rem Special thanks to cdob rem @echo off setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion if exist %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\firadisk.sys ( if exist reg.exe ( reg.exe delete HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Firadisk /f >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log reg.exe delete HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\Firadisk /f >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log reg.exe delete HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Firadisk /f >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log reg.exe load HKLM\Loaded_System config\System.sav >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log reg.exe delete HKLM\Loaded_System\ControlSet001\Enum\Firadisk /f >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log reg.exe delete HKLM\Loaded_System\ControlSet001\Enum\Root\Firadisk /f >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log reg.exe delete HKLM\Loaded_System\ControlSet001\Control\Firadisk /f >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log REM reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v CleanFira /t REG_SZ /d "cmd /c If Exist drivers\firadisk.sys Del drivers\firadisk.sys" ) if exist net.exe ( if exist sc.exe ( net.exe stop FiraDisk >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log sc.exe delete FiraDisk >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log REM del /f %SystemRoot%\OemDir\firadisk* >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log REM if exist %SystemRoot%\Windows\System32\drivers\firadisk.sys del /f %SystemRoot%\Windows\System32\drivers\firadisk.sys >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log ) else ( echo Could not delete Firadisk service, sc.exe does not exist >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log ) ) else ( echo Could not stop Firadisk service, net.exe does not exist >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log ) ) if not exist reg.exe ( echo reg.exe not found echo reg.exe not found >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log ) if not exist findstr.exe ( echo findstr.exe not found echo findstr.exe not found >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log ) if not exist mountvol.exe ( echo findstr.exe not found echo findstr.exe not found >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log ) else ( echo mountvol.exe output: >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log mountvol.exe >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log ) rem TOBEREPLACED string is dynamically changed by WinSetupFromUSB when prepariung source set TAGFILE=\WINSETUP\TOBEREPLACED if exist mountvol.exe ( for /f "tokens=1 delims=: " %%? in ('mountvol.exe ^|find ":\"') do ( dir %%?:%TAGFILE% > nul 2>&1 && set CDDRIVE=%%?: if defined CDDRIVE goto :CDDRIVE_found ) ) else ( FOR %%h IN (U V W X C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T Y) DO ( IF EXIST "%%h:%TAGFILE%" ( SET CDDRIVE=%%h: goto :CDDRIVE_found ) ) ) FOR /L %%G IN (20,-1,0) DO ( mnt.exe Y: \device\harddisk%%G\partition1 dir Y:%TAGFILE% > nul 2>&1 && set CDDRIVE=Y: if defined CDDRIVE goto :CDDRIVE_found mnt.exe -u Y: ) echo no %TAGFILE% drive found echo no %TAGFILE% drive found >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log REM +=======================================================+ REM | prepare USB boot configuration | REM |-------------------------------------------------------| REM echo presetup fixBoot.USB set reboot= rem second trial: permanent USB changes if exist reboot.1 if not exist reboot.2 ( set reboot=true echo reboot USB driver setting >reboot.2 echo prepare USB boot configuration %date% %time% - permanent changes >>%SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log call :set_usb_boot_setting_full SYSTEM CurrentControlSet reg.exe load HKLM\loaded_SYSTEM config\system.sav call :set_usb_boot_setting_full loaded_SYSTEM ControlSet001 reg.exe unload HKLM\loaded_SYSTEM ) rem first trial: minimal, no permanent changes if not exist reboot.1 ( set reboot=true echo reboot USB driver setting >reboot.1 echo prepare USB boot configuration %date% %time% - minimal changes>>%SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log call :set_usb_boot_setting SYSTEM CurrentControlSet reg.exe load HKLM\loaded_SYSTEM config\system.sav call :set_usb_boot_setting loaded_SYSTEM ControlSet001 reg.exe unload HKLM\loaded_SYSTEM ) REM +=======================================================+ REM | reboot the machine once, avoid endless loop | REM |-------------------------------------------------------| if defined reboot ( (echo reboot definied - %date% %time% &echo.)>> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log goto :eof ) :CDDRIVE_found =============================================== set srcpath=\??\%CDDRIVE%%TAGFILE%\ echo CDDRIVE %CDDRIVE% - srcpath %srcpath% echo CDDRIVE %CDDRIVE% - srcpath %srcpath% >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log if exist $winnt$.new del /f $winnt$.new FOR /F "tokens=1* delims== " %%a in ($winnt$.inf) DO ( set line=%%a = %%b if %%b.==. set line=%%a rem requires a drive letter still rem IF /I sourcepath.==%%a. set line=sourcepath = "\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\Harddisk1\Partition1\WIN_SETUP\XP_X64" IF /I sourcepath.==%%a. set line=sourcepath = "%srcpath%" IF /I dospath.==%%a. set line=; echo !line!>>$winnt$.new ) if exist $winnt$.new ( ren $winnt$.inf $winnt$.0 if exist $winnt$.inf del /f $winnt$.inf ren $winnt$.new $winnt$.inf ) findstr.exe "sourcepath" $winnt$.inf findstr.exe "sourcepath" $winnt$.inf >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log rem required at all? REM %CDDRIVE% REM start /min "Keeping USB disk mounted workarround, do NOT close!" pushd %CDDRIVE% echo Preparing setup.cmd in temp folder >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log if exist %SystemRoot%\temp\setup.cmd del /f %SystemRoot%\temp\setup.cmd >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log if exist %SystemRoot%\temp\setup.exe del /f %SystemRoot%\temp\setup.exe >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log if not exist %SystemRoot%\temp md %SystemRoot%\temp >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log copy setup.exe %SystemRoot%\temp >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log echo %CDDRIVE% > %SystemRoot%\temp\setup.cmd echo pushd %CDDRIVE% >> %SystemRoot%\temp\setup.cmd echo pause >> %SystemRoot%\temp\setup.cmd pushd %SystemRoot%\temp echo Launching setup.exe in temp >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log start %SystemRoot%\temp\setup.exe popd rem presetup.cmd place, do NOT edit this line rem if exist presetup.cmd ( rem hidcon.exe presetup.cmd rem start /min /wait "BTS presetup.cmd, do not close!" presetup.cmd rem ) REM +=======================================================+ REM | Prepare Windows to start from USB REM |-------------------------------------------------------| rem usb_boot echo prepare USB boot configuration %date% %time% - permanent changes and USBbootWatcher >>%SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log rem usb_boot if exist UsbBootW.exe ren UsbBootW.exe UsbBootWatcher.exe rem usb_boot if exist UsbBootW.cnf ren UsbBootW.cnf UsbBootWatcher.conf rem usb_boot call :set_usb_boot_setting_full SYSTEM CurrentControlSet rem usb_boot call :set_UsbBootWatcher SYSTEM CurrentControlSet rem usb_boot reg.exe load HKLM\loaded_SYSTEM config\system.sav rem usb_boot call :set_usb_boot_setting_full loaded_SYSTEM ControlSet001 rem usb_boot call :set_UsbBootWatcher loaded_SYSTEM ControlSet001 rem usb_boot reg.exe unload HKLM\loaded_SYSTEM REM +=======================================================+ REM | Finally start the installation | REM |-------------------------------------------------------| echo deleting setupol.exe >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log if exist setupol.exe del /f setupol.exe >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log echo renaming setup.exe to setupol.exe >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log if exist setup.exe ren setup.exe setupol.exe echo renaming setupWST.exe to setup.exe >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log if exist setupWST.exe ren setupWST.exe setup.exe echo finished renaming setup files >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log rem often setup.exe -newsetup rem workaround for 2000 which does not include reg.exe by default if exist reg.exe ( goto :startXP ) else ( goto :start2000 ) echo exiting: %date% %time% >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log EXIT goto :eof ==============end CDDRIVE_found============================= :startXP FOR /F "tokens=1-2*" %%a IN ('reg.exe query "HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup" /v "CmdLine"') DO set CmdLine=%%c IF "%CmdLine:~-2%"=="\0" set CmdLine=%CmdLine:~0,-2% echo run setup CmdLine: %CmdLine% - %date% %time% echo run setup CmdLine: %CmdLine% - %date% %time% >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log start /WAIT %CmdLine% goto :eof :start2000 echo reg.exe not found, launching "start /WAIT setup.exe -newsetup" echo reg.exe not found, launching "start /WAIT setup.exe -newsetup" >> %SystemRoot%\WinPreSetup.log start /WAIT setup.exe -newsetup goto :eof :set_usb_boot_setting ================================================= set Services=HKLM\%1\%2\Services echo on reg.exe query "%Services%\usbohci" | findstr.exe /I "Start" && ( reg.exe add "%Services%\usbohci" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Start" /d 0 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbohci" /f /v "Group" /d "Boot Bus Extender" ) reg.exe query "%Services%\usbuhci" | findstr.exe /I "Start" && ( reg.exe add "%Services%\usbuhci" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Start" /d 0 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbuhci" /f /v "Group" /d "Boot Bus Extender" ) REM 2000 reg.exe query "%Services%\usbehci" | findstr.exe /I "Start" && ( REM 2000 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbehci" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Start" /d 0 REM 2000 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbehci" /f /v "Group" /d "Boot Bus Extender" REM 2000 ) reg.exe add "%Services%\usbhub" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Start" /d 0 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbhub" /f /v "Group" /d "System Bus Extender" reg.exe add "%Services%\usbstor" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Start" /d 0 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbstor" /f /v "Group" /d "System Bus Extender" @echo off goto :eof === end set_usb_boot_setting =============================== :set_UsbBootWatcher ==================================================== set Services=HKLM\%1\%2\Services echo on rem reg.exe add "HKLM\%1\Setup\AllowStart\UsbBootWatcher /f /ve" REM reg.exe add "HKLM\%1\Setup\AllowStart\UsbBootWatcher\dummy /f" REM reg.exe add "%Services%\UsbBootWatcher" /f /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /v "ImagePath" /d "%%SystemRoot%%\system32\UsbBootWatcher.exe" REM reg.exe add "%Services%\UsbBootWatcher" /f /v "ObjectName" /d "LocalSystem" REM reg.exe add "%Services%\UsbBootWatcher" /f /v "DisplayName" /d "Usb Boot Watcher Service" REM reg.exe add "%Services%\UsbBootWatcher" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "ErrorControl" /d 0 REM reg.exe add "%Services%\UsbBootWatcher" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Start" /d 2 REM reg.exe add "%Services%\UsbBootWatcher" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Type" /d 0x10 UsbBootWatcher.exe /install @echo off goto :eof === end set_UsbBootWatcher ================================= :set_usb_boot_setting_full ============================================ set CriticalDeviceDatabase=HKLM\%1\%2\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase set Services=HKLM\%1\%2\Services echo on reg.exe add "%CriticalDeviceDatabase%\PCI#CC_0C0300" /f /v "ClassGUID" /d "{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}" reg.exe add "%CriticalDeviceDatabase%\PCI#CC_0C0300" /f /v "Service" /d "usbuhci" reg.exe add "%CriticalDeviceDatabase%\PCI#CC_0C0310" /f /v "ClassGUID" /d "{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}" reg.exe add "%CriticalDeviceDatabase%\PCI#CC_0C0310" /f /v "Service" /d "usbohci" REM 2000 reg.exe add "%CriticalDeviceDatabase%\PCI#CC_0C0320" /f /v "ClassGUID" /d "{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}" REM 2000 reg.exe add "%CriticalDeviceDatabase%\PCI#CC_0C0320" /f /v "Service" /d "usbehci" reg.exe add "%CriticalDeviceDatabase%\USB#CLASS_08" /f /v "ClassGUID" /d "{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}" reg.exe add "%CriticalDeviceDatabase%\USB#CLASS_08" /f /v "Service" /d "usbstor" reg.exe add "%CriticalDeviceDatabase%\USB#CLASS_09" /f /v "ClassGUID" /d "{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}" reg.exe add "%CriticalDeviceDatabase%\USB#CLASS_09" /f /v "Service" /d "usbhub" reg.exe add "%CriticalDeviceDatabase%\USB#ROOT_HUB" /f /v "ClassGUID" /d "{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}" reg.exe add "%CriticalDeviceDatabase%\USB#ROOT_HUB" /f /v "Service" /d "usbhub" reg.exe add "%CriticalDeviceDatabase%\USB#ROOT_HUB20" /f /v "ClassGUID" /d "{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}" reg.exe add "%CriticalDeviceDatabase%\USB#ROOT_HUB20" /f /v "Service" /d "usbhub" rem added as per: reg.exe add "%CriticalDeviceDatabase%\gendisk" /f /v "ClassGUID" /d "{4D36E967-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}" reg.exe add "%CriticalDeviceDatabase%\gendisk" /f /v "Service" /d "disk" reg.exe add "%CriticalDeviceDatabase%\*pnp0a03" /f /v "ClassGUID" /d "{4D36E97D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}" reg.exe add "%CriticalDeviceDatabase%\*pnp0a03" /f /v "Service" /d "pci" reg.exe add "%Services%\usbohci" /f /v "Group" /d "Boot Bus Extender" reg.exe add "%Services%\usbohci" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Tag" /d 3 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbohci" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "ErrorControl" /d 1 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbohci" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Start" /d 0 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbohci" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Type" /d 1 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbuhci" /f /v "Group" /d "Boot Bus Extender" reg.exe add "%Services%\usbuhci" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Tag" /d 3 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbuhci" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "ErrorControl" /d 1 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbuhci" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Start" /d 0 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbuhci" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Type" /d 1 REM 2000 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbehci" /f /v "Group" /d "Boot Bus Extender" REM 2000 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbehci" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Tag" /d 3 REM 2000 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbehci" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "ErrorControl" /d 1 REM 2000 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbehci" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Start" /d 0 REM 2000 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbehci" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Type" /d 1 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbhub" /f /v "Group" /d "System Bus Extender" reg.exe add "%Services%\usbhub" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Tag" /d 2 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbhub" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "ErrorControl" /d 1 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbhub" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Start" /d 0 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbhub" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Type" /d 1 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbstor" /f /v "Group" /d "System Bus Extender" reg.exe add "%Services%\usbstor" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Tag" /d 7 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbstor" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "ErrorControl" /d 1 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbstor" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Start" /d 0 reg.exe add "%Services%\usbstor" /f /t REG_DWORD /v "Type" /d 1 @echo off goto :eof === end set_usb_boot_setting_full ============================