{ Turbo Crt } { Copyright (c) 1985,90 by Borland International, Inc. } program CrtDemo; { Example program that uses the Crt unit. Uses the following routines from the Crt unit: ClrScr DelLine GoToXY InsLine KeyPressed ReadKey TextBackground TextColor TextMode WhereX WhereY Window Write WriteLn; Also uses LastMode and WindMax variables from Crt unit. 1. Init routine: - Save original video mode. On an EGA or VGA, use the 8x8 font (43 lines on an EGA, 50 on VGA). - Setup LastRow to preserve last line on screen for messages (preserves last 2 lines in 40-column mode). Setup LastCol. - Initialize the random number generator. 2. MakeWindow routine: - Puts up random-sized, random-colored windows on screen. 3. Program body: - Call Init - Loop until Contrl-C is typed: - Echo keystrokes (Turbo Pascal windows automatically wrap and scroll). - Support special keys: inserts a line at the cursor deletes a line at the cursor , , , position the cursor in the window generate random text until a key is pressed creates another random window exits the program } uses Crt; var OrigMode,LastCol,LastRow: Word; Ch: Char; Done: Boolean; procedure Initialize; { Initialize the video mode, LastCol, LastRow, and the random number } { generator. Paint the help line. } begin CheckBreak:=False; { turn off Contrl-C checking } OrigMode:=LastMode; { Remember original video mode } TextMode(Lo(LastMode)+Font8x8); { use 43 or 50 lines on EGA/VGA } LastCol:=Lo(WindMax)+1; { get last column, row } LastRow:=Hi(WindMax)+1; GoToXY(1,LastRow); { put message line on screen } TextBackground(Black); TextColor(White); Write(' Ins-InsLine ', 'Del-DelLine ', #27#24#25#26'-Cursor ', 'Alt-W-Window ', 'Alt-R-Random ', 'Esc-Exit'); Dec(LastRow,80 div LastCol); { don't write on message line } Randomize; { init random number generator } end; { Init } procedure MakeWindow; { Make a random window, with random background and foreground colors } var X,Y,Width,Height: Word; begin Width:=Random(LastCol-2)+2; { random window size } Height:=Random(LastRow-2)+2; X:=Random(LastCol-Width)+1; { random position on screen } Y:=Random(LastRow-Height)+1; Window(X,Y,X+Width,Y+Height); if OrigMode = Mono then begin TextBackground(White); TextColor(Black); ClrScr; Window(X+1,Y+1,X+Width-1,Y+Height-1); TextBackground(Black); TextColor(White); ClrScr; end else begin TextBackground(Random(8)); TextColor(Random(7)+9); end; ClrScr; end; { MakeWindow } procedure RandomText; { Generate random text until a key is pressed. Filter out } { control characters. } begin repeat Write(Chr(Random(256-32)+32)); until KeyPressed; end; { RandomText } begin { program body } Initialize; MakeWindow; Done:=False; repeat Ch:=ReadKey; case Ch of #0: { Function keys } begin Ch:=ReadKey; case Ch of #17: MakeWindow; { Alt-W } #19: RandomText; { Alt-R } #45: Done:=True; { Alt-X } #72: GotoXY(WhereX,WhereY-1); { Up } #75: GotoXY(WhereX-1,WhereY); { Left } #77: GotoXY(WhereX+1,WhereY); { Right } #80: GotoXY(WhereX,WhereY+1); { Down } #82: InsLine; { Ins } #83: DelLine; { Del } end; end; #3: Done:=True; { Ctrl-C } #13: WriteLn; { Enter } #27: Done:=True; { Esc } else Write(Ch); end; until Done; TextMode(OrigMode); end.