? menu,1,0 = (equals sign), symbolic in solve block,1,4 2D gradient field plot,1,8 2D spline interpolation,1,12 2D vector field plot,1,16 3D bar chart of matrix,1,20 3D bar plot,1,24 3D contour plot,1,28 3D graphs, appearance tab,1,32 3D graphs, colormaps,1,36 3D graphs, contour lines,1,40 3D graphs, converting,1,44 3D graphs, creating,1,48 3D graphs, examples,1,52 3D graphs, fill color,1,56 3D graphs, fill contours,1,60 3D graphs, filling surface,1,64 3D graphs, formatting,1,68 3D graphs, formatting multiple plots,1,72 3D graphs, lighting,1,76 3D graphs, line appearance,1,80 3D graphs, line color,1,84 3D graphs, multiple plots,1,88 3D graphs, patch plot,1,92 3D graphs, perspective,1,96 3D graphs, plotting,1,100 3D graphs, projections,1,104 3D graphs, rotating,1,108 3D graphs, shininess,1,112 3D graphs, spinning,2,116 3D graphs, surface appearance,1,124 3D graphs, viewing perspective,1,128 3D graphs, wireframes,1,132 3D graphs, zoom,1,136 3D parametric surface plot,1,140 3D Plot Format dialog box,1,144 3D plot, formatting,,1,148 3D plots, Advanced page,1,152 3D plots, Axes page,1,156 3D plots, Backpanes page,1,160 3D plots, General page,1,164 3D plots, Lighting page,1,168 3D plots, Special page,1,172 3D plots, Title page,1,176 3D scatter plot,1,180 3D scatter plot, overview,1,184 3D scatter plot, three vectors,1,188 3D scatter plot, two variable function,1,192 3D surface plot,1,196 3D vector field plot,1,200 a+bi form of complex values,1,204 absolute temperature,1,208 AC, electrical resistivity of,1,212 accuracy of roots,1,216 acetic acid, density of,1,220 acetic acid, dielectric constant of,1,224 acetic acid, molecular weight of,1,228 acetic acid, refractive index of,1,232 acetic acid, sound velocity in,1,236 acetic acid, specific gravity of,1,240 acetic acid, surface tension of,1,244 acetic acid, viscosity of,1,248 acetone, density of,1,252 acetone, dielectric constant of,1,256 acetone, molecular weight of,1,260 acetone, refractive index of,1,264 acetone, sound velocity in,1,268 acetone, specific gravity of,1,272 acetone, surface tension of,1,276 acetone, viscosity of,1,280 acetylene, specific gravity of,1,284 actinium, AC, Periodic Table information,1,288 addition, vectors,1,292 adiabatic flame temperature,1,296 adjacency matrix,1,300 adjustable-rate mortgages,1,304 Advanced page, 3D plots,1,308 advanced topics,1,312 African teak, density of,1,316 agate, density of,1,320 air (mixture), specific gravity of,1,324 air, molecular weight of,1,328 air, sound velocity,1,332 air, specific heat at 1.0 atm pressure, 20 C,1,336 alabaster, carbonate, density of,1,340 alabaster, sulfate, density of,1,344 albite, density of,1,348 alcohol, ethyl, density of,1,352 alcohol, ethyl, dielectric constant of,1,356 alcohol, ethyl, molecular weight of,1,360 alcohol, ethyl, refractive index of,1,364 alcohol, ethyl, sound velocity in,1,368 alcohol, ethyl, specific gravity of,1,372 alcohol, ethyl, surface tension of,1,376 alcohol, ethyl, viscosity of,1,380 alcohol, methyl, density of,1,384 alcohol, methyl, dielectric constant of,1,388 alcohol, methyl, molecular weight of,1,392 alcohol, methyl, refractive index of,1,396 alcohol, methyl, sound velocity in,1,400 alcohol, methyl, specific gravity of,1,404 alcohol, methyl, surface tension of,1,408 alcohol, methyl, viscosity of,1,412 alcohol, propyl, density of,1,416 alcohol, propyl, dielectric constant of,1,420 alcohol, propyl, molecular weight of,1,424 alcohol, propyl, refractive index of,1,428 alcohol, propyl, sound velocity in,1,432 alcohol, propyl, specific gravity of,1,436 alcohol, propyl, surface tension of,1,440 alcohol, propyl, viscosity of,1,444 alder, density of,1,448 algebra, symbolic keywords,1,452 algebra, Symbolic menu,1,456 aluminum oxide, dielectric constant of,1,460 aluminum, Al, Periodic Table information,1,464 aluminum, linear expansion coefficient of,1,468 aluminum, melting point of,1,472 aluminum, modulus of elasticity for,1,476 aluminum, Poisson's ratio for,1,480 aluminum, specific gravity of,1,484 aluminum, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,488 aluminum, thermal conductivity of,1,492 amber, density of,1,496 americium, Am, Periodic Table information,1,500 ammonia (gas), specific gravity of,1,504 ammonia, density of,1,508 ammonia, molecular weight of,2,512 ammonia, specific gravity of,1,520 ammonia, specific heat at 1.0 atm pressure, 20 C,1,524 amphiboles, density of,1,528 amplifier, real,1,532 angular coordinates, rectangular to cylindrical conversion,1,536 angular coordinates, rectangular to polar conversion,1,540 angular coordinates, rectangular to spherical conversion,1,544 angular measurement in degrees, trigonometric functions,1,548 angular measurement in radians, trigonometric functions,1,552 Animate dialog box,1,556 animating expressions,1,560 animating Gibbs' phenomenon,1,564 animating rectangular region into torus,1,568 animating, kaleidoscope effect,1,572 animating, polar curve,1,576 animation, animating expressions,1,580 animation, contour map,1,584 animation, creating,2,588 animation, FRAME variable,1,596 animation, histogram,1,600 animation, more complicated example,1,604 animation, of expressions,1,608 animation, polar locus in,1,612 animation, simple example,1,616 animation, space-filling curve,1,620 animation, spinning globe,1,624 animation, spiral,1,628 animation, standing wave,1,632 animation, tangent line,1,636 animation, tips on using,1,640 annotate book,1,644 annotations,1,648 annual percentage rate (APR),1,652 annuity, future value of,1,656 anorthite, density of,1,660 Antarctic Ocean, statistics,1,664 anthracite coal, density of,1,668 anthracite coal, specific gravity of,1,672 anthracite coal, specific heat of,1,676 antiderivative, symbolic,1,680 antimony, electrical resistivity of,1,684 antimony, linear expansion coefficient of,1,688 antimony, melting point of,1,692 antimony, modulus of elasticity for,1,696 antimony, Sb, Periodic Table information,1,700 antimony, specific gravity of,1,704 antimony, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,708 antimony, thermal conductivity of,1,712 Appearance page, 3D plots,1,716 Appearance tab, 3D graphs,1,720 APPENDPRN,1,724 apple tree wood, density of,1,728 approximate solution, finding,1,732 approximation, Fourier series,1,736 APR interest rate,1,740 arc length of a cardioid,1,744 arc length of a cycloid,1,748 arc length of a function, computing,1,752 arc length of a hypocycloid,1,756 arc length of a parabolic segment,1,760 arc length of a sector of a circle,1,764 arc length of the cardioid curve,1,768 arc length of the cycloid curve,1,772 arc length of the hypocycloid curve,1,776 arc of a circle, centroid of an,1,780 Architectural Engineer's Solution Suite,1,784 Arctic Ocean, statistics,1,788 area of a cardioid,1,792 area of a circle,1,796 area of a circular segment,1,800 area of a circumscribed polygon,1,804 area of a cycloid,1,808 area of a frustum of a right circular cone,1,812 area of a hypocycloid,2,816 area of a parallelepiped, cross-sectional,1,824 area of a parallelogram,1,828 area of a rectangle,1,832 area of a regular polygon,1,836 area of a right circular cone, lateral surface,1,840 area of a right circular cylinder, lateral surface,1,844 area of a spherical triangle,1,848 area of a trapezoid,1,852 area of a triangle,1,856 area of an ellipse,1,860 area of an inscribed polygon,1,864 areas of geometric shapes,1,868 argon, Ar, Periodic Table information,1,872 argon, molecular weight of,1,876 argon, specific gravity of,1,880 argon, specific heat at 1.0 atm pressure, 20 C,1,884 arguments, entering in function,1,888 arguments, vectors as,1,892 arithmetic buttons,1,896 arithmetic operations,1,900 arithmetic operations, changing numerical format,1,904 Arithmetic toolbar,2,908 arithmetic, built-in functions,1,916 arrays, addition,1,920 arrays, algebra,1,924 arrays, creating,2,928 arrays, size and scope,1,936 arrays, swapping variables using,1,940 arrays, vectors,1,944 array-valued functions,1,948 arsenic, As, Periodic Table information,1,952 asbestos cement board, specific gravity of,1,956 asbestos cement board, specific heat of,1,960 asbestos cement board, thermal conductivity of,1,964 asbestos fiber, dielectric constant of,1,968 asbestos millboard, specific gravity of,1,972 asbestos millboard, specific heat of,1,976 asbestos millboard, thermal conductivity of,1,980 asbestos slate, density of,1,984 asbestos, density of,1,988 ash wood, density of,1,992 asphalt, density of,1,996 asphalt, dielectric constant of,1,1000 asphalt, specific gravity of,1,1004 asphalt, specific heat of,1,1008 assignment operator, functions,1,1012 assignment operator, variables,1,1016 assignment operators,1,1020 astatine, At, Periodic Table information,1,1024 Astronomical Formulas Electronic Book,1,1028 astronomical phenomena,1,1032 astronomy, formulas,1,1036 Atlantic Ocean, statistics,1,1040 atomic mass unit,1,1044 augment, joining matrices,1,1048 authoring,1,1052 authoring in Mathcad,1,1056 automatic mode, introduction,1,1060 average, smoothing data by moving,1,1064 Avogadro's number,1,1068 Axes page, 3D plots,1,1072 axis labels,1,1076 Axum, inserting component,1,1080 Backpanes page, 3D plots,1,1084 Backtracks button, Resource Center,1,1088 balsa, density of,1,1092 balsa, specific gravity of,1,1096 balsa, specific heat of,1,1100 balsa, thermal conductivity of,1,1104 bamboo, density of,1,1108 bar chart, 3D of matrix,1,1112 bar plot, 3D,1,1116 barium, Periodic Table information,1,1120 Barnes extended hypergeometric functions,1,1124 basalt, density of,1,1128 Base 10 logarithms,1,1132 base 2 equivalent of decimal number,1,1136 base plates, designing,1,1140 base, calculating logarithms,1,1144 basswood, density of,1,1148 beam, composite steel and concrete,1,1152 beam, double t_roof,1,1156 beech, density of,1,1160 beef tallow, density of,1,1164 beeswax, density of,1,1168 beeswax, dielectric constant of,1,1172 beeswax, specific gravity of,1,1176 beeswax, specific heat of,1,1180 bending moments,1,1184 benzene, density of,1,1188 benzene, dielectric constant of,1,1192 benzene, molecular weight of,1,1196 benzene, refractive index of,1,1200 benzene, sound velocity in,1,1204 benzene, specific gravity of,1,1208 benzene, surface tension of,1,1212 benzene, viscosity of,1,1216 berkelium, Bk, Periodic Table information,1,1220 beryl, density of,1,1224 beryllium, Be, Periodic Table information,1,1228 beryllium, electrical resistivity of,1,1232 beryllium, linear expansion coefficient of,1,1236 beryllium, melting point of,1,1240 beryllium, modulus of elasticity for,1,1244 beryllium, Poisson's ratio for,1,1248 beryllium, specific gravity of,1,1252 beryllium, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,1256 beryllium, thermal conductivity of,1,1260 best fitting, nonlinear,1,1264 beta variable function, example,1,1268 bidirectional limit of function at a point,1,1272 bifurcation diagram,1,1276 binary form of decimal integer,1,1280 binomial coefficients,1,1284 binomial distribution functions, normal mean test,1,1288 binomial distribution functions, test of normal mean,1,1292 binomial variable function, example,1,1296 bins, frequency distribution for histograms,1,1300 biotite, density of,1,1304 bismuth, Bi, Periodic Table information,1,1308 bismuth, electrical resistivity of,1,1312 bismuth, linear expansion coefficient of,1,1316 bismuth, melting point of,1,1320 bismuth, modulus of elasticity for,1,1324 bismuth, specific gravity of,1,1328 bismuth, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,1332 bismuth, thermal conductivity of,1,1336 bitmap, importing as a picture,1,1340 bitmaps, importing,1,1344 bitmaps, paste special,1,1348 bitmaps, reducing file size,1,1352 bitmaps, writing images to,1,1356 bituminous coal, density of,1,1360 bituminous coal, specific gravity of,1,1364 bituminous coal, specific heat of,1,1368 Bivariate series expansion, Live Symbolics,1,1372 blank grid, creating,1,1376 blue editing lines,1,1380 blue gum wood, density of,1,1384 bmp file and readbmp function,1,1388 bmp file and readrgb function,1,1392 Bohr magneton,1,1396 Bohr radius,1,1400 Boltzmann's constant,1,1404 bond modified duration,1,1408 bond valuation,1,1412 bond yield to maturity,1,1416 bone, density of,1,1420 Book menu,1,1424 Boolean operators,1,1428 boron, B, Periodic Table information,1,1432 boxwood, density of,1,1436 breakeven analysis,1,1440 brick, common, specific gravity of,1,1444 brick, common, specific heat of,1,1448 brick, common, thermal conductivity of,1,1452 brick, density of,1,1456 brick, hard, specific gravity of,1,1460 brick, hard, specific heat of,1,1464 brick, hard, thermal conductivity of,1,1468 bromine, Br, Periodic Table information,1,1472 bromine, dielectric constant of,1,1476 bromine, molecular weight of,1,1480 bromine, surface tension of,1,1484 bromine, viscosity of,1,1488 Brownian motion,1,1492 Browses ahead button, Resource Center,1,1496 Browses back button, Resource Center,1,1500 buckminsterfullerenes,1,1504 buckyballs,1,1508 building mathematical expressions,1,1512 building structural design,1,1516 built-in functions,1,1520 built-in functions, overview,1,1524 built-in functions, selecting,1,1528 built-in units,2,1532 Bulstoer , pendulum motion,1,1540 Bulstoer function, solving first order ODE,1,1544 Bulstoer function, solving system of ODEs,2,1548 butadiene, specific gravity of,1,1556 butane, specific gravity of,1,1560 butter, density of,1,1564 butternut wood, density of,1,1568 buttons, arithmetic,1,1572 buttons, math toolbar,1,1576 buttons, navigational,1,1580 buttons, Resource Center navigation,1,1584 buttons, tool bar,1,1588 butylene, specific gravity of,1,1592 cadmium, Cd, Periodic Table information,1,1596 cadmium, electrical resistivity of,1,1600 cadmium, linear expansion coefficient of,1,1604 cadmium, melting point of,1,1608 cadmium, modulus of elasticity for,1,1612 cadmium, specific gravity of,1,1616 cadmium, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,1620 cadmium, thermal conductivity of,1,1624 caesium,1,1628 calamine, density of,1,1632 calcium, Ca, Periodic Table information,1,1636 calcspar, density of,1,1640 calculations, formatting results,1,1644 calculations, using units,1,1648 calculus and Live Symbolics,1,1652 calculus and Symbolic menu,1,1656 Calculus toolbar,1,1660 calendar, Julian date,1,1664 californium, Cf, Periodic Table information,1,1668 Cambrian Period,1,1672 camphor, density of,1,1676 caoutchouc, density of,1,1680 capacitance,1,1684 capacitance between parallel plates,1,1688 capacitance between two concentric spheres,1,1692 capacitance of an isolated sphere,1,1696 capacitance of coaxial cylinders,1,1700 Caps Lock key,1,1704 carbon dioxide equilibria,1,1708 carbon dioxide, molecular weight of,1,1712 carbon dioxide, specific gravity of,1,1716 carbon dioxide, specific heat at 1.0 atm pressure, 20 C,1,1720 carbon disulfide, density of,1,1724 carbon disulfide, dielectric constant of,1,1728 carbon disulfide, molecular weight of,1,1732 carbon disulfide, refractive index of,1,1736 carbon disulfide, sound velocity in,1,1740 carbon disulfide, specific gravity of,1,1744 carbon disulfide, surface tension of,1,1748 carbon disulfide, viscosity of,1,1752 carbon monoxide, specific gravity of,1,1756 carbon tetrachloride, density of,1,1760 carbon tetrachloride, dielectric constant of,1,1764 carbon tetrachloride, molecular weight of,1,1768 carbon tetrachloride, refractive index of,1,1772 carbon tetrachloride, sound velocity in,1,1776 carbon tetrachloride, specific gravity of,1,1780 carbon tetrachloride, surface tension of,1,1784 carbon tetrachloride, viscosity of,1,1788 carbon, C, Periodic Table information,1,1792 Carboniferous Period,1,1796 cardboard, density of,1,1800 cardioid curve, equation,1,1804 cardioid, arc length,1,1808 cardioid, area,1,1812 Cartesian and polar graph,1,1816 Cartesian coordinates, converting spherical to,1,1820 cartographic projections,1,1824 cash flow, net present value,1,1828 cash flow, present value,1,1832 castor oil, density of,1,1836 castor oil, dielectric constant of,1,1840 castor oil, sound velocity in,1,1844 castor oil, specific gravity of,1,1848 castor oil, surface tension of,1,1852 castor oil, viscosity of,1,1856 Catalan's constant,1,1860 cedar, density of,1,1864 Celcius temperature conversion,1,1868 celluloid, density of,1,1872 Celsius,1,1876 cement, set, density of,1,1880 Cenozoic Era,1,1884 center, plotting circles,1,1888 centroid of a circular sector,1,1892 centroid of a parabolic area,1,1896 centroid of a parabolic spandrel,1,1900 centroid of a quarter circle arc,1,1904 centroid of a quarter circle area,1,1908 centroid of a semicircular arc,1,1912 centroid of a semicircular area,1,1916 centroid of a semiparabolic area,1,1920 centroid of an arc of a circle,1,1924 centroids of geometric shapes,1,1928 cerium, Ce, Periodic Table information,1,1932 cerium, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,1936 cesium, Cs, Periodic Table information,1,1940 Chain Rule,1,1944 chalk, density of,1,1948 chalk, specific gravity of,1,1952 chalk, specific heat of,1,1956 chalk, thermal conductivity of,1,1960 changes, saving in Resource Center,1,1964 changing appearance of plots,1,1968 chaos theory,1,1972 characteristic values of real matrix,1,1976 charcoal, oak, density of,1,1980 charcoal, pine, density of,1,1984 charcoal, wood, specific gravity of,1,1988 charcoal, wood, specific heat of,1,1992 charcoal, wood, thermal conductivity of,1,1996 Chebyshev polynomial, finding coefficients,1,2000 Chemical Engineers Solution Suite,1,2004 cherry wood, density of,1,2008 chi square distribution functions, standard deviation test,1,2012 Chi, hyperbolic cosine integral,1,2016 chi-square statistics,1,2020 chi-square test for goodness of fit,1,2024 chi-square variable function, example,1,2028 chlorine, Cl, Periodic Table information,1,2032 chlorine, specific gravity of,1,2036 chloroform, density of,1,2040 chloroform, dielectric constant of,1,2044 chloroform, molecular weight of,1,2048 chloroform, refractive index of,1,2052 chloroform, sound velocity in,1,2056 chloroform, specific gravity of,1,2060 chloroform, surface tension of,1,2064 chloroform, viscosity of,1,2068 chromium, Cr, Periodic Table information,1,2072 chromium, electrical resistivity of,1,2076 chromium, linear expansion coefficient of,1,2080 chromium, melting point of,1,2084 chromium, modulus of elasticity for,1,2088 chromium, specific gravity of,1,2092 chromium, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,2096 chromium, thermal conductivity of,1,2100 Ci, cosine integral,1,2104 cinnabar, density of,1,2108 circle, area,1,2112 circle, circumscribed,1,2116 circle, circumscribed--radius of,1,2120 circle, drawing,1,2124 circle, inscribed,1,2128 circle, inscribed--radius of,1,2132 circle, perimeter,1,2136 circle, sector,1,2140 circle, sector of--radius and area of,1,2144 circles, finding intersection,1,2148 circles, plotting,1,2152 circular cone, mass moments of inertia,1,2156 circular cylinder, mass moments of inertia,1,2160 circular sector, centroid,1,2164 circular segment, area,1,2168 circumscribed circle, area,1,2172 circumscribed circle, radius,1,2176 circumscribed polygon, area,1,2180 circumscribed polygon, perimeter,1,2184 civil engineers, solution suite,1,2188 Clapp oscillator, oscillation frequency of an,1,2192 classical electron radius,1,2196 clay, density of,1,2200 clipboard, copying and pasting Resource Center,1,2204 closing Resource Center,1,2208 coal, anthracite, density of,1,2212 coal, anthracite, specific gravity of,1,2216 coal, anthracite, specific heat of,1,2220 coal, bituminous, density of,1,2224 coal, bituminous, specific gravity of,1,2228 coal, bituminous, specific heat of,1,2232 coaxial cylinders, capacitance of,1,2236 cobalt, Co, Periodic Table information,1,2240 cobalt, electrical resistivity of,1,2244 cobalt, linear expansion coefficient of,1,2248 cobalt, melting point of,1,2252 cobalt, modulus of elasticity for,1,2256 cobalt, specific gravity of,1,2260 cobalt, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,2264 cobalt, thermal conductivity of,1,2268 cocoa butter, density of,1,2272 coefficient of linear expansion,1,2276 coefficient, binomial,1,2280 coefficients of polynomials, finding,1,2284 coefficients, binomial,1,2288 coefficients, multiple linear regression,1,2292 coefficients, polynomial regression,1,2296 coke, density of,1,2300 Collaboratory,1,2304 Collaboratory, using,1,2308 collapsing regions,1,2312 collecting on subexpressions,1,2316 College Physics Electronic Book,1,2320 colon equals,1,2324 color images, reading into matrix,1,2328 color images, writing to a bitmap,1,2332 colors, for plots,1,2336 Colpitts oscillator, oscillation frequency of an,1,2340 columns, creating matrix,1,2344 columns, extracting matrix,1,2348 columns, number in matrix,1,2352 columns, reversing order in submatrix,1,2356 columns, steel,1,2360 columns, vectors and matrices,1,2364 comparing histogram to normal distribution,1,2368 complete graphs,1,2372 complex conjugate, array algebra,1,2376 complex conjugate, operations,1,2380 complex contour integrals,1,2384 complex error function, zerf,1,2388 complex evaluation and Live Symbolics,1,2392 complex functions, graphing,1,2396 complex keyword,1,2400 complex Live Symbolics keyword,1,2404 complex numbers, operations with,1,2408 complex numbers, overview,1,2412 complex polynomial coefficients,1,2416 complex roots of polynomial,1,2420 complex solution to equations, one unknown,1,2424 complex threshold,1,2428 complex values, a+bi form,1,2432 component, inserting an Axum,2,2436 component, inserting an Excel,2,2444 components in Mathcad,1,2452 components, application,1,2456 components, Excel,1,2460 components, File Read,1,2464 components, File Write,1,2468 components, Input Table,1,2472 components, Insert Table,1,2476 components, inserting,1,2480 components, Output Table,1,2484 components, radial and transverse,1,2488 compound amount over time, computing compound interest,1,2492 compound interest calculations,1,2496 compound interest, compared to simple,1,2500 compound interest, computing,1,2504 compound lens system,1,2508 compounded future value,1,2512 compounded future value of annuity,1,2516 compounding periods, computing compound interest,1,2520 computations, symbolic matrix,1,2524 concentrated load on horizontal member,1,2528 concentric spheres, capacitance between two,1,2532 concrete, light, specific gravity of,1,2536 concrete, light, specific heat of,1,2540 concrete, light, thermal conductivity of,1,2544 concrete, stone, specific gravity of,1,2548 concrete, stone, specific heat of,1,2552 concrete, stone, thermal conductivity of,1,2556 conditional functions,1,2560 conduction, heat,1,2564 cone, circular, mass moments of inertia,1,2568 confidence interval, difference of proportions,1,2572 confidence interval, linear regression slope estimation,1,2576 confidence interval, means difference, large samples,1,2580 confidence interval, means difference, small samples,2,2584 confidence interval, normal mean estimation,1,2592 confidence interval, normal mean estimation, unknown variance,1,2596 confidence interval, normal population mean,1,2600 confidence interval, proportion estimation,1,2604 confidence interval, ratio of variance,1,2608 confidence interval, standard deviation estimation,1,2612 confidence interval, variance estimation,1,2616 conjugate, complex, array algebra,1,2620 conjugate, complex, operations,1,2624 Constant Multiple Rule,1,2628 constrained optimization problem,1,2632 context-sensitive Help,1,2636 contour integrals, complex,1,2640 contour lines, 3D graphs,1,2644 contour map animation,1,2648 contour plot animation,1,2652 contour plot, creating a 3D,1,2656 contour plot, level curves of two variable function,1,2660 contour plot, surface area of function,1,2664 contour plots, complex functions,1,2668 contours, 3D graphs,1,2672 converting radians to DMS,1,2676 converting units,1,2680 converting units for output table,1,2684 converting units for plot,1,2688 converting units in scalar result,1,2692 converting, cylindrical to rectangular coordinates,1,2696 converting, decimal integer to binary,1,2700 converting, numbers, octal and hexadecimal,1,2704 converting, polar to rectangular coordinates,1,2708 converting, rectangular to cylindrical coordinates,1,2712 converting, rectangular to polar coordinates,1,2716 converting, rectangular to spherical coordinates,1,2720 converting, spherical to rectangular coordinates,1,2724 converting, to degrees,1,2728 converting, units for vector of results,1,2732 convex mirrors,1,2736 coordinates of center, plotting circles,1,2740 coordinates, converting spherical to Cartesian,1,2744 coordinates, converting spherical to rectangular,1,2748 coordinates, polar to rectangular conversion,1,2752 coordinates, rectangular to cylindrical conversion,1,2756 coordinates, rectangular to polar conversion,1,2760 coordinates, rectangular to spherical,1,2764 coordinates, spherical to rectangular,1,2768 copal, density of,1,2772 copper, Cu, Periodic Table information,1,2776 copper, electrical resistivity of,1,2780 copper, linear expansion coefficient of,1,2784 copper, melting point of,1,2788 copper, modulus of elasticity for,1,2792 copper, Poisson's ratio for,1,2796 copper, specific gravity of,1,2800 copper, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,2804 copper, thermal conductivity of,1,2808 Copy button, Resource Center,1,2812 copying information from Resource Center,1,2816 core of the Earth,1,2820 cork linoleum, density of,1,2824 cork, density of,1,2828 corkboard, specific gravity of,1,2832 corkboard, specific heat of,1,2836 corkboard, thermal conductivity of,1,2840 correlation coefficient, linear regression,1,2844 corundum, density of,1,2848 cosecant function, degree argument,1,2852 cosecant function, radian argument,1,2856 cosine curve, modified,1,2860 cosine function, degree argument,1,2864 cosine function, radian argument,1,2868 cosine integral, Ci,1,2872 cosine integral, Fresnel,1,2876 cosine integral, hyperbolic Chi,1,2880 cosine wave,1,2884 cost of sales and profit margin,1,2888 costs, breakeven analysis,1,2892 costs, marginal and marginal revenue,1,2896 cotangent function, degree argument,1,2900 cotangent function, radian argument,1,2904 covariance, linear regression,1,2908 creating templates,1,2912 creating vectors,1,2916 creating, matrix of function values,1,2920 creating, table of function values,1,2924 Cretaceous Period,1,2928 critical region,1,2932 critical value, finding,1,2936 cropping images,1,2940 cross product,1,2944 cross product, array algebra,1,2948 crust of the Earth,1,2952 cspline function,1,2956 cspline function, 2D spline interpolation,1,2960 cspline function, cubic spline interpolation,1,2964 cubic spline interpolation,1,2968 cumulative distribution and population density,1,2972 curium, Cm, Periodic Table information,1,2976 Curl,1,2980 curl, vector derivative operators,1,2984 currency, formatting results for,1,2988 cursor, flashing lightbulb,1,2992 cursor, red crosshair,1,2996 curvature, geometry of curves,1,3000 curve fitting,1,3004 curve fitting, least-squares,1,3008 curve fitting, nonlinear,1,3012 curve, kaleidoscope,1,3016 curve, modified cosine,1,3020 curve, polar,1,3024 curve, space-filling,1,3028 curves, examples,1,3032 curves, operating-characteristic,1,3036 curves, plotting two variable function,1,3040 curvilinear motion,1,3044 custom Mathcad expressions, saving,1,3048 cycloid, arc length,1,3052 cycloid, area,1,3056 cycloid, equations in parametric form,1,3060 cylinder, circular, mass moments of inertia,1,3064 cylindrical coordinates, converting rectangular to,1,3068 cylindrical coordinates, converting to rectangular,1,3072 cylindrical projections,1,3076 damped harmonic oscillation,1,3080 dashed blue line, on graphs,1,3084 data analysis functions,1,3088 data analysis, functions and methods,1,3092 data analysis, linear regression,2,3096 data analysis, multivariate interpolation,1,3104 data analysis, non-linear regression,1,3108 data analysis, smoothing,1,3112 data analysis, structuring data,1,3116 data arrays, creating,1,3120 data file, write to,1,3124 data management,1,3128 data vector, picking elements,1,3132 data, exchanging with other applications,1,3136 data, exporting,1,3140 data, finding line of best fit,1,3144 data, handling,1,3148 data, importing,1,3152 data, preparing for analysis,1,3156 data, reading in,1,3160 data, referencing subsets,1,3164 data, sorting,1,3168 data, splitting into groups,1,3172 decane, density of,1,3176 decane, dielectric constant of,1,3180 decane, molecular weight of,1,3184 decane, refractive index of,1,3188 decane, specific gravity of,1,3192 decane, surface tension of,1,3196 decane, viscosity of,1,3200 decay, exponential,1,3204 decimal integer, to hexadecimal conversion,1,3208 decimal integer, to octal conversion,1,3212 decimal radix, formatting results,1,3216 decision rule, designing a,1,3220 decision theory,1,3224 declining-balance depreciation,1,3228 decomposition, partial fraction,1,3232 default TOL and accuracy,1,3236 default unit system,1,3240 default, index for matrix rows and columns,1,3244 defining functions,1,3248 defining range variables,1,3252 defining variables,1,3256 defining variables and functions,1,3260 definition of variables, simultaneous,1,3264 definition symbol,1,3268 definitions, symbol for,1,3272 degree of fitting, multiple linear regression,1,3276 degrees of freedom, polynomial regression,1,3280 degrees, converting to,1,3284 degrees, temperature conversion,1,3288 degrees, trigonometric functions,1,3292 deleting, selected regions,1,3296 density of triangle and numerical double integrals,1,3300 density, of the Earth,1,3304 density, probability and cumulative distribution,1,3308 density, table listing for liquids,1,3312 density, table listing for materials,1,3316 density, table listing for planets,1,3320 depreciation schedule,1,3324 depreciation, declining-balance,1,3328 depreciation, double-declining-balance,1,3332 depreciation, straight-line,1,3336 depreciation, sum-of-years'-digits,1,3340 derivative and Evaluate Symbolically,1,3344 derivative and function, X-Y plot,1,3348 derivative and Live Symbolics,1,3352 derivative formulas, reference table of,1,3356 derivative function, solving first order ODE,1,3360 derivative function, solving system of ODEs,2,3364 derivative of functions at several points,1,3372 derivative, function at a point,1,3376 derivative, symbolic,1,3380 derivatives, vector gradient, divergence and curl,1,3384 determinant, array algebra,1,3388 determinant, Jacobian,1,3392 determinant, matrix,1,3396 determinant, of matrices,1,3400 determinant, symbolic matrix,1,3404 determinant, vector and matrix,1,3408 determinants, Jacobian,1,3412 deuterium, specific gravity of,1,3416 Devonian Period,1,3420 diagram, bifurcation,1,3424 diamond, density of,1,3428 dielectric constant, liquids, table listing,1,3432 dielectric constant, solids, table listing,1,3436 difference of means, confidence interval, large samples,1,3440 difference of means, large samples test,1,3444 difference of means, small samples confidence interval,2,3448 difference of means, small samples test,2,3456 difference of two proportions, confidence interval,1,3464 difference, arithmetic operation,1,3468 differential amplifier,1,3472 differential equations,1,3476 differential equations for electrical systems,1,3480 differential equations for mechanical systems,1,3484 differential equations for population growth,1,3488 differential equations for satellite motion,1,3492 differential equations, graphic output,1,3496 differential equations, graphing first order ODE,1,3500 differential equations, graphing higher order ODE,1,3504 differential equations, initial value,2,3508 differential equations, output format,1,3516 differential equations, solving first order ODE,1,3520 differential equations, solving system of ODEs,2,3524 differential equations, standard form,1,3532 differential equations, stiff,1,3536 differentiate symbolically,1,3540 differentiating, function at a point,1,3544 differentiating, symbolic derivative of a function,1,3548 digamma function, Psi,1,3552 digitization, signals,1,3556 digitizing a signal,1,3560 dilog, dilogarithm function,1,3564 dilogarithm function,1,3568 Dirac delta function,1,3572 disk, thin, mass moments of inertia of,1,3576 Displayed Precision,1,3580 distribution, exponential of random deviates,1,3584 distribution, frequency for histograms,1,3588 distribution, normal, comparing to histogram,1,3592 distribution, uniform of random deviates,2,3596 distributions, cumulative and probability density,1,3604 Div,1,3608 divergence,1,3612 divergence, vector derivative operators,1,3616 DLL support,1,3620 DMS (Degrees-Minutes-Seconds),1,3624 DMS, converting to radians,1,3628 dnorm function, using,1,3632 dodecane, density of,1,3636 dodecane, molecular weight of,1,3640 dodecane, refractive index of,1,3644 dodecane, viscosity of,1,3648 dogwood, density of,1,3652 dolomite, density of,1,3656 domain,1,3660 Doppler signal,1,3664 dot product,1,3668 dot product, array algebra,1,3672 double t_roof beam,1,3676 double-declining-balance depreciation,1,3680 doubling time for investments,1,3684 drag-and-drop, Resource Center information,1,3688 drag-selecting regions,1,3692 drawing, circle,1,3696 drawing, line to curve,1,3700 drawing, rectangular waveform,1,3704 drawing, tangent line,1,3708 dysprosium, Dy, Periodic Table information,1,3712 earth, dry, specific gravity of,1,3716 earth, dry, specific heat of,1,3720 earth, dry, thermal conductivity of,1,3724 Earth, escape velocity from,1,3728 Earth, statistics,2,3732 ebonite, density of,1,3740 ebony, density of,1,3744 echelon row-reduced form of matrix, row reduction,1,3748 Edit Cut,1,3752 Edit Paste,1,3756 editing in the Resource Center,1,3760 editing value of variables,1,3764 edits, saving in Resource Center,1,3768 Ei, exponential integral,1,3772 eigenvalue, matrix,1,3776 eigenvalues and eigenvectors,1,3780 eigenvalues, finding real matrix,1,3784 eigenvalues, matrices,1,3788 eigenvec,1,3792 eigenvectors,1,3796 eigenvectors, finding real matrix,1,3800 eigenvectors, matrix,1,3804 eigenvectors, normalized,1,3808 einsteinium, Es, Periodic Table information,1,3812 Electric Circuits Electronic Book,1,3816 electrical resistivity, table listing,1,3820 Electromagnetic Electronic Books,1,3824 electromagnetic waves,1,3828 electron charge,1,3832 electron charge to mass ratio,1,3836 electron Compton wavelength,1,3840 electron magnetic moment,1,3844 electron mass, and ratio of proton mass,1,3848 electron rest mass,1,3852 Electronic Book controls,1,3856 Electronic Books,2,3860 Electronic Books, developing,1,3868 Electronic Circuits Electronic Book,1,3872 electrostatic fields,1,3876 element by element, defining nested arrays,1,3880 elements, electrical resistivity table,1,3884 elements, graphing function of vector,1,3888 elements, graphing vector,1,3892 elements, linear expansion coefficient table,1,3896 elements, melting point table,1,3900 elements, modulus of elasticity table,1,3904 elements, of vectors, accessing,1,3908 elements, of vectors, as function arguments,1,3912 elements, picking from vector,1,3916 elements, Poisson's ratio table,1,3920 elements, specific gravity table,1,3924 elements, temperature coefficient of resistivity table,1,3928 elements, thermal conductivity table,1,3932 ellipse, area of an,1,3936 ellipse, perimeter of an,1,3940 ellipsoid, Lagrange multipliers with,1,3944 ellipsoid, plotting a,1,3948 ellipsoid, surface area of an,1,3952 ellipsoid, volume of an,1,3956 elliptic integral, LegendreE incomplete,1,3960 elliptic integral, LegendreEc complete,1,3964 elliptic integral, LegendreEc1 associated complete,1,3968 elliptic integral, LegendreF incomplete,1,3972 elliptic integral, LegendreKc complete,1,3976 elliptic integral, LegendreKc1 associated complete,1,3980 elliptic integral, LegendrePi incomplete,1,3984 elliptic integral, LegendrePic complete,1,3988 elliptic integral, LegendrePic1 associated complete,1,3992 elm, density of,1,3996 emery, density of,1,4000 engineering functions, built-in,1,4004 Engineering Mechanics Electronic Book,1,4008 entering math,1,4012 entering text,1,4016 Eocene Epoch,1,4020 epidote, density of,1,4024 equality of two proportions test,1,4028 equals sign, symbolic,1,4032 equals sign, symbolic in solve block,1,4036 equation of the cardioid curve,1,4040 equation, solving in single unknown,1,4044 equations of the cycloid curve, parametric,1,4048 equations of the hypocycloid curve, in polar coordinates,1,4052 equations of the hypocycloid curve, parametric,1,4056 equations, evaluating sides of,1,4060 equations, graphing first order ODE,1,4064 equations, graphing higher order ODE,1,4068 equations, linear differential first-order homogeneous,1,4072 equations, linear differential second-order homogeneous,1,4076 equations, solving,1,4080 equations, solving and effects of TOL,1,4084 equations, solving family of,1,4088 equations, solving first order ODE,1,4092 equations, solving in one unknown,1,4096 equations, solving linear,1,4100 equations, solving nonlinear,1,4104 equations, solving quadratic,1,4108 equations, solving system of ODEs,2,4112 equations, solving system, with inequality,1,4120 equations, symbolic solutions of,1,4124 equations, symbolic solve blocks,1,4128 erbium, Er, Periodic Table information,1,4132 erf error function,1,4136 ERR function,1,4140 error functions, erf and zerf,1,4144 error, size of,1,4148 escape velocity, of planets,1,4152 estimating mean of normal population,1,4156 estimation, Monte Carlo probability,1,4160 ethane, specific gravity of,1,4164 ether, density of,1,4168 ether, dielectric constant of,1,4172 ether, molecular weight of,1,4176 ether, refractive index of,1,4180 ether, sound velocity in,1,4184 ether, specific gravity of,1,4188 ether, surface tension of,1,4192 ether, viscosity of,1,4196 ethyl alcohol, density of,1,4200 ethyl alcohol, dielectric constant of,1,4204 ethyl alcohol, molecular weight of,1,4208 ethyl alcohol, refractive index of,1,4212 ethyl alcohol, sound velocity in,1,4216 ethyl alcohol, specific gravity of,1,4220 ethyl alcohol, surface tension of,1,4224 ethyl alcohol, viscosity of,1,4228 ethyl chloride, specific gravity of,1,4232 ethylene glycol, density of,1,4236 ethylene glycol, dielectric constant of,1,4240 ethylene glycol, molecular weight of,1,4244 ethylene glycol, refractive index of,1,4248 ethylene glycol, sound velocity in,1,4252 ethylene glycol, specific gravity of,1,4256 ethylene glycol, surface tension of,1,4260 ethylene glycol, viscosity of,1,4264 ethylene, specific gravity of,1,4268 Euler-Mascheroni constant,1,4272 Euler's constant,1,4276 europium, Eu, Periodic Table information,1,4280 Evaluate command, Symbolic menu,1,4284 Evaluate Symbolically,1,4288 evaluating expressions and Symbolic menu,1,4292 Evaluation and Boolean toolbar,2,4296 evaluation and order of regions,1,4304 exact simple interest,1,4308 Excel component,1,4312 Excel component, inserting,1,4316 Excel, inserting a component,1,4320 exchanging data,1,4324 expand Live Symbolics keyword,1,4328 Expand to Series,1,4332 expanding function in power series,1,4336 exponent operator,1,4340 exponent, entering,1,4344 exponential functions, derivatives of,1,4348 exponential functions, integrals of,1,4352 exponential growth and decay,1,4356 exponential integral, Ei,1,4360 exponential regression,1,4364 exponential smoothing of X-Y data,1,4368 Exponential Threshold,1,4372 exponentially distributed random deviates,1,4376 exponentiation, arithmetic operation,1,4380 expressions, animating,1,4384 expressions, building mathematical,1,4388 expressions, collecting on subexpression,1,4392 expressions, evaluating and Symbolic menu,1,4396 expressions, evaluating over ranges,1,4400 expressions, substituting for variable,1,4404 expressions, vectorizing,1,4408 extracting, matrix rows and columns,1,4412 extracting, submatrix from matrix,1,4416 F distribution function, example,1,4420 F distribution functions, ratio of population variance test,1,4424 factor keyword, prime factors of integers,1,4428 factor Live Symbolics keyword,1,4432 factoring integers,1,4436 factoring on subexpression,1,4440 Fahrenheit,1,4444 Fahrenheit temperature conversion,1,4448 Faraday constant,1,4452 fast fourier transforms,1,4456 Feedback and Control Systems Electronic Book,1,4460 feedback control systems,1,4464 feedback, real amplifier circuit with,1,4468 feldspar, density of,1,4472 felt, specific gravity of,1,4476 felt, specific heat of,1,4480 felt, thermal conductivity of,1,4484 fermium, Fm, Periodic Table information,1,4488 FersnelS, Fresnel sine integral,1,4492 fft function, fast Fourier transform,1,4496 fiber hardboard, specific gravity of,1,4500 fiber hardboard, specific heat of,1,4504 fiber hardboard, thermal conductivity of,1,4508 fiberboard, light, specific gravity of,1,4512 fiberboard, light, specific heat of,1,4516 fiberboard, light, thermal conductivity of,1,4520 File Read component,1,4524 File Write component,1,4528 fill contours, 3D graphs,1,4532 fill surface, 3D graphs,1,4536 filters, impulse and step functions,1,4540 finance,1,4544 finance, personal,1,4548 financial analysis,1,4552 Financial Analyst Electronic Book,1,4556 financial calculations, adjustable-rate mortgages,1,4560 financial calculations, APR interest rate,1,4564 financial calculations, bond modified duration,1,4568 financial calculations, bond yield to maturity,1,4572 financial calculations, compound-interest,1,4576 financial calculations, declining-balance depreciation,1,4580 financial calculations, double-declining-balance depreciation,1,4584 financial calculations, doubling time for investments,1,4588 financial calculations, fixed-rate mortgages,1,4592 financial calculations, future value,1,4596 financial calculations, future value of annuity,1,4600 financial calculations, internal rate of return,1,4604 financial calculations, modified internal rate of return,1,4608 financial calculations, net present value,1,4612 financial calculations, payment on loan,1,4616 financial calculations, present value,1,4620 financial calculations, present value of periodic payments,1,4624 financial calculations, simple interest,1,4628 financial calculations, sum-of-the-years'-digits depreciation,1,4632 financial, bond modified duration,1,4636 financial, bond yield to maturity,1,4640 financial, straight-line depreciation,1,4644 financial, sum-of-the-years'-digits depreciation,1,4648 find function,1,4652 Find function, compared to Minerr,1,4656 finding in Resource Center,1,4660 finding multiple roots,1,4664 finding roots,1,4668 finding roots of polynomial,1,4672 fine structure constant,1,4676 finite difference stability,1,4680 Finite Element Beginnings Electronic Book,1,4684 finite series, symbolic summation,1,4688 firebrick, specific gravity of,1,4692 firebrick, specific heat of,1,4696 firebrick, thermal conductivity of,1,4700 first derivative, function at a point,1,4704 first derivative, symbolic,1,4708 first law of thermodynamics,1,4712 first order ODE, phase plot,1,4716 first order ODE, solving,1,4720 first order system of ODEs, solving,1,4724 first radiation constant,1,4728 fitting function, 2D spline interpolation,1,4732 fitting function, comparing histogram to normal distribution,1,4736 fitting function, cubic spline interpolation,1,4740 fitting function, exponentially distributed random deviates,1,4744 fitting function, least-squares curve fitting,1,4748 fitting function, linear interpolation,1,4752 fitting function, multiple linear regression,1,4756 fitting function, normally distributed random deviates,1,4760 fitting function, polynomial regression,1,4764 fitting functions, least-square fitting,1,4768 fixed step size,1,4772 fixed-rate mortgages,1,4776 Fl refrigerant R_11, density of,1,4780 Fl refrigerant R_11, molecular weight of,1,4784 Fl refrigerant R_11, refractive index of,1,4788 Fl refrigerant R_11, specific gravity of,1,4792 Fl refrigerant R_11, surface tension of,1,4796 Fl refrigerant R_11, viscosity of,1,4800 Fl refrigerant R_12, density of,1,4804 Fl refrigerant R_12, dielectric constant of,1,4808 Fl refrigerant R_12, molecular weight of,1,4812 Fl refrigerant R_12, refractive index of,1,4816 Fl refrigerant R_12, specific gravity of,1,4820 Fl refrigerant R_12, surface tension of,1,4824 Fl refrigerant R_22, density of,1,4828 Fl refrigerant R_22, molecular weight of,1,4832 Fl refrigerant R_22, refractive index of,1,4836 Fl refrigerant R_22, specific gravity of,1,4840 Fl refrigerant R_22, surface tension of,1,4844 flint, density of,1,4848 float Live Symbolics keyword,1,4852 floating point evaluation, Live Symbolics,1,4856 fluorine, F, Periodic Table information,1,4860 fluorine, specific gravity of,1,4864 fluorite, density of,1,4868 foamed plastics, specific gravity of,1,4872 foamed plastics, thermal conductivity of,1,4876 footers,1,4880 force calculation,1,4884 Format Graph,1,4888 Format Number,2,4892 format, result,1,4900 formatting 3D graphs,1,4904 formatting changes for worksheet,1,4908 formatting local changes,1,4912 formatting math,1,4916 formatting multiple 3D plots,1,4920 formatting paragraphs,2,4924 formatting results,1,4932 formatting text,2,4936 Formatting toolbar,2,4944 formatting, x-y plot,1,4952 formula, quadratic, vectorizing,1,4956 Fourier series and Gibbs' phenomenon,1,4960 Fourier series approximation,1,4964 Fourier transform and Dirac delta function,1,4968 Fourier transforms,1,4972 fraction decomposition, partial,1,4976 FRAME animation parameter,1,4980 FRAME variable and Gibbs' phenomenon,1,4984 FRAME variable, animation,1,4988 FRAME variable, description,1,4992 FRAME variable, simple example,1,4996 FRAME variable, tips on using,1,5000 francium, Fr, Periodic Table information,1,5004 frequency distribution for histograms,1,5008 frequency distribution of exponentially random deviates,1,5012 frequency distribution of normal random deviates,1,5016 frequency distribution of uniform random deviates,1,5020 frequency distribution, comparing histogram to normal distribution,1,5024 frequency, feedback control systems and,1,5028 FresnelC, Fresnel cosine integral,1,5032 friction factor,1,5036 frustum of right circular cone, lateral surface area,1,5040 frustum of right circular cone, volume,1,5044 fullerenes,1,5048 function and derivative, X-Y plot,1,5052 function domain,1,5056 function values, creating matrix,1,5060 functions, 3D scatter plot, two variables,1,5064 functions, array-valued,1,5068 functions, built-in,1,5072 functions, computing arc length,1,5076 functions, converting units,1,5080 functions, creating matrix of values,1,5084 functions, creating table of values,1,5088 functions, defining,2,5092 functions, derivative of, at a point,1,5100 functions, evaluating over ranges,1,5104 functions, expanding in power series,1,5108 functions, gradient field plot, two variables,1,5112 functions, graphing multiple,1,5116 functions, graphing two or more,1,5120 functions, graphing using range variables,1,5124 functions, inserting,1,5128 functions, integrating over interval,1,5132 functions, least-square fitting with general,1,5136 functions, level curve plot, two variables,1,5140 functions, limit at a point, symbolic,1,5144 functions, matrix-valued,1,5148 functions, overview of built-in,1,5152 functions, plotting curves using,1,5156 functions, plotting parametric curve,1,5160 functions, rotating about X-axis,1,5164 functions, rotating about Y-axis,1,5168 functions, selecting built-in,1,5172 functions, symbolic derivative,1,5176 functions, symbolic integration,1,5180 functions, symbols used for,1,5184 functions, tangent line animation,1,5188 functions, vector arguments,1,5192 functions, vector field plot, two variables,1,5196 functions, X-Y plot of,1,5200 future value,1,5204 future value of annuity,1,5208 G (Catalan's) constant,1,5212 gadolinium, Gd, Periodic Table information,1,5216 galena, density of,1,5220 gallium,1,5224 gamboge, density of,1,5228 garnet, density of,1,5232 gas carbon, density of,1,5236 gas, synthetic,3,5240 gases, molar gas constant,1,5252 gases, molar volume of ideal gas at STP,1,5256 gases, molecular weight table,1,5260 gases, sound velocity table,1,5264 gases, specific heats at 1.0 atm pressure, 20 C, table,1,5268 gases, temperature scales,1,5272 gelatin, density of,1,5276 general page, 3D plots,1,5280 genfit function,1,5284 genfit function and nonlinear curve fitting,1,5288 genfit function, exponential model,1,5292 genfit function, least-square fitting,1,5296 genfit function, logistic regression,1,5300 genfit function, power curve model,1,5304 geological ages, statistics of,1,5308 geometry of curves in X-Y plane,1,5312 germanium, Ge, Periodic Table information,1,5316 Gibbs' phenomenon,1,5320 glass, common, density of,1,5324 glass, flint, density of,1,5328 glass, window, specific gravity of,1,5332 glass, window, specific heat of,1,5336 glass, window, thermal conductivity of,1,5340 glue, density of,1,5344 glycerine, density of,1,5348 glycerine, dielectric constant of,1,5352 glycerine, molecular weight of,1,5356 glycerine, refractive index of,1,5360 glycerine, sound velocity in,1,5364 glycerine, specific gravity of,1,5368 glycerine, surface tension of,1,5372 glycerine, viscosity of,1,5376 gold, Au, Periodic Table information,1,5380 gold, electrical resistivity of,1,5384 gold, linear expansion coefficient of,1,5388 gold, melting point of,1,5392 gold, modulus of elasticity for,1,5396 gold, Poisson's ratio for,1,5400 gold, specific gravity of,1,5404 gold, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,5408 gold, thermal conductivity of,1,5412 goodness of fit, chi-square test for,1,5416 Grad,1,5420 gradient,1,5424 gradient field plot, two variables,1,5428 gradient function, gradient field plot,1,5432 gradient, vector derivative operators,1,5436 granite, density of,1,5440 graph paper,1,5444 Graph toolbar,1,5448 graph, Cartesian polar,1,5452 graph, combination,1,5456 graph, iterated functions,1,5460 graph, polar Cartesian,1,5464 graph, simultaneous,1,5468 graph, x-y plot,1,5472 Graph/3D Scatter Plot,1,5476 Graph/Surface Plot,1,5480 graphing and horizontal axis,1,5484 graphing complex functions,1,5488 graphing curves using range variables,1,5492 graphing function of vector elements,1,5496 graphing function, range variables,1,5500 graphing multiple functions,1,5504 graphing vector elements,1,5508 graphing X-Y plot,1,5512 graphing, 3D bar chart of matrix,1,5516 graphing, 3D scatter plot, three vectors,1,5520 graphing, 3D scatter plot, two variable function,1,5524 graphing, Brownian motion,1,5528 graphing, circles,1,5532 graphing, first order ODE,1,5536 graphing, gradient field plot, two variables,1,5540 graphing, higher order ODE,1,5544 graphing, level curves, two variable function,1,5548 graphing, parametric curve,1,5552 graphing, quantile-quantile plot, vector data,1,5556 graphing, spheres,1,5560 graphing, spiral animation,1,5564 graphing, surface of rotation about X-axis,1,5568 graphing, surface of rotation about Y-axis,1,5572 graphing, surface plot of matrix,1,5576 graphing, tangent line animation,1,5580 graphing, vector field plot,1,5584 graphing, X-Y plot of data,1,5588 graphing, X-Y plot of function,1,5592 graphing, X-Y plot, function and derivative,1,5596 graphite, density of,1,5600 Graphs toolbar,2,5604 graphs, 3D bar plot,1,5612 graphs, 3D contour plot,1,5616 graphs, 3D creating,1,5620 graphs, 3D parametric surface plot,1,5624 graphs, 3D scatter plot,1,5628 graphs, 3D surface plot,1,5632 graphs, 3D vector field plot,1,5636 graphs, colors,1,5640 graphs, complete,1,5644 graphs, converting units for,1,5648 graphs, examples,1,5652 graphs, formatting,1,5656 graphs, grid lines on,2,5660 graphs, lines and symbols on,1,5668 graphs, plotting two functions,1,5672 graphs, resizing,1,5676 gravitational constant,1,5680 gravitational fields,1,5684 grayscale images, reading into matrix,1,5688 grayscale images, writing to a bitmap,1,5692 Greek Symbols toolbar,1,5696 grid lines on graphs,2,5700 grid, blank,1,5708 grid, lattice points,1,5712 ground water hydraulics,1,5716 growth, exponential,1,5720 guesses, graphing to find initial value,1,5724 gum arabic, density of,1,5728 gypsum board, specific gravity of,1,5732 gypsum board, specific heat of,1,5736 gypsum board, thermal conductivity of,1,5740 gypsum, density of,1,5744 gyromagnetic ratio of protons in water,1,5748 hafnium, Hf, Periodic Table information,1,5752 hafnium, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,5756 hahnium, Ha, Periodic Table information,1,5760 hairfelt, specific gravity of,1,5764 hairfelt, specific heat of,1,5768 hairfelt, thermal conductivity of,1,5772 Hartley oscillator, oscillation frequency of an,1,5776 hassium, Hs, Periodic Table information,1,5780 Haynes-Shockley experiment,1,5784 headers,1,5788 heat capacity,1,5792 heat conduction,1,5796 Heaviside step function,1,5800 Heaviside step function and Dirac delta function,1,5804 height of centroid from base of triangular area,1,5808 helium, He, Periodic Table information,1,5812 helium, molecular weight of,1,5816 helium, specific gravity of,1,5820 helium, specific heat at 1.0 atm pressure, 20 C,1,5824 help resources,1,5828 Help Topics,1,5832 help, types available,1,5836 hematite, density of,1,5840 Henry's Law,1,5844 heptane, density of,1,5848 heptane, dielectric constant of,1,5852 heptane, molecular weight of,1,5856 heptane, refractive index of,1,5860 heptane, sound velocity in,1,5864 heptane, specific gravity of,1,5868 heptane, surface tension of,1,5872 heptane, viscosity of,1,5876 Heron's formula,1,5880 hexadecimal radix, formatting results,1,5884 hexadecimal, to decimal integer conversion,1,5888 hexane, density of,1,5892 hexane, molecular weight of,1,5896 hexane, refractive index of,1,5900 hexane, sound velocity in,1,5904 hexane, specific gravity of,1,5908 hexane, surface tension of,1,5912 hexane, viscosity of,1,5916 hickory, density of,1,5920 hiding regions,1,5924 higher order ODE, phase plot,1,5928 higher order system of ODEs, solving,1,5932 highlight region,1,5936 highlighting in Resource Center,1,5940 histogram, animating,1,5944 histogram, comparing to normal distribution,1,5948 histogram, exponentially distributed random deviates,1,5952 histogram, normally distributed random deviates,1,5956 histogram, uniformly distributed random deviates,1,5960 histograms, frequency distribution for,1,5964 History button, Resource Center,1,5968 holly, density of,1,5972 holmium, Ho, Periodic Table information,1,5976 Holocene Epoch,1,5980 Honduras mahogany, density of,1,5984 horizontal axis, X-Y plot,1,5988 hornblende, density of,1,5992 hydrogen chloride, specific gravity of,1,5996 hydrogen sulfide, specific gravity of,1,6000 hydrogen, H, Periodic Table information,1,6004 hydrogen, molecular weight of,1,6008 hydrogen, sound velocity,1,6012 hydrogen, specific gravity of,1,6016 hydrogen, specific heat at 1.0 atm pressure, 20 C,1,6020 hyperbolic cosine integral, Chi,1,6024 hyperbolic sine integral, shi,1,6028 hypergeom, Hypergeometric function,1,6032 hyperlinks,2,6036 hyperlinks, Resource Center,1,6044 hypocycloid, arc length,1,6048 hypocycloid, area,1,6052 hypocycloid, equations in parametric form,1,6056 hypocycloid, equations in polar coordinates,1,6060 hypothesis test of normal mean,1,6064 hypothesis test of normal mean, unknown variance,1,6068 hypothesis test of proportion,1,6072 hypothesis test of standard deviation,1,6076 hypothesis tests, equality of proportions,1,6080 hypothesis tests, linear regression slope,1,6084 hypothesis tests, means difference, large samples,1,6088 hypothesis tests, means difference, small samples,2,6092 hypothesis tests, ratio of population variances,1,6100 ice point,1,6104 ice, density of,1,6108 ideal gas, molar volume of, at STP,1,6112 identity matrix,1,6116 if conditional function,1,6120 ifft function, inverse Fourier transform,1,6124 images, bitmaps,1,6128 images, color into matrix,1,6132 images, extracting subimage,1,6136 images, grayscale into matrix,1,6140 images, importing,1,6144 imaginary roots of quadratic,1,6148 imaginary solution to equations, one unknown,1,6152 imaginary unit for complex numbers,1,6156 impulse and step functions,1,6160 increments, range variables,1,6164 increments, smoothing graphs,1,6168 index, into vectors,1,6172 index, iterated sums and products,1,6176 index, vectors,1,6180 Indian Ocean, statistics,1,6184 Indian teak, density of,1,6188 indium, In, Periodic Table information,1,6192 indium, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,6196 inequalities, symbolic solutions of,1,6200 inequality, solving system of equations with constraints,1,6204 infinite series, symbolic summation,1,6208 initial value DEs,1,6212 initial value problem, phase plot for first order,1,6216 initial value problem, phase plot for higher order,1,6220 initial value problem, solving ODE,1,6224 initial value problem, solving system of ODEs,2,6228 inscribed circle, area,1,6236 inscribed circle, radius,1,6240 inscribed polygon, area,1,6244 inscribed polygon, perimeter,1,6248 Insert Function,2,6252 Insert Matrix,2,6260 Insert Picture, color image into matrix,1,6268 Insert Picture, grayscale image into matrix,1,6272 Insert Table component,1,6276 Insert Unit,2,6280 Insert/Graph menu,1,6288 inserting a hyperlink,1,6292 inserting an Axum component,1,6296 inserting an Excel component,1,6300 integers, factoring,1,6304 integral and Live Symbolics,1,6308 integral formulas, reference table of,1,6312 integral, Chi hyperbolic cosine,1,6316 integral, Ci cosine,1,6320 integral, Ei exponential,1,6324 integral, for pendulum period,1,6328 integral, Fresnel cosine,1,6332 integral, Fresnel sine,1,6336 integral, function over interval,1,6340 integral, hyperbolic sine integral, shi,1,6344 integral, LegendreE incomplete elliptic,1,6348 integral, LegendreEc complete elliptic,1,6352 integral, LegendreEc1 associated complete elliptic,1,6356 integral, LegendreF incomplete elliptic,1,6360 integral, LegendreKc complete elliptic,1,6364 integral, LegendreKc1 associated complete elliptic,1,6368 integral, LegendrePi incomplete elliptic,1,6372 integral, LegendrePic complete elliptic,1,6376 integral, LegendrePic1 associated complete elliptic,1,6380 integral, sine integral, si,1,6384 integral, symbolic antiderivative,1,6388 integrals and Euler's constant,1,6392 integrals, complex contour,1,6396 integrals, computing,1,6400 integrals, numerical double,1,6404 integrate symbolically,1,6408 integrating, function over an interval,1,6412 integrating, symbolic antiderivative,1,6416 integration, by parts,1,6420 integration, effects of TOL on,1,6424 integration, Monte Carlo,1,6428 intercept function,1,6432 intercept, standard error of regression,1,6436 intercepts, linear regression,1,6440 interest rate changes and bond modified duration,1,6444 interest rate, add-on converted to APR,1,6448 interest rate, bond modified duration,1,6452 interest rate, computing compound interest,1,6456 interest rate, internal rate of return,1,6460 interest rate, modified internal rate of return,1,6464 interest, adjustable-rate mortgages,1,6468 interest, computing compound,1,6472 interest, loan payment,1,6476 interest, ordinary and exact simple,1,6480 internal rate of return,1,6484 internal rate of return, modified,1,6488 interp,1,6492 interp function,1,6496 interp function, 2D spline interpolation,1,6500 interp function, cubic spline interpolation,1,6504 interp function, multivariate,1,6508 interpolated surface and 3D scatter plot,1,6512 interpolation, 2D spline,1,6516 interpolation, cubic spline of X-Y data,1,6520 interpolation, linear of X-Y data,1,6524 interpolation, multivariate cspline,1,6528 interpolation, piecewise linear,1,6532 intersections, finding symbolically,1,6536 interval, integrating function over,1,6540 intervals, defining periodic function,1,6544 inverse Fourier transform,1,6548 inverse matrix,1,6552 inverse transforms,1,6556 inverse transforms, symbolic keywords,1,6560 inverse trigonometric functions, derivatives of,1,6564 inverse, array algebra,1,6568 inverse, matrix,1,6572 inverse, symbolic matrix,1,6576 investments doubling time,1,6580 investments, computing compound interest,1,6584 iodine, dielectric constant of,1,6588 iodine, I, Periodic Table information,1,6592 iodine, molecular weight of,1,6596 iridium, electrical resistivity of,1,6600 iridium, Ir, Periodic Table information,1,6604 iridium, linear expansion coefficient of,1,6608 iridium, melting point of,1,6612 iridium, modulus of elasticity for,1,6616 iridium, specific gravity of,1,6620 iridium, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,6624 iridium, thermal conductivity of,1,6628 iron, electrical resistivity of,1,6632 iron, Fe, Periodic Table information,1,6636 iron, linear expansion coefficient of,1,6640 iron, melting point of,1,6644 iron, modulus of elasticity for,1,6648 iron, specific gravity of,1,6652 iron, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,6656 iron, thermal conductivity of,1,6660 isobutane, specific gravity of,1,6664 isolated sphere, capacitance of an,1,6668 iterated functions, graphs,1,6672 iterated rangesums and products,1,6676 iterated sums and products,1,6680 iterations, range variables and seeded,1,6684 ivory, density of,1,6688 Jacob,1,6692 Jacobdet,1,6696 Jacobian matrix,1,6700 Jacobian matrix and determinant,1,6704 Jacobstiff,1,6708 joining, matrices,1,6712 Julian date, calculating,1,6716 juniper, density of,1,6720 Jupiter, statistics,1,6724 Jurassic Period,1,6728 kaleidoscope effect, animation,1,6732 Kelvin,1,6736 Kelvin temperature conversion,1,6740 Kepler's first law,1,6744 kerosene, density of,1,6748 kerosene, sound velocity in,1,6752 kerosene, specific gravity of,1,6756 kerosene, viscosity of,1,6760 keyboard, building expressions using spacebar,1,6764 keyboard, default range, X-Y plot,1,6768 keyboard, default range, X-Y plot of data,1,6772 keyboard, default range, X-Y plot of function,1,6776 keyboard, entering basic operations,1,6780 keyboard, entering functions from,1,6784 keyboard, Help commands,1,6788 keyboard, subscript operator,1,6792 keyboard, using live symbolic algebra operators,1,6796 keyboard, using live symbolic transforms operators,1,6800 keyboard, vector and matrix operations,1,6804 keyword search, Resource Center,1,6808 keywords, advanced symbolic algebra,1,6812 keywords, advanced symbolic transforms,1,6816 keywords, Live Symbolics,1,6820 keywords, using more than one at a time,2,6824 krypton, Kr, Periodic Table information,1,6832 krypton, specific gravity of,1,6836 ksmooth function,1,6840 Lagrange multipliers,1,6844 Lambert's W function,1,6848 lanthanum, La, Periodic Table information,1,6852 Laplace transform and Dirac delta function,1,6856 Laplace transform and system response,1,6860 Laplace transforms,1,6864 larch, density of,1,6868 last element in vector, array size and scope,1,6872 lateral surface area of a frustum of a right circular cone,1,6876 lateral surface area of a right circular cone,1,6880 lateral surface area of a right circular cylinder,1,6884 lattice points, grid,1,6888 lattice, spatial,1,6892 lattices,1,6896 lawrencium, Lr, Periodic Table information,1,6900 lead, electrical resistivity of,1,6904 lead, linear expansion coefficient of,1,6908 lead, melting point of,1,6912 lead, modulus of elasticity for,1,6916 lead, Pb, Periodic Table information,1,6920 lead, Poisson's ratio for,1,6924 lead, specific gravity of,1,6928 lead, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,6932 lead, thermal conductivity of,1,6936 lease versus buy decision,1,6940 least squares fits and Minerr,1,6944 least squares line of best fit,1,6948 least-squares curve fitting,1,6952 least-squares fitting, general functions,1,6956 leather, dry, density of,1,6960 leather, dry, specific gravity of,1,6964 leather, dry, specific heat of,1,6968 leather, dry, thermal conductivity of,1,6972 left tail test of linear regression,1,6976 left tail test of normal mean,2,6980 left tail test of population variance ratio,1,6988 left tail test of proportion,1,6992 left tail test of standard deviation,1,6996 left tail test, means difference, large samples,1,7000 left tail test, means difference, small samples,2,7004 left-handed limit of function at a point,1,7012 left-tail test, equality of proportions,1,7016 LegendreE, incomplete elliptic integral of second kind,1,7020 LegendreEc, complete elliptic integral of second kind,1,7024 LegendreEc1, associated complete elliptic integral of second kind,1,7028 LegendreF, incomplete elliptic integral of first kind,1,7032 LegendreKc complete elliptic integral of first kind,1,7036 LegendreKc1 associated complete elliptic integral of first kind,1,7040 LegendrePi incomplete elliptic integral of third kind,1,7044 LegendrePic complete elliptic integral of third kind,1,7048 LegendrePic1 associated complete elliptic integral of third kind,1,7052 legends,1,7056 lemniscate, area,1,7060 length of vector, array size and scope,1,7064 length of vector, picking elements from vector,1,7068 length, computing arc length of function,1,7072 lens analysis,1,7076 lens systems,1,7080 level curves, plotting two variable function,1,7084 light, velocity of, in a vacuum,1,7088 Lighting page, 3D plots,1,7092 lighting, 3D graphs,1,7096 lignum vitae, density of,1,7100 lime, slaked, density of,1,7104 limestone, density of,1,7108 limestone, specific gravity of,1,7112 limestone, specific heat of,1,7116 limestone, thermal conductivity of,1,7120 limit of function at a point, symbolic,1,7124 limits and Evaluate Symbolically,1,7128 limits and Live Symbolics,1,7132 line appearance, 3D graphs,1,7136 line charge,1,7140 line color, 3D graphs,1,7144 line, normal to curve,1,7148 line, tangent to curve,1,7152 linear data, median-median fit,1,7156 linear equations, solving system of,1,7160 linear expansion coefficient, table listing,1,7164 linear interpolation,1,7168 linear interpolation, piecewise,1,7172 linear programming,1,7176 Linear programming, application,1,7180 linear regression,3,7184 linear regression slope, confidence interval for estimating,1,7196 linear regression slope, test,1,7200 linear regression, multiple,1,7204 linear systems, solving, array algebra,1,7208 lines, finding intersection,1,7212 linfit function,2,7216 linfit function and nonlinear curve fitting,1,7224 linfit function, least-squares curve fitting,1,7228 linoleum, cork, density of,1,7232 linoleum, density of,1,7236 linseed oil, density of,1,7240 linseed oil, sound velocity in,1,7244 linseed oil, specific gravity of,1,7248 linseed oil, viscosity of,1,7252 linterp function, linear interpolation,1,7256 liquids, density table,1,7260 liquids, dielectric constant table,1,7264 liquids, molecular weight table,1,7268 liquids, refractive index table,1,7272 liquids, sound velocity table,1,7276 liquids, specific gravity table,1,7280 liquids, surface tension table,1,7284 liquids, viscosity table,1,7288 lists, bulleted,1,7292 lists, numbered,1,7296 lithium, Li, Periodic Table information,1,7300 lithium, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,7304 live symbolic algebra operators, using,1,7308 live symbolic transforms operators, using,1,7312 Live Symbolics algebra,1,7316 Live Symbolics calculus,1,7320 Live Symbolics, matrix computations,1,7324 loan payments,1,7328 loans, computing mortgage payments,1,7332 locking regions,1,7336 loess,1,7340 log scaled plots,1,7344 logarithm, calculation,1,7348 logarithmic functions, derivatives of,1,7352 logarithmic functions, integrals of,1,7356 logarithmic regression,1,7360 logarithms to any base, calculating,1,7364 logarithms, natural and Base 10,1,7368 logic, Boolean operators,1,7372 logistic function, bifurcation diagram,1,7376 logistic function, plotted,1,7380 logistic map,1,7384 logistic regression,1,7388 lossless medium, electromagnetic waves and,1,7392 lottery, New Jersey Pick-It,1,7396 lsolve function, solving system of linear equations,1,7400 lspline function,1,7404 lucite, dielectric constant of,1,7408 lutetium, Lu, Periodic Table information,1,7412 machine design and analysis,1,7416 Maclaurin series,1,7420 Maclaurin series, symbolic summation,1,7424 magnesia, specific gravity of,1,7428 magnesia, specific heat of,1,7432 magnesia, thermal conductivity of,1,7436 magnesium oxide, dielectric constant of,1,7440 magnesium, electrical resistivity of,1,7444 magnesium, linear expansion coefficient of,1,7448 magnesium, melting point of,1,7452 magnesium, Mg, Periodic Table information,1,7456 magnesium, modulus of elasticity for,1,7460 magnesium, Poisson's ratio for,1,7464 magnesium, specific gravity of,1,7468 magnesium, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,7472 magnesium, thermal conductivity of,1,7476 magnetite, density of,1,7480 magnitude, array algebra,1,7484 mahogany, Honduras, density of,1,7488 mahogany, Spanish, density of,1,7492 malachite, density of,1,7496 manganese, electrical resistivity of,1,7500 manganese, linear expansion coefficient of,1,7504 manganese, melting point of,1,7508 manganese, Mn, Periodic Table information,1,7512 manganese, modulus of elasticity for,1,7516 manganese, specific gravity of,1,7520 mantle of the Earth,1,7524 map, logistic,1,7528 maple, density of,1,7532 marble, density of,1,7536 marble, specific gravity of,1,7540 marble, specific heat of,1,7544 marble, thermal conductivity of,1,7548 margin, profit calculation,1,7552 marginal cost and marginal revenue,1,7556 markers in graphs,1,7560 Markov process and seeded iterations,1,7564 Mars, statistics,1,7568 mass moments of inertia,1,7572 mass moments of inertia for a circular cone,1,7576 mass moments of inertia for a circular cylinder,1,7580 mass moments of inertia for a rectangular prism,1,7584 mass moments of inertia for a sphere,1,7588 mass moments of inertia for a thin disk,1,7592 mass moments of inertia for slender rods,1,7596 mass moments of inertia for thin rectangular plates,1,7600 mass of triangle and numerical double integrals,1,7604 mass, of planets,1,7608 Materials and Energy Balances,1,7612 materials, density table,1,7616 materials, specific gravity table,1,7620 materials, specific heat table,1,7624 materials, thermal conductivity table,1,7628 math operators, built-in,1,7632 math symbols, inserting with operator toolbars,1,7636 Math toolbar,1,7640 math, entering,1,7644 math, formatting,1,7648 Mathcad 8, overview,1,7652 Mathcad applications, examples of,1,7656 Mathcad Collaboratory,1,7660 Mathcad Electronic Books,1,7664 Mathcad Electronic Books, accessing,1,7668 Mathcad Electronic Books, hyperlinks,1,7672 Mathcad Electronic Books, using features of,1,7676 Mathcad Extension Packs,1,7680 Mathcad main menu,1,7684 Mathcad Resource Center,1,7688 Mathcad Treasury,1,7692 Mathcad window, features of,1,7696 Mathcad, evaluating sides of equation,1,7700 mathematical expressions, building,1,7704 MathSoft World Wide Web site,1,7708 Mathsoft, www site,1,7712 Matrices command, defining nested arrays,1,7716 Matrices Create,1,7720 matrices, 3D bar chart,1,7724 matrices, algebra,1,7728 matrices, columns,1,7732 matrices, computing inverses,1,7736 matrices, containing user-specified functions,1,7740 matrices, converting units for results,1,7744 matrices, creating,1,7748 matrices, cross product,1,7752 matrices, defining variables simultaneously,1,7756 matrices, determinant,4,7760 matrices, dot product,1,7776 matrices, eigenvalue,1,7780 matrices, eigenvalues,1,7784 matrices, eigenvector,1,7788 matrices, entering,1,7792 matrices, extracting rows and columns,1,7796 matrices, extracting subimage from,1,7800 matrices, extracting submatrix from,1,7804 matrices, finding characteristic values,1,7808 matrices, finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors,1,7812 matrices, identity,1,7816 matrices, inverse,2,7820 matrices, Jacobian,1,7828 matrices, joining,1,7832 matrices, maximum and minimum,1,7836 matrices, maximum value,1,7840 matrices, operations using QuickSheets,1,7844 matrices, powers,2,7848 matrices, reading color images into,1,7856 matrices, reading grayscale images into,1,7860 matrices, rotation,1,7864 matrices, row reduction,1,7868 matrices, rows,1,7872 matrices, size and scope,1,7876 matrices, solving first order ODE,1,7880 matrices, solving linear equations,1,7884 matrices, solving linear systems, array algebra,1,7888 matrices, solving system of ODEs,2,7892 matrices, sorting,1,7900 matrices, square matrix operations,1,7904 matrices, surface plot of,1,7908 matrices, symbolic computations,1,7912 matrices, symbolic determinant,1,7916 matrices, symbolic inversion,1,7920 matrices, symbolic transposition,1,7924 matrices, transposition,2,7928 matrix computation,1,7936 matrix function,1,7940 matrix of function values, creating,1,7944 Matrix Operations, Symbolic menu,1,7948 matrix values, creating table,1,7952 matrix, Jacobian,1,7956 matrix, of function values,1,7960 matrix, rotation,1,7964 matrix-valued functions,1,7968 maturity, bond yield to,1,7972 maximize function,1,7976 maximum value in matrix,1,7980 maximum, matrix value,1,7984 maximum, value in matrix,1,7988 mean, comparing histogram to normal distribution,1,7992 mean, estimating, normal population,1,7996 mean, linear regression,1,8000 mean, on vector of data,1,8004 mean, standard error of,1,8008 means, difference of, large samples confidence interval,1,8012 means, difference of, large samples test,1,8016 means, difference of, small samples confidence interval,2,8020 means, difference of, small samples test,2,8028 means, T test on,1,8036 measurement, of temperature,1,8040 Mechanical Engineer's Solutions Suite,1,8044 Mechanical Vibrations Electronic Book,1,8048 median smoothing of X-Y data,1,8052 median, linear regression,1,8056 median, on vector of data,1,8060 median-median linear curve fit,1,8064 medsmooth function,1,8068 medsmooth function, data smoothing,1,8072 medsmooth function, median smoothing,1,8076 meerschaum, density of,1,8080 meitnerium, Periodic Table information,1,8084 melting point, table listing,1,8088 mendelevium, Md, Periodic Table information,1,8092 menu, format bar,1,8096 mercury (element), electrical resistivity of,1,8100 mercury (element), Hg, Periodic Table information,1,8104 mercury (element), melting point of,1,8108 mercury (element), molecular weight of,1,8112 mercury (element), sound velocity in,1,8116 mercury (element), specific gravity of,2,8120 mercury (element), surface tension of,1,8128 mercury (element), temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,8132 mercury (element), thermal conductivity of,1,8136 mercury (element), viscosity of,1,8140 Mercury (planet), statistics,1,8144 mesh comparison,1,8148 Mesozoic Era,1,8152 message line, introduction,1,8156 metals, electrical resistivity of,1,8160 methane, specific gravity of,1,8164 methyl alcohol, density of,1,8168 methyl alcohol, dielectric constant of,1,8172 methyl alcohol, molecular weight of,1,8176 methyl alcohol, refractive index of,1,8180 methyl alcohol, sound velocity in,1,8184 methyl alcohol, specific gravity of,1,8188 methyl alcohol, surface tension of,1,8192 methyl alcohol, viscosity of,1,8196 methyl chloride, specific gravity of,1,8200 mica, density of,1,8204 mica, dielectric constant of,1,8208 mica, specific gravity of,1,8212 mica, specific heat of,1,8216 mica, thermal conductivity of,1,8220 mineral wool blanket, specific gravity of,1,8224 minerr function,1,8228 Minerr function compared to Find,1,8232 minimize function,1,8236 minimizing functions with solve blocks,1,8240 minimum, matrix value,1,8244 minimum, value in matrix,1,8248 Miocene Epoch,1,8252 mirror equation,1,8256 mirror systems,1,8260 Mobius strip,1,8264 mod function,1,8268 mod function, defining sawtooth,1,8272 modified cosine curve,1,8276 modulus of elasticity, table listing,1,8280 molar gas constant,1,8284 molar volume of ideal gas at STP,1,8288 molecular weight, table listing for gases,1,8292 molecular weight, table listing of liquids,1,8296 molybdenum, electrical resistivity of,1,8300 molybdenum, linear expansion coefficient of,1,8304 molybdenum, melting point of,1,8308 molybdenum, Mo, Periodic Table information,1,8312 molybdenum, modulus of elasticity for,1,8316 molybdenum, Poisson's ratio for,1,8320 molybdenum, specific gravity of,1,8324 molybdenum, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,8328 molybdenum, thermal conductivity of,1,8332 Monte Carlo integration,1,8336 Monte Carlo probability estimation,1,8340 Moon, statistics,1,8344 mortgages, adjustable-rate,1,8348 mortgages, fixed-rate,1,8352 motion, pendulum,1,8356 moving average, smoothing data,1,8360 moving information from Resource Center,1,8364 moving, regions,1,8368 multiple 3D plots,1,8372 multiple keywords, algebra,1,8376 multiple keywords, transforms,1,8380 multiple linear regression,1,8384 multiple traces, symbol for,2,8388 multiplication, array algebra,1,8396 multivariate interpolation,1,8400 multivariate polynomial regression,1,8404 multivariate regression,1,8408 muon rest mass,1,8412 muscovite, density of,1,8416 natural logarithms,1,8420 navigation buttons,1,8424 navigational control buttons, Resource Center,1,8428 negative, array algebra,1,8432 neodymium, Nd, Periodic Table information,1,8436 neon, Ne, Periodic Table information,1,8440 neon, specific gravity of,1,8444 neoprene, dielectric constant of,1,8448 Neptune, statistics,1,8452 neptunium, Np, Periodic Table information,1,8456 nested arrays, define element by element,1,8460 nested arrays, define using Matrices command,1,8464 nested arrays, define using range variables,1,8468 nested arrays, define using READPRN function,1,8472 nested arrays, defining,1,8476 net present value,1,8480 net present value calculations,1,8484 neutron Compton wavelength,1,8488 neutron rest mass,1,8492 Newton's method, finding nth roots,1,8496 nickel, electrical resistivity of,1,8500 nickel, linear expansion coefficient of,1,8504 nickel, melting point of,1,8508 nickel, modulus of elasticity for,1,8512 nickel, Ni, Periodic Table information,1,8516 nickel, Poisson's ratio for,1,8520 nickel, specific gravity of,1,8524 nickel, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,8528 nickel, thermal conductivity of,1,8532 nielsbohrium, Ns, Periodic Table information,1,8536 niobium, electrical resistivity of,1,8540 niobium, linear expansion coefficient of,1,8544 niobium, melting point of,1,8548 niobium, modulus of elasticity for,1,8552 niobium, Nb, Periodic Table information,1,8556 niobium, specific gravity of,1,8560 niobium, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,8564 niobium, thermal conductivity of,1,8568 nitric oxide, specific gravity of,1,8572 nitrogen, molecular weight of,1,8576 nitrogen, N, Periodic Table information,1,8580 nitrogen, specific gravity of,1,8584 nitrogen, specific heat at 1.0 atm pressure, 20 C,1,8588 nitrous oxide, specific gravity of,1,8592 nobelium, No, Periodic Table information,1,8596 nonlinear curve fitting,1,8600 nonlinear equations, solving,1,8604 non-linear least squares fits and Minerr,1,8608 nonlinear optimization problem, constrained,1,8612 non-linear regression,1,8616 norm of complex numbers,1,8620 normal distribution function, proportion test,1,8624 normal distribution functions,1,8628 normal distribution functions, means difference test,1,8632 normal distribution functions, proportion equality test,1,8636 normal distribution, comparing to histogram,1,8640 normal distribution, erf error functions and,1,8644 normal mean test,1,8648 normal mean test, unknown variance,1,8652 normal mean, confidence interval for estimating,1,8656 normal means, T test on,1,8660 normal population, estimating mean,1,8664 normal quantile-quantile plot,1,8668 normalized eigenvectors,1,8672 normally distributed random deviates,1,8676 normals, geometry of curves,1,8680 nth order derivative, function at a point,1,8684 nth order derivative, symbolic,1,8688 nth roots, arithmetic operation,1,8692 nth roots, Newton's method for finding,1,8696 nuclear magneton,1,8700 null hypothesis testing,1,8704 Num Lock key,1,8708 numbers, decimal to binary conversion,1,8712 numbers, decimal to hexadecimal conversion,1,8716 numbers, decimal to octal conversion,1,8720 numbers, entering,1,8724 numbers, entering as function arguments,1,8728 numbers, precision,1,8732 numeric derivatives at several points,1,8736 numerical contour integrals,1,8740 numerical double integrals,1,8744 numerical format, changing result of arithmetic operation,1,8748 nylon, dielectric constant of,1,8752 oak charcoal, density of,1,8756 oak, density of,1,8760 oak, specific gravity of,1,8764 oak, specific heat of,1,8768 oak, thermal conductivity of,1,8772 oceans, statistics,1,8776 ochre, density of,1,8780 octal radix, formatting results,1,8784 octal, to decimal integer conversion,1,8788 octane, density of,1,8792 octane, molecular weight of,1,8796 octane, refractive index of,1,8800 octane, sound velocity in,1,8804 octane, specific gravity of,1,8808 octane, surface tension of,1,8812 octane, viscosity of,1,8816 ODE, phase plot for first order,1,8820 ODE, phase plot for higher order,1,8824 ODE, solving first order,1,8828 ODEs, solving first order system of,1,8832 ODEs, solving higher order system of,1,8836 OLE object,1,8840 Oligocene Epoch,1,8844 one degree of freedom system, response of,1,8848 one-tail test of linear regression,1,8852 one-tail test of population variance ratio,1,8856 one-tail test of proportion,1,8860 one-tail test, equality of proportions,1,8864 one-tail test, means difference, large samples,1,8868 one-tail test, means difference, small samples,2,8872 one-tailed test of normal mean,2,8880 one-tailed test of standard deviation,1,8888 online Help,1,8892 opal, density of,1,8896 operating-characteristic curves,1,8900 operations, exponentiation,1,8904 operations, square matrix,1,8908 operator toolbars, inserting math symbols with,1,8912 operators, assignment,1,8916 operators, Boolean,1,8920 operators, overview of built-in,1,8924 operators, range variable,1,8928 operators, sticky,1,8932 operators, symbols used for,1,8936 operators, using live symbolic algebra,1,8940 operators, using live symbolic transforms,1,8944 optics,1,8948 optimization,1,8952 optimization problem, constrained,1,8956 optimizing a budget,1,8960 Options/System of Units,1,8964 orbit of a planet,1,8968 orbit of the Earth,2,8972 orbits, planatary,1,8980 order of regions and evaluation,1,8984 ordinary simple interest,1,8988 Ordovician Period,1,8992 origin, plotting circles,1,8996 oscillation frequency of a Clapp oscillator,1,9000 oscillation frequency of a Colpitts oscillator,1,9004 oscillation frequency of a Hartley oscillator,1,9008 oscillation frequency of a Pierce oscillator,1,9012 oscillation frequency of a tuned output oscillator,1,9016 oscillation frequency of an rc phase shift oscillator,1,9020 oscillations, damped harmonic,1,9024 oscillators,1,9028 osmium, electrical resistivity of,1,9032 osmium, linear expansion coefficient of,1,9036 osmium, melting point of,1,9040 osmium, modulus of elasticity for,1,9044 osmium, Os, Periodic Table information,1,9048 osmium, specific gravity of,1,9052 osmium, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,9056 osmium, thermal conductivity of,1,9060 outliers, median-median fit,1,9064 output table,1,9068 Output Table component,1,9072 output table, converting units,1,9076 output table, displaying subscripted variable,1,9080 oxygen, molecular weight of,1,9084 oxygen, O, Periodic Table information,1,9088 oxygen, sound velocity,1,9092 oxygen, specific gravity of,1,9096 oxygen, specific heat at 1.0 atm pressure, 20 C,1,9100 ozone, specific gravity of,1,9104 Pacific Ocean, statistics,1,9108 Paleocene Epoch,1,9112 Paleozoic Era,1,9116 palladium, Pd, Periodic Table information,1,9120 palladium, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,9124 paper, density of,1,9128 paper, specific gravity of,1,9132 paper, specific heat of,1,9136 paper, thermal conductivity of,1,9140 parabolic area, centroid,1,9144 parabolic segment, arc length,1,9148 parabolic segment, area,1,9152 parabolic spandrel, centroid,1,9156 paraboloid, volume,1,9160 paraffin wax, density of,1,9164 paraffin wax, specific gravity of,1,9168 paraffin wax, specific heat of,1,9172 paraffin wax, thermal conductivity of,1,9176 paragraphs, formatting,1,9180 paralellepiped, cross-sectional area of a,1,9184 parallel plates, capacitance between,1,9188 parallelepiped, volume,1,9192 parallelogram, area,1,9196 parallelogram, perimeter,1,9200 parametric curve, plotting,1,9204 parametric surface plot,1,9208 parametric surface plot, spheres,1,9212 partial fraction decomposition,1,9216 particle, velocity and acceleration of,1,9220 parts, integration by,1,9224 paste special,1,9228 pasting Resource Center from clipboard,1,9232 patch plot, 3D,1,9236 payment breakdown over life of mortgage,1,9240 payment on loan,1,9244 payments, present value of periodic,1,9248 pear tree wood, density of,1,9252 peat blocks, density of,1,9256 pendulum motion,1,9260 percentiles, qnorm function,1,9264 perimeter of a circle,1,9268 perimeter of a circumscribed polygon,1,9272 perimeter of a parallogram,1,9276 perimeter of a rectangle,1,9280 perimeter of a regular polygon,1,9284 perimeter of a trapezoid,1,9288 perimeter of a triangle,1,9292 perimeter of an ellipse,1,9296 perimeter of an inscribed polygon,1,9300 perimeters of geometric shapes,1,9304 periodic functions, defining,1,9308 Periodic Table,1,9312 permanent edits to Resource Center,1,9316 permeability of vacuum,1,9320 Permian Period,1,9324 permittivity of vacuum,1,9328 Personal Finance Electronic Book,1,9332 Personal Quick Sheets, saving material in,1,9336 Personal QuickSheets, saving changes to,1,9340 Personal QuickSheets, types of,1,9344 Personal QuickSheets, using,1,9348 perspective, 3D graphs,1,9352 phase plots,1,9356 phase plots, first order ODE,1,9360 phase plots, higher order ODE,1,9364 phase plots, solutions for Des,1,9368 phenol, density of,1,9372 phenol, dielectric constant of,1,9376 phenol, molecular weight of,1,9380 phenol, sound velocity in,1,9384 phenol, specific gravity of,1,9388 phenol, surface tension of,1,9392 phenol, viscosity of,1,9396 phosphorus, P, Periodic Table information,1,9400 Physical Chemistry Using Mathcad,1,9404 physical constants, table listing,1,9408 pi, using,1,9412 picking elements from vector,1,9416 picture, importing bitmaps,1,9420 piecewise linear interpolation,1,9424 Pierce oscillator, oscillation frequency of an,1,9428 pine charcoal, density of,1,9432 pine, pitch, density of,1,9436 pine, white, density of,1,9440 pine, white, specific gravity of,1,9444 pine, white, specific heat of,1,9448 pine, white, thermal conductivity of,1,9452 pine, yellow, density of,1,9456 pitch pine, density of,1,9460 pitch, density of,1,9464 placeholder,2,9468 Planck's constant,1,9476 planetary orbits,1,9480 planets, escape velocity from,1,9484 planets, mass of,1,9488 planets, orbits,1,9492 planets, statistics of,1,9496 planets, table listing,1,9500 plaster, light, specific gravity of,1,9504 plaster, light, specific heat of,1,9508 plaster, light, thermal conductivity of,1,9512 plaster, sand, specific gravity of,1,9516 plaster, sand, specific heat of,1,9520 plaster, sand, thermal conductivity of,1,9524 plastics, foamed, specific gravity of,1,9528 plastics, foamed, thermal conductivity of,1,9532 plastics, solids, specific gravity of,1,9536 plastics, solids, specific heat of,1,9540 plastics, solids, thermal conductivity of,1,9544 plates, thin rectangular, mass moments of inertia of,1,9548 platinum, electrical resistivity of,1,9552 platinum, linear expansion coefficient of,1,9556 platinum, melting point of,1,9560 platinum, modulus of elasticity for,1,9564 platinum, Poisson's ratio for,1,9568 platinum, Pt, Periodic Table information,1,9572 platinum, specific gravity of,1,9576 platinum, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,9580 platinum, thermal conductivity of,1,9584 platonic solids,1,9588 Playback Contour Map Animation,1,9592 Playback Spiral Animation,1,9596 Playback Standing Wave Animation,1,9600 Playback Tangent Line Animation,1,9604 Pleistocene Epoch,1,9608 plexiglass, dielectric constant of,1,9612 Pliocene Epoch,1,9616 plots, colors,1,9620 plots, converting units for,1,9624 plots, formatting,2,9628 plots, formatting results,1,9636 plots, resizing,1,9640 plotting complex functions,1,9644 plotting curves using range variables,1,9648 plotting functions, overview,1,9652 plotting multiple traces,1,9656 plotting vectors against each other,1,9660 plotting, 3D bar chart of matrix,1,9664 plotting, 3D scatter plot, three vectors,1,9668 plotting, 3D scatter plot, two variable function,1,9672 plotting, circles,1,9676 plotting, first order ODE,1,9680 plotting, gradient field plot, two variables,1,9684 plotting, higher order ODE,1,9688 plotting, level curves, two variable function,1,9692 plotting, linear regression,1,9696 plotting, parametric curve,1,9700 plotting, polynomial regression,1,9704 plotting, quantile-quantile plot, vector data,1,9708 plotting, spheres,1,9712 plotting, standing wave animation,1,9716 plotting, surface of matrix values,1,9720 plotting, surface of rotation about X-axis,1,9724 plotting, surface of rotation about Y-axis,1,9728 plotting, surface plot of matrix,1,9732 plotting, vector field plot,1,9736 plotting, X-Y of data,1,9740 plotting, X-Y of function,1,9744 plotting, X-Y of function and derivative,1,9748 plum tree wood, density of,1,9752 Pluto, statistics,1,9756 plutonium, electrical resistivity of,1,9760 plutonium, linear expansion coefficient of,1,9764 plutonium, melting point of,1,9768 plutonium, modulus of elasticity for,1,9772 plutonium, Poisson's ratio for,1,9776 plutonium, Pu, Periodic Table information,1,9780 plutonium, specific gravity of,1,9784 plutonium, thermal conductivity of,1,9788 pnorm function, using,1,9792 point, derivative of function at a,1,9796 points trace type, on graphs,1,9800 points, computing for 3D scatter plot,1,9804 Poisson distribution, in Axum,1,9808 Poisson's ratio, table listing,1,9812 polar and Cartesian graph,1,9816 polar coordinates, converting rectangular to,1,9820 polar coordinates, converting to rectangular,1,9824 polar curve, animation,1,9828 polar curves, plotting,1,9832 polar kaleidoscope,1,9836 polar locus, animation,1,9840 polar plot, spiral animation,1,9844 polonium, Po, Periodic Table information,1,9848 polycarbonate, dielectric constant of,1,9852 polyester, dielectric constant of,1,9856 polyethylene, dielectric constant of,1,9860 polygamma function, psin,1,9864 polygon, circumscribed, area and perimeter,1,9868 polygon, inscribed - area and perimeter of,1,9872 polygons, regular,1,9876 Polynomial Coefficients,2,9880 polynomial regression,1,9888 polynomial, zeros of quadratic,1,9892 polynomials, finding coefficients,1,9896 polynomials, finding roots of,1,9900 polynomials, large degree,1,9904 polynomials, repeated roots,1,9908 polypropylene, dielectric constant of,1,9912 polyroots function,1,9916 polyroots function, finding roots of polynomial,1,9920 polyroots function, solving quadratics,1,9924 polyroots, increasing accuracy,1,9928 poplar, density of,1,9932 population growth,1,9936 population variance ratio test,1,9940 porcelain, density of,1,9944 porcelain, dielectric constant of,1,9948 porcelain, specific gravity of,1,9952 porcelain, specific heat of,1,9956 porcelain, thermal conductivity of,1,9960 porphyry, density of,1,9964 potassium, electrical resistivity of,1,9968 potassium, K, Periodic Table information,1,9972 potassium, linear expansion coefficient of,1,9976 potassium, melting point of,1,9980 potassium, specific gravity of,1,9984 potassium, thermal conductivity of,1,9988 power curve model, fitting data,1,9992 power regression,1,9996 Power Rule,1,10000 power series, expanding function in,1,10004 Power Systems Engineering,1,10008 powers, array algebra,1,10012 powers, matrix,1,10016 praseodymium, Pr, Periodic Table information,1,10020 Precambrian Era,1,10024 precision of numbers,1,10028 present value calculations,1,10032 present value of periodic payments,1,10036 presenting your work,1,10040 pressure, water as a function of,1,10044 price and profit margin,1,10048 prime factors of integers,1,10052 principal, adjustable-rate mortgages,1,10056 principal, computing compound interest,1,10060 principal, loan payment,1,10064 Print button, Resource Center,1,10068 printing Resource Center,1,10072 prism, rectangular, mass moments of inertia,1,10076 probability density and cumulative distribution,1,10080 probability distributions, built-in functions,1,10084 probability functions, dnorm,1,10088 probability functions, pnorm,1,10092 probability functions, qnorm,1,10096 probability testing,1,10100 probability, Monte Carlo estimation,1,10104 procedures, creating multiline,1,10108 Product Rule,1,10112 product, arithmetic operation,1,10116 product, array algebra,1,10120 products, iterated,1,10124 products, iterated range,1,10128 profit margin calculation,1,10132 profit, marginal cost and marginal revenue,1,10136 Programming toolbar,2,10140 programming, linear,1,10148 programming, operators,1,10152 projections for rotating earth,1,10156 projections, 3D graphs,1,10160 promethium, Pm, Periodic Table information,1,10164 propane (gas), specific gravity of,1,10168 propane, density of,1,10172 propane, dielectric constant of,1,10176 propane, molecular weight of,1,10180 propane, refractive index of,1,10184 propane, specific gravity of,1,10188 propane, surface tension of,1,10192 propane, viscosity of,1,10196 proportion, confidence interval for estimating,1,10200 proportion, test,1,10204 proportions, confidence interval for difference,1,10208 proportions, standard error of,1,10212 proportions, tests of equality,1,10216 propyl alcohol, density of,1,10220 propyl alcohol, dielectric constant of,1,10224 propyl alcohol, molecular weight of,1,10228 propyl alcohol, refractive index of,1,10232 propyl alcohol, sound velocity in,1,10236 propyl alcohol, specific gravity of,1,10240 propyl alcohol, surface tension of,1,10244 propyl alcohol, viscosity of,1,10248 propylene (gas), specific gravity of,1,10252 propylene glycol, density of,1,10256 propylene glycol, molecular weight of,1,10260 propylene glycol, refractive index of,1,10264 propylene glycol, specific gravity of,1,10268 propylene glycol, surface tension of,1,10272 propylene glycol, viscosity of,1,10276 propylene, density of,1,10280 propylene, molecular weight of,1,10284 propylene, refractive index of,1,10288 propylene, specific gravity of,1,10292 propylene, surface tension of,1,10296 propylene, viscosity of,1,10300 protactinium, Pa, Periodic Table information,1,10304 proton Compton wavelength,1,10308 proton magnetic moment,1,10312 proton mass, and ratio of electron mass,1,10316 proton rest mass,1,10320 protons, gyromagnetic ratio of, in water,1,10324 prototile,1,10328 pseudo-binary decimal form,1,10332 Psi, digamma function,1,10336 Psin, polygamma function,1,10340 pspline function,1,10344 pulp board, density of,1,10348 pyramid,1,10352 pyramid, volume,1,10356 pyrite, density of,1,10360 qchisq function, standard deviation confidence interval,1,10364 qchisq function, variance confidence interval,1,10368 qF function, ratio of variance confidence interval,1,10372 qnorm function, means difference confidence interval, large samples,1,10376 qnorm function, normal mean confidence interval,1,10380 qnorm function, proportion confidence interval,1,10384 qnorm function, using,1,10388 qnorm functions, confidence interval, proportion difference,1,10392 qt function, linear regression slope confidence interval,1,10396 qt function, means difference confidence interval, small samples,2,10400 qt function, normal mean confidence interval,1,10408 quadratic formula, vectorizing,1,10412 quadratics, solving,1,10416 quantile-quantile plot, vector data,1,10420 quantum of circulation,1,10424 quarter circle arc, centroid,1,10428 quarter circle area, horizontal component of centroid,1,10432 quarter circle area, vertical component of centroid,1,10436 quartz, density of,1,10440 Quaternary Period,1,10444 QuickSheets, finding the sheet you want,1,10448 QuickSheets, saving changes to Personal QuickSheets,1,10452 QuickSheets, using,2,10456 QuickTime files,1,10464 QuickTime movie format,1,10468 Quotient Rule,1,10472 quotient, arithmetic operation,1,10476 R2,1,10480 radial and transverse components,1,10484 radial coordinates, rectangular to cylindrical conversion,1,10488 radial coordinates, rectangular to polar conversion,1,10492 radial coordinates, rectangular to spherical conversion,1,10496 radians, converting to Degrees-Minutes-Seconds,1,10500 radians, trigonometric functions,1,10504 radiation constant, first,1,10508 radiation constant, second,1,10512 radioactive decay,1,10516 radium, Ra, Periodic Table information,1,10520 radius of a sector of a circle,1,10524 radius of an inscribed circle,1,10528 radius of circumscribed circle,1,10532 radius of Earth,1,10536 radius, of Earth,2,10540 radius, of planets,1,10548 radius, plotting circles,1,10552 radix, changing decimal to hexadecimal,1,10556 radix, changing decimal to octal,1,10560 radix, formatting results,1,10564 radon, Rn, Periodic Table information,1,10568 random bit sequence,1,10572 random deviates, exponentially distributed,1,10576 random deviates, normally distributed,1,10580 random deviates, uniformly distributed,1,10584 random number generators, Monte Carlo probability,1,10588 random numbers and Monte Carlo integration,1,10592 random walk,1,10596 randomizing, vectors,1,10600 range operator, symbol for,2,10604 range variables and seeded iterations,1,10612 range variables operator,1,10616 range variables, converting units,1,10620 range variables, defining,1,10624 range variables, defining nested arrays,1,10628 range variables, defining vector index as,1,10632 range variables, entering as function arguments,1,10636 range variables, for multiple traces,1,10640 range variables, graphing function,1,10644 range variables, graphing using,1,10648 range variables, increments,1,10652 range variables, iterated sums and products,1,10656 range variables, plotting curves using,1,10660 range variables, plotting functions,1,10664 range, creating table of functions over specified,1,10668 range, gradient field plot, two variables,1,10672 range, specifying for matrix of functions,1,10676 ranges, evaluating over,1,10680 Rankine,1,10684 Rankine temperature conversion,1,10688 rate of return, bond yield to maturity,1,10692 rate of return, internal,1,10696 rate of return, modified internal,1,10700 ratio of population variance test,1,10704 ratio of population variance, confidence interval,1,10708 ratio, of proton mass to electron mass,1,10712 rc phase shift oscillator, oscillation frequency of an,1,10716 readbmp function,1,10720 readbmp function and subimages,1,10724 READPRN,1,10728 READPRN function, defining nested arrays,1,10732 readrgb function,1,10736 readrgb function and subimages,1,10740 recalculating worksheets, WAIT message,1,10744 rectangle, area,1,10748 rectangle, perimeter,1,10752 rectangular coordinates, converting cylindrical to,1,10756 rectangular coordinates, converting from spherical,1,10760 rectangular coordinates, converting polar to,1,10764 rectangular coordinates, converting spherical to,1,10768 rectangular coordinates, converting to cylindrical,1,10772 rectangular coordinates, converting to polar,1,10776 rectangular coordinates, converting to spherical,1,10780 rectangular prism, mass moments of inertia,1,10784 rectangular prism, surface area of a,1,10788 rectangular prism, volume,1,10792 rectangular waveform, drawing,1,10796 recursive function, evaluating equations,1,10800 red crosshair,1,10804 reformatting,1,10808 reformatting plots,1,10812 refractive index, table listing,1,10816 region, critical,1,10820 region, highlighting,1,10824 regions, collapsed,1,10828 regions, collapsing,1,10832 regions, hiding,1,10836 regions, locking,1,10840 regions, working with,1,10844 regress,1,10848 regress function, multivariate regression,1,10852 regression,1,10856 regression intercept, standard error of,1,10860 regression slope test,1,10864 regression slope, standard error of,1,10868 regression statistics, linear regression,1,10872 regression, exponential,1,10876 regression, linear,1,10880 regression, logarithmic,1,10884 regression, logistic,1,10888 regression, multiple linear,1,10892 regression, multivariate,1,10896 regression, polynomial,1,10900 regression, power,1,10904 regression, two-dimensional,1,10908 regular polygon, area,1,10912 regular polygon, perimeter,1,10916 residual plot, least-square fitting,1,10920 residual plot, least-squares curve fitting,1,10924 residual plot, linear regression,1,10928 residual plot, multiple linear regression,1,10932 residual plot, polynomial regression,1,10936 resin, density of,1,10940 resizing plots,1,10944 Resource Center,1,10948 Resource Center button,1,10952 Resource Center navigation controls,1,10956 Resource Center, copying information from,1,10960 Resource Center, editing,1,10964 Resource Center, features of,1,10968 Resource Center, Mathcad Electronic Books,1,10972 Resource Center, moving information from,1,10976 resource center, navigation,1,10980 Resource Center, navigational control buttons,1,10984 Resource Center, printing,1,10988 resources, help,1,10992 rest mass, electron,1,10996 rest mass, muon,1,11000 rest mass, neutron,1,11004 rest mass, proton,1,11008 result format,1,11012 results and order of regions,1,11016 results, converting units for vector,1,11020 revenues, breakeven analysis,1,11024 revenues, marginal and marginal cost,1,11028 revolution, surfaces,1,11032 Reynolds number,1,11036 rhenium, Re, Periodic Table information,1,11040 rhenium, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,11044 rhodium, electrical resistivity of,1,11048 rhodium, linear expansion coefficient of,1,11052 rhodium, melting point of,1,11056 rhodium, modulus of elasticity for,1,11060 rhodium, Rh, Periodic Table information,1,11064 rhodium, specific gravity of,1,11068 rhodium, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,11072 rhodium, thermal conductivity of,1,11076 Riemann zeta function,1,11080 right circular cone, lateral surface area of a,1,11084 right circular cone, volume,1,11088 right circular cylinder, lateral surface area,1,11092 right circular cylinder, volume,1,11096 right tail test of linear regression,1,11100 right tail test of population variance ratio,1,11104 right tail test of proportion,1,11108 right tail test, means difference, large samples,1,11112 right tail test, means difference, small samples,2,11116 right-handed limit of function at a point,1,11124 right-tail test of normal mean,2,11128 right-tail test of standard deviation,1,11136 right-tail test, equality of proportions,1,11140 Rkadapt function, solving first order ODE,1,11144 Rkadapt function, solving system of ODEs,2,11148 rkfixed function,1,11156 Rkfixed function, solving first order ODE,1,11160 Rkfixed function, solving system of ODEs,2,11164 rkfixed, output,1,11172 rkfixed, Runge-Kutta routine,1,11176 Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strain,1,11180 rock salt, density of,1,11184 rolling rectangular region into torus,1,11188 root accuracy, improving,1,11192 root finder,1,11196 root function,1,11200 root function, changing accuracy using TOL,1,11204 root function, equations in one unknown,1,11208 root function, increasing accuracy,1,11212 root function, solving family of equations,1,11216 root function, using,1,11220 root, incorrect calls,1,11224 roots of polynomials,1,11228 roots of quadratics,1,11232 roots, accuracy of,1,11236 roots, complex guess,1,11240 roots, finding,1,11244 roots, finding multiple,1,11248 roots, finding polynomial,1,11252 roots, graphing,1,11256 roots, guessing wisely,1,11260 roots, imaginary,1,11264 roots, Newton's method for finding,1,11268 roots, symbolic solutions of equations,1,11272 rotating a plot,1,11276 rotating earth,1,11280 rotation matrix,2,11284 rotation matrix and array-valued functions,1,11292 rotation of the Earth,1,11296 rotation, surface about X-axis,1,11300 rotation, surface about Y-axis,1,11304 row reduction, matrix,1,11308 row-reduced echelon form of matrix,1,11312 rows, extracting matrix,1,11316 rows, matrix, creating,1,11320 rows, number in matrix,1,11324 rows, reversing order in submatrix,1,11328 rows, vectors and matrices,1,11332 rref function, matrix row reduction,1,11336 rubber, dielectric constant of,1,11340 rubber, hard, density of,1,11344 rubber, soft, commercial, density of,1,11348 rubber, soft, pure gum, density of,1,11352 rubidium, Rb, Periodic Table information,1,11356 Runge-Kutta method,1,11360 Runge-Kutta routine,1,11364 ruthenium, Ru, Periodic Table information,1,11368 rutherfordium, Rf, Periodic Table information,1,11372 Rydberg constant,1,11376 samarium, Sm, Periodic Table information,1,11380 sampling, Monte Carlo probability estimation,1,11384 sandstone, density of,1,11388 sandstone, specific gravity of,1,11392 sandstone, specific heat of,1,11396 sandstone, thermal conductivity of,1,11400 satellite motion,1,11404 satinwood, density of,1,11408 saturated water,1,11412 Saturn, statistics,1,11416 Saves button, Resource Center,1,11420 saving changes to Personal QuickSheets,1,11424 sawdust, specific gravity of,1,11428 sawdust, specific heat of,1,11432 sawdust, thermal conductivity of,1,11436 sawtooth curve,1,11440 scalar multiplication,1,11444 scalar multiplication, array algebra,1,11448 scalar operators and functions, vectorizing,1,11452 scalar, converting units,1,11456 scandium, Sc, Periodic Table information,1,11460 scatter plot, 3D,1,11464 scatter plot, 3D, three vectors,1,11468 scatter plot, 3D, two variable function,1,11472 Schlegel diagram,1,11476 scramble function, randomizing vectors,1,11480 screen, bottom,1,11484 screen, top,1,11488 sea water, density of,1,11492 sea water, molecular weight of,1,11496 sea water, sound velocity in,1,11500 sea water, specific gravity of,1,11504 seaborgium, Sg, Periodic Table information,1,11508 sealing wax, density of,1,11512 Search book,1,11516 Search button, Resource Center,1,11520 secant function, degree argument,1,11524 secant function, radian argument,1,11528 second radiation constant,1,11532 sector of a circle, arc length,1,11536 sector of a circle, area,1,11540 sector of a circle, radius,1,11544 sector of a circle, subtended angle in a,1,11548 seeded iterations and range variables,1,11552 selecting multiple regions,1,11556 selecting regions,1,11560 selenium, electrical resistivity of,1,11564 selenium, linear expansion coefficient of,1,11568 selenium, melting point of,1,11572 selenium, modulus of elasticity for,1,11576 selenium, Se, Periodic Table information,1,11580 selenium, specific gravity of,1,11584 selenium, thermal conductivity of,1,11588 selling price and profit margin,1,11592 semicircular arc, centroid,1,11596 semicircular area, centroid,1,11600 Semiconductor Physics and Devices,1,11604 semiparabolic area, centroid,1,11608 sequence, random bit,1,11612 series keyword, expanding in power series,1,11616 series, expanding in power series,1,11620 series, expanding to,1,11624 series, Fourier,1,11628 series, symbolic summation,1,11632 serpentine, density of,1,11636 shaft bending moments,1,11640 shaft reactions / bending moments,1,11644 shellac, dielectric constant of,1,11648 shi, hyperbolic sine integral,1,11652 shininess, of a 3D graph,1,11656 shortcuts, tool bar,1,11660 si, sine integral,1,11664 signal processing,1,11668 signal processing, Doppler,1,11672 silica aerogel, specific gravity of,1,11676 silica aerogel, specific heat of,1,11680 silica aerogel, thermal conductivity of,1,11684 silica, fused transparent, density of,1,11688 silica, translucent, density of,1,11692 silicon, electrical resistivity of,1,11696 silicon, linear expansion coefficient of,1,11700 silicon, melting point of,1,11704 silicon, modulus of elasticity for,1,11708 silicon, Si, Periodic Table information,1,11712 silicon, specific gravity of,1,11716 silicon, thermal conductivity of,1,11720 Silurian Period,1,11724 silver, Ag, Periodic Table information,1,11728 silver, electrical resistivity of,1,11732 silver, linear expansion coefficient of,1,11736 silver, melting point of,1,11740 silver, modulus of elasticity for,1,11744 silver, Poisson's ratio for,1,11748 silver, specific gravity of,1,11752 silver, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,11756 silver, thermal conductivity of,1,11760 simple interest, ordinary and exact,1,11764 simplify Live Symbolics keyword,1,11768 sine function, degree argument,1,11772 sine function, radian argument,1,11776 sine integral, Fresnel,1,11780 sine integral, hyperbolic sine, shi,1,11784 sine integral, si,1,11788 size of vector, comparing histogram to normal distribution,1,11792 sizing handles, for plots,1,11796 slag, density of,1,11800 slate, density of,1,11804 slender rods, mass moments of inertia,1,11808 slope function,1,11812 slope, linear regression,1,11816 slope, linear regression confidence interval,1,11820 slope, standard error of regression,1,11824 slope, test of linear regression,1,11828 smoothing data,1,11832 smoothing functions,1,11836 smoothing trace,1,11840 smoothing X-Y plot,1,11844 smoothing, data analysis,1,11848 smoothing, exponential,1,11852 smoothing, median,1,11856 smoothing, moving average,1,11860 soapstone, density of,1,11864 sodium, electrical resistivity of,1,11868 sodium, linear expansion coefficient of,1,11872 sodium, melting point of,1,11876 sodium, Na, Periodic Table information,1,11880 sodium, specific gravity of,1,11884 sodium, thermal conductivity of,1,11888 solar system, statistics of,1,11892 solve blocks,2,11896 solve blocks with inequality constraints,1,11904 solve blocks, defining a function using,1,11908 solve blocks, error messages,1,11912 solve blocks, guesses in vector,1,11916 solve blocks, illegal operations,1,11920 solve blocks, minimizing functions,1,11924 solve blocks, nonlinear system,1,11928 solve blocks, passing guesses and constraints,1,11932 solve blocks, setting up,1,11936 solve blocks, symbolic,1,11940 Solve for Variable,1,11944 solving,2,11948 solving an equation, symbolically,1,11956 solving equations, effects of TOL,1,11960 solving equations, one unknown,1,11964 solving equations, overview,1,11968 solving family of equations,1,11972 solving linear equations,1,11976 solving linear systems, array algebra,1,11980 solving nonlinear equations,1,11984 solving quadratics,1,11988 solving symbolically,1,11992 solving system of equations with inequality,1,11996 solving system of equations, symbolically,1,12000 solving systems of equations,1,12004 solving, approximate solution for a system,1,12008 solving, maximum solution,1,12012 solving, minimum solution,1,12016 solving, optimizing,1,12020 sorting data,1,12024 sorting functions,1,12028 sound velocity, table listing for gases,1,12032 sound velocity, table listing for liquids,1,12036 spacebar, building expressions using,1,12040 space-filling curve,1,12044 span, median smoothing,1,12048 Spanish mahogany, density of,1,12052 spatial lattice,1,12056 Special page, 3D plots,1,12060 specific gravity, table listing for elements,1,12064 specific gravity, table listing for gases,1,12068 specific gravity, table listing for liquids,1,12072 specific gravity, table listing for materials,1,12076 specific heat, table listing for gases,1,12080 specific heat, table listing for materials,1,12084 spermaceti, density of,1,12088 sphere, mass moments of inertia,1,12092 sphere, surface area of a,1,12096 sphere, volume,1,12100 spheres, plotting,1,12104 spherical cap, surface area of a,1,12108 spherical cap, volume,1,12112 spherical coordinates, converting from rectangular,1,12116 spherical coordinates, converting rectangular to,1,12120 spherical coordinates, converting to Cartesian,1,12124 spherical coordinates, converting to rectangular,1,12128 spherical triangle, area of a,1,12132 spinning a 3D graph,1,12136 spinning graph,1,12140 spiral animation,1,12144 spiral on polar plot,1,12148 spline coefficients, 2D spline interpolation,1,12152 spline coefficients, cubic spline interpolation,1,12156 spline interpolation, multivariate,1,12160 spruce, density of,1,12164 square matrix operations, using QuickSheets,1,12168 square matrix, operations,1,12172 square roots, arithmetic operation,1,12176 stack, joining matrices,1,12180 standard deviation, comparing histogram to normal distribution,1,12184 standard deviation, confidence interval for estimating,1,12188 standard deviation, linear regression,1,12192 standard deviation, normal population mean,1,12196 standard deviation, on vector of data,1,12200 standard deviation, test,1,12204 standard error of proportions,1,12208 standard error of regression intercept,1,12212 standard error of regression slope,1,12216 standard error of the mean,1,12220 standard errors, computing,1,12224 standard form of a differential equation,1,12228 standard normal distribution function, example,1,12232 Standard Normal Quantile, data versus,1,12236 standard toolbar,1,12240 standing wave animation,1,12244 starch, density of,1,12248 statistical decision theory,1,12252 Statistics Electronic Book,1,12256 statistics, linear regression,1,12260 statistics, of Earth,1,12264 statistics, of geological ages,1,12268 statistics, of oceans,1,12272 statistics, of the solar system,1,12276 statistics, on vector of data,1,12280 status line,1,12284 steam point,1,12288 steam power cycle,1,12292 steel columns, designing,1,12296 steel, linear expansion coefficient of,1,12300 Stefan-Boltzmann constant,1,12304 step functions,1,12308 sticky operators,1,12312 stiff differential equations,1,12316 straight-line depreciation,1,12320 straight-line quantile-quantile plot,1,12324 strontium, Sr, Periodic Table information,1,12328 structural design, building,1,12332 styles,1,12336 styles, defining,1,12340 styles, using,1,12344 subexpressions, collecting on,1,12348 subimage, extracting from image,1,12352 submatrix function and image color components,1,12356 submatrix function and subimages,1,12360 subscript operator,1,12364 subscript operator, for vector elements,1,12368 subscripted variable, converting units,1,12372 subscripted variable, displaying output table,1,12376 Substitute for Variable,1,12380 substituting expression for variable,1,12384 substituting variables, one for another,1,12388 subtended angle in sector of a circle,1,12392 sugar, density of,1,12396 sulfur dioxide, molecular weight of,1,12400 sulfur dioxide, specific gravity of,1,12404 sulfur dioxide, specific heat at 1.0 atm pressure, 20 C,1,12408 sulfur, S, Periodic Table information,1,12412 sum of components, array algebra,1,12416 Sum Rule,1,12420 sum, arithmetic operation,1,12424 summation, symbolic,1,12428 sum-of-the-years'-digits depreciation,2,12432 sums, computing,1,12440 sums, iterated,1,12444 sums, iterated range,1,12448 Sun, distance of planets from the Sun,1,12452 Sun, Earth's distance from the Sun,1,12456 sunrise,1,12460 sunset,1,12464 sunspots, counting,1,12468 support, technical,1,12472 supsmooth function,1,12476 surface appearance, 3D graphs,1,12480 surface area of a rectangular prism,1,12484 surface area of a sphere,1,12488 surface area of a spherical cap,1,12492 surface area of a torus,1,12496 surface area of an ellipsoid,1,12500 surface area of function,1,12504 surface areas of geometric shapes,1,12508 surface gravity, of planets,1,12512 surface of rotation about X-axis,1,12516 surface of rotation about Y-axis,1,12520 surface plot of a matrix,1,12524 surface plot of matrix values,1,12528 surface plot of sphere,1,12532 surface plot operator, pyramid,1,12536 surface plots,1,12540 surface plots, 2D spline interpolation,1,12544 surface plots, complex functions,1,12548 surface plots, gradient field plot,1,12552 surface plots, overview,1,12556 surface plots, standing wave animation,1,12560 surface plots, surface area of function,1,12564 surface plotting and matrix function,1,12568 surface tension, table listing,1,12572 surfaces and curves,1,12576 surfaces, examples,1,12580 surfaces, generating,1,12584 surfaces, of revolution,1,12588 swapping variables,1,12592 sycamore, density of,1,12596 symbolic equals sign,1,12600 symbolic keyword, factor,1,12604 symbolic keyword, series,1,12608 symbolic keywords, algebra,1,12612 symbolic keywords, transforms,1,12616 symbolic matrix computations,1,12620 Symbolic menu algebra,1,12624 Symbolic menu calculus,2,12628 Symbolic menu, Evaluate command,1,12636 Symbolic menu, Matrix Operations,1,12640 Symbolic menu, partial fraction decomposition,1,12644 symbolic operations,1,12648 symbolic solutions,1,12652 symbolic solutions of equations,1,12656 symbolic solve blocks,1,12660 symbolic summation,1,12664 symbolic transforms,1,12668 Symbolics menu, overview,1,12672 Symbolics Simplify,1,12676 symbols for definition,1,12680 symbols for matrix determinant,1,12684 symbols for multiple traces,2,12688 symbols for range increment,1,12696 symbols for range operator,2,12700 symbols on graphs,1,12708 symbols, characters used for,1,12712 symbols, inserting with operator toolbars,1,12716 syngas upgrading process,3,12720 synthetic gas upgrading process,3,12732 system of equations, solving with inequality,1,12744 system of equations, symbolic solve blocks,1,12748 systems of equations, solving,1,12752 t distribution function, example,1,12756 t distribution functions, linear regression test,1,12760 t distribution functions, means difference test, small samples,2,12764 T score of vector of data,1,12772 t statistics, on normal means,1,12776 t statistics, vector of data,1,12780 T test on normal means,1,12784 t variable function, example,1,12788 Table of Contents button, Resource Center,1,12792 table of function values,1,12796 table of matrix values,1,12800 talc, density of,1,12804 tallow, beef, density of,1,12808 tangent function, degree argument,1,12812 tangent function, radian argument,1,12816 tangent line animation,1,12820 tangent line, drawing,1,12824 tangents, geometry of curves,1,12828 tantalum, electrical resistivity of,1,12832 tantalum, linear expansion coefficient of,1,12836 tantalum, melting point of,1,12840 tantalum, modulus of elasticity for,1,12844 tantalum, Poisson's ratio for,1,12848 tantalum, specific gravity of,1,12852 tantalum, Ta, Periodic Table information,1,12856 tantalum, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,12860 tantalum, thermal conductivity of,1,12864 tar, density of,1,12868 Taylor series expansion, Live Symbolics,1,12872 teak, African, density of,1,12876 teak, Indian, density of,1,12880 technetium, Tc, Periodic Table information,1,12884 technical support,1,12888 teflon, dielectric constant of,1,12892 tellurium, Te, Periodic Table information,1,12896 temperature coefficient of resistivity, table listing,1,12900 temperature conversion,1,12904 temperature scales, for gases,1,12908 temperature, adiabatic flame,1,12912 temperature, of the Earth,1,12916 template Mathcad worksheets,1,12920 templates,1,12924 templates, QuickSheets,1,12928 temporary edits to Resource Center,1,12932 terbium, Tb, Periodic Table information,1,12936 Tertiary Period,1,12940 tests, chi-square for goodness of fit,1,12944 tests, hypothesis test of normal mean,1,12948 tests, linear regression slope,1,12952 tests, means difference, large samples,1,12956 tests, means difference, small samples,2,12960 tests, normal mean, unknown variance,1,12968 tests, proportion,1,12972 tests, ratio of population variances,1,12976 tests, standard deviation,1,12980 tests, T score of vector of data,1,12984 tests, T test on normal means,1,12988 tests, Z score of vector of data,1,12992 text styles,1,12996 text, entering,1,13000 text, formatting,1,13004 thallium, Tl, Periodic Table information,1,13008 thermal analysis,1,13012 thermal conductivity, table listing for elements,1,13016 thermal conductivity, table listing for materials,1,13020 Thermodynamics for Engineers Electronic Book,1,13024 thermodynamics, first law of,1,13028 thermodynamics, properties of water,1,13032 thin disk, mass moments of inertia,1,13036 thin rectangular plate, mass moments of inertia,1,13040 thorium, electrical resistivity of,1,13044 thorium, linear expansion coefficient of,1,13048 thorium, melting point of,1,13052 thorium, modulus of elasticity for,1,13056 thorium, Poisson's ratio for,1,13060 thorium, specific gravity of,1,13064 thorium, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,13068 thorium, Th, Periodic Table information,1,13072 thorium, thermal conductivity of,1,13076 thulium, Tm, Periodic Table information,1,13080 tiling the plane,1,13084 time-domain specifications,1,13088 tin, electrical resistivity of,1,13092 tin, linear expansion coefficient of,1,13096 tin, melting point of,1,13100 tin, modulus of elasticity for,1,13104 tin, Poisson's ratio for,1,13108 tin, Sn, Periodic Table information,1,13112 tin, specific gravity of,1,13116 tin, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,13120 tin, thermal conductivity of,1,13124 tips for writing on-line,1,13128 titanium, electrical resistivity of,1,13132 titanium, linear expansion coefficient of,1,13136 titanium, melting point of,1,13140 titanium, modulus of elasticity for,1,13144 titanium, Poisson's ratio for,1,13148 titanium, specific gravity of,1,13152 titanium, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,13156 titanium, thermal conductivity of,1,13160 titanium, Ti, Periodic Table information,1,13164 Title page, 3D plots,1,13168 titles, for plots,1,13172 TOL and integration,1,13176 TOL and solving equations,1,13180 TOL, affect on roots,1,13184 TOL, facts about,1,13188 TOL, using with roots,1,13192 tolerance,1,13196 toluene, density of,1,13200 toluene, dielectric constant of,1,13204 toluene, molecular weight of,1,13208 toluene, refractive index of,1,13212 toluene, sound velocity in,1,13216 toluene, specific gravity of,1,13220 toluene, surface tension of,1,13224 toluene, viscosity of,1,13228 toolbar, Arithmetic,1,13232 toolbar, Graph,1,13236 toolbar, introduction,1,13240 toolbar, Math,1,13244 toolbar, Mathcad Electronic Books,1,13248 toolbar, Standard,1,13252 toolbar, Vector and matrix,1,13256 toolbars,1,13260 tooltips,1,13264 tooltips, getting help,1,13268 topaz, density of,1,13272 Topics in Electrical Engineering,1,13276 topics, advanced,1,13280 torus, rolling rectangular region into,1,13284 torus, surface area of a,1,13288 torus, volume,1,13292 tourmaline, density of,1,13296 trace and zoom,1,13300 trace smoothing,1,13304 traces, formatting,1,13308 traces, reformat,1,13312 traces, symbol for multiple,2,13316 trajectory,1,13324 transformation, rectangular region into torus,1,13328 transformer circuits,1,13332 transformer energization,1,13336 transformer saturation modeling,1,13340 transformers,1,13344 transforms,1,13348 transforms, fast fourier,1,13352 transforms, inverse Fourier,1,13356 transforms, symbolic keywords,1,13360 transient finite difference method,1,13364 transpose, matrices,1,13368 transpose, matrix,1,13372 transpose, symbolic matrix,1,13376 transpose, vectors,1,13380 transverse and radial components,1,13384 trapezoid, area,1,13388 trapezoid, perimeter,1,13392 Treasury, Mathcad,1,13396 triangle, area,1,13400 triangle, perimeter,1,13404 triangular area, height of centroid from base,1,13408 triangular pulse response,1,13412 Triassic Period,1,13416 trigonometric functions, degree argument,1,13420 trigonometric functions, derivatives of,1,13424 trigonometric functions, integrals of,1,13428 trigonometric functions, radian argument,1,13432 trimorphic prototile,1,13436 truncated icosahedron,1,13440 tuned output oscillator, oscillation frequency of an,1,13444 tungsten, electrical resistivity of,1,13448 tungsten, linear expansion coefficient of,1,13452 tungsten, melting point of,1,13456 tungsten, modulus of elasticity for,1,13460 tungsten, Poisson's ratio for,1,13464 tungsten, specific gravity of,1,13468 tungsten, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,13472 tungsten, thermal conductivity of,1,13476 tungsten, W, Periodic Table information,1,13480 turpentine, density of,1,13484 turpentine, molecular weight of,1,13488 turpentine, refractive index of,1,13492 turpentine, sound velocity in,1,13496 turpentine, specific gravity of,1,13500 turpentine, viscosity of,1,13504 tutorial, getting started,1,13508 twilight,1,13512 two-dimensional spline interpolation,1,13516 two-tailed test, equality of proportions,1,13520 two-tailed test, linear regression,1,13524 two-tailed test, means difference, large samples,1,13528 two-tailed test, means difference, small samples,2,13532 two-tailed test, normal mean,2,13540 two-tailed test, population variance ratio,1,13548 two-tailed test, proportion,1,13552 two-tailed test, standard deviation,1,13556 Type I error,1,13560 Type II error,1,13564 uniformly distributed random deviates,1,13568 unit impulse function,1,13572 unit sphere, plotting,1,13576 units,1,13580 units placeholder, converting units,1,13584 units, built-in,1,13588 units, converting for output table,2,13592 units, converting for plots,1,13600 units, converting for vector of results,1,13604 units, converting in scalar result,1,13608 units, overview,1,13612 units, using,1,13616 uranium, electrical resistivity of,1,13620 uranium, linear expansion coefficient of,1,13624 uranium, melting point of,1,13628 uranium, modulus of elasticity for,1,13632 uranium, Poisson's ratio for,1,13636 uranium, specific gravity of,1,13640 uranium, U, Periodic Table information,1,13644 Uranus, statistics,1,13648 urea-formaldehyde, dielectric constant of,1,13652 using QuickSheets,1,13656 vacuum rating,1,13660 vacuum, and velocity of light,1,13664 vacuum, permeability,1,13668 vacuum, permittivity,1,13672 values, matrix table,1,13676 vanadium, electrical resistivity of,1,13680 vanadium, linear expansion coefficient of,1,13684 vanadium, melting point of,1,13688 vanadium, modulus of elasticity for,1,13692 vanadium, specific gravity of,1,13696 vanadium, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,13700 vanadium, thermal conductivity of,1,13704 vanadium, V, Periodic Table information,1,13708 variable, defining,1,13712 variables, assigning different values,1,13716 variables, converting units,1,13720 variables, defining,2,13724 variables, defining function to plot,1,13732 variables, entering as function arguments,1,13736 variables, iterated range sums and products,1,13740 variables, range,1,13744 variables, range, defining,1,13748 variables, simultaneous definition of,1,13752 variables, substituting expression for,1,13756 variables, substituting one for another,1,13760 variables, swapping,1,13764 variables, swapping contents using arrays,1,13768 variables, symbol for,1,13772 variance,1,13776 variance equality, difference of means,1,13780 variance equality, means difference confidence interval,1,13784 variance non-equality, means difference,1,13788 variance non-equality, means difference confidence interval,1,13792 variance unknown, confidence interval,1,13796 variance, confidence interval for estimating,1,13800 variance, linear regression,1,13804 variance, ratio of, confidence interval,1,13808 variance, test of ratio of population,1,13812 Vector and Matrices toolbar,1,13816 vector and matrix toolbar,1,13820 vector arguments, functions with,1,13824 vector derivative operators,1,13828 vector elements, graphing,1,13832 vector extent function and array-valued functions,1,13836 vector field plot,1,13840 vector field plot, two variables,1,13844 vector of data, statistics on,1,13848 vector of data, T score,1,13852 vector of data, Z score,1,13856 vector summation operator,1,13860 vectorization, plotting curves using,1,13864 vectorizing expressions,1,13868 vectors and matrices,1,13872 vectors, 3D scatter plot, three vectors,1,13876 vectors, accessing elements,1,13880 vectors, addition,1,13884 vectors, algebra,1,13888 vectors, binary form of decimal integers,1,13892 vectors, columns,1,13896 vectors, complex conjugate,1,13900 vectors, converting units for results,1,13904 vectors, creating,2,13908 vectors, cross product,2,13916 vectors, defining index as range variable,1,13924 vectors, defining index variable,1,13928 vectors, defining variables simultaneously,1,13932 vectors, determinant,1,13936 vectors, dot product,2,13940 vectors, elements, as function arguments,1,13948 vectors, elements, graphing function of,1,13952 vectors, extent function,1,13956 vectors, graphing elements,1,13960 vectors, length of, picking elements from vector,1,13964 vectors, magnitude,1,13968 vectors, Mathcad default 0th element,1,13972 vectors, negative,1,13976 vectors, picking elements from,1,13980 vectors, plotting against each other,1,13984 vectors, quantile-quantile plot of data,1,13988 vectors, randomizing,1,13992 vectors, rows,1,13996 vectors, scalar multiplication,1,14000 vectors, size and scope,1,14004 vectors, solving linear equations,1,14008 vectors, sorting,1,14012 vectors, sum of components,1,14016 vectors, swapping variables using,1,14020 vectors, transpose,1,14024 velocity and acceleration of particle,1,14028 velocity, of light in a vacuum,1,14032 Venus, statistics,1,14036 vermiculite, specific gravity of,1,14040 vermiculite, specific heat of,1,14044 vermiculite, thermal conductivity of,1,14048 vertical axis, X-Y plot,1,14052 vibrations, mechanical and electrical,1,14056 View Animate,1,14060 View Regions,1,14064 viewing perspective, 3D graphs,1,14068 vinylite, dielectric constant of,1,14072 viscosity, table listing,1,14076 volume of a frustum of a right circular cone,1,14080 volume of a paraboloid,1,14084 volume of a parallelepiped,1,14088 volume of a pyramid,1,14092 volume of a rectangular prism,1,14096 volume of a right circular cone,1,14100 volume of a right circular cylinder,1,14104 volume of a sphere,1,14108 volume of a spherical cap,1,14112 volume of a torus,1,14116 volume of an ellipsoid,1,14120 volumes of geometric shapes,1,14124 WAIT message during recalculation,1,14128 walk, random,1,14132 wall, thermal analysis of,1,14136 walnut tree wood, density of,1,14140 water chemistry,1,14144 water gum tree, density of,1,14148 water, density of,1,14152 water, dielectric constant of,1,14156 water, molecular weight of,1,14160 water, pressure and,1,14164 water, refractive index of,1,14168 water, saturated,1,14172 water, sound velocity in,1,14176 water, specific gravity of,1,14180 water, surface tension of,1,14184 water, viscosity of,1,14188 wave, cosine,1,14192 wave, electromagnetic,1,14196 waveform, generating,1,14200 wax, sealing, density of,1,14204 wax, specific gravity of,1,14208 wax, specific heat of,1,14212 wax, thermal conductivity of,1,14216 web library,1,14220 weighting factor, exponential smoothing,1,14224 white pine, density of,1,14228 white pine, specific gravity of,1,14232 white pine, specific heat of,1,14236 white pine, thermal conductivity of,1,14240 willow, density of,1,14244 window glass, specific gravity of,1,14248 window glass, specific heat of,1,14252 window glass, thermal conductivity of,1,14256 window size for moving average smoothing,1,14260 wireframes, 3D graphs,1,14264 Wolf, Rudolph,1,14268 wood charcoal, specific gravity of,1,14272 wood charcoal, specific heat of,1,14276 wood charcoal, thermal conductivity of,1,14280 woods, density of,1,14284 woods, specific gravity of,1,14288 woods, specific heat of,1,14292 woods, thermal conductivity of,1,14296 wool, felt, specific gravity of,1,14300 wool, felt, specific heat of,1,14304 wool, felt, thermal conductivity of,1,14308 wool, loose, specific gravity of,1,14312 wool, loose, specific heat of,1,14316 wool, loose, thermal conductivity of,1,14320 worksheets, copying Resource Center information,1,14324 worksheets, introduction to,1,14328 worksheets, message line and status of,1,14332 worksheets, moving from Resource Center,1,14336 worksheets, Resource Center button,1,14340 World Wide Web button, Resource Center,1,14344 World Wide Web site,1,14348 WRITEPRN,1,14352 writing images to bitmap files,1,14356 writing, tips,1,14360 www, Mathsoft,1,14364 X-axis, surface of rotation about,1,14368 X-coordinates, converting cylindrical to rectangular,1,14372 X-coordinates, converting spherical to rectangular,1,14376 X-coordinates, polar to rectangular conversion,1,14380 xenon, specific gravity of,1,14384 xenon, Xe, Periodic Table information,1,14388 X-Y data, exponential smoothing,1,14392 X-Y data, median smoothing,1,14396 X-Y data, moving average smoothing,1,14400 X-Y data, nonlinear curve fitting,1,14404 X-Y plane, geometry of curves in,1,14408 X-Y plot of data,1,14412 X-Y plot, creating,1,14416 x-y plot, formatting,1,14420 X-Y plot, function,1,14424 X-Y plot, function and derivative,1,14428 X-Y plot, overview,1,14432 X-Y plot, smoothing,1,14436 X-Y-Z coordinates, vector derivative operators,1,14440 Y-axis, surface of rotation about,1,14444 Y-coordinates, converting cylindrical to rectangular,1,14448 Y-coordinates, converting spherical to rectangular,1,14452 Y-coordinates, polar to rectangular conversion,1,14456 yellow pine, density of,1,14460 YTM (yield to maturity),1,14464 ytterbium, Yb, Periodic Table information,1,14468 yttrium, Y, Periodic Table information,1,14472 Z score of vector of data,1,14476 z statistics, vector of data,1,14480 z transforms,1,14484 Z-coordinates, converting cylindrical to rectangular,1,14488 Z-coordinates, converting spherical to rectangular,1,14492 zerf error function,1,14496 zero tolerance,1,14500 zeros of quadratic polynomial,1,14504 zeta, Riemann function,1,14508 zinc, electrical resistivity of,1,14512 zinc, linear expansion coefficient of,1,14516 zinc, melting point of,1,14520 zinc, modulus of elasticity for,1,14524 zinc, Poisson's ratio for,1,14528 zinc, specific gravity of,1,14532 zinc, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,14536 zinc, thermal conductivity of,1,14540 zinc, Zn, Periodic Table information,1,14544 zirconium, temperature coefficient of resistivity of,1,14548 zirconium, Zr, Periodic Table information,1,14552 zoom,1,14556 zooming a 3D graph,1,14560