; ; Config File for NESten 0.6 ß Epitaph ; ; Config file syntax: ; ; = Comment ; Var_Name=Value ; Value types: ; nothing specified=Integer ; $ = Hexadecimal ; ' = String (you may omit the last ') ; Samples ; 67 = Integer ; $55 = Hex ; 'Yes' = String ; 'Yes = String ; if equal to 0, Usually false or off ; if something else than 0, Usually true or on ; Main Window Height MainWndSY=305 ; Main Window Width MainWndSX=264 ; Top Position of Main Window MainWndY=0 ; Left Position of Main Window MainWndX=249 ; Where ScreenBuffer is placed. 0 = Auto, 1 = HW, 2 = SW. BufferType=0 ; Use 100% scanlines mode? Scanlines100=0 ; Should NESten use floating mode? NEStenFloating=0 ; Maintain Aspect ratio on Stretch? MaintainAspect=1 ; View FPS and other stats? ShowStats=0 ; How many frames to skip. FrameSkip=0 ; 0 = 60fps, 1 = 50fps, 2 = Monitor, 3 = None. SyncType=0 ; Use NTSC mode (256x224)? UseNTSC=1 ; Break on ilelgal ops? BreakOnIllegalOp=0 ; Use Interpretive Core? UseInterpretiveCore=0 ; Use Incremental saving? IncrementalSaving=0 ; Sound Enabled? EnableSound=1 ; Sleep while syncing? SleepWhileSync=1 ; The Default palette file. PaletteFile='C:\GAMES\8\warm.pal ; The Default Basis size of the window BaseSize=1 ; Value for Player 4's key RIGHT KeyPlayer4RIGHT=$0 ; Value for Player 4's key START KeyPlayer4START=$0 ; Value for Player 4's key LEFT KeyPlayer4LEFT=$0 ; Value for Player 4's key SELECT KeyPlayer4SELECT=$0 ; Value for Player 4's key DOWN KeyPlayer4DOWN=$0 ; Value for Player 4's key B KeyPlayer4B=$0 ; Value for Player 4's key UP KeyPlayer4UP=$0 ; Value for Player 4's key A KeyPlayer4A=$0 ; The Autofire speed for player4. AutoFireSpeed4=0 ; The GUID for the Input device for Player 4 InputDeviceGUID4='{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} ; Value for Player 3's key RIGHT KeyPlayer3RIGHT=$0 ; Value for Player 3's key START KeyPlayer3START=$0 ; Value for Player 3's key LEFT KeyPlayer3LEFT=$0 ; Value for Player 3's key SELECT KeyPlayer3SELECT=$0 ; Value for Player 3's key DOWN KeyPlayer3DOWN=$0 ; Value for Player 3's key B KeyPlayer3B=$0 ; Value for Player 3's key UP KeyPlayer3UP=$0 ; Value for Player 3's key A KeyPlayer3A=$0 ; The Autofire speed for player3. AutoFireSpeed3=0 ; The GUID for the Input device for Player 3 InputDeviceGUID3='{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} ; Value for Player 2's key RIGHT KeyPlayer2RIGHT=$0 ; Value for Player 2's key START KeyPlayer2START=$0 ; Value for Player 2's key LEFT KeyPlayer2LEFT=$0 ; Value for Player 2's key SELECT KeyPlayer2SELECT=$0 ; Value for Player 2's key DOWN KeyPlayer2DOWN=$0 ; Value for Player 2's key B KeyPlayer2B=$0 ; Value for Player 2's key UP KeyPlayer2UP=$0 ; Value for Player 2's key A KeyPlayer2A=$0 ; The Autofire speed for player2. AutoFireSpeed2=0 ; The GUID for the Input device for Player 2 InputDeviceGUID2='{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} ; Value for Player 1's key RIGHT KeyPlayer1RIGHT=$CD ; Value for Player 1's key START KeyPlayer1START=$2D ; Value for Player 1's key LEFT KeyPlayer1LEFT=$CB ; Value for Player 1's key SELECT KeyPlayer1SELECT=$2C ; Value for Player 1's key DOWN KeyPlayer1DOWN=$D0 ; Value for Player 1's key B KeyPlayer1B=$1F ; Value for Player 1's key UP KeyPlayer1UP=$C8 ; Value for Player 1's key A KeyPlayer1A=$1E ; The Autofire speed for player1. AutoFireSpeed1=0 ; The GUID for the Input device for Player 1 InputDeviceGUID1='{6F1D2B61-D5A0-11CF-BFC7-444553540000} ; Load Window Height LoadWndSY=230 ; Load Window Width LoadWndSX=515 ; Top Position of Load Window LoadWndY=303 ; Left Position of Load Window LoadWndX=0 ; The starting directory for the ROM Loader. ROMDirectory='C:\GAMES\8 ; Viewing Style in ROM Loader. ROMViewType=3 ; View ROM information in ROM Loader? LoadROMInfo=1 ; Priority of the Sound Engine (0 = Lowest) SoundEnginePriority=3 ; Priority of the Core Engine (0 = Lowest) CoreEnginePriority=3 ; Show the ROM Viewer? ShowROMView=0 ; How many frames to buffer before playing. SoundBuffers=4