{*******************************************************} { } { Turbo Pascal Runtime Library } { Windows DOS Interface Unit } { } { Copyright (c) 1991,92 Borland International } { } {*******************************************************} unit WinDos; {$O+,S-,W-} interface { Flags bit masks } const fCarry = $0001; fParity = $0004; fAuxiliary = $0010; fZero = $0040; fSign = $0080; fOverflow = $0800; { File mode magic numbers } const fmClosed = $D7B0; fmInput = $D7B1; fmOutput = $D7B2; fmInOut = $D7B3; { File attribute constants } const faReadOnly = $01; faHidden = $02; faSysFile = $04; faVolumeID = $08; faDirectory = $10; faArchive = $20; faAnyFile = $3F; { Maximum file name component string lengths } const fsPathName = 79; fsDirectory = 67; fsFileName = 8; fsExtension = 4; { FileSplit return flags } const fcExtension = $0001; fcFileName = $0002; fcDirectory = $0004; fcWildcards = $0008; { Registers record used by Intr and MsDos } type TRegisters = record case Integer of 0: (AX, BX, CX, DX, BP, SI, DI, DS, ES, Flags: Word); 1: (AL, AH, BL, BH, CL, CH, DL, DH: Byte); end; { Typed-file and untyped-file record } type TFileRec = record Handle: Word; Mode: Word; RecSize: Word; Private: array[1..26] of Byte; UserData: array[1..16] of Byte; Name: array[0..79] of Char; end; { Textfile record } type PTextBuf = ^TTextBuf; TTextBuf = array[0..127] of Char; TTextRec = record Handle: Word; Mode: Word; BufSize: Word; Private: Word; BufPos: Word; BufEnd: Word; BufPtr: PTextBuf; OpenFunc: Pointer; InOutFunc: Pointer; FlushFunc: Pointer; CloseFunc: Pointer; UserData: array[1..16] of Byte; Name: array[0..79] of Char; Buffer: TTextBuf; end; { Search record used by FindFirst and FindNext } type TSearchRec = record Fill: array[1..21] of Byte; Attr: Byte; Time: Longint; Size: Longint; Name: array[0..12] of Char; end; { Date and time record used by PackTime and UnpackTime } type TDateTime = record Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec: Word; end; { Error status variable } var DosError: Integer; { DosVersion returns the DOS version number. The low byte of } { the result is the major version number, and the high byte is } { the minor version number. For example, DOS 3.20 returns 3 in } { the low byte, and 20 in the high byte. } function DosVersion: Word; { Intr executes a specified software interrupt with a specified } { TRegisters package. NOTE: To avoid general protection faults } { when running in protected mode, always make sure to } { initialize the DS and ES fields of the TRegisters record with } { valid selector values, or set the fields to zero. } procedure Intr(IntNo: Byte; var Regs: TRegisters); { MsDos invokes the DOS function call handler with a specified } { TRegisters package. } procedure MsDos(var Regs: TRegisters); { GetDate returns the current date set in the operating system. } { Ranges of the values returned are: Year 1980-2099, Month } { 1-12, Day 1-31 and DayOfWeek 0-6 (0 corresponds to Sunday). } procedure GetDate(var Year, Month, Day, DayOfWeek: Word); { SetDate sets the current date in the operating system. Valid } { parameter ranges are: Year 1980-2099, Month 1-12 and Day } { 1-31. If the date is not valid, the function call is ignored. } procedure SetDate(Year, Month, Day: Word); { GetTime returns the current time set in the operating system. } { Ranges of the values returned are: Hour 0-23, Minute 0-59, } { Second 0-59 and Sec100 (hundredths of seconds) 0-99. } procedure GetTime(var Hour, Minute, Second, Sec100: Word); { SetTime sets the time in the operating system. Valid } { parameter ranges are: Hour 0-23, Minute 0-59, Second 0-59 and } { Sec100 (hundredths of seconds) 0-99. If the time is not } { valid, the function call is ignored. } procedure SetTime(Hour, Minute, Second, Sec100: Word); { GetCBreak returns the state of Ctrl-Break checking in DOS. } { When off (False), DOS only checks for Ctrl-Break during I/O } { to console, printer, or communication devices. When on } { (True), checks are made at every system call. } procedure GetCBreak(var Break: Boolean); { SetCBreak sets the state of Ctrl-Break checking in DOS. } procedure SetCBreak(Break: Boolean); { GetVerify returns the state of the verify flag in DOS. When } { off (False), disk writes are not verified. When on (True), } { all disk writes are verified to insure proper writing. } procedure GetVerify(var Verify: Boolean); { SetVerify sets the state of the verify flag in DOS. } procedure SetVerify(Verify: Boolean); { DiskFree returns the number of free bytes on the specified } { drive number (0=Default,1=A,2=B,..). DiskFree returns -1 if } { the drive number is invalid. } function DiskFree(Drive: Byte): Longint; { DiskSize returns the size in bytes of the specified drive } { number (0=Default,1=A,2=B,..). DiskSize returns -1 if the } { drive number is invalid. } function DiskSize(Drive: Byte): Longint; { GetFAttr returns the attributes of a file. F must be a file } { variable (typed, untyped or textfile) which has been assigned } { a name. The attributes are examined by ANDing with the } { attribute masks defined as constants above. Errors are } { reported in DosError. } procedure GetFAttr(var F; var Attr: Word); { SetFAttr sets the attributes of a file. F must be a file } { variable (typed, untyped or textfile) which has been assigned } { a name. The attribute value is formed by adding (or ORing) } { the appropriate attribute masks defined as constants above. } { Errors are reported in DosError. } procedure SetFAttr(var F; Attr: Word); { GetFTime returns the date and time a file was last written. } { F must be a file variable (typed, untyped or textfile) which } { has been assigned and opened. The Time parameter may be } { unpacked throgh a call to UnpackTime. Errors are reported in } { DosError. } procedure GetFTime(var F; var Time: Longint); { SetFTime sets the date and time a file was last written. } { F must be a file variable (typed, untyped or textfile) which } { has been assigned and opened. The Time parameter may be } { created through a call to PackTime. Errors are reported in } { DosError. } procedure SetFTime(var F; Time: Longint); { FindFirst searches the specified (or current) directory for } { the first entry that matches the specified filename and } { attributes. The result is returned in the specified search } { record. Errors (and no files found) are reported in DosError. } procedure FindFirst(Path: PChar; Attr: Word; var F: TSearchRec); { FindNext returs the next entry that matches the name and } { attributes specified in a previous call to FindFirst. The } { search record must be one passed to FindFirst. Errors (and no } { more files) are reported in DosError. } procedure FindNext(var F: TSearchRec); { UnpackTime converts a 4-byte packed date/time returned by } { FindFirst, FindNext or GetFTime into a TDateTime record. } procedure UnpackTime(P: Longint; var T: TDateTime); { PackTime converts a TDateTime record into a 4-byte packed } { date/time used by SetFTime. } procedure PackTime(var T: TDateTime; var P: Longint); { GetIntVec returns the address stored in the specified } { interrupt vector. } procedure GetIntVec(IntNo: Byte; var Vector: Pointer); { SetIntVec sets the address in the interrupt vector table for } { the specified interrupt. } procedure SetIntVec(IntNo: Byte; Vector: Pointer); { FileSearch searches for the file given by Name in the list of } { directories given by List. The directory paths in List must } { be separated by semicolons. The search always starts with the } { current directory of the current drive. If the file is found, } { FileSearch stores a concatenation of the directory path and } { the file name in Dest. Otherwise FileSearch stores an empty } { string in Dest. The maximum length of the result is defined } { by the fsPathName constant. The returned value is Dest. } function FileSearch(Dest, Name, List: PChar): PChar; { FileExpand fully expands the file name in Name, and stores } { the result in Dest. The maximum length of the result is } { defined by the fsPathName constant. The result is an all } { upper case string consisting of a drive letter, a colon, a } { root relative directory path, and a file name. Embedded '.' } { and '..' directory references are removed, and all name and } { extension components are truncated to 8 and 3 characters. The } { returned value is Dest. } function FileExpand(Dest, Name: PChar): PChar; { FileSplit splits the file name specified by Path into its } { three components. Dir is set to the drive and directory path } { with any leading and trailing backslashes, Name is set to the } { file name, and Ext is set to the extension with a preceding } { period. If a component string parameter is NIL, the } { corresponding part of the path is not stored. If the path } { does not contain a given component, the returned component } { string is empty. The maximum lengths of the strings returned } { in Dir, Name, and Ext are defined by the fsDirectory, } { fsFileName, and fsExtension constants. The returned value is } { a combination of the fcDirectory, fcFileName, and fcExtension } { bit masks, indicating which components were present in the } { path. If the name or extension contains any wildcard } { characters (* or ?), the fcWildcards flag is set in the } { returned value. } function FileSplit(Path, Dir, Name, Ext: PChar): Word; { GetCurDir returns the current directory of a specified drive. } { Drive = 0 indicates the current drive, 1 indicates drive A, 2 } { indicates drive B, and so on. The string returned in Dir } { always starts with a drive letter, a colon, and a backslash. } { The maximum length of the resulting string is defined by the } { fsDirectory constant. The returned value is Dir. Errors are } { reported in DosError. } function GetCurDir(Dir: PChar; Drive: Byte): PChar; { SetCurDir changes the current directory to the path specified } { by Dir. If Dir specifies a drive letter, the current drive is } { also changed. Errors are reported in DosError. } procedure SetCurDir(Dir: PChar); { CreateDir creates a new subdirectory with the path specified } { by Dir. Errors are reported in DosError. } procedure CreateDir(Dir: PChar); { RemoveDir removes the subdirectory with the path specified by } { Dir. Errors are reported in DosError. } procedure RemoveDir(Dir: PChar); { GetArgCount returns the number of parameters passed to the } { program on the command line. } function GetArgCount: Integer; { GetArgStr returns the Index'th parameter from the command } { line, or an empty string if Index is less than zero or } { greater than GetArgCount. If Index is zero, GetArgStr returns } { the filename of the current module. The maximum length of the } { string returned in Dest is given by the MaxLen parameter. The } { returned value is Dest. } function GetArgStr(Dest: PChar; Index: Integer; MaxLen: Word): PChar; { GetEnvVar returns a pointer to the value of a specified } { environment variable, i.e. a pointer to the first character } { after the equals sign (=) in the environment entry given by } { VarName. VarName is case insensitive. GetEnvVar returns NIL } { if the specified environment variable does not exist. } function GetEnvVar(VarName: PChar): PChar; implementation {$IFDEF Windows} {$DEFINE ProtectedMode} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DPMI} {$DEFINE ProtectedMode} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF Windows} uses WinTypes, WinProcs, Strings; {$ELSE} uses Strings; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF Windows} procedure AnsiDosFunc; assembler; var TempName: array[0..fsPathName] of Char; asm PUSH DS PUSH CX PUSH AX MOV SI,DI PUSH ES POP DS LEA DI,TempName PUSH SS POP ES MOV CX,fsPathName CLD @@1: LODSB OR AL,AL JE @@2 STOSB LOOP @@1 @@2: XOR AL,AL STOSB LEA DI,TempName PUSH SS PUSH DI PUSH SS PUSH DI CALL AnsiToOem POP AX POP CX LEA DX,TempName PUSH SS POP DS INT 21H POP DS end; {$ELSE} procedure AnsiDosFunc; assembler; asm PUSH DS MOV DX,DI PUSH ES POP DS INT 21H POP DS end; {$ENDIF} function DosVersion: Word; assembler; asm MOV AH,30H INT 21H end; procedure Intr(IntNo: Byte; var Regs: TRegisters); assembler; asm PUSH DS {$IFDEF ProtectedMode} {$IFDEF Windows} PUSH CS CALL AllocCSToDSAlias {$ELSE} MOV AX,CS ADD AX,SelectorInc {$ENDIF} MOV DS,AX CLI PUSH WORD PTR DS:@@Int PUSH DS MOV AL,IntNo MOV BYTE PTR DS:@@Int+1,AL {$ELSE} PUSH WORD PTR CS:@@Int MOV AL,IntNo MOV BYTE PTR CS:@@Int+1,AL {$ENDIF} LDS SI,Regs CLD LODSW PUSH AX LODSW XCHG AX,BX LODSW XCHG AX,CX LODSW XCHG AX,DX LODSW XCHG AX,BP LODSW PUSH AX LODSW XCHG AX,DI LODSW PUSH AX LODSW {$IFDEF DPMI} VERR AX JNZ @@1 MOV ES,AX @@1: POP AX VERR AX JNZ @@2 MOV DS,AX @@2: {$ELSE} MOV ES,AX POP DS {$ENDIF} POP SI POP AX @@Int: INT 0 STI PUSHF PUSH ES PUSH DI PUSH BP MOV BP,SP {$IFDEF ProtectedMode} LES DI,Regs+14 {$ELSE} LES DI,Regs+12 {$ENDIF} CLD STOSW XCHG AX,BX STOSW XCHG AX,CX STOSW XCHG AX,DX STOSW POP AX STOSW XCHG AX,SI STOSW POP AX STOSW MOV AX,DS STOSW POP AX STOSW POP AX STOSW {$IFDEF ProtectedMode} POP DS POP WORD PTR DS:@@Int {$ELSE} POP WORD PTR CS:@@Int {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF Windows} MOV AX,DS POP DS PUSH AX CALL FreeSelector {$ELSE} POP DS {$ENDIF} end; procedure MsDos(var Regs: TRegisters); begin Intr($21, Regs); end; procedure GetDate(var Year, Month, Day, DayOfWeek: Word); assembler; asm MOV AH,2AH INT 21H XOR AH,AH LES DI,DayOfWeek STOSW MOV AL,DL LES DI,Day STOSW MOV AL,DH LES DI,Month STOSW XCHG AX,CX LES DI,Year STOSW end; procedure SetDate(Year, Month, Day: Word); assembler; asm MOV CX,Year MOV DH,BYTE PTR Month MOV DL,BYTE PTR Day MOV AH,2BH INT 21H end; procedure GetTime(var Hour, Minute, Second, Sec100: Word); assembler; asm MOV AH,2CH INT 21H XOR AH,AH MOV AL,DL LES DI,Sec100 STOSW MOV AL,DH LES DI,Second STOSW MOV AL,CL LES DI,Minute STOSW MOV AL,CH LES DI,Hour STOSW end; procedure SetTime(Hour, Minute, Second, Sec100: Word); assembler; asm MOV CH,BYTE PTR Hour MOV CL,BYTE PTR Minute MOV DH,BYTE PTR Second MOV DL,BYTE PTR Sec100 MOV AH,2DH INT 21H end; procedure GetCBreak(var Break: Boolean); assembler; asm MOV AX,3300H INT 21H LES DI,Break MOV ES:[DI],DL end; procedure SetCBreak(Break: Boolean); assembler; asm MOV DL,Break MOV AX,3301H INT 21H end; procedure GetVerify(var Verify: Boolean); assembler; asm MOV AH,54H INT 21H LES DI,Verify STOSB end; procedure SetVerify(Verify: Boolean); assembler; asm MOV AL,Verify MOV AH,2EH INT 21H end; function DiskFree(Drive: Byte): Longint; assembler; asm MOV DL,Drive MOV AH,36H INT 21H MOV DX,AX CMP AX,0FFFFH JE @@1 MUL CX MUL BX @@1: end; function DiskSize(Drive: Byte): Longint; assembler; asm MOV DL,Drive MOV AH,36H INT 21H MOV BX,DX MOV DX,AX CMP AX,0FFFFH JE @@1 MUL CX MUL BX @@1: end; procedure GetFAttr(var F; var Attr: Word); assembler; asm PUSH DS LDS DX,F ADD DX,OFFSET TFileRec.Name MOV AX,4300H INT 21H POP DS JNC @@1 XOR CX,CX JMP @@2 @@1: XOR AX,AX @@2: MOV DosError,AX LES DI,Attr XCHG AX,CX STOSW end; procedure SetFAttr(var F; Attr: Word); assembler; asm PUSH DS LDS DX,F ADD DX,OFFSET TFileRec.Name MOV CX,Attr MOV AX,4301H INT 21H POP DS JC @@1 XOR AX,AX @@1: MOV DosError,AX end; procedure GetFTime(var F; var Time: Longint); assembler; asm LES DI,F MOV BX,ES:[DI].TFileRec.Handle MOV AX,5700H INT 21H JNC @@1 XOR CX,CX XOR DX,DX JMP @@2 @@1: XOR AX,AX @@2: MOV DosError,AX LES DI,Time CLD XCHG AX,CX STOSW XCHG AX,DX STOSW end; procedure SetFTime(var F; Time: Longint); assembler; asm LES DI,F MOV BX,ES:[DI].TFileRec.Handle MOV CX,WORD PTR Time[0] MOV DX,WORD PTR Time[2] MOV AX,5701H INT 21H JC @@1 XOR AX,AX @@1: MOV DosError,AX end; procedure FindFirst(Path: PChar; Attr: Word; var F: TSearchRec); assembler; asm PUSH DS LDS DX,F MOV AH,1AH INT 21H POP DS LES DI,Path MOV CX,Attr MOV AH,4EH CALL AnsiDosFunc JC @@1 {$IFDEF Windows} LES DI,F ADD DI,OFFSET TSearchRec.Name PUSH ES PUSH DI PUSH ES PUSH DI CALL OemToAnsi {$ENDIF} XOR AX,AX @@1: MOV DosError,AX end; procedure FindNext(var F: TSearchRec); assembler; asm PUSH DS LDS DX,F MOV AH,1AH INT 21H POP DS MOV AH,4FH INT 21H JC @@1 {$IFDEF Windows} LES DI,F ADD DI,OFFSET TSearchRec.Name PUSH ES PUSH DI PUSH ES PUSH DI CALL OemToAnsi {$ENDIF} XOR AX,AX @@1: MOV DosError,AX end; procedure UnpackTime(P: Longint; var T: TDateTime); assembler; asm LES DI,T CLD MOV AX,P.Word[2] MOV CL,9 SHR AX,CL ADD AX,1980 STOSW MOV AX,P.Word[2] MOV CL,5 SHR AX,CL AND AX,15 STOSW MOV AX,P.Word[2] AND AX,31 STOSW MOV AX,P.Word[0] MOV CL,11 SHR AX,CL STOSW MOV AX,P.Word[0] MOV CL,5 SHR AX,CL AND AX,63 STOSW MOV AX,P.Word[0] AND AX,31 SHL AX,1 STOSW end; procedure PackTime(var T: TDateTime; var P: Longint); assembler; asm PUSH DS LDS SI,T CLD LODSW SUB AX,1980 MOV CL,9 SHL AX,CL XCHG AX,DX LODSW MOV CL,5 SHL AX,CL ADD DX,AX LODSW ADD DX,AX LODSW MOV CL,11 SHL AX,CL XCHG AX,BX LODSW MOV CL,5 SHL AX,CL ADD BX,AX LODSW SHR AX,1 ADD AX,BX POP DS LES DI,P STOSW XCHG AX,DX STOSW end; procedure GetIntVec(IntNo: Byte; var Vector: Pointer); assembler; asm MOV AL,IntNo MOV AH,35H INT 21H MOV AX,ES LES DI,Vector CLD XCHG AX,BX STOSW XCHG AX,BX STOSW end; procedure SetIntVec(IntNo: Byte; Vector: Pointer); assembler; asm PUSH DS LDS DX,Vector MOV AL,IntNo MOV AH,25H INT 21H POP DS end; function FileSearch(Dest, Name, List: PChar): PChar; assembler; asm PUSH DS CLD LDS SI,List LES DI,Dest MOV CX,fsPathName @@1: PUSH DS PUSH SI JCXZ @@3 LDS SI,Name @@2: LODSB OR AL,AL JE @@3 STOSB LOOP @@2 @@3: XOR AL,AL STOSB LES DI,Dest MOV AX,4300H CALL AnsiDosFunc POP SI POP DS JC @@4 TEST CX,18H JE @@9 @@4: LES DI,Dest MOV CX,fsPathName XOR AH,AH LODSB OR AL,AL JE @@8 @@5: CMP AL,';' JE @@7 JCXZ @@6 MOV AH,AL STOSB DEC CX @@6: LODSB OR AL,AL JNE @@5 DEC SI @@7: JCXZ @@1 CMP AH,':' JE @@1 MOV AL,'\' CMP AL,AH JE @@1 STOSB DEC CX JMP @@1 @@8: STOSB @@9: MOV AX,Dest.Word[0] MOV DX,Dest.Word[2] POP DS end; function FileExpand(Dest, Name: PChar): PChar; assembler; var TempName: array[0..159] of Char; asm PUSH DS CLD LDS SI,Name LEA DI,TempName PUSH SS POP ES LODSW OR AL,AL JE @@1 CMP AH,':' JNE @@1 CMP AL,'a' JB @@2 CMP AL,'z' JA @@2 SUB AL,20H JMP @@2 @@1: DEC SI DEC SI MOV AH,19H INT 21H ADD AL,'A' MOV AH,':' @@2: STOSW CMP [SI].Byte,'\' JE @@3 SUB AL,'A'-1 MOV DL,AL MOV AL,'\' STOSB PUSH DS PUSH SI MOV AH,47H MOV SI,DI PUSH ES POP DS INT 21H POP SI POP DS JC @@3 XOR AL,AL CMP AL,ES:[DI] JE @@3 {$IFDEF Windows} PUSH ES PUSH ES PUSH DI PUSH ES PUSH DI CALL OemToAnsi POP ES {$ENDIF} MOV CX,0FFFFH XOR AL,AL CLD REPNE SCASB DEC DI MOV AL,'\' STOSB @@3: MOV CX,8 @@4: LODSB OR AL,AL JE @@7 CMP AL,'\' JE @@7 CMP AL,'.' JE @@6 JCXZ @@4 DEC CX {$IFNDEF Windows} CMP AL,'a' JB @@5 CMP AL,'z' JA @@5 SUB AL,20H {$ENDIF} @@5: STOSB JMP @@4 @@6: MOV CL,3 JMP @@5 @@7: CMP ES:[DI-2].Word,'.\' JNE @@8 DEC DI DEC DI JMP @@10 @@8: CMP ES:[DI-2].Word,'..' JNE @@10 CMP ES:[DI-3].Byte,'\' JNE @@10 SUB DI,3 CMP ES:[DI-1].Byte,':' JE @@10 @@9: DEC DI CMP ES:[DI].Byte,'\' JNE @@9 @@10: MOV CL,8 OR AL,AL JNE @@5 CMP ES:[DI-1].Byte,':' JNE @@11 MOV AL,'\' STOSB @@11: LEA SI,TempName PUSH SS POP DS MOV CX,DI SUB CX,SI CMP CX,79 JBE @@12 MOV CX,79 @@12: LES DI,Dest PUSH ES PUSH DI {$IFDEF Windows} PUSH ES PUSH DI {$ENDIF} REP MOVSB XOR AL,AL STOSB {$IFDEF Windows} CALL AnsiUpper {$ENDIF} POP AX POP DX POP DS end; {$W+} function FileSplit(Path, Dir, Name, Ext: PChar): Word; var DirLen, NameLen, Flags: Word; NamePtr, ExtPtr: PChar; begin NamePtr := StrRScan(Path, '\'); if NamePtr = nil then NamePtr := StrRScan(Path, ':'); if NamePtr = nil then NamePtr := Path else Inc(NamePtr); ExtPtr := StrScan(NamePtr, '.'); if ExtPtr = nil then ExtPtr := StrEnd(NamePtr); DirLen := NamePtr - Path; if DirLen > fsDirectory then DirLen := fsDirectory; NameLen := ExtPtr - NamePtr; if NameLen > fsFilename then NameLen := fsFilename; Flags := 0; if (StrScan(NamePtr, '?') <> nil) or (StrScan(NamePtr, '*') <> nil) then Flags := fcWildcards; if DirLen <> 0 then Flags := Flags or fcDirectory; if NameLen <> 0 then Flags := Flags or fcFilename; if ExtPtr[0] <> #0 then Flags := Flags or fcExtension; if Dir <> nil then StrLCopy(Dir, Path, DirLen); if Name <> nil then StrLCopy(Name, NamePtr, NameLen); if Ext <> nil then StrLCopy(Ext, ExtPtr, fsExtension); FileSplit := Flags; end; {$W-} function GetCurDir(Dir: PChar; Drive: Byte): PChar; assembler; asm MOV AL,Drive OR AL,AL JNE @@1 MOV AH,19H INT 21H INC AX @@1: MOV DL,AL LES DI,Dir PUSH ES PUSH DI CLD ADD AL,'A'-1 MOV AH,':' STOSW MOV AX,'\' STOSW PUSH DS LEA SI,[DI-1] PUSH ES POP DS MOV AH,47H INT 21H JC @@2 {$IFDEF Windows} PUSH DS PUSH SI PUSH DS PUSH SI CALL OemToAnsi {$ENDIF} XOR AX,AX @@2: POP DS MOV DosError,AX POP AX POP DX end; procedure SetCurDir(Dir: PChar); assembler; asm LES DI,Dir MOV AX,ES:[DI] OR AL,AL JE @@2 CMP AH,':' JNE @@1 AND AL,0DFH SUB AL,'A' MOV DL,AL MOV AH,0EH INT 21H MOV AH,19H INT 21H CMP AL,DL MOV AX,15 JNE @@3 CMP AH,ES:[DI+2] JE @@2 @@1: MOV AH,3BH CALL AnsiDosFunc JC @@3 @@2: XOR AX,AX @@3: MOV DosError,AX end; procedure CreateDir(Dir: PChar); assembler; asm LES DI,Dir MOV AH,39H CALL AnsiDosFunc JC @@1 XOR AX,AX @@1: MOV DosError,AX end; procedure RemoveDir(Dir: PChar); assembler; asm LES DI,Dir MOV AH,3AH CALL AnsiDosFunc JC @@1 XOR AX,AX @@1: MOV DosError,AX end; {$IFDEF Windows} procedure ArgStrCount; assembler; asm LDS SI,CmdLine CLD @@1: LODSB OR AL,AL JE @@2 CMP AL,' ' JBE @@1 @@2: DEC SI MOV BX,SI @@3: LODSB CMP AL,' ' JA @@3 DEC SI MOV AX,SI SUB AX,BX JE @@4 LOOP @@1 @@4: end; function GetArgCount: Integer; assembler; asm PUSH DS XOR CX,CX CALL ArgStrCount XCHG AX,CX NEG AX POP DS end; function GetArgStr(Dest: PChar; Index: Integer; MaxLen: Word): PChar; assembler; asm MOV CX,Index JCXZ @@2 PUSH DS CALL ArgStrCount MOV SI,BX LES DI,Dest MOV CX,MaxLen CMP CX,AX JB @@1 XCHG AX,CX @@1: REP MOVSB XCHG AX,CX STOSB POP DS JMP @@3 @@2: PUSH HInstance PUSH Dest.Word[2] PUSH Dest.Word[0] MOV AX,MaxLen INC AX PUSH AX CALL GetModuleFileName @@3: MOV AX,Dest.Word[0] MOV DX,Dest.Word[2] end; {$ELSE} procedure ArgStrCount; assembler; asm MOV DS,PrefixSeg MOV SI,80H CLD LODSB MOV DL,AL XOR DH,DH ADD DX,SI @@1: CMP SI,DX JE @@2 LODSB CMP AL,' ' JBE @@1 DEC SI @@2: MOV BX,SI @@3: CMP SI,DX JE @@4 LODSB CMP AL,' ' JA @@3 DEC SI @@4: MOV AX,SI SUB AX,BX JE @@5 LOOP @@1 @@5: end; function GetArgCount: Integer; assembler; asm PUSH DS XOR CX,CX CALL ArgStrCount XCHG AX,CX NEG AX POP DS end; function GetArgStr(Dest: PChar; Index: Integer; MaxLen: Word): PChar; assembler; asm PUSH DS MOV CX,Index JCXZ @@1 CALL ArgStrCount MOV SI,BX JMP @@4 @@1: MOV AH,30H INT 21H CMP AL,3 MOV AX,0 JB @@4 MOV DS,PrefixSeg MOV ES,DS:WORD PTR 2CH XOR DI,DI CLD @@2: CMP AL,ES:[DI] JE @@3 MOV CX,-1 REPNE SCASB JMP @@2 @@3: ADD DI,3 MOV SI,DI PUSH ES POP DS MOV CX,256 REPNE SCASB XCHG AX,CX NOT AL @@4: LES DI,Dest MOV CX,MaxLen CMP CX,AX JB @@5 XCHG AX,CX @@5: REP MOVSB XCHG AX,CX STOSB MOV AX,Dest.Word[0] MOV DX,Dest.Word[2] POP DS end; {$ENDIF} {$W+} function GetEnvVar(VarName: PChar): PChar; var L: Word; P: PChar; begin L := StrLen(VarName); {$IFDEF Windows} P := GetDosEnvironment; {$ELSE} P := Ptr(Word(Ptr(PrefixSeg, $2C)^), 0); {$ENDIF} while P^ <> #0 do begin if (StrLIComp(P, VarName, L) = 0) and (P[L] = '=') then begin GetEnvVar := P + L + 1; Exit; end; Inc(P, StrLen(P) + 1); end; GetEnvVar := nil; end; {$W-} end.