItem('Check ~3~', nil))))); Insert(P); R.Assign(1,1,15,2); Insert(New(PLabel, Init(R, '~C~heck Boxes', P))); R.Assign(2,7,15,10); P := New(PRadioButtons, Init(R, NewSItem('Radio ~X~', NewSItem('Radio ~Y~', NewSItem('Radio ~Z~', nil))))); Insert(P); R.Assign(1,6,15,7); Insert(New(PLabel, Init(R, '~R~adio Buttons', P))); R.Assign(16,2,28,4); Insert(New(PButton, Init(R, '~D~efault', cmNothing, bfDefault))); R.Move(0,2); Insert(New(PButton, Init(R, '~N~ormal', cmNothing, bfNormal))); R.Move(0,2); Insert(New(PButton, Init(R, 'D~i~sabled', cmInactive, bfNormal))); R.Assign(2,11,28,12); Insert(New(PStaticText, Init(R, 'This is static text'))); end; NewClusterDialog := D; end; function NewInputDialog: PDialog; var D: PDialog; R: TRect; P: PView; H: PHistory; begin R.Assign(0,0,39,8); D := New(PDialog, Init(R, 'InputLine')); with D^ do begin NoBuf(Options); R.Assign(2,3,25,4); P := New(PInputLine, Init(R, 80)); Insert(P); R.Assign(1,2,28,3); Insert(New(PLabel, Init(R, '~I~nput Line', P))); R.Assign(25,3,28,4); H := New(PHistory, Init(R, PInputLine(P), 100)); NoBuf(H^.Options); Insert(H); R.Assign(1,5,11,7); Insert(New(PButton, Init(R, '~D~efault', cmNothing, bfDefault))); R.Move(11,0); Insert(New(PButton, Init(R, '~N~ormal', cmNothing, bfNormal))); R.Move(11,0); Insert(New(PButton, Init(R, 'D~i~sabled', cmInactive, bfNormal))); SelectNext(False); end; NewInputDialog := D; end; function NewListBoxList: PTextCollection; var C: PTextCollection; begin C := New(PTextCollection, Init(10,0)); with C^ do begin Insert(NewStr('Apple')); Insert(NewStr('Orange')); Insert(NewStr('Banana')); Insert(NewStr('Grape')); Insert(NewStr('Peach')); Insert(NewStr('Mango')); Insert(NewStr('Lemon')); Insert(NewStr('Lime')); Insert(NewStr('Raisin')); end; NewListBoxList := C; end; function NewListBoxDialog: PDialog; var D: PDialog; R: TRect; P: PView; SB: PScrollBar; C: PTextCollection; begin R.Assign(0,0,30,15); D := New(PDialog, Init(R, 'ListBox')); with D^ do begin NoBuf(Options); R.Assign(27,2,28,8); SB := New(PScrollBar, Init(R)); Insert(SB); R.Assign(2,2,27,8); P := New(PListBox, Init(R, 2, SB)); PListBox(P)^.NewList(NewListBoxList); Insert(P); R.Assign(1,1,15,2); Insert(New(PLabel, Init(R, '~L~ist Box', P))); R.Assign(2,9,14,11); Insert(New(PButton, Init(R, '~D~efault', cmNothing, bfDefault))); end; NewListBoxDialog := D; end; procedure TWorkDesktop.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); var D: PFileDialog; begin inherited HandleEvent(Event); if Event.What = evCommand then begin case Event.Command of cmCWindow: Insert(NewWindow(wcCyan, 'Cyan Window')); cmBWindow: Insert(NewWindow(wcBlue, 'Blue Window')); cmGWindow: Insert(NewWindow(wcGray, 'Gray Window')); cmDClusters: Insert(NewClusterDialog); cmDInputs: Insert(NewInputDialog); cmDListBox: Insert(NewListBoxDialog); else Exit; end; ClearEvent(Event); end; end; procedure TTextCollection.FreeItem(Item: pointer); begin if Item <> nil then DisposeStr(Item); end; function TPalApp.GetPalette: PPalette; begin GetPalette := @AppPal; end; function TWorkWindow.GetPalette: PPalette; begin GetPalette := @WinPal; end; function TWorkGroup.GetPalette: PPalette; begin GetPalette := @GrpPal; end; procedure TWorkGroup.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); begin inherited HandleEvent(Event); if (Event.What = evBroadcast) and (Event.Command = cmRefresh) then begin DT^.ReDraw; MB^.DrawView; SL^.DrawView; end; end; function PaletteNames: PTextCollection; var C: PTextCollection; begin C := New(PTextCollection, Init(64,0)); with C^ do begin Insert(NewStr('Background')); Insert(NewStr('Normal text')); Insert(NewStr('Disabled text')); Insert(NewStr('Shortcut text')); Insert(NewStr('Normal selection')); Insert(NewStr('Disabled selection')); Insert(NewStr('Shortcut selection')); Insert(NewStr('Frame Passive (Blue)')); Insert(NewStr('Frame Active (Blue)')); Insert(NewStr('Frame Icon (Blue)')); Insert(NewStr('Scrollbar Page (Blue)')); Insert(NewStr('Scrollbar Reserved (Blue)')); Insert(NewStr('Scroller Normal Text (Blue)')); Insert(NewStr('Scroller Selected Text (Blue)')); Insert(NewStr('Reserved (Blue)')); Insert(NewStr('Frame Passive (Cyan)')); Insert(NewStr('Frame Active (Cyan)')); Insert(NewStr('Frame Icon (Cyan)')); Insert(NewStr('Scrollbar Page (Cyan)')); Insert(NewStr('Scrollbar Reserved (Cyan)')); Insert(NewStr('Scroller Normal Text (Cyan)')); Insert(NewStr('Scroller Selected Text (Cyan)')); Insert(NewStr('Reserved (Cyan)')); Insert(NewStr('Frame Passive (Gray)')); Insert(NewStr('Frame Active (Gray)')); Insert(NewStr('Frame Icon (Gray)')); Insert(NewStr('Scrollbar Page (Gray)')); Insert(NewStr('Scrollbar Reserved (Gray)')); Insert(NewStr('Scroller Normal Text (Gray)')); Insert(NewStr('Scroller Selected Text (Gray)')); Insert(NewStr('Reserved (Gray)')); Insert(NewStr('Frame Passive (Dlg)')); Insert(NewStr('Frame Active (Dlg)')); Insert(NewStr('Frame Icon (Dlg)')); Insert(NewStr('Scrollbar Page (Dlg)')); Insert(NewStr('Scrollbar Controls (Dlg)')); Insert(NewStr('Static Text')); Insert(NewStr('Label Normal')); Insert(NewStr('Label Highlight')); Insert(NewStr('Label Shortcut')); Insert(NewStr('Button Normal')); Insert(NewStr('Button Default')); Insert(NewStr('Button Selected')); Insert(NewStr('Button Disabled')); Insert(NewStr('Button Shortcut')); Insert(NewStr('Button Shadow')); Insert(NewStr('Cluster Normal')); Insert(NewStr('Cluster Selected')); Insert(NewStr('Cluster Shortcut')); Insert(NewStr('Inputline Normal')); Insert(NewStr('Inputline Selected')); Insert(NewStr('Inputline Arrows')); Insert(NewStr('History Arrow')); Insert(NewStr('History Sides')); Insert(NewStr('Scrollbar page (Hist)')); Insert(NewStr('Scrollbar controls (Hist)')); Insert(NewStr('Listviewer Normal')); Insert(NewStr('Listviewer Focused')); Insert(NewStr('Listviewer Selected')); Insert(NewStr('Listviewer Divider')); Insert(NewStr('InfoPane')); Insert(NewStr('Reserved')); Insert(NewStr('Reserved')); end; PaletteNames := C; end; procedure TPaletteList.FocusItem(Item: Integer); var B: Byte; begin inherited FocusItem(Item); B := Byte( AppPal[64 + Item] ); Message(Owner, evBroadcast, cmNewColor, Pointer(B)); Message(Owner, evBroadcast, cmColorSet, Pointer(B)); end; procedure TWorkWindow.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); var B, B2: Byte; begin inherited HandleEvent(Event); if Event.What = evBroadcast then begin case Event.Command of cmColorBackgroundChanged: begin B := Byte( AppPal[ListBox^.Focused + 64] ); B := (B and $0F) or (Event.InfoByte shl 4 and $F0); end; cmColorForegroundChanged: begin B := Byte( AppPal[ListBox^.Focused + 64] ); B := (B and $F0) or (Event.InfoByte and $0F); end; else Exit; end; AppPal[ListBox^.Focused + 64] := Char(B); Message(Desktop, evBroadcast, cmRefresh, Pointer(B)); Message(@Self, evBroadcast, cmNewColor, Pointer(B)); ClearEvent(Event); end; end; procedure ShowDialog; var R: TRect; W: PWorkWindow; G: PWorkGroup; P: PView; SB: PScrollBar; begin Desktop^.GetExtent(R); R.A.X := R.B.X - 75; Dec(R.B.Y,2); W := New(PWorkWindow, Init(R, 'Color Selection')); with W^ do begin Options := Options or ofCentered; EventMask := EventMask or evBroadcast; R.Assign(35,2,36,12); SB := New(PScrollBar, Init(R)); Insert(SB); R.Assign(1,2,35,12); ListBox := New(PPaletteList, Init(R, 1, SB)); Insert(ListBox); ListBox^.NewList(PaletteNames); Dec(R.A.Y); R.B.Y := R.A.Y+1; Insert(New(PLabel, Init(R, '~I~tems', ListBox))); R.Assign(3, 13, 15, 17); ForSel := New(PColorSelector, Init(R, csForeground)); Insert(ForSel); Dec(R.A.Y); R.B.Y := R.A.Y+1; Insert(New(PLabel, Init(R, '~F~oreground', ForSel))); R.Assign(18, 13, 30, 15); BackSel := New(PColorSelector, Init(R, csBackground)); Insert(BackSel); Dec(R.A.Y); R.B.Y := R.A.Y+1; Insert(New(PLabel, Init(R, '~B~ackground', BackSel))); R.Assign(1,18,13,20); Insert(New(PButton, Init(R, '~O~K', cmOK, bfNormal))); GetExtent(R); R.Grow(-1,-1); R.A.X := R.B.X - 36; G := New(PWorkGroup, Init(R)); Insert(G); with G^ do begin GrowMode := gfGrowHiX + gfGrowHiY; Options := Options or ofFramed; GetExtent(R); R.Grow(0,-1); DT := New(PWorkDesktop, Init(R)); DT^.Options := DT^.Options and (not ofBuffered); Insert(DT); GetExtent(R); R.A.Y := R.B.Y - 1; SL := New(PStatusLine, Init(R, NewStatusDef(0, 0, NewStatusKey('~F1~ Active', 0, cmNothing, NewStatusKey('~F2~ Inactive', 0, cmInactive, nil)), nil))); Insert(SL); GetExtent(R); R.B.Y := R.A.Y + 1; MB := New(PMenuBar, Init(R, NewMenu( NewSubMenu('Fi~l~e', 0, NewMenu( NewItem('~A~ctive', 'F1', 0, cmNothing, 0, NewItem('~I~nactive', 'F2', 0, cmInactive, 0, nil))), NewSubMenu('~V~iews', 0, NewMenu( NewSubMenu('~W~indows...', 0, NewMenu( NewItem('~B~lue Window', '', 0, cmBWindow, 0, NewItem('~C~yan Window', '', 0, cmCWindow, 0, NewItem('~G~ray Window', '', 0, cmGWindow, 0, nil)))), NewSubMenu('~D~ialogs', 0, NewMenu( NewItem('Dialog with TClusters','', 0, cmDClusters, 0, NewItem('Dialog with TInputLine','', 0, cmDInputs, 0, NewItem('Dialog with TListBox','', 0, cmDListBox, 0, nil)))), nil))), nil))))); Insert(MB); end; ListBox^.FocusItem(ListBox^.Focused); SelectNext(False); end; Desktop^.ExecView(W); Dispose(W, Done); end; procedure TPalApp.InitStatusLine; var R: TRect; begin GetExtent(R); R.A.Y := R.B.Y - 1; StatusLine := New(PStatusLine, Init(R, NewStatusDef(0, $FFFF, NewStatusKey('~Alt-X~ Exit', kbAltX, cmQuit, NewStatusKey('~F2~ Save', kbF2, cmSavePalette, NewStatusKey('~F3~ Open', kbF3, cmOpenPalette, NewStatusKey('~F9~ Edit', kbF9, cmShowDialog, NewStatusKey('', kbF6, cmNext, nil))))), nil) )); end; procedure TPalApp.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); begin inherited HandleEvent(Event); if (Event.What = evCommand) and (Event.Command = cmSavePalette) then SavePalette; if (Event.What = evCommand) and (Event.Command = cmOpenPalette) then OpenPalette; if (Event.What = evCommand) and (Event.Command = cmShowDialog) then ShowDialog; end; var A: TPalApp; begin A.Init; A.DisableCommands([cmInactive]); A.Run; A.Done; end.