History of versions... The description: + cool feature - A bug * Have changed behaviour ! Very serious bug. ? The information Build 479 (26.05.2005) - Some Fixes... Build 470 (16.06.2004) - Fixed bug with SRT - when at the and of file plased many lines freed - in last titr string was coped number of string + Extended ASS support + Correctly remove drawing tegs on ssa/ass -> other format conversion - Remove collision error fixed. Build 466 (20.05.2004) + Support for ass with wrong header. - Fixed some issue with ass, ssa conversion. Build 465 (17.05.2004) + More smi support Build 464 (16.05.2004) + Primitive support Unicode of files on an input. + The pseudo-graphic indicator =) + Coding in ssa and ass fonts, schedules, music, video =) + Decoding the unused fonts, schedules, music, video =) - Frivolous bugs are corrected at converting ssa-> str + Commands for association and breakdowns subs: merge and split * The name of a file of the program convert.exe-> gsconv.exe is changed Build 419 (20.03.2004) ? Thanks George Shuklin for efficient advice =) - Has overlooked to insert converting tags from srt - Marked and Layer have returned on the places in ssa and ass =) Build 418 (18.03.2004) + JACOsub 2.2 support. thanx to Slava Suhanov ? PS: If who has description tags JS a format - let know. Build 417 (08.03.2004) + The English help is added. It is included, when in system is not present Russian. ! The serious bug - is removed at converting a file in itself- The file was destroyed. Build 415 (08.03.2004) + Are added rt tegs Build 411 (07.03.2004) - The mechanism of converting ssa/ass-> (not ssa/ass) is corrected thanx to Aleksandr Vinogradov + It is added an option of inclusion non-standard srt "x" At its inclusion in srt the some people are converted tags. VobSub them supports. (In Far menu it is included!) - It is corrected tag carry in sub a format. + Now is able to correct mistakes in structure str a format =) Superfluous carries, absence of the counter etc. Build 400 (06.01.2004) + Time is set now a little in another way: convert b 23:2 Hina_1.ass b 23:2 - means to displace the beginning in 23 seconds of 200 milliseconds. b 23:02 - means to displace the beginning in 23 seconds of 20 milliseconds. Build 399 (05.01.2004) + Some files ssa have got to the version below 4.00 Now are normally processed... =) - Fixed bugs with styles. - The some people rt files normally were not perceived... + It is updated by the menu for Far'a ? A heap different fixes.... Build 394 (03.01.2004) - Corrections in the help. + The format ass (Advanced SubStation Alpha) is added + Converting tags MicroDVD. + A key for format MicroDVD. + Support of headings of formats rt, sub, MicroDVD - Converting in srt when the source code contained much is corrected Carries of lines. - The moment with converting, when in smi a file is corrected Tabulation is used. Build 337 (24.12.2003) + Options b, e, bl (sm the built - in help). Build 336 (23.12.2003) + Complete support ssa a format. (Styles, heading, are kept all internal features!) + Support of styles smi (poor, but is...) (smi the module is copied once again = () + An opportunity of converting of styles ssa <=> smi!!! (rt - only colors) + Formatting the text (italics, thickness etñ.) is converted Though styles in smi also are converted - but I saw only one Unique such file, therefore not the fact that subtitle displaying software their (styles) Will pick up. + Breakdown of collisions ssa - for converting in other formats. Build 250 - Fix with time changing. Build 244 ? smi the module is copied. ? The module of converting (Became faster and less) is copied. ? Now under Visual Studio 6.0, Intel C/C ++ Compiler 5.0 + Options m, rf, rt (sm the built - in help) have appeared. Build 204 - One more smi fix. ? Ah yes... Now history goes under build numbers. Build 194 + In ssa style now is normally supported at operations ssa-> ssa All Comment'Ù and other left fields are destroyed. Since I know one program which would hold a sound, video, Picture in ssa (Direct VobSub does not hold) that these fields too Are beaten. If will find such program - let know. 20.08.2002 -? Cosmetic and spelling changes. PS: Most likely, it is last version. Wishes and something is not present responses, and all necessary to me in it The converter already is. Probably new versions will leave If something is required to me. 18.08.2002 - I hate smi a format - one more fix. + One more option 'n' is added - look the built - in help. - Fix ssa->? And for js 16.08.2002 + Sub 1.? Now it is supported. 15.08.2002 ! Fell at a line of credits of more than 256 symbols. It appears also such is... - Fine fix on processing a heap of files =) The defect got out on srt files that was not reflected in their work. * Value parameter K has exchanged - now it works on the contrary. It is better, that standard carries were kept by default. 14.08.2002 - Fine fixe's. + Now for time it is possible to process a heap of files with same parameters, Thus initial files can be different types. The menu to the Headlight is applied. (the List of files should be in a file.) 12.08.2002 + Extended support for smi (figs knows, that there still maybe inside...) + Now superfluous blanks are killed at the end of lines. - If carry has been removed - the blank is not inserted. - Carry of lines is once again corrected. 11.08.2002 - The bug has emerged at operations srt-> srt - A new option for time changing - it is not necessary to count milliseconds! 10.08.2002 - Carry of lines is corrected. 09.08.2002 -? There is at smi some opportunities, which a program not Supports. It is corrected. 08.08.2002 + Formats sub, rt, smi are added + Is able to cut out correctly reserved characters. + Opportunities are added: -Time changing Checks of a correctness of time line Changes of speed of credits The task lines of credits are long 03.08.2002 +? It is entirely copied, is able srt, ssa, js in any combination. 02.08.2002 + Is able only js-> srt