# node-pre-gyp changelog ## 0.6.10 - Added known node and io.js versions including 3.x and 4.x versions - Upgraded `tar` dep ## 0.6.9 - Upgraded `rc` dep - Updated known io.js version: v2.4.0 ## 0.6.8 - Upgraded `semver` and `rimraf` deps - Updated known node and io.js versions ## 0.6.7 - Fixed `node_abi` versions for io.js 1.1.x -> 1.8.x (should be 43, but was stored as 42) (refs https://github.com/iojs/build/issues/94) ## 0.6.6 - Updated with known io.js 2.0.0 version ## 0.6.5 - Now respecting `npm_config_node_gyp` (https://github.com/npm/npm/pull/4887) - Updated to semver@4.3.2 - Updated known node v0.12.x versions and io.js 1.x versions. ## 0.6.4 - Improved support for `io.js` (@fengmk2) - Test coverage improvements (@mikemorris) - Fixed support for `--dist-url` that regressed in 0.6.3 ## 0.6.3 - Added support for passing raw options to node-gyp using `--` separator. Flags passed after the `--` to `node-pre-gyp configure` will be passed directly to gyp while flags passed after the `--` will be passed directly to make/visual studio. - Added `node-pre-gyp configure` command to be able to call `node-gyp configure` directly - Fix issue with require validation not working on windows 7 (@edgarsilva) ## 0.6.2 - Support for io.js >= v1.0.2 - Deferred require of `request` and `tar` to help speed up command line usage of `node-pre-gyp`. ## 0.6.1 - Fixed bundled `tar` version ## 0.6.0 - BREAKING: node odd releases like v0.11.x now use `major.minor.patch` for `{node_abi}` instead of `NODE_MODULE_VERSION` (#124) - Added support for `toolset` option in versioning. By default is an empty string but `--toolset` can be passed to publish or install to select alternative binaries that target a custom toolset like C++11. For example to target Visual Studio 2014 modules like node-sqlite3 use `--toolset=v140`. - Added support for `--no-rollback` option to request that a failed binary test does not remove the binary module leaves it in place. - Added support for `--update-binary` option to request an existing binary be re-installed and the check for a valid local module be skipped. - Added support for passing build options from `npm` through `node-pre-gyp` to `node-gyp`: `--nodedir`, `--disturl`, `--python`, and `--msvs_version` ## 0.5.31 - Added support for deducing node_abi for node.js runtime from previous release if the series is even - Added support for --target=0.10.33 ## 0.5.30 - Repackaged with latest bundled deps ## 0.5.29 - Added support for semver `build`. - Fixed support for downloading from urls that include `+`. ## 0.5.28 - Now reporting unix style paths only in reveal command ## 0.5.27 - Fixed support for auto-detecting s3 bucket name when it contains `.` - @taavo - Fixed support for installing when path contains a `'` - @halfdan - Ported tests to mocha ## 0.5.26 - Fix node-webkit support when `--target` option is not provided ## 0.5.25 - Fix bundling of deps ## 0.5.24 - Updated ABI crosswalk to incldue node v0.10.30 and v0.10.31 ## 0.5.23 - Added `reveal` command. Pass no options to get all versioning data as json. Pass a second arg to grab a single versioned property value - Added support for `--silent` (shortcut for `--loglevel=silent`) ## 0.5.22 - Fixed node-webkit versioning name (NOTE: node-webkit support still experimental) ## 0.5.21 - New package to fix `shasum check failed` error with v0.5.20 ## 0.5.20 - Now versioning node-webkit binaries based on major.minor.patch - assuming no compatible ABI across versions (#90) ## 0.5.19 - Updated to know about more node-webkit releases ## 0.5.18 - Updated to know about more node-webkit releases ## 0.5.17 - Updated to know about node v0.10.29 release ## 0.5.16 - Now supporting all aws-sdk configuration parameters (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/guide/node-configuring.html) (#86) ## 0.5.15 - Fixed installation of windows packages sub directories on unix systems (#84) ## 0.5.14 - Finished support for cross building using `--target_platform` option (#82) - Now skipping binary validation on install if target arch/platform do not match the host. - Removed multi-arch validing for OS X since it required a FAT node.js binary ## 0.5.13 - Fix problem in 0.5.12 whereby the wrong versions of mkdirp and semver where bundled. ## 0.5.12 - Improved support for node-webkit (@Mithgol) ## 0.5.11 - Updated target versions listing ## 0.5.10 - Fixed handling of `-debug` flag passed directory to node-pre-gyp (#72) - Added optional second arg to `node_pre_gyp.find` to customize the default versioning options used to locate the runtime binary - Failed install due to `testbinary` check failure no longer leaves behind binary (#70) ## 0.5.9 - Fixed regression in `testbinary` command causing installs to fail on windows with 0.5.7 (#60) ## 0.5.8 - Started bundling deps ## 0.5.7 - Fixed the `testbinary` check, which is used to determine whether to re-download or source compile, to work even in complex dependency situations (#63) - Exposed the internal `testbinary` command in node-pre-gyp command line tool - Fixed minor bug so that `fallback_to_build` option is always respected ## 0.5.6 - Added support for versioning on the `name` value in `package.json` (#57). - Moved to using streams for reading tarball when publishing (#52) ## 0.5.5 - Improved binary validation that also now works with node-webkit (@Mithgol) - Upgraded test apps to work with node v0.11.x - Improved test coverage ## 0.5.4 - No longer depends on external install of node-gyp for compiling builds. ## 0.5.3 - Reverted fix for debian/nodejs since it broke windows (#45) ## 0.5.2 - Support for debian systems where the node binary is named `nodejs` (#45) - Added `bin/node-pre-gyp.cmd` to be able to run command on windows locally (npm creates an .npm automatically when globally installed) - Updated abi-crosswalk with node v0.10.26 entry. ## 0.5.1 - Various minor bug fixes, several improving windows support for publishing. ## 0.5.0 - Changed property names in `binary` object: now required are `module_name`, `module_path`, and `host`. - Now `module_path` supports versioning, which allows developers to opt-in to using a versioned install path (#18). - Added `remote_path` which also supports versioning. - Changed `remote_uri` to `host`. ## 0.4.2 - Added support for `--target` flag to request cross-compile against a specific node/node-webkit version. - Added preliminary support for node-webkit - Fixed support for `--target_arch` option being respected in all cases. ## 0.4.1 - Fixed exception when only stderr is available in binary test (@bendi / #31) ## 0.4.0 - Enforce only `https:` based remote publishing access. - Added `node-pre-gyp info` command to display listing of published binaries - Added support for changing the directory node-pre-gyp should build in with the `-C/--directory` option. - Added support for S3 prefixes. ## 0.3.1 - Added `unpublish` command. - Fixed module path construction in tests. - Added ability to disable falling back to build behavior via `npm install --fallback-to-build=false` which overrides setting in a depedencies package.json `install` target. ## 0.3.0 - Support for packaging all files in `module_path` directory - see `app4` for example - Added `testpackage` command. - Changed `clean` command to only delete `.node` not entire `build` directory since node-gyp will handle that. - `.node` modules must be in a folder of there own since tar-pack will remove everything when it unpacks.