#### OPC FILE VERSION 10 -- WARNING -- VERY DELICATE FILE SYNTAX #### ; ; Last saved date: 5/12/2000 ; Custom OPC Data Template ; [SAFE, ACCESS94, ACCESS94RT] "Microsoft Access 2.0." ; WINDIR\msacc20.ini [RISKY, ACCESS94, ACCESS94RT] "Microsoft Access 2.0." ; ACCESS94DIR\system.mda [RISKY, CUSTOMDIC94] "Custom dictionary used by Microsoft Office 4.x." ; MSAPPS94DIR\proof\custom.dic ; WIN.INI, MS Proofing Tools, Custom Dict 1 [RISKY, MSQUERY94] "Microsoft Office 4.x Query." ; SYSMENUPROGRAMSDIR\microsoft office\microsoft query.lnk [RISKY, SYSTEM94] "Microsoft Office." ; SYSDIR\ctl3d.dll ; SYSDIR\odbcinst.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\ttembed.dll ; WINDIR\odbc.ini ; WINDIR\odbcinst.ini [RISKY, WORD94] "Word 6.0." ; WORD94DIR\winword.opt ; WINDIR\winword6.ini [SAFE, ACCESS95] "Microsoft Access 95." ; HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Access\7.0 [RISKY, ACCESS95] "Microsoft Access 95." ; HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Access\7.0 ; ACCESS95DIR\system.mdw ; ACCESS95DIR\system1x.mdw ; ACCESS95DIR\system70.mdw [RISKY, BOOKS95] "Microsoft Office 95 Bookshelf." ; WINDIR\bshelf95.ini ; HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ReferenceTitles\Bookshelf ; HKCU\Software\Microsoft\BSHELF95 [RISKY, CUSTOMDIC95] "Custom dictionary used by Microsoft Office 95." ; HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools\Custom Dictionaries ; MSAPPS9XDIR\proof\custom.dic [RISKY, DAO95] "Data Access Object file." ; Uncomment if you want to remove this shared component ; MSAPPS9XDIR\dao\mscreate.dir ; \dao\dao.aw ; \dao\dao.cnt ; \dao\dao.ftg ; \dao\dao.fts ; \dao\dao.gid ; \dao\dao.hlp ; \dao\dao2532.tlb ; \dao\dao3032.dll ; HKCR\CLSID\{00025E15-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} ; HKCR\CLSID\{00025E19-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} ; HKCR\CLSID\{00025E43-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} ; HKCR\CLSID\{00025E4C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} ; HKCR\CLSID\{00025E55-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} ; HKCR\CLSID\{00025E5F-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} ; HKCR\CLSID\{00025E68-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} ; HKCR\CLSID\{00025E7A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} ; HKCR\CLSID\{00025E8B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} ; HKCR\DAO.DBEngine ; HKCR\DAO.Field ; HKCR\DAO.Group ; HKCR\DAO.Index ; HKCR\DAO.PrivateDBEngine ; HKCR\DAO.QueryDef ; HKCR\DAO.Relation ; HKCR\DAO.TableDef ; HKCR\DAO.User ; HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\DAO [RISKY, EXCEL95] "Microsoft Excel 95." ; EXCEL95DIR\xlstart\xl5galry.xls [RISKY, OFFICEACL95] "Microsoft Office 95." ; HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\AutoCorrect ; WINDIR\msoffice.acl [RISKY, SYSTEM95] "Microsoft Office." ; HKLM\Software\ODBC "Core file" ; SYSDIR\12520437.cpx "Core file" ; SYSDIR\12520850.cpx "Core file" ; SYSDIR\commtb32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\ctl3dv2.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\dbnmpntw.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\docobj.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\drvssrvr.ftg "Core file" ; SYSDIR\drvssrvr.fts "Core file" ; SYSDIR\drvssrvr.gid "Core file" ; SYSDIR\drvssrvr.hlp "Core file" ; SYSDIR\ds16gt.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\ds32gt.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\hlp95en.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\imxgrd32.ocx "Core file" ; SYSDIR\mscpxl32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\msjetsql.tlb "Core file" ; SYSDIR\msjint32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\msjt3032.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\msjter32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\msrd2x32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\mstx3032.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\msxl3032.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbc16gt.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbc32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbc32gt.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbccp32.cpl "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbccp32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbccr32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbcint.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbcjet.hlp "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbcjet.gid "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbcjet.fts "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbcjet.ftg "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbcji32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbcjt32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbcjtnw.hlp "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbcjtnw.gid "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbcjtnw.fts "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbcjtnw.ftg "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbctl32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\oddbse32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odexl32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odfox32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odpdx32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odtext32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\pcdlib32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\picstore.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\qfeupd.exe "Core file" ; SYSDIR\sqlsrv32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\vaen232.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\vba232.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\vbaen32.olb "Core file" ; SYSDIR\vbajet32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\vbar2232.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR;\vbrun300.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\ven2232.olb "Core file" ; WINDIR\odbc.ini ; WINDIR\odbcinst.ini [RISKY, WINDOWS95] "Microsoft Office 95." ; WINDIR\pcdlib32.dll "Core file" ; WINDIR\twain.dll "Core file" ; WINDIR\twain_32.dll "Core file" [RISKY, ACCESS97] "Microsoft Access 97." ; SYSDIR\accwiz.dll "Core file" [RISKY, ACCESS95, ACCESS97, ACCESS9] "Microsoft Access." ; SYSDIR\mswng300.dll "Core File" [RISKY, EXCEL97, POWERPOINT97, WORD97] "Microsoft Office 97 Bookshelf Basics." ; SHAREDDLL=MSAPPS9XDIR\reference titles\msreftl.dll ; MSAPPS9XDIR\reference titles\msreftl.dll [SAFE, EXCEL97] "Microsoft Excel 97." ; EXCEL97DIR\xlstart\xl8galry.xls "User Data" [RISKY, ACCESS94, ACCESS94RT, EXCEL94, POWERPOINT94, WORD94, ACCESS95, EXCEL95, POWERPOINT95, WORD95, ACCESS97, EXCEL97, OUTLOOK97, POWERPOINT97, WORD97, ACCESS9, EXCEL9, OUTLOOK9, POWERPOINT9, WORD9] "all versions of Microsoft Office." ; HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook [RISKY, POWERPOINT94, POWERPOINT95, POWERPOINT97] "Microsoft PowerPoint." ; WINDIR\powerpnt.ini [RISKY, OUTLOOK97] "Microsoft Outlook." ; SYSDIR\cnfnot32.exe "Core file" ; SYSDIR\contab32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\emsabp32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\emsmdb32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\emsuix32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\gapi32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\inetab32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\mapi.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\minet32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\mmfmig32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\mspst32.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\oc25.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\org11svr.exe "Core file" ; SYSDIR\org21.tlb "Core file" ; SYSDIR\org21svr.exe "Core file" ; SYSDIR\orgapi.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\orgcsw10.tlb "Core file" ; SYSDIR\threed16.ocx "Core file" ; SYSDIR\vaen2.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\vaen21.olb "Core file" ; SYSDIR\vb40016.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\vb4en16.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\wmsui32.dll "Core file" [SAFE, SCHEDULE95, SCHEDULE97, OUTLOOK97, OUTLOOK9] "Microsoft Outlook." ; HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Client\Extensions\Outlook Setup Extension [RISKY, SCHEDULE95, SCHEDULE97, OUTLOOK97, OUTLOOK9] "Microsoft Outlook." ; HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Schedule+\Application [SAFE, OUTLOOK97, OUTLOOK9] "Microsoft Outlook." ; HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Outlook\Setup ; HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace\{00020D75-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} [SAFE, OUTLOOK97, OUTLOOK9, PHOTODRAW1] "Microsoft Outlook and PhotoDraw." ; HKCR\CLSID\{00020D75-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} [RISKY, WORD94, WORD95, WORD97, WORD9, FRONTPAGE97, FRONTPAGE98, FRONTPAGE9] "Microsoft Word and FrontPage." ; HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools\Thesaurus ; MSAPPS94DIR\proof\msth32.dll ; MSAPPS9XDIR\proof\msth32.dll [RISKY, WORD94, WORD95, WORD97, WORD9] "Microsoft Word." ; HKCR\rtffile "Do not remove. In shipped Win95." [RISKY, PUBLISHER5, MSDRAW97] "Files used by Microsoft Publisher 98 and MSDraw 97." ; MSAPPS9XDIR\MSDraw\mscreate.dir ; MSAPPS9XDIR\MSDraw\msdraw.cnt ; MSAPPS9XDIR\MSDraw\msdraw.exe ; MSAPPS9XDIR\MSDraw\msdraw.gid ; MSAPPS9XDIR\MSDraw\msdraw.hlp [RISKY, DMM97, DMM9PLUS] "Direct Mail Manager 97." ; HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Direct Mail Manager [SAFE, EQUATION95, EQUATION97, EQUATION9] "Microsoft Office Equation Editor." ; HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Equation Editor\3.0 [RISKY, MSINFO95, MSINFO97, MSINFO9] "Microsoft Office and MS Info." ; HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSInfo ; MSAPPS9XDIR\msinfo\imgwalk.dll ; MSAPPS9XDIR\msinfo\msinf16h.exe ; MSAPPS9XDIR\msinfo\msinfo32.cnt ; MSAPPS9XDIR\msinfo\msinfo32.exe ; MSAPPS9XDIR\msinfo\msinfo32.hlp ; MSAPPS9XDIR\msinfo\msinfo32.gid ; MSAPPS9XDIR\msinfo\msinfo32.fts ; MSAPPS9XDIR\msinfo\msinfo32.ftg [SAFE, SBFM97] "Small Business Financial Manager 97." ; HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\Table Files\Microsoft Small Business Financial Manager@v97.02.20.01 (1033) ; HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\Table Files\Microsoft Small Business Financial Manager@v98.01.12.01 (1033) ; SBFM97DIR\mscreate.dir ; \aamyob60.dll ; \aamyob7x.dll ; \aap.cnt ; \aap.gid ; \aap.hlp ; \aapacc.dll ; \aapbww.dll ; \aapcgold.dll ; \aapdac.dll ; \aapgreat.dll ; \aapmas90.dll ; \aapone.dll ; \aappdos.dll ; \aappla44.dll ; \aapplat.dll ; \aappss.cnt ; \aappss.gid ; \aappss.hlp ; \aappw35.dll ; \aappw40.dll ; \aappw50.dll ; \aappwin.dll ; \aapqbw.dll ; \aapqbw40.dll ; \aapqbw50.dll ; \aaprdt.ico ; \aapsage4.dll ; \aapsim40.dll ; \aapsim50.dll ; \aapsimp.dll ; \qba.dll ; \qbdrivhk.dll ; \qbexp.exe ; \readme.txt ; \Report Workbook.xlt ; \template.mdb ; \What-If Workbook.xls ; \What-If.xla ; SBFM97DIR\setup\mscreate.dir ; \setup\acmsetup.hlp ; \setup\complinc.dll ; \setup\mssetup.dll ; \setup\odbckey.inf ; \setup\odbcstf.dll ; \setup\offsetup.ttf ; \setup\sbfmstp.dll ; \setup\sbfmstp.exe ; \setup\sbfmstp.inf ; \setup\sbfmstp.stf ; \setup\setup.ini ; \setup\setup.tdf ; SBFM97DIR\reports\mscreate.dir ; \reports\Balance Sheet.xls ; \reports\Cash Flow.xls ; \reports\Change in Shareholders Equity.xls ; \reports\Changes in Financial Position.xls ; \reports\Changes in Stockholders Equity.xls ; \reports\Funds Flow Statement.xls ; \reports\Income Statement.xls ; \reports\Profit and Loss.xls ; \reports\Ratios.xls ; \reports\Sales Analysis.xls ; \reports\Shareholders Equity.xls ; \reports\Statement of Earnings.xls ; \reports\Trial Balance.xls ; SBFM97DIR\analysis tools\mscreate.dir ; SBFM97DIR\analysis tools\business comparison\mscreate.dir ; \analysis tools\business comparison\Business Comparison.xlt ; \analysis tools\business comparison\RMA.MDB ; \analysis tools\business comparison\Sic Codes.txt ; SBFM97DIR\analysis tools\create projection wizard\mscreate.dir ; \analysis tools\create projection wizard\Projection.exe ; \analysis tools\create projection wizard\Projections.xlt ; SBFM97DIR\analysis tools\projection reports\mscreate.dir ; \analysis tools\projection reports\Projected Balance Sheet.xls ; \analysis tools\projection reports\Projected Cash Flow.xls ; \analysis tools\projection reports\Projected changes in financial position.xls ; \analysis tools\projection reports\Projected Funds Flow.xls ; \analysis tools\projection reports\Projected Income Statement.xls ; \analysis tools\projection reports\Projected Profit & Loss.xls ; \analysis tools\projection reports\Projected statement of earnings.xls ; \analysis tools\projection reports\Projection Assumptions.xls ; SBFM97DIR\charts\mscreate.dir ; \charts\Balance Sheet Composition.xls ; \charts\Cash Flow Trend.xls ; \charts\Revenue-Expense Trend.xls ; \charts\Sales Composition.xls ; SBFM97DIR\database\mscreate.dir ; \database\Volcano Coffee Company.mdb ; HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Excel\SBFM ; HKLM\Software\ODBC\odbc.ini\Small Business Financial Manager ; SYSDIR\msaap.dll ; \msaap.xla ; \sbfm20.xla ; \sbfmpid.dll [RISKY, WORDART95, PUBLISHER3, PUBLISHER4] "Microsoft Office Word Art, Publisher 3.0 and 4.0." ; SYSDIR\pubole32.dll "Core file" [SAFE, ACCESS95, ACCESS97, EXCEL95, EXCEL97, OUTLOOK97, POWERPOINT95, POWERPOINT97, PROJECT95, PROJECT98, SCHEDULE95, WORD95, WORD97] "all Microsoft Office components." ; ROOTDIR\ffastun.ffa ; ROOTDIR\ffastun.ffl ; ROOTDIR\ffastun.ffo ; ROOTDIR\ffastun0.ffx [RISKY, ACCESS95, ACCESS97, EXCEL95, EXCEL97, OUTLOOK97, POWERPOINT95, POWERPOINT97, PROJECT95, PROJECT98, SCHEDULE95, WORD95, WORD97] "all Microsoft Office components." ; SYSDIR\msothunk.dll "Core file" [RISKY, ACCESS95, EXCEL95, POWERPOINT95, PROJECT94, PROJECT95, SCHEDULE95, TEAMMANAGER97, WORD95] "all Microsoft Office 95 components." ; SYSDIR\mso95.dll "Core File" ; SYSDIR\mso5enu.dll "Core File" ; SYSDIR\mstool32.dll "Core File" ; SYSDIR\openenu.dll "Core File" [RISKY, ARTGALLERY94, ARTGALLERY95, ARTGALLERY97, ARTGALLERY98, PUBLISHER5, PUBLISHER9] "Microsoft ArtGallery and Publisher." ; SYSDIR\pubdlg.dll "Core file" [RISKY, FRONTPAGE1X, FRONTPAGE97, FRONTPAGE98, FRONTPAGE9] "Microsoft FrontPage." ; HKLM\Software\Microsoft\FrontPage [RISKY, SYSTEM94, SYSTEM95] "Microsoft Office." ; SYSDIR\ctl3dv2.dll "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbcinst.hlp "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbcinst.gid "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbcinst.fts "Core file" ; SYSDIR\odbcinst.ftg "Core file" [RISKY, SYSTEM97] "Microsoft Office." ; SYSDIR\mscal.ocx "Core file" ; SYSDIR\mscal.dep "Core file" ; SYSDIR\mscal.cnt "Core file" ; SYSDIR\mscal.gid "Core file" ; SYSDIR\mscal.hlp "Core file"