{************************************************} { } { Turbo Vision File Manager Demo } { Copyright (c) 1992 by Borland International } { } {************************************************} unit ViewText; {$F+,O+,X+,S-,D-} interface uses Objects, Views, Dos; type { TLineCollection } PLineCollection = ^TLineCollection; TLineCollection = object(TCollection) procedure FreeItem(P: Pointer); virtual; end; { TFileViewer } PFileViewer = ^TFileViewer; TFileViewer = object(TScroller) FileName: PString; FileLines: PCollection; IsValid: Boolean; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar: PScrollBar; const AFileName: PathStr); constructor Load(var S: TStream); destructor Done; virtual; procedure Draw; virtual; procedure ReadFile(const FName: PathStr); procedure SetState(AState: Word; Enable: Boolean); virtual; procedure Store(var S: TStream); function Valid(Command: Word): Boolean; virtual; end; { TTextWindow } PTextWindow = ^TTextWindow; TTextWindow = object(TWindow) constructor Init(R: TRect; const FileName: PathStr); end; const RFileViewer: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 10080; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TFileViewer)^); Load: @TFileViewer.Load; Store: @TFileViewer.Store ); RTextWindow: TStreamRec = ( ObjType: 10081; VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TTextWindow)^); Load: @TTextWindow.Load; Store: @TTextWindow.Store ); procedure RegisterFViewer; implementation uses Drivers, Memory, MsgBox, App; { TLineCollection } procedure TLineCollection.FreeItem(P: Pointer); begin DisposeStr(P); end; { TFileViewer } constructor TFileViewer.Init(var Bounds: TRect; AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar: PScrollBar; const AFileName: PathStr); begin TScroller.Init(Bounds, AHScrollbar, AVScrollBar); GrowMode := gfGrowHiX + gfGrowHiY; FileName := nil; ReadFile(AFileName); end; constructor TFileViewer.Load(var S: TStream); var FName: PathStr; begin TScroller.Load(S); FileName := S.ReadStr; FName := FileName^; ReadFile(FName); end; destructor TFileViewer.Done; begin Dispose(FileLines, Done); DisposeStr(FileName); TScroller.Done; end; procedure TFileViewer.Draw; var B: TDrawBuffer; C: Byte; I: Integer; S: String; P: PString; begin C := GetColor(1); for I := 0 to Size.Y - 1 do begin MoveChar(B, ' ', C, Size.X); if Delta.Y + I < FileLines^.Count then begin P := FileLines^.At(Delta.Y + I); if P <> nil then S := Copy(P^, Delta.X + 1, Size.X) else S := ''; MoveStr(B, S, C); end; WriteLine(0, I, Size.X, 1, B); end; end; procedure TFileViewer.ReadFile(const FName: PathStr); var FileToView: Text; Line: String; MaxWidth: Integer; E: TEvent; begin IsValid := True; if FileName <> nil then DisposeStr(FileName); FileName := NewStr(FName); FileLines := New(PLineCollection, Init(5,5)); {$I-} Assign(FileToView, FName); Reset(FileToView); if IOResult <> 0 then begin MessageBox('Cannot open file '+FName+'.', nil, mfError + mfOkButton); IsValid := False; end else begin MaxWidth := 0; while not Eof(FileToView) and not LowMemory do begin Readln(FileToView, Line); if Length(Line) > MaxWidth then MaxWidth := Length(Line); FileLines^.Insert(NewStr(Line)); end; Close(FileToView); end; {$I+} Limit.X := MaxWidth; Limit.Y := FileLines^.Count; end; procedure TFileViewer.SetState(AState: Word; Enable: Boolean); begin TScroller.SetState(AState, Enable); if Enable and (AState and sfExposed <> 0) then SetLimit(Limit.X, Limit.Y); end; procedure TFileViewer.Store(var S: TStream); begin TScroller.Store(S); S.WriteStr(FileName); end; function TFileViewer.Valid(Command: Word): Boolean; begin Valid := IsValid; end; { TTextWindow } constructor TTextWindow.Init(R: TRect; const FileName: PathStr); begin inherited Init(R, Filename, wnNoNumber); Options := Options or ofTileable; GetExtent(R); R.Grow(-1, -1); Insert(New(PFileViewer, Init(R, StandardScrollBar(sbHorizontal + sbHandleKeyboard), StandardScrollBar(sbVertical + sbHandleKeyboard), Filename))); end; procedure RegisterFViewer; begin RegisterType(RFileViewer); RegisterType(RTextWindow); end; end.