' ENGLISH LANGUAGE FILE 'use & for Alt Hot key - e.g. &Prepare Drive means ALT+P keypress will click that control '/n will be changed to a new line ' use ' or REM at the start of a new line 'All entries must be on one single line 'Global Font Parameters MS Serif(6,7,8,10), MS Sans Serif(8,10),Small Fonts(2,3,4,5,6,7), Terminal(5,6,9) 'Default is MS Sans Serif 8 'Set your font styles here - see Fonts, CharSets and LCIDs.rtf for help LCID=2057 HelpFontName=MS Sans Serif HelpFontCharset=238 ButtonFontSize=8 LabelFontSize=8 HelpFontSize=8 HelpFontBold=false ' --- CONTROLS ---- cmdRefresh=&Refresh (F5) cmdPrepare=6 &Prepare Drive cmdGrubInst=Install &grub4dos cmdsyslinuxInst=Install sys&linux cmdEject=&Eject Drive cmdTest=Q&uick Size Test cmdClean=&Clean cmdHelp=&Help (F1) cmdExit=E&xit CmdSetSourcePath=C&hoose Source cmdFileToUSB=File -> Dri&ve cmdUSBtoFile=&Drive -> File cmdViewFileMbr=&File Info cmdViewUsbMbr=Drive &Info cmdSpeedTest=&Test Speed cmdExt2=Create Ext&2 FS cmdQemu=Test using &QEMU Emulator (F11) 'Help form cmdGetUpdate=Get latest RMPrepUSB &Version '-- labels -- lblSize=1 Partition Size (MiB) lblLabel=2 Volume Label lbltip=Please note: Use FAT32 if you require a partition over 2GB in size. Edit the 'Size' textbox if you require a smaller partition. lblSteps=Follows steps 1 to 6 to partition, format and make bootable a drive. '-- checkboxes --- chknoact=Set partition as non-bootable chkSure=No user prompts checkcopy=5 Copy OS files from here after formatting (if box is ticked) chkBartPE=BartPE -> Drive '-- Frames --- FrameBootOptions=3 Bootloader Options FrameFS=4 Filesystem and Overrides FrameImgTools=Image Tools ' CONTEXT SENSITIVE HELP BOX TEXT lstLang_mouseMove=LANGUAGE SELECTION - Choose a language from a selection of INI files. Note: some text and Tooltips are not translated. CmdEject_MouseMove=EJECT - Dismounts the drive so that you can safely remove it without file corruption. You can use this button instead of the Windows 'Safely Remove Hardware' SystemTray feature. cmdExit_MouseMove=EXIT - On exit, your current settings are saved in the Windows Registry under the current application name. Cmdgrubinst_MouseMove=grub4dos - Installs grub4dos' glrldr.mbr to the MBR and optionally copies over the grldr file. The grub4dos files (grubinst.exe and grldr) must be in the RMPrepUSB folder for this command to work. On booting, grub4dos will look for a menu.lst file in root of the drive or \boot\grub\menu.lst and \grub\menu.lst. Cmdsysinst_MouseMove=SYSLINUX - Installs syslinux boot loader using syslinux.exe in the RMPrepUSB folder. On booting, ldlinux.sys and syslinux.cfg should be present. cmdExt2_MouseMove=CREATE a linux Ext2 filesystem as a file on the selected drive. You will be asked for a filename/volumename and a size. The files can be copied or deleted in Windows Explorer just like any other file. CmdHelp_MouseMove=HELP - Click to see help on how to use this application and view the Help PDF file. cmdPrepare_MouseMove=PREPARE - Partition and format the selected drive using the boot option and filesystem settings and overrides. If the COPY OS FILES tickbox is ticked, the folder contents will be copied to the drive after formatting. Tip: Use ALT+Z to save a configuration once successful. cmdRefresh_MouseMove=REFRESH - Use this button if RMPrepUSB does not automatically detect your drive or to detect it's maximum physical size. Note: You cannot re-mount an 'Ejected' drive - you must remove it and re-insert it. CmdSetSourcePath_MouseMove=CHOOSE FOLDER/EXTRACT - Choose a source folder or extract from an archive file. All files inside this folder will be copied to the drive after formatting, if the COPY OS FILES checkbox is ticked. You can also choose to extract files from a file (e.g. ISO, ZIP, 7Z, .VHD, .GZIP, .CAB,.RAR, .LZH, .IMG, .IMA). cmdFileToUSB_MouseMove=FILEtoDrive - Reads image file contents and writes them to the selected drive. The file must be a non-compressed binary image. Note: All other RMPrepUSB options are ignored. Virtual Disk formats (vdi,vmdk,etc.) will first be extracted to a make a new raw file before copying. cmdUSBtoFile_MouseMove=DrivetoFILE - Reads Drive contents and writes them to an image file. The file will be a non-compressed binary image. cmdViewFileMbr_MouseMove=FILEINFO - Allows you to select a file and a start position. You can then view the data in that file, or view partiton table values. cmdViewUSBMBR_MouseMove=USBINFO - Allows you to select a start sector and view the data and partition table information. cmdclean_MouseMove=CLEAN - Writes 0's to the Master Boot Record (LBA 0). Use this command if you are getting errors from RMPrepUSB. cmdtest_MouseMove=QUICK SIZE TEST - This is a quick DESTRUCTIVE 'capacity' check. It tests the whole drive for missing/bad portions and reports a usable 'good' size. A fake 16GB UFD may actually only have 2GB of memory!\nRe-format to the reported 'good' size, then test with the freeware H2TESTW (click on Help to download) which tests all free space non-destructively. cmdspeedtest_MouseMove=SPEEDTEST - Non-Destructive Sequential Read and Write speed test. Results are added as comma separated values to the files USBSpeed.csv and USBSpeedDP.csv. This test uses Raw Read/Write I/O accesses and is filesystem independent. cmdQemu_MouseMove=Run QEMU emulator and boot from the selected drive - If 'No user prompts' is unticked, you will be prompted for a virtual hard disk size and the amount of memory you want to use (may not work if you allocate more than 1000MB). If 'No user prompts' is ticked and a virtual hard disk already exists, QEMU will run using a default memory size and will use the virtual hard disk already present.\nTip: if you want to boot from the virtual hard disk, boot to (hd0) using a grub4dos menu entry. OptFS_MouseMove0=FILESYSTEM - FAT16\nUse FAT16 if drive is 2000MB or less. This is usually the most compatible format for older BIOSes. OptFS_MouseMove1=FILESYSTEM - FAT32\nUse FAT32 if larger than 2000MB. Max file you can store is 4GB. Large drives over 32GB should use NTFS if possible. NTFS can store files >4GB. OptFS_MouseMove2=FILESYSTEM - NTFS\nNTFS may be faster but can cause excessive wear on USB Flash memory drives and is not normally accessible from DOS.\nIf you get an ExitCode 7 returned, ensure that Windows Disk Manager has assigned a drive letter to the disk. OptFS_MouseMove3=FILESYSTEM - exFAT\nexFAT is usually faster than NTFS or FAT32 and supported by grub4dos and Win8.\nNot all OS's can access exFAT volumes.\nIf you have XP or Vista RTM, you will need to install an update from Microsoft for exFAT formatting to work (XP=KB955704, Vista=SP1). If get an ExitCode 7 returned, ensure that Windows Disk Manager has assigned a drive letter to the disk. optFREEDOS_MouseMove=FREEDOS - Uses a FreeDOS Volume Boot Record and boot code to boot from the file KERNEL.SYS. Only compatible with FAT16 or FAT32. optsyslinux_MouseMove=SYSLINUX - Typically used to boot Linux. If booting isolinux, rename the isolinux file to syslinux and isolinux.cfg to syslinux.cfg. FAT16 or FAT32 only should be used. Optlargehddwinpe_MouseMove=BOOTMGR - Uses a WinPEv2.x or v3.x\Vista\Win7 Volume Boot Record and boot code to boot from the file BOOTMGR. You should boot the drive as a hard disk and not a floppy disk. Use the 2PTN option if you have trouble booting on some systems. optMSDOS_MouseMove=MS-DOS - Uses an MS-DOS Volume Boot Record and boot code to boot from the file IO.SYS. The actual boot code will vary depending on whether you select FAT16, FAT32 and other options - see help PDF for details. OptNTLDR_MouseMove=NTLDR - Uses an XP compatible Volume Boot Record and boot code to boot from the file NTLDR. Note that you cannot boot to XP unless you have modified the XP files and Registry settings. Simply copying the contents of an XP CD will not work! CheckCopy_MouseMove=[OPTIONAL] COPY FILES - Tick this box if you want all files and sub-folders from the selected folder (or archive file) to be copied to the drive after is has been formatted. If an archive file (.ISO,.ZIP,.IMG, etc.) was selected, the contents of this file will be copied to the disk after formatting. chkCHS_MouseMove=CHS - Try this option if you have an older system BIOS or OS. FAT16 partition type will be 06 for MS-DOS 5.0 to MS-DOS 6.22 compatibility. The ZIP option uses this option automatically. chkForceLBA_MouseMove=FORCELBA - Use this option if you experience booting difficulties. The cylinder, head and sector partition values will be set to 1023/255/63 (max.) to force Extended Int 13h LBA addressing (Note: Linux may complain). chkUSBFDD_MouseMove=USBFDD - Try this option if you have MS-DOS or FreeDos and want it to boot as Drive A:. The drive will have no Master Boot Record or partition table. Your BIOS Boot option needs to be set to 'Boot as Removable/Floppy'. Alternatively try the ZIP option for A: booting. chkZIP_MouseMove=ZIP - Try this option if you have MS-DOS or FreeDos and want it to boot as Drive A:. The drive will have a partition table and will try to use 32 sectors per track drive geometry if possible. Your BIOS Boot option may need to be set to 'Boot as Removable/Zip'. chksure_MouseMove=EXPERT MODE: This mode suppresses most user prompts and warnings and uses the SURE option when running RMPartUSB. Use this option with care as you could easily destroy data on your drive without warning! ChkBartPE_MouseMove=BARTPE TO DRIVE - Tick this box if you have selected a BartPE folder - for instance after using PE-Builder to prepare boot files. Select the PEBuilder\BartPE folder as the COPY OS FILES folder and tick both COPY OS FILES and this BartToPE box. You must select COPY OS FILES and XP as the boot option first. Chk2PTN_MouseMove=2PTN - By adding a small, hidden second partiton to the drive, some BIOSes will treat the drive as a hard disk and not a removable drive (may not be liked by some BIOSes). Untick all overrides if you want USB-HDD with only 1 partition. ChkNOACT_MouseMove=NOACT - Tick this box if you do not want the drive to be bootable. txtLABEL_MouseMove=VOLUME LABEL - Set the Volume label for your drive. Use A-Z and 0-9 only (max. 11 characters). txtSIZE_MouseMove=PARTITION SIZE - Set the size of the partition here. Use 'MAX' if you want the maximum size or set the size in MiBs - e.g. 500.\nNote: 1 Mib (Mebibyte, MegaBinaryByte) = 1024x1024 = 1048576 bytes. txtSourcePath_MouseMove=COPY OS BOOT FILES - All your boot files and sub-folders in the source folder will be copied to the selected drive after formatting (or extracted from an archive file). Make sure you also tick the COPY OS FILES check-box. '*** HELP BUTTON TEXT *** txtHBOX=To partition, format and make bootable a drive:\n=========================================\nFollow the steps numbered 1 - 6 after selecting the drive in the list\n1. Check the partition size.\n2. (optional) Change the Volume Label.\n3. Select the boot option.\n4. Change File System and Overrides.\n5. (optional) Select the folder containing the files that you want to be copied\n and tick the check box.\n6. Click 'Prepare Drive' to partition and format your drive.\nNote: The Image buttons can be used to backup and restore drives.\n\nMAIN FORM SHORTCUT KEYS:\nF1 Help\nF2 Explore drive (ALT+F2=calc file MD5/SHA1/CRC32, CTRL+F2=Contig *.*)\nF3 Explore RMPrepUSB source folder\nF4 Edit \menu.lst on drive\nF5 Refresh drives (ALT+F5=SHOW ALL DRIVES)\nF6 Excel/Calc USBSpeedDP.csv\nF7 Excel/Calc USBSpeed.csv\nF8 Notepad USBSpeedDP.csv\nF9 Notepad RMPrepUSB.ini\nF10 Save to RMPrepUSB.ini\nF11 Run QEMU emulator and boot from selected drive\nF12 Load Pre-set Configurations menu (if available) (ALT+F12=Install WEE bootloader)\n Click 'OK' to view PDF Help file...