; It's Quick 3D Cover ver 2.0.1 langualge file. ; It is in Windows .INI format. ; lines starting with ";" are comments and don't need to be translated. ; ; Strings after symbol '=' need to be translated. ; Please, don't split long strings. ; Please, don't alter IDs of the strings before sign '=' ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ; 1.6x -> 2.0 changes ;Added toolbar buttons: ;TB_Q2D= ;TBTT_Q2D= ;diaglostics ;ERR_Q2D_OPEN ;ERR_Q2D_SAVE ;ERR_RAMP_OPEN ;ERR_RAMP_SAVE ; and whole "Design Editor" section ;2.0 beta 1 -> beta 3 additions in various places ; May be I will change value of STORAGE=Storage by STORAGE=Data ;STORAGE= ;BLUERAY= ;CASE= ; for undefined initial file names ;UNTITLED=Untitled ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;don't change string below [Common] ;don't change string below VER=2.0.1 ; Lagnuage name in English LANGUAGE_EN=English ; Native language name LANGUAGE=English ; right lo left reading order (Not used yet). RIGHTTOLEFT=no ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ; [TITLE] For main Q3C window Q3CTITLE=Quick 3D Cover ver. 2.0.1 ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ; [FONTS] ; Font for Faces list and Gallery. DEFAULT_CHARSET is used for output. ; leave the value blank (INTFONT_FACENAME=) or remove the string below to make no ; changes and preserve default font face. INTFONT_FACENAME=Arial ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ; [FACES] names of faces in the Faces List Window FACE_BK=Background FACE_FRONT=FRONT FACE_SIDE=SIDE FACE_TOP=TOP FACE_DISC=DISC FACE_FRONT2=FRONT 2 FACE_SIDE2=SIDE 2 FACE_TOP2=TOP 2 FACE_DISC2=DISC 2 ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ;[Messages] text for internal diagnosctics ; title for some error messages ERR_TITLE=sorry... ERR_INTERNAL_DATA=Error loading internal data! Application will terminate. ERR_LOADIMG=Failed to load image ERR_THUMB=Failed to create thumbnail ; two parts of one message. Format name will be substituted in the middle. WRN_FORMAT1=Output format " WRN_FORMAT2 " is not supported. ; two parts of one messagež File name will be substituted in the middle. WRN_OVERWRITE1=File " WRN_OVERWRITE2=" already exists. Overwrite? ERR_ISAVE=Error: Cannot save the resulting image. May be the image is opened by another program and is blocked for writting. ERR_HELP=Failed to access Help file. Please, visit http://www.nervepreserve.com/ to get online help. ; cannot open picture while loading q3c project ERR_QOPEN_IMG=Cannot open the project correctly. Failed to process image: ; error reading 2d-design file (.q2d) ERR_Q2D_OPEN=Error: can't read 2d-design ; error writting 2d-design file (.q2d) ERR_Q2D_SAVE=Error: can't save 2d-design ; error reading ramp file (.q2r) ERR_RAMP_OPEN=Error: can't read ramp ; error writting ramp file (.q2r) ERR_RAMP_SAVE=Error: can't save ramp ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ;[Misc] ; output filter for picture SaveAs dialog IOUT_FILTER= All output image formats|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png;*.bmp|JPEG Files (*.jpg;*.jpeg)|*.jpg; *.jpeg|TIFF Files (*.tif;*.tiff)|*.tif; *.tiff|GIF Files (*.gif;)|*.gif|PNG Files (*.png;)|*.png|BMP Files (*.bmp;)|*.bmp|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| ; input filter for picture Open dialog IIN_FILTER=All input image formats |*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png;*.bmp;*.tif;*.tiff;*.psd|JPEG Files (*.jpg;*.jpeg)|*.jpg; *.jpeg|TIFF Files (*.tif;*.tiff)|*.tif; *.tiff|GIF Files (*.gif;)|*.gif|PNG Files (*.png;)|*.png|BMP Files (*.bmp;)|*.bmp|Photoshop Files (*.psd;)|*.psd|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| ; output filter for project SaveAs dialog QOUT_FILTER=Quick 3D Cover project (*.q3c)|*.q3c|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| ; activation messages ACTCODE_ERR=Invalid name/code combination. Repeat activation please. ACTCODE_ERR_T=Activation error ACT_SUCCESS=Thank you for registering Quick 3D Cover. To complete activation, restart Quick 3D Cover, please. ACT_SUCCESS_T=Activation accepted ; template's name will be substituted for [%s] and file name for %s BATCH_TPL_FMT=Rendering template: [%s] to file: %s ; part of question about file overwritting. File name and sign '?' will be added in program. Don't place it here. Q_OVWR1=Overwrite file ; message when user canceled Batch render BATCH_TRM=Batch render was terminated. ; Message when Batch was finished succesfully. BATCH_DONE=Batch is done. ; for Batch dialog diagnostics. WRN_TITLE_CANTCONT=Cannot continue ; the message appears if output folder was not given WRN_NOOUTFOLDER=Output folder was not given. Please, select it. ; messageif none of objects were selected WRN_NOTHINGTOBATCH=Nothing to do. Please, select at least one type of object to render. ; 3 string below are for the List of faces. ; Each of them will be printed in separate line ; assign empty values to unneeded strings (SFL_CLICKTOLOADIMG4=) SFL_CLICKTOLOADIMG1=Click SFL_CLICKTOLOADIMG2=to load SFL_CLICKTOLOADIMG3=image SFL_CLICKTOLOADIMG4= ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ;[Help menu] MENU_HELP_HELP=Help MENU_HELP_QSTART=Quick Start MENU_HELP_ABOUT=About MENU_HELP_PURCH=How to purchase MENU_HELP_SERIAL=Enter serial number ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ;[Words] here are translation of words used internaly PREVIEW=Preview ; used for file names ; names of template objects BOX=Box DISC=Disc BOOK=Book JEWELCASE=Jewel case DVDCASE=DVD case DISPLAY=Display SCRSHOT=Screen Shot OFFICE=Office ENVELOPE=Envelope LETTERHEAD=Letterhead VHSCASETTE=VHS casette CARD=Card BUSINESSCARD=Business Card VINYL=Vinyl MAGAZINE=Magazine STORAGE=Data BLUERAY=Blu-ray CASE=case PROPORTIONS=Proportions ERROR=Error WARNING=Warning WIDTH=Width HEIGHT=Height CLOSE=Close ; CANCEL and OK is text for standard buttons in dialogs CANCEL=Cancel OK=OK START=Start SAVE=Save ; to print info about sizes MEGA=M KILO=k BYTES=bytes UNDEFINED=Undefined UNTITLED=Untitled BROWSE=Browse ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ; toolbar ; texts for button and tooltip TB_NEW=New TBTT_New=New Quick 3D Cover's project TB_OPEN=Open TBTT_OPEN=Open Quick 3D Cover's project TB_SAVE=Save TBTT_SAVE=Save Quick 3D Cover's project TB_SAVEAS=Save As TBTT_SAVEAS=Save Quick 3D Cover's project as a new file... TB_BATCH=Batch TBTT_BATCH=Batch: renders many templates at once... TB_SAVEPIC=Save pic... TBTT_SAVEPIC=Render and save picture... TB_ASSISTANT=Assist TBTT_ASSISTANT=Calls Assistant's helping dialog... TB_HELP=Help TBTT_HELP=Help menu TB_SHDEF=Defaults TBTT_SHDEF=Set numerical parameters of shading to default values. TB_Q2D=Designer TBTT_Q2D=2D-Designer: enter texts and create style. ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ; Main dialog ; tooltips for "<" and ">" buttons BUTTT_GAL_PREV=Previous template BUTTT_GAL_NEXT=Next template SDLG_MAIN_GAL=Select a template from the Gallery below: SDLG_MAIN_FACESLIST=Select pictures or colors for faces and backgroung: SDLG_MAIN_DIMS=Output image dimensions SDLG_MAIN_W=Width: SDLG_MAIN_H=Height: SDLG_MAIN_FLIP_HORZ=Flip horizontal SDLG_MAIN_TRANSP_BK=Transparent background SDLG_MAIN_SHARPNEN=Sharpness: SDLG_MAIN_SMOOTH=Extra smooth SDLG_MAIN_OBJ=Object(s) SDLG_MAIN_CLR_OBJ=Object's color: SDLG_MAIN_SH=Shading (%): SDLG_MAIN_HI=Highlights (%): SDLG_MAIN_REFL=Reflections SDLG_MAIN_REFL_SHOW=Show SDLG_MAIN_OPACITY=Opacity (%): SDLG_MAIN_FADE=Fade SDLG_MAIN_REFL_LEN=Length (%): SDLG_MAIN_BRG=Brightness (%): SDLG_MAIN_BLUR=Blur reflections: SDLG_MAIN_SHADOW=Shadow SDLG_MAIN_SHDENSITY=Density of shadow (%): SDLG_MAIN_DISCPRINTAREA=Large disk print area ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ; "Welcome" dialog. It appears when q3c starts 1st time and offers to launch ; Welcome Dialog SDLG_WELCOME_TITLE=Welcome to Quick 3D Cover. SDLG_WELCOME_QSTART=Show "Quick Start" tutorial. SDLG_WELCOME_BUY= SDLG_WELCOME_ASSIST=Call Assistant. SDLG_WELCOME_DONT=Don't show again SDLG_WELCOME_CLOSE=Close ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ; Batch Overwrite? dialog. It appears when Batch meets existing files. SDLG_OVWR_TITLE=Warning SDLG_OVWR_OVWR=&Overwrite SDLG_OVWR_OVWRALL=Overwrite &all SDLG_OVWR_SKIP=&Skip SDLG_OVWR_SKIPALL=S&kip all ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ; Order(purchase) dialog. SDLG_ORDER_TITLE=How to purchase SDLG_ORDER_TEXT=Click "Order oline" to purchase Quick 3D Cover and remove watermark from resulting image. SDLG_ORDER_URL=Order online ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ; Output Format Options dialog. SDLG_FMT_TITLE=Output Format Options SDLG_FMT_QUALITY=Quality SDLG_FMT_256COLOR=256-color SDLG_FMT_TRUECOLOR=True-color SDLG_FMT_DITHER=Dither 256-color images ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ; Batch Progress dialog. Visible during batch render. SDLG_BATCHPROGR_TITLE=Batch in progress ; "canceling" simply appears when user clicks button [Cancel Batch] SDLG_BATCHPROGR_CANCELING=C A N C E L I N G ... SDLG_BATCHPROGR_CANCEL=Cancel Batch ; preserve %d here. "Rendering 15 of 53 templates." will be shown. SDLG_BATCHPROGR_INFO=Rendering %d of %d templates. ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ; Activation dialog. SDLG_ACTIVATION_TITLE=Quick 3D Cover Activation SDLG_ACTIVATION_TEXT1=Thank you for registering Quick 3D Cover. SDLG_ACTIVATION_TEXT2=Enter registration name and serial number into the fields below exactly as in the activation email. You can Copy/Paste the data via clipboard to avoid errors. SDLG_ACTIVATION_NAME=Registration name: SDLG_ACTIVATION_SER=Serial number: ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ; Batch setup dialog. SDLG_BATCH_TITLE=Batch Render Setup SDLG_BATCH_DESCR=Batch render allows to make many templates at once. Select types of objects to render, select destination folder and click Start. Then browse all resulting pictures and select the best. SDLG_BATCH_FILTER=Filtering SDLG_BATCH_IFPRESENT=Render if present: SDLG_BATCH_OUTPUT=Output SDLG_BATCH_FOLDER=Output folder: SDLG_BATCH_PREFIX=File name prefix: SDLG_BATCH_FILETYPE=File type: SDLG_BATCH_SAMPLE=File name sample: SDLG_BATCH_WHATIFEXISTS=What to do with existing files? SDLG_BATCH_ASK=Ask SDLG_BATCH_OVWR=Overwrite ; for objects types selection "All" ; texts for object types will be taken from their names BOX=, BOOK= (above) SDLG_BATCH_CHKALL=All SDLG_BATCH_FMTOPT=Options... ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ; About dialog. SDLG_ABOUT_TITLE=About Quick 3D Cover SDLG_ABOUT_HEAD1=Quick 3D Cover, ver. 2.0.1, SDLG_ABOUT_HEAD2=Japanese Edition SDLG_ABOUT_URLHOME_JE=Quick 3D Cover JE Home SDLG_ABOUT_MAIL_JE=Contact DRYOUT.INFO SDLG_ABOUT_URLHOME=Quick 3D Cover Home SDLG_ABOUT_MAIL=Contact Nervepreserve SDLG_ABOUT_INFO1=UNREGISTERED VERSION SDLG_ABOUT_INFO2=Click "Order oline" to register and remove watermark from resulting image. SDLG_ABOUT_INFO3=Click "Enter serial number" to input the number if you already have it. SDLG_ABOUT_OREDERONLINE=Order online SDLG_ABOUT_ENETRSERIAL=Enter serial number SDLG_ABOUT_OWNER=This copy is registered to ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ; Assistant dialog. SDLG_ASSISTANT_TITLE=Quick 3D Cover's Assistant SDLG_ASSISTANT_NEXT=Next SDLG_ASSISTANT_PREV=Prev SDLG_ASSISTANT_HIDE=Hide Assistant SDLG_ASSISTANT_COMMENT0=What is the Assistant? SDLG_ASSISTANT_COMMENT1=Step 1 of 4: SDLG_ASSISTANT_COMMENT2=Step 2 of 4: SDLG_ASSISTANT_COMMENT3=Step 3 of 4: SDLG_ASSISTANT_COMMENT4=Step 4 of 4: SDLG_ASSISTANT_STEP0=The Assistant is a helping dialog. It shows 4-steps instruction for making the resulting picture with Quick 3D Cover. Blinking frame on the Main Quick 3D Cover's screen will highlight the area of the current action. SDLG_ASSISTANT_STEP1=Select a desired template from the Gallery (the Gallery is highlighted by the blinking frame). SDLG_ASSISTANT_STEP2=Assign a picture (or a solid color) to each face marked by red check mark. SDLG_ASSISTANT_STEP3=Set dimensions in pixels of the final picture. SDLG_ASSISTANT_STEP4=Save the result. ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ; SavePicDialog SDLG_PS_TITLE=Save Picture SDLG_PS_INFO_SRC=Original (uncompressed): SDLG_PS_INFO_DST=Result: SDLG_PS_GR_PARMS=Format Options SDLG_PS_FMT=Format: SDLG_PS_TRANSP=Transparency SDLG_PS_256=Reduce to 256 colors SDLG_PS_JPEGQUALITY=Quality (%): ;SDLG_PS_XDPI= ;SDLG_PS_YDPI=y-DPI SDLG_PS_RESOLUTION=Resolution (DPI): SDLG_PS_ZOOM=Zoom: SDLG_PS_FIT=Fit on window SDLG_PS_DITHER=Dither ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ; Color Dialog SDLG_CLR_TITLE=Select Color ; names of colors and components SDLG_CLR_R=&Red SDLG_CLR_G=Green SDLG_CLR_B=Blue SDLG_CLR_H=Hue SDLG_CLR_S=Saturation SDLG_CLR_V=Value SDLG_CLR_WEB=# SDLG_CLR_CURCLR=Color SDLG_CLR_PAL=Palette SDLG_CLR_CUSTCLRS=Saved colors ; buttons put and get SDLG_CLR_BUT_PUT=< Put SDLG_CLR_BUT_GET=Get > ; _____________________________________________________________________________ ; Design Editor ; _______ Main Design Editor's window _______ Q2D_DLGTITLE=Quick 3D Cover Designer SDLG_Q2D_DES_SET=Select a design: SDLG_Q2D_APPLY=Apply to SDLG_Q2D_FACES=Targes faces: SDLG_Q2D_GALLERY=Select a template: SDLG_Q2D_LAYERS=Layers: ; tooltips for new/open/save design buttons in the main Designer's window Q2DTT_DESIGN_NEW=New: Reset design to default state Q2DTT_DESIGN_OPEN=Open design Q2DTT_DESIGN_SAVE=Save design ; for FileOpen dialog (design file has .q2d extension) Q2DDESIGN_FILTER=Quick 3D Cover design (*.q2d)|*.q2d|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| ; design names (to initialize the list) SDLG_Q2D_DESIGN_NAME1=Design A SDLG_Q2D_DESIGN_NAME2=Design B ; target faces SDLG_Q2D_TARGET1=1: FRONT, ..., DISC SDLG_Q2D_TARGET2=2: FRONT2, ..., DISC2 ; _______ Image loading data _______ Q2D_DLG_IMGPLACEMENT=Fill layer: Image properties ; tabs SDLG_Q2D_IMGPLACEMENT_FILE=File SDLG_Q2D_IMGPLACEMENT_PLACEMENT=Placement ; Image properties tab SDLG_Q2D_IMGPLACEMENT_PATH=Path to image file: SDLG_Q2D_IMGPLACEMENT_USEALPHA=Use alpha channel if present ; _______ Ramp data _______ Q2D_DLG_RAMPPLACEMENT=Fill layer: Ramp properties SDLG_Q2D_RAMPPLACEMENT_RAMP=Ramp ; Placement page (common for image and ramp placement dialogs) SDLG_Q2D_IMGPLACEMENT_SFRAME=Stretch mode SDLG_Q2D_IMGPLACEMENT_FITX=Fit width SDLG_Q2D_IMGPLACEMENT_FITY=Fit height SDLG_Q2D_IMGPLACEMENT_BESTFIT=Best fit SDLG_Q2D_IMGPLACEMENT_STRETCH=Stretch ; _______ Layers _______ ; layers names SDLG_QDE_LNAME_TITLE=Title SDLG_QDE_LNAME_AUTHOR=Author SDLG_QDE_LNAME_WEB=Web SDLG_QDE_LNAME_BK=Background ; "Fill" below will be concatenated with "A", "B", "C". SDLG_QDE_LNAME_FILL=Fill ; for design templates information under thumbnails. %d will be replaced by number DESIGN_GAL_TPL_INFO=%d layer(s) ; initial texts SDLG_QDE_LTEXT_TITLE=Title SDLG_QDE_LTEXT_AUTHOR=by Author SDLG_QDE_LTEXT_WEB=www.mysite.com ; initial colors for layers in format R,G,B (in web haxadecimal format. It can easily copy-pasted from the Q3C's Color Dialog). ;"jeans" ;SDLG_QDE_LCOLOR3=716b80 ;SDLG_QDE_LCOLOR2=9e94b0 ;SDLG_QDE_LCOLOR1=bfb4d6 ;SDLG_QDE_LCOLORBK=e8ddff ;"sepia" SDLG_QDE_LCOLOR3=80756b SDLG_QDE_LCOLOR2=b0a294 SDLG_QDE_LCOLOR1=d6c5b4 SDLG_QDE_LCOLORBK=fff6dd ; _______ Text layer properties _______ Q2D_DLG_TEXT=Text layer properties SDLG_QDE_TEXTDLG_TEXT=Text: SDLG_QDE_TEXTDLG_FONT=Font: SDLG_QDE_TEXTDLG_STYLE=Style: SDLG_QDE_TEXT_TEXTSZ=Font scale(%): SDLG_QDE_TEXT_TEXTCLR=Color: SDLG_QDE_TEXT_UNDERLINE=Underline ; _______ Ramp Editor _______ SDLG_RAMP_VALUE=Value: SDLG_RAMP_POSITION=Position: SDLG_RAMP_INTERP=Interpolation: SDLG_RAMP_TYPE=Type: SDLG_RAMP_INTRP_LINEAR=Linear SDLG_RAMP_INTRP_STAIR=Stair SDLG_RAMP_TYPE_URAMP=Horizontal SDLG_RAMP_TYPE_VRAMP=Vertical SDLG_RAMP_TYPE_RADIAL=Radial SDLG_RAMP_TYPE_CIRCULAR=Circular SDLG_RAMP_TYPE_BOX=Box SDLG_RAMP_TYPE_4CORNERS=Four corners- ; tooltips for new, open, save buttons Q2DTT_RAMP_NEW=New: Reset ramp to default state Q2DTT_RAMP_OPEN=Open ramp Q2DTT_RAMP_SAVE=Save ramp Q2D_RAMP_FILE_FILTER=Ramp Files(*.q2r)|*.q2r|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| ; predefined ramp names (for Ramp Editor->Button New pull-down menu) Q2D_RAMPFORM_RAINBOW=Rainbow Q2D_RAMPFORM_HUE=Hue circle Q2D_RAMPFORM_RGB=Red-green-blue Q2D_RAMPFORM_BW=Black-white Q2D_RAMPFORM_BLACK=Black Q2D_RAMPFORM_WHITE=White