{************************************************} { } { Turbo Vision Demo } { Copyright (c) 1990 by Borland International } { } {************************************************} unit ASCIITab; {$F+,O+,X+,S-,D-} { Ascii table viewer. See TVDEMO.PAS for an example program that uses this unit. } interface uses Objects, App, Views, Drivers; type PTable = ^TTable; TTable = object(TView) procedure Draw; virtual; procedure HandleEvent(var Event:TEvent); virtual; end; PReport = ^TReport; TReport = object(TView) ASCIIChar: LongInt; constructor Load(var S: TStream); procedure Draw; virtual; procedure HandleEvent(var Event:TEvent); virtual; procedure Store(var S: TStream); end; PASCIIChart = ^TASCIIChart; TASCIIChart = object(TWindow) constructor Init; end; const AsciiTableCommandBase: Word = 910; RTable: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 10030; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TTable)^); Load: @TTable.Load; Store: @TTable.Store ); RReport: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 10031; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TReport)^); Load: @TReport.Load; Store: @TReport.Store ); RASCIIChart: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 10032; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TASCIIChart)^); Load: @TASCIIChart.Load; Store: @TASCIIChart.Store ); procedure RegisterASCIITab; implementation const cmCharacterFocused = 0; procedure TTable.Draw; var Buf: TDrawBuffer; X, Y: Integer; Color: Byte; begin Color := GetColor(6); for Y := 0 to Size.Y - 1 do begin MoveChar(Buf, ' ', Color, Size.X); for X := 0 to Size.X - 1 do MoveChar(Buf[x], Chr(32 * y + x), Color, 1); WriteLine(0, y, Size.X, 1, Buf); end; ShowCursor; end; procedure TTable.HandleEvent(var Event:TEvent); var CurrentSpot: TPoint; procedure CharFocused; begin Message(Owner, evBroadcast, AsciiTableCommandBase + cmCharacterFocused, Pointer(Cursor.X + 32 * Cursor.Y)); end; begin inherited HandleEvent(Event); if Event.What = evMouseDown then begin repeat if MouseInView(Event.Where) then begin MakeLocal(Event.Where, CurrentSpot); SetCursor(CurrentSpot.X, CurrentSpot.Y); CharFocused; end; until not MouseEvent(Event, evMouseMove); ClearEvent(Event); end else if Event.What = evKeyDown then with Cursor do begin case Event.KeyCode of kbHome: SetCursor(0,0); kbEnd: SetCursor(Size.X - 1, Size.Y - 1); kbUp: if Y > 0 then SetCursor(X, Y - 1); kbDown: if Y < Size.Y - 1 then SetCursor(X, Y + 1); kbLeft: if X > 0 then SetCursor(X - 1, Y); kbRight: if X < Size.X - 1 then SetCursor(X + 1, Y); else SetCursor(ord(Event.CharCode) mod 32, ord(Event.CharCode) div 32); end; CharFocused; ClearEvent(Event); end; end; { TReport } constructor TReport.Load(var S: TStream); begin inherited Load(S); S.Read(ASCIIChar, SizeOf(ASCIIChar)); end; procedure TReport.Draw; var Ch: LongInt; Color: Byte; Buf: TDrawBuffer; TempStr: string; begin FormatStr(TempStr, ' Char: %c Decimal: %0#%3d Hex: %0#%02x ', ASCIIChar); WriteStr(0, 0, TempStr, 6); end; procedure TReport.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); var Table: PTable; begin inherited HandleEvent(Event); if Event.What = evBroadcast then if Event.Command = AsciiTableCommandBase + cmCharacterFocused then begin ASCIIChar := Event.InfoLong; DrawView; end; end; procedure TReport.Store(var S: TStream); begin inherited Store(S); S.Write(ASCIIChar, SizeOf(ASCIIChar)); end; constructor TASCIIChart.Init; var R: TRect; Control: PVIew; begin R.Assign(0, 0, 34, 12); TWindow.Init(R, 'ASCII Chart', wnNoNumber); Flags := Flags and not (wfGrow + wfZoom); Palette := wpGrayWindow; R.Grow(-1,-1); R.A.Y := R.B.Y - 1; Control := New(PReport, Init(R)); with Control^ do begin Options := Options or ofFramed; EventMask := EventMask or evBroadcast; end; Insert(Control); GetExtent(R); R.Grow(-1,-1); R.B.Y := R.B.Y - 2; Control := New(PTable, Init(R)); with Control^ do begin Options := Options or ofFramed or ofSelectable; BlockCursor; end; Insert(Control); Control^.Select; end; procedure RegisterASCIITab; begin RegisterType(RTable); RegisterType(RReport); RegisterType(RASCIIChart); end; end.