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With VST/DX ± ± hosting, 32 bit internal mixing and advanced MIDI support no project ± ± is too difficult. Songs or loops can be exported to a WAV, MP3 or ± ± MIDI. ± ± ± ± For an introduction to making music with FL Studio click here. ± ± ± ± Main Features: ± ± ± ± High quality audio engine, for professional sound quality. ± ± Sophisticated interpolation algorithms (hermite, sinc) during ± ± realtime playback & during rendering. ± ± Supports DirectSound and ASIO enabled sound cards for audio output ± ± and ASIO audio recording. ± ± ± ± Open architecture allowing third-party instruments (enhanced ± ± proprietary FL instruments standard, VSTi , DXi2 & Buzz ) and effects ± ± (enhanced proprietary FL effects standard, VST, VST2, DirectX & ± ± Buzz). ± ± Ability to function as a VSTi, DXi and a ReWire client. ± ± Ability to host ReWire clients itself. ± ± ± ± Advanced sequencing methods allowing quick entering of realistic drum ± ± loops (step sequencing grid) and composing complex instrumentals ± ± (advanced piano roll, arpeggiator, keyboard tracking, real-time ± ± gate). ± ± Unique note properties morphing ability (pitch, cutoff, resonance, ± ± panning). ± ± ± ± Live multi-track recording of audio, control movements & integrated ± ± automation events editor. ± ± Multi-segment automation clips with unlimited complexity and ± ± integrated LFO unit. ± ± Procedural control over parameters by using special controller ± ± plugins. ± ± ± ± Advanced mixer: 68 mixer tracks (64 insert and 4 send tracks) ± ± supporting up to 8 plugin FX per track; ± ± Send any mixer track to any other track and create complex mixer ± ± chains of virtually unlimited complexity; ± ± Track recording with ASIO input support (for recording MIDI, vocals ± ± etc.); ± ± Integrated parametric equalizer, volume and panning for each mixer ± ± track. ± ± ± ± Many high-quality integrated instruments: WaveTraveller (wave bend ± ± synth), Sampler, TS404 (the popular bassline engine), 3xOSC ± ± (subsynth), Plucked! (plucked strings), MIDI Out, DX10 (FM synth), ± ± Scratcher (turntable emulator), Wasp (demo), SimSynth Live (demo), ± ± and more. ± ± A full set of high-precision mastering and special effects filters: 2 ± ± reverbs, 2 compressors, parametric equalizer, graphic equalizer, ± ± distortion, phaser, flanger, bass boost, delay line and more. ± ± ± ± Advanced playlist & full-featured audio tracks. ± ± Click removal & volume ramping to avoid pops. ± ± Imports *.WAV, *.MP3, *.REX, *.SYN (SimSynth 1 & 2), *.DS (DrumSynth) ± ± etc. as sample formats. ± ± Exports audio to 16Bit or 32Bit *.WAV file, *.MP3. ± ± ± ± MIDI remote controlling of most parameters (VST plugins also ± ± supported). ± ± Import MIDI sequences and controller events. ± ± Export MIDI notes & controller events to a standard MIDI file. ± ± ± ²± ±² Þ²±ÜÛ²²Ü ܲ²Ûܱ²Ý ß²²ß ²±Ü ܱ² ß²²ß ÜÛ²±° þ þ °±²ÛÜ ÜÛ²²±±° ° : R E G I S T E R : ° °±±²²ÛÜ Û²ß ßß Üܲ²²²ÜÜ ±° °± Üܲ²²²ÜÜ ßß ß²Û ßÜ ÜÛßßß ßßÛ²±°ß : N O T E S : ß°±²Ûßß ßßßÛÜ Üß þ þß ßß ßß ßþ þ ÜÜ ßÜ Üß ÜÜ ÜÛ²²²²ÛÛÜ Ü±° °±Ü ÜÛÛ²²²²ÛÜ Þ±²ß ßß²²±°ß ß°±²²ßß ß²±Ý ²±Ý Þ±² ± ± ± Install the app. ± ± Copy (replace) FLEngine.dll into the installed app dir. ± ± Import FLRegKey.reg into registry! ± ± Enjoy! ± ± ± ²± ±² Þ²±ÜÛ²²Ü ܲ²Ûܱ²Ý ß²²ß ²±Ü ܱ² ß²²ß ÜÛ²±° þ þ °±²ÛÜ ÜÛ²²±±° ° : J U S T : ° °±±²²ÛÜ Û²ß ßß Üܲ²²²ÜÜ ±° a °± Üܲ²²²ÜÜ ßß ß²Û ßÜ ÜÛßßß ßßÛ²±°ß : G A M E : ß°±²Ûßß ßßßÛÜ Üß þ þß ßß ßß ßþ þ ÜÜ ßÜ Üß ÜÜ ÜÛ²²²²ÛÛÜ Ü±° °±Ü ÜÛÛ²²²²ÛÜ Þ±²ß ßß²²±°ß ß°±²²ßß ß²±Ý °±Ý Þ±° °± now, you are a part of the game, too. all your personal qualities ±° °° have been logged and u can't exit untill your death. its game of °° °° information... someone call it illegal, someone can't agree with it ° °° or tries to deny it, it makes one disappoint, or happy, but cracking ° °° force exist without asking for your opinion. the crime of the most °° °° enthusiasts is that of curiosity, is that of reversing, is that of °° °° willing to know 'how it must be'. and they explore... they change °° °° bytes, they unpack, debug and analyze those 'uncrackable routines' °° °° you can't even imagine, and it gives them pleasure, it gives them °° °° knowledge... °° °° nowdays, many people are envolved into it-related branches of °° °° industry. lots of ideas and their realizations appear every day. they ° °° make doing specific sums more easier, but software developers want to ° °° get compensation for their 'hard work'. they protect... to the most ° °° of them it seems unbeliveable to share their code, getting experience ° by discussing it, making it better... there is no argue with buying ° ° 'really good' apps, their authors never try getting much from it, you °° °° enjoy support and programm for your money, coz author wants to get °° °° experience, too. he optimizes it, he wants it work better. we want °° °° more such authors, less those greedy men, who wants you pay for buggy °° °° shit never worth seeing. best is open source... individuals of even °° ° cracking groups may go down, but challenge will never end... °° ±° nevertheless its just a game... °± °± ±° ²± if freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will have freedom ±² Þ²±ÜÛ²²Ü ܲ²Ûܱ²Ý ß²²ß ²±Ü ܱ² ß²²ß ÜÛ²±° þ þ °±²ÛÜ ÜÛ²²±±° ° : T S R h T e a M : ° °±±²²ÛÜ Û²ß ßß Üܲ²²²ÜÜ ±° °± Üܲ²²²ÜÜ ßß ß²Û ßÜ ÜÛßßß ßßÛ²±°ß : M E M B E R S : ß°±²Ûßß ßßßÛÜ Üß þ þß ßß ßß ßþ þ ÜÜ ßÜ Üß ÜÜ ÜÛ²²²²ÛÛÜ Ü±° °±Ü ÜÛÛ²²²²ÛÜ Þ±²ß ßß²²±°ß ß°±²²ßß ß²±Ý °±Ý Þ±° ±° A C T I V E °± °° °° °° [ B-$hep .................... ] [ founder, cracker........... ] °° °° [ Nitrogen .................. ] [ cracker, coder............. ] °° °° [ EGOiST .................... ] [ cracker, coder............. ] °° °° [ ByTESCRK .................. ] [ cracker.................... ] °° °° [ Vepergen .................. ] [ cracker.................... ] °° °° [ BoOMBoX.................... ] [ cracker.................... ] °° °° [ Geo4ce .................... ] [ cracker, carder............ ] °° °° [ QIce ...................... ] [ cracker, coder............. ] °° °° [ V0land..................... ] [ PDA cracker................ ] °° °° [ Knight..................... ] [ cracker.................... ] °° °° [ BUBlic..................... ] [ cracker.................... ] °° °° [ Gelios..................... ] [ cracker, coder............. ] °° °° °° °° T R I A L °° °° °° °° [ Licez...................... ] [ cracker.................... ] °° °° °° °° F R E E Z E D °° °° °° °° [ NeRo (army)................ ] [ cracker.................... ] °° °° [ infern0 ................... ] [ cracker, coder............. ] °° ±± ±± ²± ±² Þ²±ÜÛ²²Ü ܲ²Ûܱ²Ý ß²²ß ²±Ü ܱ² ß²²ß ÜÛ²±° þ þ °±²ÛÜ ÜÛ²²±±° ° ° °±±²²ÛÜ Û²ß ßß Üܲ²²²ÜÜ ±° : C O N T A C T S : °± Üܲ²²²ÜÜ ßß ß²Û ßÜ ÜÛßßß ßßÛ²±°ß ß°±²Ûßß ßßßÛÜ Üß þ þß Üþ ßß e-mail [ tsrh@mail.ru ßß þÜ ßþ þ Þ° web [ http://tsrh.us ] °Ý °± forum [ http://zor.org/tsrhclub ] ±° Þ° irc [ irc.street-creed.com ] °Ý ßÜ irc# [ #tsrh ] Üß ß þ þ nfo.last.updated þ þ ß apr-20-2k6