VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject END Attribute VB_Name = "GaykaObj" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = True Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = True '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Type GaykaParam ' параметры гайки ГОСТ 5915-70 dr As Single s As Single d As Single da As Single H As Single d2 As Single p As Single Class As Integer ' класс точности gost As Integer ' номер госта hatchAng As Single ' угол штриховки hatchStep As Single ' шаг штриховки massa As Single ' масса indexMassa As Integer ' 0-металл 1- алюмин сплав 2-латунь perform As Byte ' исполнение simple As Byte ' упрощенно axis_off As Byte ' выкл/вкл ось pitch As Byte ' мелкий шаг pitch_off As Byte ' мелкий шаг не возможен key_s As Byte ' дополнительный размер под ключ key_s_on As Byte ' дополнительный размер под ключ вкл key_s_gray As Byte ' дополнительный размер под ключ не возможен koef_mat_on As Byte ' коэф материала ver As Integer ' версия макро End Type Public Type BaseMakroParam ' базовые параметры ang As Single ' угол поворота flagAttr As Integer ' флаг создания объекта спецификации drawType As Integer ' тип изображения typeSwitch As Byte ' тип запроса положения базовой точки элемента 0 Placement 1 Curso ' 0 - точка + направление оси 0X ( Placement ); ' 1 - точка, направление совпадает с осью 0X текущей СК ( Cursor ). End Type ' указатели на отношения к БД Public Type SimpleBase bg As Long ' указатель базы rg As Long ' указатель отношения End Type ' название колонок для спецификации Const SPC_FORMAT = 1 ' формат Const SPC_ZONA = 2 ' зона Const SPC_POSITION = 3 ' позиция Const SPC_MARKER = 4 ' обозначение Const SPC_NAME = 5 ' наименование Const SPC_COUNT = 6 ' количество Const SPC_NOTE = 7 ' примечание Const SPC_CLEAR_GEOM = 0 ' очищать геометрию при редактировании объекта спецификации Const STANDART_SECTION = 25 Const COUNT_MASSA = 1000 Const MAX_COUNT_SPCOBJ = 4 ' максимальное число объектов СП за раз 4 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' базовые параметры Private par As BaseMakroParam ' базовые параметры Private tmp As GaykaParam ' структура параметров гайки ГОСТ 5915-70 Private base As SimpleBase ' референсы БД Private flagMode As Long ' true - режим редактирования Private refMacr As Long ' референс МАКРО Private paramTmp As Object ' ksUserParam параметры для чтения БД Private Param As Object ' ksUserParam параметры для Get/SetMacroParam Private data As Object ' объект для работы Private spcObj(4) As Long ' массив референсов объектов спецификации Public countObj As Integer Private flagSwitch As Boolean ' false переключения нет true переключение с ' Placement на Cursor ' присвоить значение шага штриховки Public Property Let GaykaObj_step(ByVal val As Single) tmp.hatchStep = val End Property ' присвоить значение угла штриховки Public Property Let GaykaObj_angle(ByVal val As Single) tmp.hatchAng = val End Property ' присвоить значение диаметра резьбы Public Property Let GaykaObj_dr(ByVal val As Single) tmp.dr = val End Property ' вернуть объект для работы с БД Public Property Get GaykaObj_data() As Object ' Set GaykaObj_data = data End Property ' вернуть объект для чтения параметров из БД Public Property Get GaykaObj_paramTmp() As Object ' Set GaykaObj_paramTmp = paramTmp End Property ' установить флаг дополнительный размер под ключ Public Property Let GaykaObj_key_s(ByVal val As Byte) tmp.key_s = val End Property ' установить флаг мелкий шаг Public Property Let GaykaObj_SmallStep(ByVal val As Byte) tmp.pitch = val End Property ' установить флаг создать объект спецификации Public Property Let GaykaObj_attr(ByVal val As Byte) par.flagAttr = val End Property ' установить флаг упрощенное изображение Public Property Let GaykaObj_simple(ByVal val As Byte) tmp.simple = val End Property ' установить вид изображения гайки Public Property Let GaykaObj_drawType(ByVal val As Byte) par.drawType = val End Property ' установить исполнение гайки Public Property Let GaykaObj_perform(ByVal val As Byte) tmp.perform = val End Property ' установить флаг не рисовать ось Public Property Let GaykaObj_axis_off(ByVal val As Byte) tmp.axis_off = val End Property ' вернуть параметры гайки Public Property Get GaykaObj_tmp() As GaykaParam GaykaObj_tmp = tmp End Property ' вернуть базовые параметры Property Get GaykaObj_par() As BaseMakroParam GaykaObj_par = par End Property Property Get GaykaObj_base() As SimpleBase GaykaObj_base = base End Property ' оператор копирования данных Sub Assign(obj As GaykaObj) tmp = obj.GaykaObj_tmp par = obj.GaykaObj_par countObj = obj.countObj End Sub ' инициализация Sub InitUserParam() If Not Param Is Nothing Then Dim item As Object ' ksLtVariant Set item = iKompasObject.GetParamStruct(ko_LtVariant) Dim arr As Object ' ksDynamicArray Set arr = iKompasObject.GetDynamicArray(LTVARIANT_ARR) If (Not item Is Nothing) And (Not arr Is Nothing) Then Param.init Param.SetUserArray arr item.init item.floatVal = par.ang ' 0 - ang arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.shortVal = par.flagAttr ' 1 - flagAttr arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.shortVal = par.drawType ' 2 - drawType arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.shortVal = par.typeSwitch ' 3 - typeSwitch arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.dr ' 4 - dr arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.s ' 5 - s arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.d ' 6 - D arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.da ' 7 - da arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.H ' 8 - h arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.d2 ' 9 - d2 arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.p ' 10 - p arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.shortVal = tmp.Class ' 11 - class arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.shortVal = tmp.gost ' 12 - gost arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.hatchAng ' 13 - hatchAng arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.hatchStep ' 14 - hatchShag arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.massa ' 15 - m arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.shortVal = tmp.indexMassa ' 16 - indexMassa arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.uCharVal = tmp.perform ' 17 - perform arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.uCharVal = tmp.simple ' 18 - simple arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.uCharVal = tmp.axis_off ' 19 - axis_off arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.uCharVal = tmp.pitch ' 20 - pitch arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.uCharVal = tmp.pitch_off ' 21 - pitch_off arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.uCharVal = tmp.key_s ' 22 - key_s arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.uCharVal = tmp.key_s_on ' 23 - key_s_on arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.uCharVal = tmp.key_s_gray ' 24 - key_s_gray arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.uCharVal = tmp.koef_mat_on ' 25 - koef_mat_on arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.shortVal = tmp.ver ' 26 - ver arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item End If End If End Sub ' сохранить параметры Sub SetUserParam() If Not Param Is Nothing Then Dim item As Object ' ksLtVariant Set item = iKompasObject.GetParamStruct(ko_LtVariant) Dim arr As Object ' ksDynamicArray Set arr = Param.GetUserArray If (Not item Is Nothing) And (Not arr Is Nothing) And arr.ksGetArrayCount >= 20 Then item.init item.floatVal = par.ang ' 0 - ang arr.ksSetArrayItem 0, item item.shortVal = par.flagAttr ' 1 - flagAttr arr.ksSetArrayItem 1, item item.shortVal = par.drawType ' 2 - drawType arr.ksSetArrayItem 2, item item.shortVal = par.typeSwitch ' 3 - typeSwitch arr.ksSetArrayItem 3, item item.floatVal = tmp.dr ' 4 - dr arr.ksSetArrayItem 4, item item.floatVal = tmp.s ' 5 - s arr.ksSetArrayItem 5, item item.floatVal = tmp.d ' 6 - D arr.ksSetArrayItem 6, item item.floatVal = tmp.da ' 7 - da arr.ksSetArrayItem 7, item item.floatVal = tmp.H ' 8 - h arr.ksSetArrayItem 8, item item.floatVal = tmp.d2 ' 9 - d2 arr.ksSetArrayItem 9, item item.floatVal = tmp.p ' 10 - p arr.ksSetArrayItem 10, item item.shortVal = tmp.Class ' 11 - class arr.ksSetArrayItem 11, item item.shortVal = tmp.gost ' 12 - gost arr.ksSetArrayItem 12, item item.floatVal = tmp.hatchAng ' 13 - hatchAng arr.ksSetArrayItem 13, item item.floatVal = tmp.hatchStep ' 14 - hatchShag arr.ksSetArrayItem 14, item item.floatVal = tmp.massa ' 15 - m arr.ksSetArrayItem 15, item item.shortVal = tmp.indexMassa ' 16 - indexMassa arr.ksSetArrayItem 16, item item.uCharVal = tmp.perform ' 17 - perform arr.ksSetArrayItem 17, item item.uCharVal = tmp.simple ' 18 - simple arr.ksSetArrayItem 18, item item.uCharVal = tmp.axis_off ' 19 - axis_off arr.ksSetArrayItem 19, item item.uCharVal = tmp.pitch ' 20 - pitch arr.ksSetArrayItem 20, item item.uCharVal = tmp.pitch_off ' 21 - pitch_off arr.ksSetArrayItem 21, item item.uCharVal = tmp.key_s ' 22 - key_s arr.ksSetArrayItem 22, item item.uCharVal = tmp.key_s_on ' 23 - key_s_on arr.ksSetArrayItem 23, item item.uCharVal = tmp.key_s_gray ' 24 - key_s_gray arr.ksSetArrayItem 24, item item.uCharVal = tmp.koef_mat_on ' 25 - koef_mat_on arr.ksSetArrayItem 25, item item.shortVal = tmp.ver ' 26 - ver arr.ksSetArrayItem 26, item End If End If End Sub ' получить параметры Sub GetUserParam() If Not Param Is Nothing Then Dim item As Object ' ksLtVariant Set item = iKompasObject.GetParamStruct(ko_LtVariant) Dim arr As Object ' ksDynamicArray Set arr = Param.GetUserArray If (Not item Is Nothing) And (Not arr Is Nothing) Then Dim count As Single count = arr.ksGetArrayCount If count >= 27 Then item.init arr.ksGetArrayItem 0, item par.ang = item.floatVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 1, item par.flagAttr = item.shortVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 2, item par.drawType = item.shortVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 3, item par.typeSwitch = item.shortVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 4, item tmp.dr = item.floatVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 5, item tmp.s = item.floatVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 6, item tmp.d = item.floatVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 7, item tmp.da = item.floatVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 8, item tmp.H = item.floatVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 9, item tmp.d2 = item.floatVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 10, item tmp.p = item.floatVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 11, item tmp.Class = item.shortVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 12, item tmp.gost = item.shortVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 13, item tmp.hatchAng = item.floatVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 14, item tmp.hatchStep = item.floatVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 15, item tmp.massa = item.floatVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 16, item tmp.indexMassa = item.shortVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 17, item tmp.perform = item.uCharVal ' 17 - perform arr.ksGetArrayItem 18, item tmp.simple = item.uCharVal ' 18 - simple arr.ksGetArrayItem 19, item tmp.axis_off = item.uCharVal ' 19 - axis_off arr.ksGetArrayItem 20, item tmp.pitch = item.uCharVal ' 20 - pitch arr.ksGetArrayItem 21, item tmp.pitch_off = item.uCharVal ' 21 - pitch_off arr.ksGetArrayItem 22, item tmp.key_s = item.uCharVal ' 22 - key_s arr.ksGetArrayItem 23, item tmp.key_s_on = item.uCharVal ' 23 - key_s_on arr.ksGetArrayItem 24, item tmp.key_s_gray = item.uCharVal ' 24 - key_s_gray arr.ksGetArrayItem 25, item tmp.koef_mat_on = item.uCharVal ' 25 - koef_mat_on arr.ksGetArrayItem 26, item tmp.ver = item.shortVal ' 26 - ver End If End If End If End Sub ' сохранить параметры в модели Sub SetParam() SetUserParam iDocument2D.ksSetMacroParam refMacr, Param, False, False, False End Sub ' задать угол штриховки Sub SetHatchAngl() Dim a As Double iKompasObject.ksEnableTaskAccess 0 If iKompasObject.ksReadDouble("Введите угол штриховки", tmp.hatchAng, -90, 90, a) Then tmp.hatchAng = a End If iKompasObject.ksEnableTaskAccess 1 End Sub ' задать шаг штриховки Sub SetHatchShag() Dim a As Double iKompasObject.ksEnableTaskAccess 0 If iKompasObject.ksReadDouble("Введите шаг штриховки", tmp.hatchStep, 0.1, 1000, a) Then tmp.hatchStep = a End If iKompasObject.ksEnableTaskAccess 1 End Sub ' Функция обратной связи, вызываемая из Placement Public Function CALLBACKPROCPLACEMENT(comm As Integer, X As Double, _ Y As Double, ang As Double, info As Object, _ phan As Object, dynamic As Integer) As Integer Dim t1 As Object Set t1 = phan.GetPhantomParam If dynamic = 0 Then ' фиксация Select Case comm Case 8: flagSwitch = True CALLBACKPROCPLACEMENT = 0 Exit Function Case 2: par.drawType = ID_VID Case 3: par.drawType = ID_TOPVID Case 4: par.drawType = ID_SIDEVID Case 5: par.drawType = ID_VIDSEC Case 6: SetHatchAngl Case 7: SetHatchShag Case 1: MacroElementParam Case -1: ' поставить в модель par.ang = ang SetParam iDocument2D.ksSetMacroPlacement refMacr, X, Y, ang, 0 iDocument2D.ksStoreTmpGroup If DrawSpcObj( Then iDocument2D.ksClearGroup, True CALLBACKPROCPLACEMENT = 0 Exit Function End If iDocument2D.ksClearGroup, True If flagMode > 0 Then CALLBACKPROCPLACEMENT = 0 Exit Function End If End Select info.commandsString = ChoiceMenu Dim gr As Long GetGroup gr = gr Else par.ang = ang End If CALLBACKPROCPLACEMENT = 1 End Function ' функция обратного вызова для CURSOR Public Function CALLBACKPROCCURSOR(comm As Integer, X As Double, Y As Double, info As Object, _ phan As Object, dynamic As Integer) As Integer Dim t1 As Object ' ksType1 Set t1 = phan.GetType1 If dynamic = 0 Then ' фиксация Select Case comm Case 8: flagSwitch = True CALLBACKPROCCURSOR = 0 Exit Function Case 2: par.drawType = ID_VID Case 3: par.drawType = ID_TOPVID Case 4: par.drawType = ID_SIDEVID Case 5: par.drawType = ID_VIDSEC Case 6: SetHatchAngl Case 7: SetHatchShag Case 1: MacroElementParam Case -1: ' поставить в модель SetParam iDocument2D.ksSetMacroPlacement refMacr, X, Y, par.ang, 0 iDocument2D.ksStoreTmpGroup If DrawSpcObj( Then iDocument2D.ksClearGroup, True CALLBACKPROCCURSOR = 0 Exit Function End If iDocument2D.ksClearGroup, True If flagMode > 0 Then CALLBACKPROCCURSOR = 0 Exit Function End If End Select info.commandsString = ChoiceMenu Dim gr As Long GetGroup gr = gr End If CALLBACKPROCCURSOR = 1 End Function ' меню для процесса Function ChoiceMenu() As String If par.typeSwitch = 0 Then ChoiceMenu = "!Параметры !Вид !Вид_сверху !Вид_сбоку !Полвида/Полразреза !Угол_штриховки !Шаг_штриховки !Выключить_угол" Else ChoiceMenu = "!Параметры !Вид !Вид_сверху !Вид_сбоку !Полвида/Полразреза !Угол_штриховки !Шаг_штриховки !Включить_угол" End If End Function ' процесс вставки гайки в модель Sub Draw() par.typeSwitch = False Dim phan As Object ' ksPhantom Set phan = iKompasObject.GetParamStruct(ko_Phantom) If Not phan Is Nothing Then phan.init phan.phantom = 1 Dim t1 As Object ' ksType1 Set t1 = phan.GetPhantomParam If Not t1 Is Nothing Then t1.init t1.scale_ = 1 = 0 ' временная группа Dim j As Integer j = 1 Dim X As Double: Dim Y As Double: Dim ang As Double If iKompasObject.ksReturnResult = 0 Then flagMode = iDocument2D.ksEditMacroMode If MacroElementParam() Then Do flagSwitch = False flagCalcPaket = False Dim gr As Long GetGroup gr = gr t1.angle = par.ang Dim info As Object ' ksRequestInfo Set info = iKompasObject.GetParamStruct(ko_RequestInfo) If Not info Is Nothing Then info.init info.commandsString = ChoiceMenu info.dynamic = 1 If par.typeSwitch Then ' указываем адрес обратной функции для Cursor info.SetCallBackC "CALLBACKPROCCURSOR", 0, Me j = iDocument2D.ksCursor(info, X, Y, phan) Else ' указываем адрес обратной функции для Placement info.SetCallBackP "CALLBACKPROCPLACEMENT", 0, Me j = iDocument2D.ksPlacement(info, X, Y, ang, phan) End If If spcObj(0) > 0 Then Dim iSpc As Object ' ksSpecification Set iSpc = iDocument2D.GetSpecification() Dim count As Integer count = countObj For i = 0 To count - 1 ' Олегово окно - редактируем параметры If Not iSpc Is Nothing And iSpc.ksEditWindowSpcObject(spcObj(i)) Then DrawPosLeader spcObj(i), iSpc End If Next i spcObj(0) = 0 If flagMode = 0 Then flagSwitch = True If par.typeSwitch Then par.typeSwitch = 0 Else par.typeSwitch = 1 End If End If End If If flagSwitch = True Then j = 1 If par.typeSwitch > 0 Then par.typeSwitch = 0 Else par.typeSwitch = 1 End If End If End If Loop While j End If End If End If End If End Sub ' создание МАКРО гайки Public Sub GetGroup(gr As Long) Dim k2 As Integer If tmp.perform = 1 Then k2 = 2 Else k2 = 1 End If If CBool(iDocument2D.ksExistObj(gr)) Then iDocument2D.ksDeleteObj gr End If gr = iDocument2D.ksNewGroup(1) iDocument2D.ksMacro 0 Select Case par.drawType Case ID_VID: ' вид If tmp.simple = 0 Then gayka_k 0, 0, 0, tmp.s, tmp.d, 0, tmp.H, 1, 0, tmp.d2, k2 gayka_k 0, 0, 0, tmp.s, tmp.d, 0, tmp.H, -1, 0, tmp.d2, k2 Else gayka_k_y 0, 1 gayka_k_y 0, -1 End If If tmp.axis_off = 0 Then iDocument2D.ksLineSeg -3, 0, tmp.H + 3, 0, 3 End If Case ID_SIDEVID: 'вид сбоку If tmp.axis_off = 0 Then iDocument2D.ksLineSeg -3, 0, tmp.H + 3, 0, 3 End If If tmp.simple = 1 Then k2 = 3 End If gayka_k_side 0, tmp.s, tmp.d, tmp.d2, tmp.H, 1, k2 gayka_k_side 0, tmp.s, tmp.d, tmp.d2, tmp.H, -1, k2 Case ID_TOPVID: gayka_sverhu ' вид ссверху Case ID_VIDSEC: ' пол-вида/пол-разреза If tmp.simple = 0 Then gayka_k 0, 0, 0, tmp.s, tmp.d, 0, tmp.H, 1, 0, tmp.d2, k2 Else gayka_k_y 0, 1 End If gayka_p_k -1 If tmp.axis_off = 0 Then iDocument2D.ksLineSeg -3, 0, tmp.H + 3, 0, 3 End If End Select refMacr = iDocument2D.ksEndObj iDocument2D.ksEndGroup End Sub ' запуск диалогового окна Function MacroElementParam() As Boolean Dim buffer As GaykaObj Set buffer = New GaykaObj buffer.Assign Me ' копируем данные в буффер buffer.OpenGaykaBase Dim dlg As GaykaDlg Set dlg = New GaykaDlg dlg.SetBufObj buffer dlg.Show vbModal buffer.CloseGaykaBase ' закрытие базы MacroElementParam = dlg.Result ' результат работы диалога true - выход по OK If dlg.Result Then ' если редактирование OK, то копируем данные обратно Assign buffer End If End Function ' отрисовка гайки Sub gayka_k(ByVal ls As Double, ByVal l As Double, ByVal d1 As Double, ByVal s As Double, ByVal d As Double, _ ByVal l1 As Double, ByVal H As Double, ByVal j As Integer, ByVal j1 As Integer, ByVal d2 As Double, ByVal j2 As Integer) Dim math As Object ' ksMathematic2D Set math = iKompasObject.GetMathematic2D If Not math Is Nothing Then Dim X(9) As Double Dim Y(9) As Double Dim c As Double: Dim h1 As Double: Dim rb As Double Dim xc2 As Double: Dim yc2 As Double: Dim xcbl As Double Dim ycbl As Double: Dim xcbp As Double: Dim ycbp As Double Dim ycml As Double ' Координаты контура рез_части 'j1=1 - контровочное отверстие j1=0 - контров. отв. нет 'j2=1 исполнение 1 j2=2 исполнение 2 d = s / math.ksCosD(30) c = (d - d2) / 2 * math.ksTanD(30) h1 = d * 0.5 * math.ksSinD(30) rb = (h1 * h1 + c * c) / 2 / c X(1) = ls Y(1) = 0 If j2 = 1 Then X(2) = ls: Y(2) = j * (d2 * 0.5) X(3) = ls + c: Y(3) = j * (d * 0.5) X(7) = ls + c: Y(7) = j * h1 Else X(2) = ls: Y(2) = j * (d * 0.5) X(7) = ls: Y(7) = j * h1 End If X(4) = ls + H - c: Y(4) = j * (d * 0.5) X(5) = ls + H: Y(5) = j * (d2 * 0.5) X(6) = ls + H: Y(6) = 0 X(8) = ls + H - c: Y(8) = j * h1 xc2 = ls + l: yc2 = j * (d * 0.5 - l1) xcbl = ls + rb: ycbl = 0 xcbp = ls + H - rb: ycbp = 0 ycml = j * ((d * 0.5 - h1) / 2 + h1) If j2 = 1 Then iDocument2D.ksLineSeg X(1), Y(1), X(2), Y(2), 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg X(2), Y(2), X(3), Y(3), 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg X(3), Y(3), X(4), Y(4), 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg X(4), Y(4), X(5), Y(5), 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg X(5), Y(5), X(6), Y(6), 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg X(7), Y(7), X(8), Y(8), 1 iDocument2D.ksArcByPoint xcbl, ycbl, rb, X(1), Y(1), X(7), Y(7), -j, 1 iDocument2D.ksArcByPoint xcbp, ycbp, rb, X(6), Y(6), X(8), Y(8), j, 1 iDocument2D.ksArcBy3Points ls + c * 0.5, (d * 0.5 - (d - d2) / 4) * j, _ ls, ycml, X(7), Y(7), 1 iDocument2D.ksArcBy3Points ls + H - c * 0.5, (d * 0.5 - (d - d2) / 4) * j, ls + H, _ ycml, X(8), Y(8), 1 Else iDocument2D.ksLineSeg X(1), Y(1), X(2), Y(2), 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg X(2), Y(2), X(4), Y(4), 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg X(4), Y(4), X(5), Y(5), 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg X(5), Y(5), X(6), Y(6), 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg X(7), Y(7), X(8), Y(8), 1 iDocument2D.ksArcByPoint xcbp, ycbp, rb, X(6), Y(6), X(8), Y(8), j, 1 iDocument2D.ksArcBy3Points ls + H - c * 0.5, (d * 0.5 - (d - d2) / 4) * j, _ ls + H, ycml, X(8), Y(8), 1 End If If j1 = 1 Then iDocument2D.ksCircle xc2, yc2, d1 * 0.5, 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg xc2 - 2, yc2, xc2 + 2, yc2, 2 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg xc2, yc2 - 2, xc2, yc2 + 2, 2 End If End If End Sub ' отрисовка гайки Sub gayka_k_side(ByVal ls As Double, ByVal s As Double, ByVal d As Double, ByVal d2 As Double, _ ByVal H As Double, ByVal j As Integer, ByVal j2 As Integer) Dim math As Object ' ksMathematic2D Set math = iKompasObject.GetMathematic2D If Not math Is Nothing Then Dim X As Double: Dim Y As Double Dim x2 As Double: Dim y2 As Double ' j2 = 1 исполнение 1 j2 = 2 упрощенное Dim c As Integer c = (d - d2) / 2 * math.ksTanD(30) Y = j * s * 0.5 If j2 = 1 Then X = ls + c iDocument2D.ksLineSeg ls, 0, ls, j * d2 * 0.5, 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg ls, j * d2 * 0.5, X, Y, 1 iDocument2D.ksArcBy3Points ls + c, j * (s * 0.5), ls, _ s * 0.25 * j, ls + c, 0, 1 Else X = ls iDocument2D.ksLineSeg X, 0, X, Y, 1 End If If j2 = 3 Then x2 = ls + H y2 = Y Else x2 = ls + H - c y2 = j * d2 * 0.5 End If iDocument2D.ksLineSeg X, Y, x2, Y, 1 If j2 <> 3 Then iDocument2D.ksLineSeg x2, Y, ls + H, y2, 1 iDocument2D.ksArcBy3Points ls + H - c, j * (s * 0.5), ls + H, s * 0.25 * j, _ ls + H - c, 0, 1 End If iDocument2D.ksLineSeg ls + H, y2, ls + H, 0, 1 If j > 0 Then iDocument2D.ksLineSeg X, 0, x2, 0, 1 End If End If End Sub ' отрисовка гайки Sub gayka_k_y(ls As Double, j As Integer) Dim math As Object ' ksMathematic2D Set math = iKompasObject.GetMathematic2D If Not math Is Nothing Then Dim h1 As Double tmp.d = tmp.s / math.ksCosD(30) h1 = tmp.d * 0.5 * math.ksSinD(30) Dim p1 As Double: Dim p2 As Double p1 = j * tmp.d * 0.5 p2 = s + tmp.H iDocument2D.ksLineSeg ls, 0, ls, p1, 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg ls, p1, p2, p1, 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg p2, p1, p2, 0, 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg ls, j * h1, p2, j * h1, 1 End If End Sub ' отрисовка гайки Sub gayka_p_k(j As Integer) Dim math As Object ' ksMathematic2D Set math = iKompasObject.GetMathematic2D If Not math Is Nothing Then Dim c1 As Double: Dim c2 As Double c1 = 0 c2 = 0 Dim X As Double: Dim x1 As Double: Dim x2 As Double: Dim x3 As Double Dim y2 As Double: Dim y3 As Double X = 0 Dim c As Double: Dim Y As Double c = (tmp.d - tmp.d2) / 2 * math.ksTanD(30) If tmp.perform = 0 And tmp.simple = 0 Then Y = tmp.d2 * 0.5 * j Else Y = tmp.d * 0.5 * j End If iDocument2D.ksLineSeg 0, 0, 0, Y, 1 If tmp.perform = 0 And tmp.simple = 0 Then X = c iDocument2D.ksLineSeg 0, Y, X, j * (tmp.d * 0.5), 1 End If Dim dd As Double dd = tmp.dr - 2 * 0.54 * tmp.p If tmp.simple = 0 Then x3 = tmp.H - c y3 = j * tmp.d2 * 0.5 y2 = j * tmp.da * 0.5 Else x3 = tmp.H y3 = j * tmp.d * 0.5 y2 = j * dd * 0.5 End If iDocument2D.ksLineSeg X, j * tmp.d * 0.5, x3, j * tmp.d * 0.5, 1 If tmp.simple = 0 Then iDocument2D.ksLineSeg x3, j * tmp.d * 0.5, tmp.H, y3, 1 End If iDocument2D.ksLineSeg tmp.H, y3, tmp.H, 0, 1 x1 = tmp.H x2 = x1 If tmp.simple = 0 Then c1 = (tmp.da - dd) * 0.5 c2 = (tmp.da - tmp.dr) * 0.5 If tmp.perform = 0 Then x2 = x2 - c2 End If End If If tmp.perform = 0 And tmp.simple = 0 Then x1 = x1 - c1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg tmp.H, j * tmp.da * 0.5, x1, j * 0.5 * dd, 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg x1, j * dd * 0.5, x1, 0, 1 End If iDocument2D.ksLineSeg x1, j * 0.5 * dd, c1, j * 0.5 * dd, 1 If tmp.simple = 0 Then iDocument2D.ksLineSeg c1, j * 0.5 * dd, 0, j * 0.5 * tmp.da, 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg c1, j * dd * 0.5, c1, 0, 1 End If iDocument2D.ksHatch 0, tmp.hatchAng, tmp.hatchStep, 0, 0, 0 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg 0, y2, 0, Y, 1 If tmp.perform = 0 And tmp.simple = 0 Then iDocument2D.ksLineSeg 0, Y, X, j * (tmp.d * 0.5), 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg tmp.H, y3, tmp.H, j * tmp.da * 0.5, 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg tmp.H, j * tmp.da * 0.5, x1, j * 0.5 * dd, 1 Else iDocument2D.ksLineSeg tmp.H, y3, tmp.H, j * dd * 0.5, 1 End If iDocument2D.ksLineSeg X, j * (tmp.d * 0.5), x3, j * tmp.d * 0.5, 1 If tmp.simple = 0 Then iDocument2D.ksLineSeg x3, j * tmp.d * 0.5, tmp.H, y3, 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg c1, j * 0.5 * dd, 0, j * 0.5 * tmp.da, 1 End If iDocument2D.ksLineSeg x1, j * 0.5 * dd, c1, j * 0.5 * dd, 1 iDocument2D.ksEndObj iDocument2D.ksLineSeg c2, j * 0.5 * tmp.dr, x2, j * 0.5 * tmp.dr, 2 End If End Sub ' отрисовка гайки Sub gayka_sverhu() Dim math As Object ' ksMathematic2D Set math = iKompasObject.GetMathematic2D If Not math Is Nothing Then s = tmp.s * 0.5 d = s / math.ksCosD(30) dd = tmp.dr - 2 * 0.54 * tmp.p h1 = d * math.ksSinD(30) iDocument2D.ksLineSeg -s, h1, 0, d, 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg 0, d, s, h1, 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg s, h1, s, -h1, 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg s, -h1, 0, -d, 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg 0, -d, -s, -h1, 1 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg -s, -h1, -s, h1, 1 If tmp.simple = 0 Then iDocument2D.ksCircle 0, 0, tmp.d2 * 0.5, 1 End If iDocument2D.ksCircle 0, 0, dd * 0.5, 1 Dim rad As Double: Dim x1 As Double: Dim y1 As Double rad = tmp.dr * 0.5 x1 = rad * math.ksSinD(15) y1 = rad * math.ksCosD(15) iDocument2D.ksArcByPoint 0, 0, rad, x1, y1, y1, -x1, 1, 2 If tmp.axis_off = 0 Then If d >= 6 Then iDocument2D.ksLineSeg -3 - s, 0, s + 3, 0, 3 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg 0, -3 - d, 0, 3 + d, 3 Else iDocument2D.ksLineSeg -1 - s, 0, s + 1, 0, 3 iDocument2D.ksLineSeg 0, -1 - d, 0, 1 + d, 3 End If End If End If End Sub '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' отрисовать позиционную линию выноски ' уже проверено , что объект спецификации есть ' Функцию нужно запускать вне Cursor и Placement '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub DrawPosLeader(spcObj As Long, ByVal iSpc As Object) Dim info As Object ' ksRequestInfo Set info = iKompasObject.GetParamStruct(ko_RequestInfo) Dim posLeader As Long If Not info Is Nothing Then info.init Dim flag As Boolean flag = False posLeader = 0 Dim x1 As Double Dim y1 As Double Do info.commandsString = "!Подключить_существующую !Создать_новую_линию_выноски" Dim prompt As String info.prompt = "Укажите линию выноски" Dim j1 As Integer j1 = iDocument2D.ksCursor(info, x1, y1, Nothing) Dim menu As String Select Case j1 Case 2: ' Создать новую линию выноски posLeader = iDocument2D.ksCreateViewObject(POSLEADER_OBJ) flag = False Case 1: ' Подключить существующую info.commandsString = menu If iDocument2D.ksCursor(info, x1, y1, Nothing) Then posLeader = iDocument2D.ksFindObj(x1, y1, 100) ' величина стороны окошка-ловушки с центром x,y If posLeader = 0 And iDocument2D.ksGetObjParam(posLeader, Nothing, 0) = POSLEADER_OBJ Then iKompasObject.ksError menu posLeader = 0 flag = True Else flag = False End If Else flag = False End If Case -1: posLeater = iDocument2D.ksFindObj(x1, y1, 100) ' величина стороны окошка-ловушки с центром x,y If Not posLeader And Not iDocument2D.ksGetObjParam(posLeater, Nothing, 0) = POSLEADER_OBJ Then iKompasObject.ksError "Ошибка! Объект не позиционная линия выноски!" posLeader = 0 flag = True Else flag = False End If End Select Loop While flag ' линия выноски есть, подключим ее к объекту спецификации If posLeader > 0 Then ' ввойдем в режим редактирования объекта спецификации If iSpc.ksSpcObjectEdit(spcObj) Then ' подключим линию выноски iSpc.ksSpcIncludeReference posLeader, True ' закроем объект спецификации iSpc.ksSpcObjectEnd End If End If End If End Sub Function IsSpcObjCreate() As Boolean IsSpcObjCreate = True End Function ' объект спецификации Function DrawSpcObj(geom As Long) As Boolean Dim iSpc As Object ' ksSpecification Set iSpc = iDocument2D.GetSpecification If Not iSpc Is Nothing And IsSpcObjCreate Then If iKompasObject.ksReturnResult = etError10 Then ' 10 "Ошибка! Вырожденный объект" iKompasObject.ksResultNULL DrawSpcObj = False Exit Function End If spcObj(0) = EditSpcObj(spcObj(0), geom) If par.flagAttr = 0 And spcObj(0) > 0 Then Dim count As Integer For i = 0 To countObj - 1 If spcObj(i) Then ' ввойдем в режим редактирования объекта спецификации If iSpc.ksSpcObjectEdit(spcObj(i)) Then ' очистим геометрию, чтобы не удалялась в месте с объектом iSpc.ksSpcIncludeReference 0, 0 ' закроем объект спецификации iSpc.ksSpcObjectEnd End If iDocument2D.ksDeleteObj spcObj(i) spcObj(i) = 0 End If Next i End If End If If spcObj(0) > 0 Then DrawSpcObj = True Else DrawSpcObj = False End If End Function ' создание или редактирование объекта спецификации Function EditSpcObj(spcObj As Long, ByVal geom As Long) As Long Dim iSpc As Object ' ksSpecification Set iSpc = iDocument2D.GetSpecification() Dim bufPar As Object ' ksUserParam Set bufPar = iKompasObject.GetParamStruct(ko_UserParam) Dim item As Object ' ksLtVariant Set item = iKompasObject.GetParamStruct(ko_LtVariant) Dim arr As Object ' ksDynamicArray Set arr = iKompasObject.GetDynamicArray(LTVARIANT_ARR) If Not iSpc Is Nothing And Not bufPar Is Nothing And Not item Is Nothing And _ Not arr Is Nothing Then bufPar.init item.init bufPar.SetUserArray arr If flagMode = 0 And par.flagAttr = 0 Then EditSpcObj = 0 Exit Function End If If flagMode > 0 Then spcObj = iSpc.ksGetSpcObjForGeomWithLimit("", 0, geom, 0, 1, STANDART_SECTION, 297327484710#) If par.flagAttr = 0 Then EditSpcObj = spcObj Exit Function End If If spcObj > 0 Then If iSpc.ksSpcObjectEdit(spcObj) = 0 Then spcObj = 0 End If End If End If Dim flMode As Long flMode = spcObj Dim create As Boolean If flMode = 0 Then create = CBool(iSpc.ksSpcObjectCreate("", 0, STANDART_SECTION, 0, 297327484710#, 0)) End If ' создаем объект спецификации для умолчательногостиля СП If flMode > 0 Or create Then arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item ' исполнение If tmp.perform = 1 Then iSpc.ksSpcVisible SPC_NAME, 2, 0 Else item.uIntVal = 2 arr.ksSetArrayItem 0, item iSpc.ksSpcVisible SPC_NAME, 2, 1 iSpc.ksSpcChangeValue SPC_NAME, 2, bufPar, UINT_ATTR_TYPE End If ' изменим диаметр item.floatVal = tmp.dr arr.ksSetArrayItem 0, item iSpc.ksSpcChangeValue SPC_NAME, 4, bufPar, FLOAT_ATTR_TYPE ' отследим мелкий шаг If tmp.pitch = 0 Then ' выключить шаг и его разделитель iSpc.ksSpcVisible SPC_NAME, 5, 0 iSpc.ksSpcVisible SPC_NAME, 6, 0 ' щаг Else iSpc.ksSpcVisible SPC_NAME, 5, 1 iSpc.ksSpcVisible SPC_NAME, 6, 1 ' щаг item.floatVal = tmp.p arr.ksSetArrayItem 0, item spcDoc.ksSpcChangeValue SPC_NAME, 6, bufPar, FLOAT_ATTR_TYPE End If ' выключим поле допуска If flMode = 0 Then iSpc.ksSpcVisible SPC_NAME, 7, 0 ' выключим класс прочности iSpc.ksSpcVisible SPC_NAME, 8, 0 ' выключим материал iSpc.ksSpcVisible SPC_NAME, 9, 0 ' выключим покрытие iSpc.ksSpcVisible SPC_NAME, 10, 0 End If ' изменим ГОСТ item.uIntVal = tmp.gost arr.ksSetArrayItem 0, item iSpc.ksSpcChangeValue SPC_NAME, 12, bufPar, UINT_ATTR_TYPE Dim massa As Single Select Case tmp.indexMassa Case 0: massa = tmp.massa Case 1: massa = 0.356 * tmp.massa Case 2: massa = 1.08 * tmp.massa End Select iSpc.ksSpcMassa CStr(massa) ' масса детали ' подключим геометрию If geom > 0 Then iSpc.ksSpcIncludeReference geom, SPC_CLEAR_GEOM End If EditSpcObj = iSpc.ksSpcObjectEnd Exit Function End If End If EditSpcObj = 0 End Function ' инициализация параметров пользователя Sub InitUserParamTmp() If Not paramTmp Is Nothing Then Dim item As Object ' ksLtVariant Set item = iKompasObject.GetParamStruct(ko_LtVariant) Dim arr As Object ' ksDynamicArray Set arr = iKompasObject.GetDynamicArray(LTVARIANT_ARR) If (Not item Is Nothing) And (Not arr Is Nothing) Then paramTmp.init paramTmp.SetUserArray arr item.init item.floatVal = tmp.dr ' 0 - dr arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.p ' 1 - p1 arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.p ' 2 - p2 arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.s ' 3 - s arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.d ' 4 - D arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.da ' 5 - da arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.H ' 6 - h arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.d2 ' 7 - d2 arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.massa ' 8 - m arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.s ' 9 - s1 arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.d ' 10 - D1 arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item item.floatVal = tmp.massa ' 11 - m1 arr.ksAddArrayItem -1, item End If End If End Sub Sub GetUserParamTmp() If Not paramTmp Is Nothing Then Dim item As Object ' ksLtVariant Dim item1 As Object ' ksLtVariant Dim arr As Object ' ksDynamicArray Set item = iKompasObject.GetParamStruct(ko_LtVariant) Set item1 = iKompasObject.GetParamStruct(ko_LtVariant) Set arr = paramTmp.GetUserArray() If (Not item Is Nothing) And (Not item1 Is Nothing) And (Not arr Is Nothing) _ And arr.ksGetArrayCount() >= 12 Then item.init arr.ksGetArrayItem 0, item ' dr tmp.dr = item.floatVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 5, item ' da tmp.da = item.floatVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 6, item ' h tmp.H = item.floatVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 7, item ' d2 tmp.d2 = item.floatVal arr.ksGetArrayItem 1, item ' p1 arr.ksGetArrayItem 2, item1 ' p2 If tmp.pitch = 1 Then tmp.p = item1.floatVal Else tmp.p = item.floatVal End If If Abs(item1.floatVal - item.floatVal) < 0.001 Then tmp.pitch_off = 1 Else tmp.pitch_off = 0 End If arr.ksGetArrayItem 9, item1 ' s1 If tmp.key_s_on = 1 And Abs(item1.floatVal) > 0.001 Then tmp.key_s_gray = 1 Else tmp.key_s_gray = 0 tmp.key_s = 0 End If If tmp.key_s_on = 1 And tmp.key_s = 1 Then tmp.s = item1.floatVal ' размер под ключ arr.ksGetArrayItem 10, item1 ' D1 tmp.d = item1.floatVal ' диаметр описанной окружности arr.ksGetArrayItem 11, item1 ' m1 tmp.massa = item1.floatVal Else arr.ksGetArrayItem 3, item1 ' s tmp.s = item1.floatVal ' размер под ключ arr.ksGetArrayItem 4, item1 ' D tmp.d = item1.floatVal ' диаметр описанной окружности arr.ksGetArrayItem 8, item1 ' m tmp.massa = item1.floatVal End If End If End If End Sub ' подключиться к базе данных Function ConnectDB_(ByVal bd As Long, ByVal name As String) As Boolean Dim buf As String If GetFullName(name, buf) Then ConnectDB_ = data.ksConnectDB(, buf) Else ConnectDB_ = data.ksConnectDB(, name) End If End Function ' получить полное имя файла Function GetFullName(name As String, buf As String) As Boolean Dim path As String path = iKompasObject.ksSystemPath(sptLIBS_FILES) path = path + "Load\" + name Dim fso As New FileSystemObject If fso.FileExists(path) Then GetFullName = True buf = path Else path = App.path path = path + "\Load\" + name If fso.FileExists(path) Then GetFullName = True buf = path Else path = App.path path = path + "\" + name If fso.FileExists(path) Then GetFullName = True buf = path Else GetFullName = False End If End If End If End Function ' открыть базу данных Function OpenGaykaBase() As Boolean InitUserParamTmp OpenGaykaBase = False If Not data Is Nothing Then = data.ksCreateDB("TXT_DB") ' TXT_DB If ConnectDB_(, "5915.loa") Then ' 5915.loa base.rg = data.ksRelation( data.ksRFloat ("dr") data.ksRFloat ("") data.ksRFloat ("") data.ksRFloat ("") data.ksRFloat ("") data.ksRFloat ("") data.ksRFloat ("") data.ksRFloat ("") data.ksRFloat ("") data.ksRFloat ("") data.ksRFloat ("") data.ksRFloat ("") data.ksEndRelation If data.ksDoStatement(, base.rg, "") Then ' TXT_ALL OpenGaykaBase = True End If End If End If End Function Sub CloseGaykaBase() ' закрыть базу данных If <> 0 Then data.ksDeleteDB End If End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Читать параметры гайки по диаметру ' возвращает 1 - успех 0 - не найдено записи , ошибка связи с БД ' --- Function ReadGaykaBase(d As Single) As Boolean Dim s As String If d > 0 Then s = "dr=" & Str(d) ' dr=%.0f Else s = "dr=" & Str(tmp.d) ' dr=%.0f End If If data.ksCondition(, base.rg, s) = 1 Then Dim i As Integer i = data.ksReadRecord(, base.rg, paramTmp) If i > 0 Then GetUserParamTmp ReadGaykaBase = True End If Else ReadGaykaBase = False End If End Function Public Sub init() ' инициализация параметров структуры гайки tmp.gost = 5915 tmp.hatchAng = 45 tmp.hatchStep = 2 tmp.dr = 20 tmp.p = 2.5 tmp.ver = 1 tmp.indexMassa = 0 tmp.s = 30 tmp.d = 33 tmp.da = 21.6 tmp.H = 16 tmp.d2 = 27.7 tmp.Class = 2 'класс точности tmp.perform = 0 tmp.axis_off = 0 tmp.simple = 0 tmp.massa = 71.44 End Sub ' инициализация объекта класса Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set Param = iKompasObject.GetParamStruct(ko_UserParam) Set paramTmp = iKompasObject.GetParamStruct(ko_UserParam) Set data = iKompasObject.DataBaseObject() refMacr = 0 flagMode = 0 countObj = 1 InitUserParam If iDocument2D.ksEditMacroMode > 0 And iDocument2D.ksGetMacroParam(0, Param) > 0 Then GetUserParam ' инициализация из макропараметров tmp.ver = 1 tmp.key_s_on = 1 tmp.koef_mat_on = 1 Else ' инициализация по умолчанию par.drawType = ID_VID par.ang = 0 par.flagAttr = 0 init ' инициализация параметров структуры гайки End If End Sub