{************************************************} { } { BGI Demo Program } { Copyright (c) 1992 by Borland International } { } {************************************************} program BGIDemo; (* Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) demonstration program. This program shows how to use many features of the Graph unit. NOTE: to have this demo use the IBM8514 driver, specify a conditional define constant "Use8514" (using the {$DEFINE} directive or Options\Compiler\Conditional defines) and then re-compile. *) uses Crt, Dos, Graph; const { The five fonts available } Fonts : array[0..4] of string[13] = ('DefaultFont', 'TriplexFont', 'SmallFont', 'SansSerifFont', 'GothicFont'); { The five predefined line styles supported } LineStyles : array[0..4] of string[9] = ('SolidLn', 'DottedLn', 'CenterLn', 'DashedLn', 'UserBitLn'); { The twelve predefined fill styles supported } FillStyles : array[0..11] of string[14] = ('EmptyFill', 'SolidFill', 'LineFill', 'LtSlashFill', 'SlashFill', 'BkSlashFill', 'LtBkSlashFill', 'HatchFill', 'XHatchFill', 'InterleaveFill', 'WideDotFill', 'CloseDotFill'); { The two text directions available } TextDirect : array[0..1] of string[8] = ('HorizDir', 'VertDir'); { The Horizontal text justifications available } HorizJust : array[0..2] of string[10] = ('LeftText', 'CenterText', 'RightText'); { The vertical text justifications available } VertJust : array[0..2] of string[10] = ('BottomText', 'CenterText', 'TopText'); var GraphDriver : integer; { The Graphics device driver } GraphMode : integer; { The Graphics mode value } MaxX, MaxY : word; { The maximum resolution of the screen } ErrorCode : integer; { Reports any graphics errors } MaxColor : word; { The maximum color value available } OldExitProc : Pointer; { Saves exit procedure address } {$F+} procedure MyExitProc; begin ExitProc := OldExitProc; { Restore exit procedure address } CloseGraph; { Shut down the graphics system } end; { MyExitProc } {$F-} procedure Initialize; { Initialize graphics and report any errors that may occur } var InGraphicsMode : boolean; { Flags initialization of graphics mode } PathToDriver : string; { Stores the DOS path to *.BGI & *.CHR } begin { when using Crt and graphics, turn off Crt's memory-mapped writes } DirectVideo := False; OldExitProc := ExitProc; { save previous exit proc } ExitProc := @MyExitProc; { insert our exit proc in chain } PathToDriver := ''; repeat {$IFDEF Use8514} { check for Use8514 $DEFINE } GraphDriver := IBM8514; GraphMode := IBM8514Hi; {$ELSE} GraphDriver := Detect; { use autodetection } {$ENDIF} InitGraph(GraphDriver, GraphMode, PathToDriver); ErrorCode := GraphResult; { preserve error return } if ErrorCode <> grOK then { error? } begin Writeln('Graphics error: ', GraphErrorMsg(ErrorCode)); if ErrorCode = grFileNotFound then { Can't find driver file } begin Writeln('Enter full path to BGI driver or type to quit:'); Readln(PathToDriver); Writeln; end else Halt(1); { Some other error: terminate } end; until ErrorCode = grOK; Randomize; { init random number generator } MaxColor := GetMaxColor; { Get the maximum allowable drawing color } MaxX := GetMaxX; { Get screen resolution values } MaxY := GetMaxY; end; { Initialize } function Int2Str(L : LongInt) : string; { Converts an integer to a string for use with OutText, OutTextXY } var S : string; begin Str(L, S); Int2Str := S; end; { Int2Str } function RandColor : word; { Returns a Random non-zero color value that is within the legal color range for the selected device driver and graphics mode. MaxColor is set to GetMaxColor by Initialize } begin RandColor := Random(MaxColor)+1; end; { RandColor } procedure DefaultColors; { Select the maximum color in the Palette for the drawing color } begin SetColor(MaxColor); end; { DefaultColors } procedure DrawBorder; { Draw a border around the current view port } var ViewPort : ViewPortType; begin DefaultColors; SetLineStyle(SolidLn, 0, NormWidth); GetViewSettings(ViewPort); with ViewPort do Rectangle(0, 0, x2-x1, y2-y1); end; { DrawBorder } procedure FullPort; { Set the view port to the entire screen } begin SetViewPort(0, 0, MaxX, MaxY, ClipOn); end; { FullPort } procedure MainWindow(Header : string); { Make a default window and view port for demos } begin DefaultColors; { Reset the colors } ClearDevice; { Clear the screen } SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir, 1); { Default text font } SetTextJustify(CenterText, TopText); { Left justify text } FullPort; { Full screen view port } OutTextXY(MaxX div 2, 2, Header); { Draw the header } { Draw main window } SetViewPort(0, TextHeight('M')+4, MaxX, MaxY-(TextHeight('M')+4), ClipOn); DrawBorder; { Put a border around it } { Move the edges in 1 pixel on all sides so border isn't in the view port } SetViewPort(1, TextHeight('M')+5, MaxX-1, MaxY-(TextHeight('M')+5), ClipOn); end; { MainWindow } procedure StatusLine(Msg : string); { Display a status line at the bottom of the screen } begin FullPort; DefaultColors; SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir, 1); SetTextJustify(CenterText, TopText); SetLineStyle(SolidLn, 0, NormWidth); SetFillStyle(EmptyFill, 0); Bar(0, MaxY-(TextHeight('M')+4), MaxX, MaxY); { Erase old status line } Rectangle(0, MaxY-(TextHeight('M')+4), MaxX, MaxY); OutTextXY(MaxX div 2, MaxY-(TextHeight('M')+2), Msg); { Go back to the main window } SetViewPort(1, TextHeight('M')+5, MaxX-1, MaxY-(TextHeight('M')+5), ClipOn); end; { StatusLine } procedure WaitToGo; { Wait for the user to abort the program or continue } const Esc = #27; var Ch : char; begin StatusLine('Esc aborts or press a key...'); repeat until KeyPressed; Ch := ReadKey; if ch = #0 then ch := readkey; { trap function keys } if Ch = Esc then Halt(0) { terminate program } else ClearDevice; { clear screen, go on with demo } end; { WaitToGo } procedure GetDriverAndMode(var DriveStr, ModeStr : string); { Return strings describing the current device driver and graphics mode for display of status report } begin DriveStr := GetDriverName; ModeStr := GetModeName(GetGraphMode); end; { GetDriverAndMode } procedure ReportStatus; { Display the status of all query functions after InitGraph } const X = 10; var ViewInfo : ViewPortType; { Parameters for inquiry procedures } LineInfo : LineSettingsType; FillInfo : FillSettingsType; TextInfo : TextSettingsType; Palette : PaletteType; DriverStr : string; { Driver and mode strings } ModeStr : string; Y : word; procedure WriteOut(S : string); { Write out a string and increment to next line } begin OutTextXY(X, Y, S); Inc(Y, TextHeight('M')+2); end; { WriteOut } begin { ReportStatus } GetDriverAndMode(DriverStr, ModeStr); { Get current settings } GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); GetLineSettings(LineInfo); GetFillSettings(FillInfo); GetTextSettings(TextInfo); GetPalette(Palette); Y := 4; MainWindow('Status report after InitGraph'); SetTextJustify(LeftText, TopText); WriteOut('Graphics device : '+DriverStr); WriteOut('Graphics mode : '+ModeStr); WriteOut('Screen resolution : (0, 0, '+Int2Str(GetMaxX)+', '+Int2Str(GetMaxY)+')'); with ViewInfo do begin WriteOut('Current view port : ('+Int2Str(x1)+', '+Int2Str(y1)+', '+Int2Str(x2)+', '+Int2Str(y2)+')'); if ClipOn then WriteOut('Clipping : ON') else WriteOut('Clipping : OFF'); end; WriteOut('Current position : ('+Int2Str(GetX)+', '+Int2Str(GetY)+')'); WriteOut('Palette entries : '+Int2Str(Palette.Size)); WriteOut('GetMaxColor : '+Int2Str(GetMaxColor)); WriteOut('Current color : '+Int2Str(GetColor)); with LineInfo do begin WriteOut('Line style : '+LineStyles[LineStyle]); WriteOut('Line thickness : '+Int2Str(Thickness)); end; with FillInfo do begin WriteOut('Current fill style : '+FillStyles[Pattern]); WriteOut('Current fill color : '+Int2Str(Color)); end; with TextInfo do begin WriteOut('Current font : '+Fonts[Font]); WriteOut('Text direction : '+TextDirect[Direction]); WriteOut('Character size : '+Int2Str(CharSize)); WriteOut('Horizontal justify : '+HorizJust[Horiz]); WriteOut('Vertical justify : '+VertJust[Vert]); end; WaitToGo; end; { ReportStatus } procedure FillEllipsePlay; { Random filled ellipse demonstration } const MaxFillStyles = 12; { patterns 0..11 } var MaxRadius : word; FillColor : integer; begin MainWindow('FillEllipse demonstration'); StatusLine('Esc aborts or press a key'); MaxRadius := MaxY div 10; SetLineStyle(SolidLn, 0, NormWidth); repeat FillColor := RandColor; SetColor(FillColor); SetFillStyle(Random(MaxFillStyles), FillColor); FillEllipse(Random(MaxX), Random(MaxY), Random(MaxRadius), Random(MaxRadius)); until KeyPressed; WaitToGo; end; { FillEllipsePlay } procedure SectorPlay; { Draw random sectors on the screen } const MaxFillStyles = 12; { patterns 0..11 } var MaxRadius : word; FillColor : integer; EndAngle : integer; begin MainWindow('Sector demonstration'); StatusLine('Esc aborts or press a key'); MaxRadius := MaxY div 10; SetLineStyle(SolidLn, 0, NormWidth); repeat FillColor := RandColor; SetColor(FillColor); SetFillStyle(Random(MaxFillStyles), FillColor); EndAngle := Random(360); Sector(Random(MaxX), Random(MaxY), Random(EndAngle), EndAngle, Random(MaxRadius), Random(MaxRadius)); until KeyPressed; WaitToGo; end; { SectorPlay } procedure WriteModePlay; { Demonstrate the SetWriteMode procedure for XOR lines } const DelayValue = 50; { milliseconds to delay } var ViewInfo : ViewPortType; Color : word; Left, Top : integer; Right, Bottom : integer; Step : integer; { step for rectangle shrinking } begin MainWindow('SetWriteMode demonstration'); StatusLine('Esc aborts or press a key'); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); Left := 0; Top := 0; with ViewInfo do begin Right := x2-x1; Bottom := y2-y1; end; Step := Bottom div 50; SetColor(GetMaxColor); Line(Left, Top, Right, Bottom); Line(Left, Bottom, Right, Top); SetWriteMode(XORPut); { Set XOR write mode } repeat Line(Left, Top, Right, Bottom); { Draw XOR lines } Line(Left, Bottom, Right, Top); Rectangle(Left, Top, Right, Bottom); { Draw XOR rectangle } Delay(DelayValue); { Wait } Line(Left, Top, Right, Bottom); { Erase lines } Line(Left, Bottom, Right, Top); Rectangle(Left, Top, Right, Bottom); { Erase rectangle } if (Left+Step < Right) and (Top+Step < Bottom) then begin Inc(Left, Step); { Shrink rectangle } Inc(Top, Step); Dec(Right, Step); Dec(Bottom, Step); end else begin Color := RandColor; { New color } SetColor(Color); Left := 0; { Original large rectangle } Top := 0; with ViewInfo do begin Right := x2-x1; Bottom := y2-y1; end; end; until KeyPressed; SetWriteMode(CopyPut); { back to overwrite mode } WaitToGo; end; { WriteModePlay } procedure AspectRatioPlay; { Demonstrate SetAspectRatio command } var ViewInfo : ViewPortType; CenterX : integer; CenterY : integer; Radius : word; Xasp, Yasp : word; i : integer; RadiusStep : word; begin MainWindow('SetAspectRatio demonstration'); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); with ViewInfo do begin CenterX := (x2-x1) div 2; CenterY := (y2-y1) div 2; Radius := 3*((y2-y1) div 5); end; RadiusStep := (Radius div 30); Circle(CenterX, CenterY, Radius); GetAspectRatio(Xasp, Yasp); for i := 1 to 30 do begin SetAspectRatio(Xasp, Yasp+(I*GetMaxX)); { Increase Y aspect factor } Circle(CenterX, CenterY, Radius); Dec(Radius, RadiusStep); { Shrink radius } end; Inc(Radius, RadiusStep*30); for i := 1 to 30 do begin SetAspectRatio(Xasp+(I*GetMaxX), Yasp); { Increase X aspect factor } if Radius > RadiusStep then Dec(Radius, RadiusStep); { Shrink radius } Circle(CenterX, CenterY, Radius); end; SetAspectRatio(Xasp, Yasp); { back to original aspect } WaitToGo; end; { AspectRatioPlay } procedure TextPlay; { Demonstrate text justifications and text sizing } var Size : word; W, H, X, Y : word; ViewInfo : ViewPortType; begin MainWindow('SetTextJustify / SetUserCharSize demo'); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); with ViewInfo do begin SetTextStyle(TriplexFont, VertDir, 4); Y := (y2-y1) - 2; SetTextJustify(CenterText, BottomText); OutTextXY(2*TextWidth('M'), Y, 'Vertical'); SetTextStyle(TriplexFont, HorizDir, 4); SetTextJustify(LeftText, TopText); OutTextXY(2*TextWidth('M'), 2, 'Horizontal'); SetTextJustify(CenterText, CenterText); X := (x2-x1) div 2; Y := TextHeight('H'); for Size := 1 to 4 do begin SetTextStyle(TriplexFont, HorizDir, Size); H := TextHeight('M'); W := TextWidth('M'); Inc(Y, H); OutTextXY(X, Y, 'Size '+Int2Str(Size)); end; Inc(Y, H div 2); SetTextJustify(CenterText, TopText); SetUserCharSize(5, 6, 3, 2); SetTextStyle(TriplexFont, HorizDir, UserCharSize); OutTextXY((x2-x1) div 2, Y, 'User defined size!'); end; WaitToGo; end; { TextPlay } procedure TextDump; { Dump the complete character sets to the screen } const CGASizes : array[0..4] of word = (1, 3, 7, 3, 3); NormSizes : array[0..4] of word = (1, 4, 7, 4, 4); var Font : word; ViewInfo : ViewPortType; Ch : char; begin for Font := 0 to 4 do begin MainWindow(Fonts[Font]+' character set'); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); with ViewInfo do begin SetTextJustify(LeftText, TopText); MoveTo(2, 3); if Font = DefaultFont then begin SetTextStyle(Font, HorizDir, 1); Ch := #0; repeat OutText(Ch); if (GetX + TextWidth('M')) > (x2-x1) then MoveTo(2, GetY + TextHeight('M')+3); Ch := Succ(Ch); until (Ch >= #255); end else begin if MaxY < 200 then SetTextStyle(Font, HorizDir, CGASizes[Font]) else SetTextStyle(Font, HorizDir, NormSizes[Font]); Ch := '!'; repeat OutText(Ch); if (GetX + TextWidth('M')) > (x2-x1) then MoveTo(2, GetY + TextHeight('M')+3); Ch := Succ(Ch); until (Ch >= #255); end; end; { with } WaitToGo; end; { for loop } end; { TextDump } procedure LineToPlay; { Demonstrate MoveTo and LineTo commands } const MaxPoints = 15; var Points : array[0..MaxPoints] of PointType; ViewInfo : ViewPortType; I, J : integer; CenterX : integer; { The center point of the circle } CenterY : integer; Radius : word; StepAngle : word; Xasp, Yasp : word; Radians : real; function AdjAsp(Value : integer) : integer; { Adjust a value for the aspect ratio of the device } begin AdjAsp := (LongInt(Value) * Xasp) div Yasp; end; { AdjAsp } begin MainWindow('MoveTo, LineTo demonstration'); GetAspectRatio(Xasp, Yasp); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); with ViewInfo do begin CenterX := (x2-x1) div 2; CenterY := (y2-y1) div 2; Radius := CenterY; while (CenterY+AdjAsp(Radius)) < (y2-y1)-20 do Inc(Radius); end; StepAngle := 360 div MaxPoints; for I := 0 to MaxPoints - 1 do begin Radians := (StepAngle * I) * Pi / 180; Points[I].X := CenterX + round(Cos(Radians) * Radius); Points[I].Y := CenterY - AdjAsp(round(Sin(Radians) * Radius)); end; Circle(CenterX, CenterY, Radius); for I := 0 to MaxPoints - 1 do begin for J := I to MaxPoints - 1 do begin MoveTo(Points[I].X, Points[I].Y); LineTo(Points[J].X, Points[J].Y); end; end; WaitToGo; end; { LineToPlay } procedure LineRelPlay; { Demonstrate MoveRel and LineRel commands } const MaxPoints = 12; var Poly : array[1..MaxPoints] of PointType; { Stores a polygon for filling } CurrPort : ViewPortType; procedure DrawTesseract; { Draw a Tesseract on the screen with relative move and line drawing commands, also create a polygon for filling } const CheckerBoard : FillPatternType = (0, $10, $28, $44, $28, $10, 0, 0); var X, Y, W, H : integer; begin GetViewSettings(CurrPort); with CurrPort do begin W := (x2-x1) div 9; H := (y2-y1) div 8; X := ((x2-x1) div 2) - round(2.5 * W); Y := ((y2-y1) div 2) - (3 * H); { Border around viewport is outer part of polygon } Poly[1].X := 0; Poly[1].Y := 0; Poly[2].X := x2-x1; Poly[2].Y := 0; Poly[3].X := x2-x1; Poly[3].Y := y2-y1; Poly[4].X := 0; Poly[4].Y := y2-y1; Poly[5].X := 0; Poly[5].Y := 0; MoveTo(X, Y); { Grab the whole in the polygon as we draw } MoveRel(0, H); Poly[6].X := GetX; Poly[6].Y := GetY; MoveRel(W, -H); Poly[7].X := GetX; Poly[7].Y := GetY; MoveRel(4*W, 0); Poly[8].X := GetX; Poly[8].Y := GetY; MoveRel(0, 5*H); Poly[9].X := GetX; Poly[9].Y := GetY; MoveRel(-W, H); Poly[10].X := GetX; Poly[10].Y := GetY; MoveRel(-4*W, 0); Poly[11].X := GetX; Poly[11].Y := GetY; MoveRel(0, -5*H); Poly[12].X := GetX; Poly[12].Y := GetY; { Fill the polygon with a user defined fill pattern } SetFillPattern(CheckerBoard, MaxColor); FillPoly(12, Poly); MoveRel(W, -H); LineRel(0, 5*H); LineRel(2*W, 0); LineRel(0, -3*H); LineRel(W, -H); LineRel(0, 5*H); MoveRel(0, -5*H); LineRel(-2*W, 0); LineRel(0, 3*H); LineRel(-W, H); MoveRel(W, -H); LineRel(W, 0); MoveRel(0, -2*H); LineRel(-W, 0); { Flood fill the center } FloodFill((x2-x1) div 2, (y2-y1) div 2, MaxColor); end; end; { DrawTesseract } begin MainWindow('LineRel / MoveRel demonstration'); GetViewSettings(CurrPort); with CurrPort do { Move the viewport out 1 pixel from each end } SetViewPort(x1-1, y1-1, x2+1, y2+1, ClipOn); DrawTesseract; WaitToGo; end; { LineRelPlay } procedure PiePlay; { Demonstrate PieSlice and GetAspectRatio commands } var ViewInfo : ViewPortType; CenterX : integer; CenterY : integer; Radius : word; Xasp, Yasp : word; X, Y : integer; function AdjAsp(Value : integer) : integer; { Adjust a value for the aspect ratio of the device } begin AdjAsp := (LongInt(Value) * Xasp) div Yasp; end; { AdjAsp } procedure GetTextCoords(AngleInDegrees, Radius : word; var X, Y : integer); { Get the coordinates of text for pie slice labels } var Radians : real; begin Radians := AngleInDegrees * Pi / 180; X := round(Cos(Radians) * Radius); Y := round(Sin(Radians) * Radius); end; { GetTextCoords } begin MainWindow('PieSlice / GetAspectRatio demonstration'); GetAspectRatio(Xasp, Yasp); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); with ViewInfo do begin CenterX := (x2-x1) div 2; CenterY := ((y2-y1) div 2) + 20; Radius := (y2-y1) div 3; while AdjAsp(Radius) < round((y2-y1) / 3.6) do Inc(Radius); end; SetTextStyle(TriplexFont, HorizDir, 4); SetTextJustify(CenterText, TopText); OutTextXY(CenterX, 0, 'This is a pie chart!'); SetTextStyle(TriplexFont, HorizDir, 3); SetFillStyle(SolidFill, RandColor); PieSlice(CenterX+10, CenterY-AdjAsp(10), 0, 90, Radius); GetTextCoords(45, Radius, X, Y); SetTextJustify(LeftText, BottomText); OutTextXY(CenterX+10+X+TextWidth('H'), CenterY-AdjAsp(10+Y), '25 %'); SetFillStyle(HatchFill, RandColor); PieSlice(CenterX, CenterY, 225, 360, Radius); GetTextCoords(293, Radius, X, Y); SetTextJustify(LeftText, TopText); OutTextXY(CenterX+X+TextWidth('H'), CenterY-AdjAsp(Y), '37.5 %'); SetFillStyle(InterleaveFill, RandColor); PieSlice(CenterX-10, CenterY, 135, 225, Radius); GetTextCoords(180, Radius, X, Y); SetTextJustify(RightText, CenterText); OutTextXY(CenterX-10+X-TextWidth('H'), CenterY-AdjAsp(Y), '25 %'); SetFillStyle(WideDotFill, RandColor); PieSlice(CenterX, CenterY, 90, 135, Radius); GetTextCoords(112, Radius, X, Y); SetTextJustify(RightText, BottomText); OutTextXY(CenterX+X-TextWidth('H'), CenterY-AdjAsp(Y), '12.5 %'); WaitToGo; end; { PiePlay } procedure Bar3DPlay; { Demonstrate Bar3D command } const NumBars = 7; { The number of bars drawn } BarHeight : array[1..NumBars] of byte = (1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 2, 1); YTicks = 5; { The number of tick marks on the Y axis } var ViewInfo : ViewPortType; H : word; XStep : real; YStep : real; I, J : integer; Depth : word; Color : word; begin MainWindow('Bar3D / Rectangle demonstration'); H := 3*TextHeight('M'); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); SetTextJustify(CenterText, TopText); SetTextStyle(TriplexFont, HorizDir, 4); OutTextXY(MaxX div 2, 6, 'These are 3D bars !'); SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir, 1); with ViewInfo do SetViewPort(x1+50, y1+40, x2-50, y2-10, ClipOn); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); with ViewInfo do begin Line(H, H, H, (y2-y1)-H); Line(H, (y2-y1)-H, (x2-x1)-H, (y2-y1)-H); YStep := ((y2-y1)-(2*H)) / YTicks; XStep := ((x2-x1)-(2*H)) / NumBars; J := (y2-y1)-H; SetTextJustify(CenterText, CenterText); { Draw the Y axis and ticks marks } for I := 0 to Yticks do begin Line(H div 2, J, H, J); OutTextXY(0, J, Int2Str(I)); J := Round(J-Ystep); end; Depth := trunc(0.25 * XStep); { Calculate depth of bar } { Draw X axis, bars, and tick marks } SetTextJustify(CenterText, TopText); J := H; for I := 1 to Succ(NumBars) do begin SetColor(MaxColor); Line(J, (y2-y1)-H, J, (y2-y1-3)-(H div 2)); OutTextXY(J, (y2-y1)-(H div 2), Int2Str(I-1)); if I <> Succ(NumBars) then begin Color := RandColor; SetFillStyle(I, Color); SetColor(Color); Bar3D(J, round((y2-y1-H)-(BarHeight[I] * Ystep)), round(J+Xstep-Depth), round((y2-y1)-H-1), Depth, TopOn); J := Round(J+Xstep); end; end; end; WaitToGo; end; { Bar3DPlay } procedure BarPlay; { Demonstrate Bar command } const NumBars = 5; BarHeight : array[1..NumBars] of byte = (1, 3, 5, 2, 4); Styles : array[1..NumBars] of byte = (1, 3, 10, 5, 9); var ViewInfo : ViewPortType; BarNum : word; H : word; XStep : real; YStep : real; I, J : integer; Color : word; begin MainWindow('Bar / Rectangle demonstration'); H := 3*TextHeight('M'); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); SetTextJustify(CenterText, TopText); SetTextStyle(TriplexFont, HorizDir, 4); OutTextXY(MaxX div 2, 6, 'These are 2D bars !'); SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir, 1); with ViewInfo do SetViewPort(x1+50, y1+30, x2-50, y2-10, ClipOn); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); with ViewInfo do begin Line(H, H, H, (y2-y1)-H); Line(H, (y2-y1)-H, (x2-x1)-H, (y2-y1)-H); YStep := ((y2-y1)-(2*H)) / NumBars; XStep := ((x2-x1)-(2*H)) / NumBars; J := (y2-y1)-H; SetTextJustify(CenterText, CenterText); { Draw Y axis with tick marks } for I := 0 to NumBars do begin Line(H div 2, J, H, J); OutTextXY(0, J, Int2Str(i)); J := Round(J-Ystep); end; { Draw X axis, bars, and tick marks } J := H; SetTextJustify(CenterText, TopText); for I := 1 to Succ(NumBars) do begin SetColor(MaxColor); Line(J, (y2-y1)-H, J, (y2-y1-3)-(H div 2)); OutTextXY(J, (y2-y1)-(H div 2), Int2Str(I)); if I <> Succ(NumBars) then begin Color := RandColor; SetFillStyle(Styles[I], Color); SetColor(Color); Bar(J, round((y2-y1-H)-(BarHeight[I] * Ystep)), round(J+Xstep), (y2-y1)-H-1); Rectangle(J, round((y2-y1-H)-(BarHeight[I] * Ystep)), round(J+Xstep), (y2-y1)-H-1); end; J := Round(J+Xstep); end; end; WaitToGo; end; { BarPlay } procedure CirclePlay; { Draw random circles on the screen } var MaxRadius : word; begin MainWindow('Circle demonstration'); StatusLine('Esc aborts or press a key'); MaxRadius := MaxY div 10; SetLineStyle(SolidLn, 0, NormWidth); repeat SetColor(RandColor); Circle(Random(MaxX), Random(MaxY), Random(MaxRadius)); until KeyPressed; WaitToGo; end; { CirclePlay } procedure RandBarPlay; { Draw random bars on the screen } var MaxWidth : integer; MaxHeight : integer; ViewInfo : ViewPortType; Color : word; begin MainWindow('Random Bars'); StatusLine('Esc aborts or press a key'); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); with ViewInfo do begin MaxWidth := x2-x1; MaxHeight := y2-y1; end; repeat Color := RandColor; SetColor(Color); SetFillStyle(Random(CloseDotFill)+1, Color); Bar3D(Random(MaxWidth), Random(MaxHeight), Random(MaxWidth), Random(MaxHeight), 0, TopOff); until KeyPressed; WaitToGo; end; { RandBarPlay } procedure ArcPlay; { Draw random arcs on the screen } var MaxRadius : word; EndAngle : word; ArcInfo : ArcCoordsType; begin MainWindow('Arc / GetArcCoords demonstration'); StatusLine('Esc aborts or press a key'); MaxRadius := MaxY div 10; repeat SetColor(RandColor); EndAngle := Random(360); SetLineStyle(SolidLn, 0, NormWidth); Arc(Random(MaxX), Random(MaxY), Random(EndAngle), EndAngle, Random(MaxRadius)); GetArcCoords(ArcInfo); with ArcInfo do begin Line(X, Y, XStart, YStart); Line(X, Y, Xend, Yend); end; until KeyPressed; WaitToGo; end; { ArcPlay } procedure PutPixelPlay; { Demonstrate the PutPixel and GetPixel commands } const Seed = 1962; { A seed for the random number generator } NumPts = 2000; { The number of pixels plotted } Esc = #27; var I : word; X, Y, Color : word; XMax, YMax : integer; ViewInfo : ViewPortType; begin MainWindow('PutPixel / GetPixel demonstration'); StatusLine('Esc aborts or press a key...'); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); with ViewInfo do begin XMax := (x2-x1-1); YMax := (y2-y1-1); end; while not KeyPressed do begin { Plot random pixels } RandSeed := Seed; I := 0; while (not KeyPressed) and (I < NumPts) do begin Inc(I); PutPixel(Random(XMax)+1, Random(YMax)+1, RandColor); end; { Erase pixels } RandSeed := Seed; I := 0; while (not KeyPressed) and (I < NumPts) do begin Inc(I); X := Random(XMax)+1; Y := Random(YMax)+1; Color := GetPixel(X, Y); if Color = RandColor then PutPixel(X, Y, 0); end; end; WaitToGo; end; { PutPixelPlay } procedure PutImagePlay; { Demonstrate the GetImage and PutImage commands } const r = 20; StartX = 100; StartY = 50; var CurPort : ViewPortType; procedure MoveSaucer(var X, Y : integer; Width, Height : integer); var Step : integer; begin Step := Random(2*r); if Odd(Step) then Step := -Step; X := X + Step; Step := Random(r); if Odd(Step) then Step := -Step; Y := Y + Step; { Make saucer bounce off viewport walls } with CurPort do begin if (x1 + X + Width - 1 > x2) then X := x2-x1 - Width + 1 else if (X < 0) then X := 0; if (y1 + Y + Height - 1 > y2) then Y := y2-y1 - Height + 1 else if (Y < 0) then Y := 0; end; end; { MoveSaucer } var Pausetime : word; Saucer : pointer; X, Y : integer; ulx, uly : word; lrx, lry : word; Size : word; I : word; begin ClearDevice; FullPort; { PaintScreen } ClearDevice; MainWindow('GetImage / PutImage Demonstration'); StatusLine('Esc aborts or press a key...'); GetViewSettings(CurPort); { DrawSaucer } Ellipse(StartX, StartY, 0, 360, r, (r div 3)+2); Ellipse(StartX, StartY-4, 190, 357, r, r div 3); Line(StartX+7, StartY-6, StartX+10, StartY-12); Circle(StartX+10, StartY-12, 2); Line(StartX-7, StartY-6, StartX-10, StartY-12); Circle(StartX-10, StartY-12, 2); SetFillStyle(SolidFill, MaxColor); FloodFill(StartX+1, StartY+4, GetColor); { ReadSaucerImage } ulx := StartX-(r+1); uly := StartY-14; lrx := StartX+(r+1); lry := StartY+(r div 3)+3; Size := ImageSize(ulx, uly, lrx, lry); GetMem(Saucer, Size); GetImage(ulx, uly, lrx, lry, Saucer^); PutImage(ulx, uly, Saucer^, XORput); { erase image } { Plot some "stars" } for I := 1 to 1000 do PutPixel(Random(MaxX), Random(MaxY), RandColor); X := MaxX div 2; Y := MaxY div 2; PauseTime := 70; { Move the saucer around } repeat PutImage(X, Y, Saucer^, XORput); { draw image } Delay(PauseTime); PutImage(X, Y, Saucer^, XORput); { erase image } MoveSaucer(X, Y, lrx - ulx + 1, lry - uly + 1); { width/height } until KeyPressed; FreeMem(Saucer, size); WaitToGo; end; { PutImagePlay } procedure PolyPlay; { Draw random polygons with random fill styles on the screen } const MaxPts = 5; type PolygonType = array[1..MaxPts] of PointType; var Poly : PolygonType; I, Color : word; begin MainWindow('FillPoly demonstration'); StatusLine('Esc aborts or press a key...'); repeat Color := RandColor; SetFillStyle(Random(11)+1, Color); SetColor(Color); for I := 1 to MaxPts do with Poly[I] do begin X := Random(MaxX); Y := Random(MaxY); end; FillPoly(MaxPts, Poly); until KeyPressed; WaitToGo; end; { PolyPlay } procedure FillStylePlay; { Display all of the predefined fill styles available } var Style : word; Width : word; Height : word; X, Y : word; I, J : word; ViewInfo : ViewPortType; procedure DrawBox(X, Y : word); begin SetFillStyle(Style, MaxColor); with ViewInfo do Bar(X, Y, X+Width, Y+Height); Rectangle(X, Y, X+Width, Y+Height); OutTextXY(X+(Width div 2), Y+Height+4, Int2Str(Style)); Inc(Style); end; { DrawBox } begin MainWindow('Pre-defined fill styles'); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); with ViewInfo do begin Width := 2 * ((x2+1) div 13); Height := 2 * ((y2-10) div 10); end; X := Width div 2; Y := Height div 2; Style := 0; for J := 1 to 3 do begin for I := 1 to 4 do begin DrawBox(X, Y); Inc(X, (Width div 2) * 3); end; X := Width div 2; Inc(Y, (Height div 2) * 3); end; SetTextJustify(LeftText, TopText); WaitToGo; end; { FillStylePlay } procedure FillPatternPlay; { Display some user defined fill patterns } const Patterns : array[0..11] of FillPatternType = ( ($AA, $55, $AA, $55, $AA, $55, $AA, $55), ($33, $33, $CC, $CC, $33, $33, $CC, $CC), ($F0, $F0, $F0, $F0, $F, $F, $F, $F), (0, $10, $28, $44, $28, $10, 0, 0), (0, $70, $20, $27, $25, $27, $4, $4), (0, 0, 0, $18, $18, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, $3C, $3C, $3C, $3C, 0, 0), (0, $7E, $7E, $7E, $7E, $7E, $7E, 0), (0, 0, $22, $8, 0, $22, $1C, 0), ($FF, $7E, $3C, $18, $18, $3C, $7E, $FF), (0, $10, $10, $7C, $10, $10, 0, 0), (0, $42, $24, $18, $18, $24, $42, 0)); var Style : word; Width : word; Height : word; X, Y : word; I, J : word; ViewInfo : ViewPortType; procedure DrawBox(X, Y : word); begin SetFillPattern(Patterns[Style], MaxColor); with ViewInfo do Bar(X, Y, X+Width, Y+Height); Rectangle(X, Y, X+Width, Y+Height); Inc(Style); end; { DrawBox } begin MainWindow('User defined fill styles'); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); with ViewInfo do begin Width := 2 * ((x2+1) div 13); Height := 2 * ((y2-10) div 10); end; X := Width div 2; Y := Height div 2; Style := 0; for J := 1 to 3 do begin for I := 1 to 4 do begin DrawBox(X, Y); Inc(X, (Width div 2) * 3); end; X := Width div 2; Inc(Y, (Height div 2) * 3); end; SetTextJustify(LeftText, TopText); WaitToGo; end; { FillPatternPlay } procedure ColorPlay; { Display all of the colors available for the current driver and mode } var Color : word; Width : word; Height : word; X, Y : word; I, J : word; ViewInfo : ViewPortType; procedure DrawBox(X, Y : word); begin SetFillStyle(SolidFill, Color); SetColor(Color); with ViewInfo do Bar(X, Y, X+Width, Y+Height); Rectangle(X, Y, X+Width, Y+Height); Color := GetColor; if Color = 0 then begin SetColor(MaxColor); Rectangle(X, Y, X+Width, Y+Height); end; OutTextXY(X+(Width div 2), Y+Height+4, Int2Str(Color)); Color := Succ(Color) mod (MaxColor + 1); end; { DrawBox } begin MainWindow('Color demonstration'); Color := 1; GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); with ViewInfo do begin Width := 2 * ((x2+1) div 16); Height := 2 * ((y2-10) div 10); end; X := Width div 2; Y := Height div 2; for J := 1 to 3 do begin for I := 1 to 5 do begin DrawBox(X, Y); Inc(X, (Width div 2) * 3); end; X := Width div 2; Inc(Y, (Height div 2) * 3); end; WaitToGo; end; { ColorPlay } procedure PalettePlay; { Demonstrate the use of the SetPalette command } const XBars = 15; YBars = 10; var I, J : word; X, Y : word; Color : word; ViewInfo : ViewPortType; Width : word; Height : word; OldPal : PaletteType; begin GetPalette(OldPal); MainWindow('Palette demonstration'); StatusLine('Press any key...'); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); with ViewInfo do begin Width := (x2-x1) div XBars; Height := (y2-y1) div YBars; end; X := 0; Y := 0; Color := 0; for J := 1 to YBars do begin for I := 1 to XBars do begin SetFillStyle(SolidFill, Color); Bar(X, Y, X+Width, Y+Height); Inc(X, Width+1); Inc(Color); Color := Color mod (MaxColor+1); end; X := 0; Inc(Y, Height+1); end; repeat SetPalette(Random(GetMaxColor + 1), Random(65)); until KeyPressed; SetAllPalette(OldPal); WaitToGo; end; { PalettePlay } procedure CrtModePlay; { Demonstrate the use of RestoreCrtMode and SetGraphMode } var ViewInfo : ViewPortType; Ch : char; begin MainWindow('SetGraphMode / RestoreCrtMode demo'); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); SetTextJustify(CenterText, CenterText); with ViewInfo do begin OutTextXY((x2-x1) div 2, (y2-y1) div 2, 'Now you are in graphics mode'); StatusLine('Press any key for text mode...'); repeat until KeyPressed; Ch := ReadKey; if ch = #0 then ch := readkey; { trap function keys } RestoreCrtmode; Writeln('Now you are in text mode.'); Write('Press any key to go back to graphics...'); repeat until KeyPressed; Ch := ReadKey; if ch = #0 then ch := readkey; { trap function keys } SetGraphMode(GetGraphMode); MainWindow('SetGraphMode / RestoreCrtMode demo'); SetTextJustify(CenterText, CenterText); OutTextXY((x2-x1) div 2, (y2-y1) div 2, 'Back in graphics mode...'); end; WaitToGo; end; { CrtModePlay } procedure LineStylePlay; { Demonstrate the predefined line styles available } var Style : word; Step : word; X, Y : word; ViewInfo : ViewPortType; begin ClearDevice; DefaultColors; MainWindow('Pre-defined line styles'); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); with ViewInfo do begin X := 35; Y := 10; Step := (x2-x1) div 11; SetTextJustify(LeftText, TopText); OutTextXY(X, Y, 'NormWidth'); SetTextJustify(CenterText, TopText); for Style := 0 to 3 do begin SetLineStyle(Style, 0, NormWidth); Line(X, Y+20, X, Y2-40); OutTextXY(X, Y2-30, Int2Str(Style)); Inc(X, Step); end; Inc(X, 2*Step); SetTextJustify(LeftText, TopText); OutTextXY(X, Y, 'ThickWidth'); SetTextJustify(CenterText, TopText); for Style := 0 to 3 do begin SetLineStyle(Style, 0, ThickWidth); Line(X, Y+20, X, Y2-40); OutTextXY(X, Y2-30, Int2Str(Style)); Inc(X, Step); end; end; SetTextJustify(LeftText, TopText); WaitToGo; end; { LineStylePlay } procedure UserLineStylePlay; { Demonstrate user defined line styles } var Style : word; X, Y, I : word; ViewInfo : ViewPortType; begin MainWindow('User defined line styles'); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); with ViewInfo do begin X := 4; Y := 10; Style := 0; I := 0; while X < X2-4 do begin {$B+} Style := Style or (1 shl (I mod 16)); {$B-} SetLineStyle(UserBitLn, Style, NormWidth); Line(X, Y, X, (y2-y1)-Y); Inc(X, 5); Inc(I); if Style = 65535 then begin I := 0; Style := 0; end; end; end; WaitToGo; end; { UserLineStylePlay } procedure SayGoodbye; { Say goodbye and then exit the program } var ViewInfo : ViewPortType; begin MainWindow(''); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); SetTextStyle(TriplexFont, HorizDir, 4); SetTextJustify(CenterText, CenterText); with ViewInfo do OutTextXY((x2-x1) div 2, (y2-y1) div 2, 'That''s all folks!'); StatusLine('Press any key to quit...'); repeat until KeyPressed; end; { SayGoodbye } begin { program body } Initialize; ReportStatus; AspectRatioPlay; FillEllipsePlay; SectorPlay; WriteModePlay; ColorPlay; { PalettePlay only intended to work on these drivers: } if (GraphDriver = EGA) or (GraphDriver = EGA64) or (GraphDriver = VGA) then PalettePlay; PutPixelPlay; PutImagePlay; RandBarPlay; BarPlay; Bar3DPlay; ArcPlay; CirclePlay; PiePlay; LineToPlay; LineRelPlay; LineStylePlay; UserLineStylePlay; TextDump; TextPlay; CrtModePlay; FillStylePlay; FillPatternPlay; PolyPlay; SayGoodbye; CloseGraph; end.