// // // LMAN.DCL // Copyright © 1999 by Autodesk, Inc. // // Your use of this software is governed by the terms and conditions of the // License Agreement you accepted prior to installation of this software. // Please note that pursuant to the License Agreement for this software, // "[c]opying of this computer program or its documentation except as // permitted by this License is copyright infringement under the laws of // your country. If you copy this computer program without permission of // Autodesk, you are violating the law." // // AUTODESK PROVIDES THIS PROGRAM "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS. // AUTODESK SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF // MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE. AUTODESK, INC. // DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM WILL BE // UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. // // Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to // restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (Commercial Computer // Software - Restricted Rights) and DFAR 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) // (Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software), as applicable. // // ---------------------------------------------------------------- lman : dialog { label = "Layer Manager: Save and Restore Layer Settings"; key= "lman"; : boxed_row { label = "Saved Layer states:"; : list_box { //label = "Saved Layer states:"; mnemonic = "L"; width = 42; tabs = "34"; key = "list_states"; tab_truncate = true; } : column { // spacer_1; //spacer_1; : button { label = "Save..."; mnemonic = "S"; //fixed_width=true; //width=18; key = "saveas"; } : button { label = "Edit..."; mnemonic = "E"; //fixed_width=true; //width=18; key = "edit"; } // spacer_1; : button { label = "Rename..."; mnemonic = "n"; //fixed_width=true; //width=18; key = "rename"; } : button { label = "Delete"; mnemonic = "D"; //fixed_width=true; //width=18; key = "delete"; } // spacer_1; : button { label = "Import..."; mnemonic = "I"; //fixed_width=true; //width=18; key = "import"; } : button { label = "eXport..."; mnemonic = "X"; //fixed_width=true; //width=18; key = "export"; } : button { label = "Options..."; fixed_width=true; width=18; mnemonic = "O"; key = "options"; } } //column } //box_row //: boxed_row { : text_part { label = " "; key = "msg"; } //} : row { spacer_1; : button { label = "Restore"; width=14; fixed_width=true; mnemonic = "R"; key = "restore"; } //spacer_1; : button { label = "Close"; fixed_width=true; width=14; mnemonic = "C"; key = "close"; is_cancel =true; } : button { fixed_width=true; width=14; key="help"; label= "&Help"; is_help=true; } spacer_1; } } new_lman : dialog { label = "Layer state name"; : text_part { key = "new_msg"; value = ""; width = 32; } : edit_box { //label = "New name:"; key = "new_name"; value = ""; fixed_width=true; width = 32; edit_limit=256; } : row { spacer_1; : button { label = "OK"; width=10; fixed_width=true; mnemonic = "A"; is_default=true; key = "accept"; } spacer_1; : button { label = "Cancel"; fixed_width=true; width=10; mnemonic = "C"; key = "cancel"; is_cancel =true; } spacer_1; } } warning : dialog { label = "* Warning! *"; spacer_1; //alignment = centered; : column { : text_part { key = "warn_msg"; value = ""; width = 42; } : text_part { key = "warn_msg2"; value = ""; width = 42; } } spacer_1; : row { spacer_1; : button { label = "Yes"; width=10; fixed_width=true; mnemonic = "Y"; key = "accept"; } spacer_1; : button { label = "No"; fixed_width=true; width=10; mnemonic = "N"; key = "cancel"; is_cancel =true; } spacer_1; } } lmanmode : dialog { label = "Layer Manager: Restore Options"; : boxed_column { label="Select properties to restore:"; : toggle { label = "ON/OFF status"; key = "onoff"; mnemonic = "O"; fixed_width = true; } : toggle { label = "Thaw/Freeze status"; key = "thawfreeze"; mnemonic = "F"; fixed_width = true; } : toggle { label = "Thaw/Freeze in current Viewport status"; key = "vpthawfreeze"; mnemonic = "V"; fixed_width = true; } : toggle { label = "Locked/Unlocked status"; key = "lock"; mnemonic = "L"; fixed_width = true; } : toggle { label = "Color status"; key = "color"; mnemonic = "C"; fixed_width = true; } : toggle { label = "Linetype status"; key = "linetype"; mnemonic = "t"; fixed_width = true; } : toggle { label = "Line&weight status"; key = "lineweight"; fixed_width = true; } : toggle { label = "&Plot status"; key = "plot"; fixed_width = true; } : toggle { label = "Plot&Style status"; key = "plotstyle"; fixed_width = true; } spacer; } // boxed column : row { : button { fixed_width=true; width=11; key="accept"; is_default=true; label= "OK"; } : button { fixed_width=true; width=11; is_cancel=true; key="cancel"; label= "Cancel"; } : button { fixed_width=true; width=11; key="help"; label= "&Help"; is_help=true; } } // row : text_part { key="error"; label=""; } } lman_rename : dialog { label = "Rename Layer state"; : row { : text_part { key = "txt1"; value = ""; width = 10; } : edit_box { key = "ed1"; value = ""; fixed_width=true; width = 32; edit_limit=256; } } //row : row { : text_part { key = "txt2"; value = ""; width = 10; } : edit_box { key = "ed2"; value = ""; fixed_width=true; width = 32; edit_limit=256; } } //row : row { spacer_1; : button { label = "OK"; width=10; fixed_width=true; mnemonic = "A"; is_default=true; key = "accept"; } spacer_1; : button { label = "Cancel"; fixed_width=true; width=10; mnemonic = "C"; key = "cancel"; is_cancel =true; } spacer_1; } : text_part { key="error"; label=""; } }