_Please note!_ The github issue tracker should only be used for feature requests and bugs with a clear description of the issue and the expected behaviour (see below). All questions belong on [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/sequelize.js) or [Google groups](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/sequelize). # Issues Issues are always very welcome - after all, they are a big part of making sequelize better. However, there are a couple of things you can do to make the lives of the developers _much, much_ easier: ### Tell us: * What you are doing? * Post a _minimal_ code sample that reproduces the issue, including models and associations * What do you expect to happen? * What is actually happening? * Which dialect you are using (postgres, mysql etc)? * Which sequelize version you are using? When you post code, please use [Github flavored markdown](https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown), in order to get proper syntax highlighting! If you can even provide a pull request with a failing unit test, we will love you long time! Plus your issue will likely be fixed much faster. # Pull requests We're glad to get pull request if any functionality is missing or something is buggy. However, there are a couple of things you can do to make life easier for the maintainers: * Explain the issue that your PR is solving - or link to an existing issue * Make sure that all existing tests pass * Add some tests for your new functionality or a test exhibiting the bug you are solving. Ideally all new tests should not pass _without_ your changes. - Use [promise style](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird#what-are-promises-and-why-should-i-use-them) in all new tests. Specifically this means: - don't use `EventEmitter`, `QueryChainer` or the `success`, `done` and `error` events - don't use nested callbacks (use [Promise.bind](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md#binddynamic-thisarg---promise) to maintain context in promise chains) - don't use a done callback in your test, just return the promise chain. - Small bugfixes and direct backports to the 1.7 branch are accepted without tests. * If you are adding to / changing the public API, remember to add API docs, in the form of [JSDoc style](http://usejsdoc.org/about-getting-started.html) comments. See [section 4a](#4a-check-the-documentation ) for the specifics. * Add an entry to [the changelog](https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize/blob/master/changelog.md), with a link to the issue you are solving Still interested? Coolio! Here is how to get started: ### 1. Prepare your environment Here comes a little surprise: You need [Node.JS](http://nodejs.org). In order to be a productive developer, I would recommend the latest v0.10. ### 2. Install the dependencies Just "cd" into sequelize directory and run `npm install`, see an example below: ```console $ cd path/to/sequelize $ npm install ``` ### 3. Database... Come to me! ### For MySQL and PostgreSQL you'll need to create a DB called `sequelize_test`. For MySQL this would look like this: ```console $ echo "CREATE DATABASE sequelize_test;" | mysql -uroot ``` **CLEVER NOTE:** by default, your local MySQL install must be with username `root` without password. If you want to customize that, you can set the environment variables `SEQ_DB`, `SEQ_USER`, `SEQ_PW`, `SEQ_HOST` and `SEQ_PORT`. For Postgres, creating the database and (optionally) adding the test user this would look like: ```console $ psql # create database sequelize_test; # create user postgres with superuser; ``` **AND ONE LAST THING:** Once `npm install` worked for you (see below), you'll get SQLite tests for free :) #### 3a. Docker Makes sure Docker and docker-compose are installed. Then simply run: ```sh npm run test-docker ``` And once in a while you might want to run: ```sh npm run build-docker ``` To rebuild the image (in case of changed dependencies or similar). If sequelize is unable to connect to mysql you might want to try running `sudo docker-compose up` in a second terminal window. #### 3b. Docker and OSX: Docker does not run on OSX natively so you will have to use an VM layer like `boot2docker`. See [OSX Docker Documentation](http://docs.docker.com/installation/mac/) for install or you can also use [Homebrew](http://brew.sh) to install `boot2docker` after installing [VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org) After installing and intializing docker you can pull the docker container: ```console $ boot2docker up Waiting for VM and Docker daemon to start... ...... Started. To connect the Docker client to the Docker daemon, please set: export DOCKER_HOST=tcp:// $ export DOCKER_HOST=tcp:// $ docker pull mhansen/sequelize-contribution ``` And then setup and run the tests: ```console $ CONTAINER=$(docker run -d -i -t mhansen/sequelize-contribution) $ CONTAINER_IP=$(docker inspect --format='{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' $CONTAINER) $ SEQ_HOST=$CONTAINER_IP SEQ_USER=sequelize_test make all ``` These are the same commands as above, although `sudo` is not required. When you are done with your testing: ```console $ boot2docker down ``` ### 4. Run the tests ### All tests are located in the `test` folder (which contains the lovely [Mocha](http://visionmedia.github.io/mocha/) tests). ```console $ make all || mysql || sqlite || pgsql || postgres || mariadb || postgres-native $ # alternatively you can pass database credentials with $variables when testing $ DIALECT=dialect SEQ_DB=database SEQ_USER=user SEQ_PW=password make test ``` #### 4a. Check the documentation This step only applies if you have actually changed something in the documentation. Please read `CONTRIBUTING.DOCS.md` first. To generate documentation for the `sequelize.js` file, run (in the sequelize dir) ```console $ npm run docs ``` The generated documentation will be placed in `docs/tmp.md`. ### 5. That's all ### Just commit and send your pull request. Happy hacking and thank you for contributing. ### 6. Some words about coding style ### Have a look at our [.jshintrc](https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize/blob/master/.jshintrc) file for the specifics. As part of the test process, all files will be linted, and your PR will _not_ be accepted if it does not pass linting. #### 6.1. Spaces #### Use spaces when defining functions. ```js function(arg1, arg2, arg3) { return 1; } ``` Use spaces for if statements. ```js if (condition) { // do something } else { // something else } ``` #### 6.2. Variable declarations #### ```js var num = 1 , user = new User() , date = new Date(); ``` #### 6.3. Semicolons #### Yes