NESten 0.6 Beta Belzebub: Cheat.txt 2/11/00 Written by Jukka "Vector" Heino for TNSe -------------------- Searching for cheats -------------------- I want to tell you why cheating is not recommended. First, using cheats will affect the speed of emulation. Second, you'll just ruin the fun of those wonderful classic games. Third, I'll send my bloodhounds after ya ;) Now, fire up The Legend of Zelda and start a new game. Our objective is to find where the value for Rupees is located. In the beginning, you have 0 rupees. So, bring up the cheat console (CPU->Cheat Console). Click "New Search". "Empty Search" will appear on the search list. Select it by clicking it. Now look at "Search Type". You know the accurate value of Rupees, so select "Value". Because we have 0 Rupees, type 0 in the "Search For" box and click "Start Search". Now NESten will make a search on every 0 value in memory. Now continue the game, go kill a monster and get a Rupee. Return to the cheat console. Now we have 1 Rupee, so you type 1 in the "Search For" box and click "Refine Search". You should now see a list of results for the search in the "Search Results" list. There are still many of them and trying them manually would take too much time, so you decide to go on with the search. Now kill another monster and grab a Rupee. Go back to the cheat console and search for the amount of Rupees you have. Depending on your luck, the "Results" list may now show one or more results. If it shows only one, you can add it to the cheats. If there's more, you can repeat the steps until only one entry is shown. I shall tell you about the cheat list now. Before you start mailing, asking why the cheats don't work and planning the assassination of TNSe, try checking the "Enable cheating" box. This has proven to be a quite necessary step in the process... Now where was I? Oh yes, I was telling you about the cheat list. You should now see your brand new and shiny cheat in the list. Click on the checkbox before the cheat. Now you can see the current value of the cheat, set it or freeze it. You want to have unlimited rupees, so you type 99 in the "Set To" box and click "Set To" and check the "Freeze Value" box. Now you will always have 99 Rupees... If you're getting frustrated searching for the cheats every time you play the game, why not try clicking the "Save Cheats" button (after you have some cheats in the list, that is :P)... Now you can just click "Load Cheats" and your cheats will appear to the list :) ------------- Cheat Console ------------- Searching: - New Search Starts a new search - Delete Search Deletes the selected search in progress - Delete *ALL* Deletes ALL searchs in progress - Search Type Two search types you can choose from: Value - This is useful if you know precisely the value you're looking for Change - Very useful if you're not sure what the value is (energy bars etc.) Search Parameters: - Search For The value you are searching for - Start Search Searches for the value Search Controls: - Start Search Initialises the search - Value has Increased The value has increased after the last time the search was updated - Changed The value has changed after the last time the search was updated - Equal The value hasn't changed after the last time the search was updated - Value has Decreased The value has decreased after the last time the search was updated Search Results: This list show the results of your search. If too many results are found, they won't be displayed. - Add to Cheats Adds the selected cheat to the list of cheats Cheating: - Enable Cheating Enables cheating, lowers performance and your morale - Add Address Adds a raw RAM patch to the cheat list - Add GG Code Adds a Game Genie code to the cheat list - Delete Cheat Deletes the selected cheat - Delete *ALL* Deletes ALL cheats - Rename Cht Allows you to change a cheat's description to a more recognizable form - Load Cheats Loads the cheats from a .CHT file - Save Cheats Saves the cheats to a .CHT file Cheat: - Current Val Value of the selected cheat - Set To Sets the value of the cheat to this - Freeze Value Freezes the value of the cheat to its current state (doesn't allow it to change) -- EOF --