ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ SPEAKER V 6.0 PRO ³ ³ Copyright (c) 1988-93 by ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ³ ³ C. Schawe ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ ³ ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ ³ ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ³ ³ ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ USERS MANUAL PART 1 Contents : 1. Installation 1.1 Hotline 2. Hard and Software requirements 3. Main Menu 3.1 Calculations 3.1.1 x-overs 3.1.2 Enclosures Vented boxes Graphic vented enclosures Sealed enclosures Graphic sealed enclosures Horn systems Transmission lines Compound systems Bandpass-speakers Speaker part list calculations Bandpass simulation Attenuator circuits Attenuator damping circuits Zobel/RC/notch-filters Pulse response calculations Loading spl Loading MLISSA data Calculate driver impedance and spl curve Import KEMSONIC data Programer`s chapter ASCII Export / Import APL data Import data for speaker data base Import MEPEG spl and impedance curves HIFISOUND database (DAAS Import) ATB 2.3 data Import LMS import functions The Imp import functions CLIO import functions PC-AUDIO LAB import functions 3.2 Database 3.3 Defamp (defination spl and impedance curve of a driver) 3.4 Simulation / Project operation 3.5 Learning example (see Quick Introduction) 4. Further developments 5. Graphics print-outs 7. Licence agreement $1. Installation Insert disk in drive a: or b: and press (return) Install c: (return) A directory SPEAKER will be created on your drive c: Any other drives can be used optionally e.g. e: etc. If SPEAKER should be installed under WINDOWS see chapter 5 $1.1 Hotline We suggest that the SPEAKER PRO user first studies the Quick Introduction manual and tries to go through the speaker project explained there. For any further assistance a hotline is available between monday and friday 15.00-16.00. Phone: 02129 / 552-0 (Germany) $2. Hard and Software requirements - IBM compatable XT / AT - Hard disk (2 MB) required - 640 K RAM - MS DOS 3.0 or higher - COPRO (recommended) will be supported - The following graphic cards will be supported: VGA (color), EGA (color), CGA (color), Hercules (monochrome), ATT, IBM 8514, PC 3270. - Supports MOUSE - Supports printers with IBM 2 fonts Note : For any other hard- and software configurations please first try the demo version. $2.1. Operating instructions SPEAKER supports the SAA standard. The program can be operated by either MOUSE or KEYBOARD functions. The functions of the top-menu bars are always available by eithter MOUSE or ALT- Hotkey functions. A HELP text is always displayed at the bottom line. The masks are organised in a logical sequence, starting at the top and ending at the bottom. The operation is simply by press- ing the right MOUSE button or the equivalent cursor or HOT-KEY. The masks are generally determined as follows: - Menu inputs - Keyboard inputs The MENU functions are underlined in green and can be activated by either pressing the left MOUSE button or by the equivalent cursor function. The HOME key switches to the first and the END key to the last point of the MENUE. The input of variables can be selected by either MOUSE or KEY- BOARD in the above discribed manner. By pressing the left MOUSE button or entering any key the tool switches to the input mode which is not MOUSE supported. Editing of the input box supports the following functions: - HOME : cursor moves to the first digit of the data string - END : cursor moves to the last digit of the data string - CURSOR LEFT : Cursor moves left - CURSOR RIGHT : Cursor moves right - CURSOR DOWN : Ends data entry - CURSOR UP : Ends data entry - ESC : Aborts entry - INSERT : Overwrite mode - Backspace Print-out of any mask is possible by hard-copy comand.(ALT P) If the printer used can not be adressed, an error message will be displayed. Plesae make sure that the printer is set on IBM S 2. In any other case the graphic fonts won`t be printed correctly. By pressing F1, an on-line help will be available. The DOCU PART 1 is anytime available by pressing F 2, so is the DOCU PART 2 by pressing F 3. The ONLINE-HELP function can be scrolled up and down using the curser and can be aborted by pressing ESC. Please note the project explained in the QUICK INTRODUCTION MANUAL. $3. Main menu The main menu is divided in the following sub-menus: - : Copyright, Hotline, Info, Licence - : Load, Save, Create, Desktop - : Load, Save, Create, Project - : Load, Save, Create, Database - : Load, Save, Create, SPL - Enclosures : Calculate, Simulate enclosures - X-Overs : Calculate Low-pass, Bandpas, High-pass - : L-Pad, RC calculations - Data : Parameter, Database, SPL, Simulation - Manual : User's manual - Print : Print out of user's manual and order form $3.1 Calculations $3.1.1 X-overs The program supports the calculations of the following x-overs: - Special formulas 6dB Low-pass 6dB Bandpass 6dB High-pass 12dB Low-pass 12dB Bandpass 12dB High-pass - Schoolbook formulas 6dB Low-pass 6dB High-pass 12dB Low-pass,(constant power characteristics) 12dB Low-pass, Linkwitz-Riley 12dB Low-pass, Linkwitz 12dB Low-pass, Bessel 12dB Low-pass, Butterworth 12dB Low-pass, Chebychev 12dB High-pass,(constant power chracteristics) 12dB High-pass, Linkwitz-Riley 12dB High-pass, Linkwitz 12dB High-pass, Bessel 12dB High-pass, Butterworth 12dB High-pass, Chebychev 18dB Low-pass 18dB High-pass 24dB Low-pass,(constant power characteristics) 24dB Low-pass, Linkwitz-Riley 24dB High-pass,(constant power characteristics) 24dB High-pass, Linkwitz-Riley various Band-pass combinations of the above mentioned High- and Low-pass circuits are possible. The difference between the special formulas and the school-book formulas is the free choice of the damping with a given cut-off frequency. Please note that the polarity of adjacent drivers has to be out of phase, using 2cd. order filters (12dB) avoid spl glitches. (The effect can be shown by the simulation tool) After choosing the filter type (e.g. LP/BP/HP), the filter can be specified by entering data in a mask. By choosing the SELECT FILTER menue, the filter type can be specified and the filter circuit will be displayed. f low : lower cut-off frequency f high : higher cut-off frequency a : filter damping at defined cut-off frequency Z : driver impedance Note: You find this parameter in the database. $3.1.2 ENCLOSURES This sub-menu allows the calculation, or simulation of enclosures regarding the spl, impedance and phase curves The software supports the following constructions: Slealed box, vented box, bandpass box, transmissionline box, compound system, exponential system and horn system. The simulation of the spl, impedance and phase functions are possible with the following constructions: Sealed box, vented box, bandpass box. Please note that the project menue allows the combined simulation of the above mentioned enclusures plus x-overs. "Calculate port area" allows the calculation of the area of a bassreflex vent. $ VENTED ENCLOSURES The program allows the calculation of the net volume and the port dimensions of vented boxes. The length correction factor can be freely chosen. The mask is divided in the input- and parameter part. The speaker parameters are automatically loaded by choosing a driver from the database. Please note that the spl characteristics are dependend on the ripple. The ripple determinds the Q-factor of the system. Ripple Q/factor ===================== 0dB 1 -3dB 0.7 +3dB 1.4 Note : The port area can be calculated or optimized by choosing the sub-menue "Calculate vent". To choose a simple port area choose port are 0. As minimum length of the port enter the wall thickness of the enclosure. This is a special case of port area optimization for port lenghts smaller than port areas. The result can be transferred to the project menue. $ Graphic vented box This sub-menu allows the display of the spl and impedance curves of a vented box. By pressing the +/- keys the net volume can be altered and by pressing the u/d keys the tuning frequency can be varied. The length of the vent will be automatically calculated. For a new calculation press (return). This method allows the simulation of "purposely wrong" choosen tunings. Choosing the "FILE" menu, a real spl function will be simulated. If you prefer to test a theoretical spl curve the file menu also allows to unload the file. The results can be taken over for the speaker simulation $ Calculate sealed enclosures The program calculates the required net volume of an enclosure for a determined Qtc and fo. Furthermore, the program calculates the net volume for damped or undamped enclosures. The mask is diveded in an input- and parameter part. The parameters are automatically taken over from the database. Default values are automatically installed. Please note that the spl values are determined by the Qtc factors. Ripple / Q factor ================= 0dB 1 -3dB 0.7 +3dB 1.4 The results can be directly transfered to the project menu for simulation. $ Graphics slealed enclosure This menue allows the graphic display of the spl and impedance curve of sealed enclosures. By pressing the +/- keys the net volume can be varied. A new calculation can be carried out by entering (return). This method allows purposely wrong determined tunings. A real spl curve will be simulated by choosing the FILE menu. If you prefer to test a theoretical spl curve, the "FILE" menu also allows to unload the curve. The results can be directly transfered to the speaker simulation. $ Horn systems This menu allows the calculation of horn systems. Both, exponential and re-entrant horn systems are supported. After entering the TSP`s , the calculation regarding the horn characteristics will be started. The TSP`s can be loaded from the database. After choosing the calculation the criteia are checked again. Note: Please note that the higher cut-off frequency fh, will be adjusted to the chosen driver. Drivers applied in horn systems should have the following criteria: - low electrical Q factor (Qes) - low ohmic resistance (Re) - strong magnetic drive (B) - long vc-winding (l) - light cone (Mmd) After choosing the menue EXPO (exponential horns), the calculated horn parameters will be displayed in a mask. Most interesting are the parameters for the volume of the compression chamber, the driver`s rear volume, the throat area and the length of the horn system. The mouth area and the horn length will be calculated for different horn positionings. - free positioning - floor positioning - floor/wall positioning - corner horn The correct positioning has to be selected before the the calculation takes place. The corner positioning has been pre-selected as standard. For other positionings please use the switch box POS. The top right dialog box displays the selected mode. After choosing the box DIM or PRINT the horn dimensions will be calculated and printed out or displayed on the screen. The standard horn calculation is only slightly different from the exponential horn calculation. The result mask will display the diameter of the mouth opening with respect to the positioning for standard horn systems and the horn length for exponential horn systems. A more detailed documentation is therefore not necessary. $ Transmission line enclosures In this sub menu, the length as well as the front and rear area of the transmission line can be calculated. The mask is divided in the parameter- and the input part. The driver parameters will be automatically loaded from the database. After the loading of driver data and entering the input values, the following operations can be carried out : OPTIMIZE : Calculation of the coupling volume by the application of an optimized calculation method. DRIVER : Editing of the Thiele-Small parameters of the compound driver. VOLCOR : Parameter input for the correction of the coupling volume. The calculation considers any volume losses caused by the driver magnet etc. CALCULATE : Calculates the Thiele-Small parameters of the new compound driver. Due to a change of both, spl and impedance curves, the user is requested to run a simulation of the new driver. After the parameters of the new compound driver have been calculated and the new frequency response curves have been simulated, a new enclosure calculation can be carried out. NOTE : If this program operation is repeated immediately, this command is regarded as a new compound enclosure calculation command. It is therefore possible to calculate compound configurations with an unlimited number of drivers. $ Bandpass enclosures This menue allows the calculation of bandpass enclosures. The closed volume VB, the vented volume VF and the length of the vent will be calculated. The enclosure is constructed as follows: ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ÈÍÍÍ \\ º Vent \ÛÛ º ÉÍÍÍ /ÛÛ º ºVF: // º ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ º º º ºVB: º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ The mask is divided in the parameter and the input part. The driver parameters will be loaded fro the databese. Default values can be chosen for the input data. Please note that the frequency response is dependent on the ripple. The ripple directly determinds the Q factor of the system (S). Ripple Q-factor ================= 0 dB 1 - 3 dB 0.7 + 3 dB 1.4 The approximate frequency response of the bandpass will be effected by the input parameters, upper and lower cut-off frequency. Those parameters will determine the center frequency of the bandpass. The realization of the upper- and lower cut-off frequencies depends on the bandwidth of the bandpass which is effected by the ripple. The rule is, that a larger bandwidth is achieved by a ripple >= zero. A smaller bandwidth is achieved by a ripple values < zero. After choosing menue point CALCULATE the parameters of the band- pass enclosure will be calculated. (i.e. Vf, Vb and the length of the vent) Note: The menu CALCULATE PORT allows the calculation and op- timization of the vent. To realize a simple vent, choose vent length 0. Enter the wall thickness of the cabinet as minimum length. This is a special case of the automatical port area adjustment, applied for vents with a length lower than the minimum vent area. The results can be directly transfered to the PROJECT menue. $ Enclosure part list calculation This menu allows a calculation of an enclosure part list. A part list will be calculated considering the enclosure net volume, the wall thickness and any volumina that have to be subtracted (e.g. driver magnet, vent etc.). The part list can be printed out. Most parameters will be automatically taken over. $ Bandpass speaker simulation The menu allows the calculation of a bandpass enclosure without any external circuit configurations. The spl and impedance curves will be simulated. The simulation menu allows the alternation of parameters determining the bandpass functions. By pressing the +,- (Vb), the p,m (Vf), and the u,d (fb) keys those parameters can be changed. For a new simulation press (return). If the SAA menue FILE has been chosen to load a frequency response curve, those curves will be considered for the simulation. For a study of the theoretical frequency response, the curves can also be unloaded (FILE menu). The results of the simulation can be directly transfered to the PROJECT menu. The simulation considers a constant voltage of 2.83 Vrms for the driver. $ L-circuit The L-circuit is a configuration of two ohmic resistors connected as a voltage divider circuit. The circuit is used for level attenuation without effecting the load impedance. $ Calculation of the L-circuit attenuation As explained already, the circuit can be applied for level attenuation, using the two resistors as a voltage divider to reduce the voltage across the driver. The level attenuation of any circuit configuration can be calculated. As result, the attenuation factor will be displayed. $ Zobel/RC/Notch filter circuits The impedance function of a loudspeaker is a frequency dependened curve, which is directly proportional to the frequency. Apart from that, the curves in most cases show a resonance peak at a certain frequency. The Zobel filter has been developed to compensate the increase of the impedance at higher frequencies, resulting in a linear impedance function of a driver. Other circuits for impedance compensation are the rc circuit, which compensates the increase caused by the voice coil`s inductivity and notch filter which can be applied to compensate impedance peaks. Note : To calculate any of the circuits the inductivity of the driver must be known. If the parameter is not known it can be calculated, as a function of the impedance curve. If the inductivity is known, no data for Z and Fm have to be entered. Otherwise the inductivity can be calculated by entering data for Z and fm. $ Pulse response calculation The pulse response respects the transient response of a loudspeker. SPEAKER PRO 6.0 applies the Fourier transformation of the speaker response. The pulse response can be simulated for closed-, bassreflex- and bandpass enclosures. The x-axes represents the time a speaker takes to respond to a pulse. It is therefore possible to judge the pulse response of a driver mounted in a cabinet. $ Loading of an spl curve The spl curve of a speaker can be loaded from the FILE menu. The driver can be selected from a list. The loaded response curve can be - edited by chosing the EDIT GRAPHIC menu - used for enclosure simulations - transfered to the PROJECT menu Please note that it is adviseable to use the same name of the frequency response file also in the database. This provides that the correct frequency response curve will be activated after the selection of a driver in the database. $ Importing MLSSA data The IMPORT menue allows the direct import of MLSSA data for further processing in the SPEAKER PRO 6.0 program. Due to the fact that MLSSA does not differenciate between the two files, the user has to choose between the spl- and impedance data file. SPEAKER PRO 6.0 is able to import MLSSA *.FRQ files. To make proper use of the various enclosure simulations, the impedance curves should be measured under free-air conditions. SPEAKER PRO 6.0 is now able to simulate the enclosure effect on the free-air impedance curve applying an additive method. It is also possible to measure the impedance curve of a driver in the enclosure instead of simulating the curve. The type of enclosure must be UNSPECIFIED. MLSSA can only generate proper measureing results above a certain defined frequency which can be defined by the SPEAKER PRO 6.0 user by choosing simulation. The FFT transformation for *.TIM files will not be supported. To import MLSSA data apply the following sequence under MLSSA. - Start MLLSSA - Choose the Transfer menu - Choose the sub menu Load - Enter the file name and confirm - Choose FFT from the main menu - Choose the sub menu Size - Adjust the FFT Size The best resolution can be achieved by choosing 32768 points. In order to save memory space it is also possible to choose a lower resolution. - Choose FFT from the main menues - Choose Execute to activate the FFT mode - Choose Transfer-Save to save the FRQ file - Start Speaker PRO 6.0 - Choose FILE from the main menues and select NEW FREQUENCY CURVE and choose a name for the spl file. Choose any existing file. Please note that any existing file will be erased. - Initialize the MLSSA import directory using the command Import MLSSA -> Initialize - Choose the import menu and select "Import MLSSA" -> SPL - A pull down menu appears, showing the FRQ files available. The user can now select a file using mouse or cursor functions. Note that MLSSA does not differenciate between spl and impedance curves and take your choice. - SPEAKER PRO 6.0 will now load the selected setup files. The user now has to enter the 0 dB reference level. If the level is not known, enter 120 dB. After entering Import, the file will be imported. The result can be shown or edited by choosing the DATA menu and here GRAPHIC EDITOR. After the spl curve has been imported, the impedance curve should be imported as well. The phase will be respected. Use the following sequence : - Start MLSSA - Choose menu transfer - Choose load - Enter the file name and confirm - Choose FFT from the main menus - Select size - Adjust FFT size The best way is to select the maximum resolution of 32768 points. If the memory space should not be available a lower resolution can be chosen. - Choose FFT from the main menus - Choose Mode - Choose impedance - Impedance units and series resistance (read the MLSSA manual) - Choose FFT from the main menu - Execute to activate FFT - Save the FRQ file by choosing Transfer-Save - Start SPEAKER PRO 6.0 - Choose "FILE" from the main menus and select "FREQUENCY RESPONSE NEW" and choose a name for the new file. Please note that existing files will be erased. - Initialize the MLSSA import directory by selecting MLSSA Initialize. - Choose "Import" and select "Import MLSSA" -> "Impedance" - A pop-up menu will be displayed, showing the FRQ files available. The user can now choose a file. The user has to decide between spl and impedance files, because MLSSA does not differenciate between the two. - SPEAKER PRO 6.0 will now read the setup files selected which will be displayed. If the supply voltage and the series resistor have not been entered in the setup file the user has to enter the required data. Usually a series resistor of 25 ohms and a supply voltage of 1 volt is applied. - The result can be displayed by choosing "DATA" and selecting "GRAPHIC EDITOR". The frequency response file can be saved by selecting "SAVE FREQUENCY RESPONSE" from the "FILE" menu. $ Calculate spl and impedance of a driver If the TSP are the only available data for a driver, SPEAKER PRO 6.0 offers a function which allows the calculation of the spl and impedance curves, including the phase function for the impedance curve. Since quite often data are not completely available, it is possible to calculate the following functions : - impedance - electrical phase - spl The data can be saved selecting "FILE" -> "SAVE FREQUENCY RESPONSE NEW". $ Importing KEMSONIC data By choosing the "IMPORT" menu, KEMSONIC data (i.e. spl, impedance and phase) can be imported. In order to import KEMSONIC data the "EXPORT" functions of AMSPC will be used. To make use of the enclosure simulation functions of SPEAKER PRO 6.0, users shall be advised to use the free air method for measuring the impedance. This method allows to add the effect of the enlosure, in the SPEAKER PRO 6.0 enclosure simulation. If the enclosure effects should not be respected, it is possible to use the comand "ENCLOSURE UNSPECIFIED". In order to import KEMSONIC data use the following procedure: - Start AMSPC - Choose file menu - Select "LOAD OBJECT" - Choose export file level file : *.PEG impedance file : *.IMP phase file : *.PHI - Select the selection by pressing (return) - Select "OBJECT" - Use the (space) key to select objects - Use the (return) key to confirm the selection and to activate the export. After the export, the files will have new extentions Old New Meaning ============================ *.PEG *.PEC level *.IMP *.IMC impedance *.PHI *.PHC phase What to do now ? - Start SPEAKER PRO 6.0 - Choose "FILE" and select "FREQUENCY RESPONSE NEW" and choose a name for the frequency response file. If you want to extend an existing file, load that file. Please note that existing files will be erased. - Initialize the import directory by choosing import-> KEMSONIC -> Initialize - Choose the "FILE" or "DATA" menu functions to "IMPORT KEMSONIC" - Initialize the import directory by selecting Import -> KEMSONIC -> Initialize - Define, if necessary, the 0 dB reference level, which is necessary using the "LEVEL" import function. - At this point you will be able to choose the following: -LEVEL-, -IMPEDANCE- or -PHASE- alone or -LEVEL-, -IMPEDANCE- and -PHASE- together. The import of the three functions should have a common data file extention.(e.g. OTTO.PEC, OTTO.IMC, OTTO.PHC) - Afterwards the directory of any available *.PEC, *.IMC and *.PHC files will be displayed in accordance to the import mode. It is possible to choose any of the exsiting files by selecting with either mouse or cursor functions. If you have chosen the import mode "ALL", only the files with the extention *.PEC will be available. After selecting the files, data will be imported. The result will be displayed by chosing "DATA" -> "GRAPHIC EDITOR". The frequency response file can be saved by choosing "FILE" -> "SAVE FREQUENCY RESPONSE". $ The chapter for the programmer This chapter describes procedures for the external import of data in the SPEAKER PRO 6.0 database. 1. ASCII Export/Import of APL data files SPEAKER PRO 6.0 supports the export of *.APL data files. This function offers the following advantages: - A quick view on the chosen parameters - A format being independant the version Import interfaces are offered for any available computer aided measuring system. The interface is described in the following paragraph. Export functions ================ - Using the Import -> INITIALIZE ASCII command, an Im-Export directory will be initialized. (Pre-selection USERDATA) - Load an spl and impedance curve and import it, using the import functions. - Choose export ASCII in the import directory - Enter the target file name - Choose export The files will be saved in the chosen directory with the extention .IPT. Operating Import ================ - define new APL file under "FILE" - Initialize IMPORT -> INITIALIZE ASCII and the USERDATA directory will be initilalized - Choose Import ASCII - A directory will be displayed alowing to choose from the displayed import files. The result of a successful import can be viewed by choosing the "DATA" menu and selecting the "GRAPHIC EDITOR" sub-menu. Interface description ====================== The imported files will have the file extention *.IPT. Those files can be created with an ASCII editor. The following rules should be applied : - Any comments should be started with a "#" symbol. - The files will be found by key words. Any key-word has to start with a string After the key-word the driver name is expected. After the key-word measuring data, the name of the driver is expected. After the key-word measuring data, the following line expects the entering of the measuring data. Always five parameters will be expected. If less than five parameters are entered, an error message occurs. Please note that no comma should be used in the files. Make sure that you only use a full stop. To reach a maximum import accurarcy the measurement points of the import files should be similar to the SPEAKER PRO 6.0 files. The measurement data should be entered as a list. The first column consists of the measureing frequency, and the second one of the spl. In case you work with a 0 dB reference, the reference level has to be added. In column 3, the phase (in DEGREE) of the spl has to be entered. The 4th column consists of the impedance level and the 5th one of the corresponding phase (in DEGREE).The first comment found, will close the data section. The measuring data should therefore not be interrupted by space or comment lines, since this would be interpreted as closing criteria. The number of comment lines is not limited. Each comment has to start with #. As already said comments should not be used within a dataline. Example : # ASCII ex-import file # SPEAKER PRO 6.0 Copyright (c) CS Software # file : userdata\ANTON.ipt # APL file : WSP26S # driver : VISATON WSP 26 S # date/time : Sat, Oct 17 18:11:21 1992 # driver @NAME VISATON WSP 26 S # measurement data # Frequency | SPL [ db] | Phase | Impedance[ ê] | Phase [ ø] #-----------+-------------+---------+---------------+----------- @Measuring data 20 60 0 10 0 30 70 0 12 0 40 80 0 15 0 50 90 0 20 0 60 91 0 25 0 70 92 0 20 0 80 93 0 15 0 90 94 0 10 0 100 95 0 8 0 150 95 0 8 0 200 95 0 8 0 300 95 0 8 0 400 95 0 8 0 500 95 0 8 0 600 95 0 8 0 700 95 0 8 0 800 95 0 8 0 900 95 0 8 0 1000 95 0 8 0 1500 95 0 8 0 2000 94 0 8 0 3000 93 0 8 0 4000 90 0 9 0 5000 80 0 9.5 0 6000 70 0 10 0 7000 65 0 11 0 8000 63 0 12 0 9000 62 0 13 0 10000 60 0 14 0 12500 50 0 15 0 15000 40 0 20 0 17500 40 0 25 0 20000 41 0 35 0 # # End of the ASCII import file 2. SPEAKER PRO 6.0 database extented import facilities ====================================================== The program supports the import of external data files,of both, TSP and frequency response curves. SPKDATA.EXE will start this import program. The .EXE command can here be called up in the usual manner. Syntax : SPKDATA mode import file database file Mode : Append ; extend database by data line Write ; write specified data line Import file : ASCII file including parameters Database file: filename of database ".DBF" without directory Data index : data line index in write mode The ASCII import file has the following structure : - comments have to start with a # - all parameters have to be identified by a keyword - both, small and capital letters can be used - in the write mode, writing is additive As you see, it is possible to write different parts at different times. Error messages will appear automatically. The display background will be restored. If the database does not exist, it will be initialized. The following keywords are defined. AplFileName : Name of the file consisting the frequency response curves Measr.volume : Volume of the measuring box Type : Type of speaker Mms : moved mass Cms : compliance Re : ohmic resistance Le : inductivity Fms : free air resonance Qms : mechanical Q-factor Qes : electrical Q-factor Qts : total Q-factor Vas : equivalent volume Bl : magnetic drive Sd : effective piston area Spl : Sound pressure level Measur.System : used measuring system Amplitude : amplitude file name Impedance : impedance file name AkuPhase : acoustical phase ImpPhase : electrical phase Example : #--------------------------------------------------------------- # ASCII import file SPEAKER PRO 6.0 database # file : SPKASCII.IDF # driver : VISATON TIW 400 # date/time : Sat Oct 17 18:11:21 1992 #--------------------------------------------------------------- # #--------------------------------------------------------------- # generall parameter part #--------------------------------------------------------------- # AplFileName VITIW400 Measr.Volume 400.0 Manufacturer VISATON Typ TIW400 # #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Thiele Small parameters #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Mms 70.0 Cms 0.59 Re 6.0 Le 1.5 Fms 25.0 Qms 1.18 Qes 0.32 Qts 0.25 Vas 498.0 Bl 14.4 Sd 779.3 Spl 95.7 # #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Frequency resopnse and impedance #--------------------------------------------------------------- # The database allows the handling of impedance and frequency # response curves measured with various measuring systems. # After the keyword MEASR.SYSTEM the measuring system in use # can be selected. SPEAKER PRO 6.0 supports MEPEG, DAAS, ATB # LMS, MLLSSA and IMP. #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Measuring system MEPEG Amplitude c:\MEPEG\1702D28.MPG Impedance c:\MEPEG\Impedance.MPG AkuPhase None ElecPhase None # #--------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Please read the second part of the user's manual doku t2.txt. End of user's manual part 1