""" The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Dave Parsons & Sam Bingner Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. vSMC Header Structure Offset Length struct Type Description ---------------------------------------- 0x00/00 0x08/08 Q ptr Offset to key table 0x08/08 0x04/4 I int Number of private keys 0x0C/12 0x04/4 I int Number of public keys vSMC Key Data Structure Offset Length struct Type Description ---------------------------------------- 0x00/00 0x04/04 4s int Key name (byte reversed e.g. #KEY is YEK#) 0x04/04 0x01/01 B byte Length of returned data 0x05/05 0x04/04 4s int Data type (byte reversed e.g. ui32 is 23iu) 0x09/09 0x01/01 B byte Flag R/W 0x0A/10 0x06/06 6x byte Padding 0x10/16 0x08/08 Q ptr Internal VMware routine 0x18/24 0x30/48 48B byte Data """ import os import sys import struct import subprocess if sys.version_info < (2, 7): sys.stderr.write('You need Python 2.7 or later\n') sys.exit(1) # Setup imports depending on whether IronPython or CPython if sys.platform == 'win32' \ or sys.platform == 'cli': from _winreg import * def rot13(s): chars = 'AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz' trans = chars[26:] + chars[:26] rot_char = lambda c: trans[chars.find(c)] if chars.find(c) > -1 else c return ''.join(rot_char(c) for c in s) def bytetohex(bytestr): return ''.join(['%02X ' % ord(x) for x in bytestr]).strip() def printkey(i, offset, smc_key, smc_data): print str(i + 1).zfill(3) \ + ' ' + hex(offset) \ + ' ' + smc_key[0][::-1] \ + ' ' + str(smc_key[1]).zfill(2) \ + ' ' + smc_key[2][::-1].replace('\x00', ' ') \ + ' ' + '{0:#0{1}x}'.format(smc_key[3], 4) \ + ' ' + hex(smc_key[4]) \ + ' ' + bytetohex(smc_data) E_CLASS64 = 2 E_SHT_RELA = 4 def patchELF(f, oldOffset, newOffset): f.seek(0) magic = f.read(4) if not magic == b'\x7fELF': raise Exception('Magic number does not match') ei_class = struct.unpack('=B', f.read(1))[0] if ei_class != E_CLASS64: raise Exception('Not 64bit elf header: ' + ei_class) f.seek(40) e_shoff = struct.unpack('=Q', f.read(8))[0] f.seek(58) e_shentsize = struct.unpack('=H', f.read(2))[0] e_shnum = struct.unpack('=H', f.read(2))[0] e_shstrndx = struct.unpack('=H', f.read(2))[0] # print 'e_shoff: 0x{:x} e_shentsize: 0x{:x} e_shnum:0x{:x} e_shstrndx:0x{:x}'.format(e_shoff, e_shentsize, e_shnum, e_shstrndx) for i in range(0, e_shnum): f.seek(e_shoff + i * e_shentsize) e_sh = struct.unpack('=LLQQQQLLQQ', f.read(e_shentsize)) e_sh_name = e_sh[0] e_sh_type = e_sh[1] e_sh_offset = e_sh[4] e_sh_size = e_sh[5] e_sh_entsize = e_sh[9] if e_sh_type == E_SHT_RELA: e_sh_nument = e_sh_size / e_sh_entsize # print 'RELA at 0x{:x} with {:d} entries'.format(e_sh_offset, e_sh_nument) for j in range(0, e_sh_nument): f.seek(e_sh_offset + e_sh_entsize * j) rela = struct.unpack('=QQq', f.read(e_sh_entsize)) r_offset = rela[0] r_info = rela[1] r_addend = rela[2] if r_addend == oldOffset: r_addend = newOffset f.seek(e_sh_offset + e_sh_entsize * j) f.write(struct.pack('=QQq', r_offset, r_info, r_addend)) print 'Relocation modified at: ' + hex(e_sh_offset + e_sh_entsize * j) def patchkeys(f, vmx, key, osname): # Setup struct pack string key_pack = '=4sB4sB6xQ' smc_old_memptr = 0 smc_new_memptr = 0 # Do Until OSK1 read i = 0 while True: # Read key into struct str and data byte str offset = key + (i * 72) f.seek(offset) smc_key = struct.unpack(key_pack, f.read(24)) smc_data = f.read(smc_key[1]) # Reset pointer to beginning of key entry f.seek(offset) if smc_key[0] == 'SKL+': # Use the +LKS data routine for OSK0/1 smc_new_memptr = smc_key[4] print '+LKS Key: ' printkey(i, offset, smc_key, smc_data) elif smc_key[0] == '0KSO': # Write new data routine pointer from +LKS print 'OSK0 Key Before:' printkey(i, offset, smc_key, smc_data) smc_old_memptr = smc_key[4] f.seek(offset) f.write(struct.pack(key_pack, smc_key[0], smc_key[1], smc_key[2], smc_key[3], smc_new_memptr)) f.flush() # Write new data for key f.seek(offset + 24) smc_new_data = rot13('bheuneqjbexolgurfrjbeqfthneqrqcy') f.write(smc_new_data) f.flush() # Re-read and print key f.seek(offset) smc_key = struct.unpack(key_pack, f.read(24)) smc_data = f.read(smc_key[1]) print 'OSK0 Key After:' printkey(i, offset, smc_key, smc_data) elif smc_key[0] == '1KSO': # Write new data routine pointer from +LKS print 'OSK1 Key Before:' printkey(i, offset, smc_key, smc_data) smc_old_memptr = smc_key[4] f.seek(offset) f.write(struct.pack(key_pack, smc_key[0], smc_key[1], smc_key[2], smc_key[3], smc_new_memptr)) f.flush() # Write new data for key f.seek(offset + 24) smc_new_data = rot13('rnfrqbagfgrny(p)NccyrPbzchgreVap') f.write(smc_new_data) f.flush() # Re-read and print key f.seek(offset) smc_key = struct.unpack(key_pack, f.read(24)) smc_data = f.read(smc_key[1]) print 'OSK1 Key After:' printkey(i, offset, smc_key, smc_data) # Finished so get out of loop break else: pass i += 1 return smc_old_memptr, smc_new_memptr def patchsmc(name, osname, sharedobj): with open(name, 'r+b') as f: smc_old_memptr = 0 smc_new_memptr = 0 # Read file into string variable vmx = f.read() print 'File: ' + name # Setup hex string for vSMC headers # These are the private and public key counts smc_header_v0 = '\xF2\x00\x00\x00\xF0\x00\x00\x00' smc_header_v1 = '\xB4\x01\x00\x00\xB0\x01\x00\x00' # Setup hex string for #KEY key key_key = '\x59\x45\x4B\x23\x04\x32\x33\x69\x75' # Setup hex string for $Adr key adr_key = '\x72\x64\x41\x24\x04\x32\x33\x69\x75' # Find the vSMC headers smc_header_v0_offset = vmx.find(smc_header_v0) - 8 smc_header_v1_offset = vmx.find(smc_header_v1) - 8 # Find '#KEY' keys smc_key0 = vmx.find(key_key) smc_key1 = vmx.rfind(key_key) # Find '$Adr' key only V1 table smc_adr = vmx.find(adr_key) # Print vSMC0 tables and keys print 'appleSMCTableV0 (smc.version = "0")' print 'appleSMCTableV0 Address : ' + hex(smc_header_v0_offset) print 'appleSMCTableV0 Private Key #: 0xF2/242' print 'appleSMCTableV0 Public Key #: 0xF0/240' if (smc_adr - smc_key0) != 72: print 'appleSMCTableV0 Table : ' + hex(smc_key0) smc_old_memptr, smc_new_memptr = patchkeys(f, vmx, smc_key0, osname) elif (smc_adr - smc_key1) != 72: print 'appleSMCTableV0 Table : ' + hex(smc_key1) smc_old_memptr, smc_new_memptr = patchkeys(f, vmx, smc_key1, osname) print # Print vSMC1 tables and keys print 'appleSMCTableV1 (smc.version = "1")' print 'appleSMCTableV1 Address : ' + hex(smc_header_v1_offset) print 'appleSMCTableV1 Private Key #: 0x01B4/436' print 'appleSMCTableV1 Public Key #: 0x01B0/432' if (smc_adr - smc_key0) == 72: print 'appleSMCTableV1 Table : ' + hex(smc_key0) smc_old_memptr, smc_new_memptr = patchkeys(f, vmx, smc_key0, osname) elif (smc_adr - smc_key1) == 72: print 'appleSMCTableV1 Table : ' + hex(smc_key1) smc_old_memptr, smc_new_memptr = patchkeys(f, vmx, smc_key1, osname) print # Find matching RELA record in .rela.dyn in ESXi ELF files # This is temporary code until proper ELF parsing written if sharedobj: print 'Modifying RELA records from: ' + hex(smc_old_memptr) + ' to ' + hex(smc_new_memptr) patchELF(f, smc_old_memptr, smc_new_memptr) # Tidy up f.flush() f.close() def patchbase(name): # Patch file print 'GOS Patching: ' + name f = open(name, 'r+b') # Entry to search for in GOS table darwin = ( '\x10\x00\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00' '\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' '\xBE' ) # Read file into string variable base = f.read() # Loop thorugh each entry and set top bit # 0xBE --> 0xBF offset = 0 while offset < len(base): offset = base.find(darwin, offset) if offset == -1: break f.seek(offset + 32) flag = f.read(1) if flag == '\xBE': f.seek(offset + 32) f.write('\xBF') print 'GOS Patched flag @: ' + hex(offset) else: print 'GOS Unknown flag @: ' + hex(offset) + '/' + hex(int(flag)) offset += 33 # Tidy up f.flush() f.close() print 'GOS Patched: ' + name def patchvmkctl(name): # Patch file print 'smcPresent Patching: ' + name f = open(name, 'r+b') # Read file into string variable vmkctl = f.read() applesmc = vmkctl.find('applesmc') f.seek(applesmc) f.write('vmkernel') # Tidy up f.flush() f.close() print 'smcPresent Patched: ' + name def main(): # Work around absent Platform module on VMkernel if os.name == 'nt' or os.name == 'cli': osname = 'windows' else: osname = os.uname()[0].lower() vmx_so = False # Setup default paths if osname == 'darwin': vmx_path = '/Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library/' vmx = vmx_path + 'vmware-vmx' vmx_debug = vmx_path + 'vmware-vmx-debug' vmx_stats = vmx_path + 'vmware-vmx-stats' vmwarebase = '' libvmkctl = '' elif osname == 'linux': vmx_path = '/usr/lib/vmware/bin/' vmx = vmx_path + 'vmware-vmx' vmx_debug = vmx_path + 'vmware-vmx-debug' vmx_stats = vmx_path + 'vmware-vmx-stats' vmx_version = subprocess.check_output(["vmplayer", "-v"]) if vmx_version.startswith('VMware Player 12'): vmx_so = True vmwarebase = '/usr/lib/vmware/lib/libvmwarebase.so/libvmwarebase.so' else: vmwarebase = '/usr/lib/vmware/lib/libvmwarebase.so.0/libvmwarebase.so.0' libvmkctl = '' elif osname == 'vmkernel': vmx_path = '/unlocker/' vmx = vmx_path + 'vmx' vmx_debug = vmx_path + 'vmx-debug' vmx_stats = vmx_path + 'vmx-stats' vmx_so = True vmwarebase = '' libvmkctl = vmx_path + 'libvmkctl.so' elif osname == 'windows': reg = ConnectRegistry(None, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) key = OpenKey(reg, r'SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\VMware, Inc.\VMware Workstation') vmwarebase_path = QueryValueEx(key, 'InstallPath')[0] vmx_path = QueryValueEx(key, 'InstallPath64')[0] vmx = vmx_path + 'vmware-vmx.exe' vmx_debug = vmx_path + 'vmware-vmx-debug.exe' vmx_stats = vmx_path + 'vmware-vmx-stats.exe' vmwarebase = vmwarebase_path + 'vmwarebase.dll' libvmkctl = '' else: print('Unknown Operating System: ' + osname) return # Patch the vmx executables skipping stats version for Player patchsmc(vmx, osname, vmx_so) patchsmc(vmx_debug, osname, vmx_so) try: patchsmc(vmx_stats, osname, vmx_so) except IOError: pass # Patch vmwarebase for Workstation and Player # Not required on Fusion or ESXi as table already has correct flags if vmwarebase != '': patchbase(vmwarebase) else: print 'Patching vmwarebase is not required on this system' if osname == 'vmkernel': patchvmkctl(libvmkctl) if __name__ == '__main__': main()