[F1] - HELP, CHOOSE THE LINEAR SIZES, OF THE CORE, where:, y - width of an active, part of the core (mm), H - hidth of the core (mm), y1 - thickness of the core(mm), L - width of the core (mm), h - hidth of a window (mm), b - width of a window (mm), kk - average is long paths, of a magnetic line(sm), [F1] - HELP, CHOOSE THE LINEAR SIZES, OF THE CORE, where:, d - internal diameter (mm), D - exterior diameter (mm) , b - hidth of a ring (mm) , kk - average is long paths, of a magnetic line(sm), FILE HELP.ENG NOT FOUND ..., Exit - [ESC], other key - next page, NO , YES , Abandon program?, BACK...º..º.. º.. º.. º.. º.. , NEXT... , NONSTANDARD CORE... , E41,E43 , E310 from plates , E310 tape , Other... , W-similar , rod (L-similar) , shell-type (tape) , ring (tape) , ILLCONDITIONED SIZES OF THE CORE: , it is required: y1/y <= , Choose the new size y1,y,, or chose the standard core., SMALL SIZES OF THE CORE: , Sm^4, it is required: SstSoª >= , Choose new sizes of the core(more),, or reduce total power of secondary windings., Exit program - ESC, to continue - any other key., it is required: SstSok >= , mm , Exterior diameter is less internal, it is required: D-d >= 0, Choose the new size D, d,, The core: , nonstandard , WB, WA, W, WL, WLO, WLM, OL, Amplitude of a flux density in the core: , Current density in windings: , A/mm^2, __________________________________________________________________________, Number | Voltage on | Curent in | Amount coils | Diameter wire , winding | winding, V | winding, A | winding,pieces| winding, mm , --------------------------------------------------------------------------, _______________________________________________________________________________, Num. | Voltage | Curent| Amount |Calculated| Real | Amount |Filling, win. | on win., |in win.|coil.win.,|diam.wire |diam.wire |stratums|winding, | V | A | pieces | win., mm |with is.mm|win.,pie| % , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Common filling of window: , % (in view thickness of a skeleton), Choice of thickness of a skeleton, Enter thickness material skeleton: (mm), Choice of a real diameter of wire(with isolation), Enter diameter of a wire [, -th] winding: (mm), Choice of isolation, Enter thickness of isolation between stratums: (mm), Enter thickness of a winding insulation: (mm), WINDINGS ARE NOT LOCATED IN A WINDOW!, It is necessary to increase sizes of core, Saving in file, Enter name of file, File , already exists,, to replace it? , (Y-Yes/N-No), Results of account are saved in file , Parameters of the nonstandard core, Enter type of the nonstandard core (L, W, WLM,...), Enter width of an active part of core [y] (mm), Enter thickness of core [y1] (mm), Enter width of window[b] (mm), Enter height of window[h] (mm), Enter type of the nonstandard core (ŽL,ŽLM,...), Enter an internal diameter of core [d] (mm), Enter an exterior diameter of core [D] (¬¬), Enter height of ring [b] (mm), -|-EVALUATION TRANSFORMERS -|-, V 2.1 alpha, Chernigov state technological university, , faculty IE, (á) Rewko A.S. http://asr55.chat.ru, E-mail: asr55@chat.ru, asr@inel.stu.cn.ua , 2000, help.eng, [F1] - Help, [ENTER] - GO! , Chooce the shape of core, Chooce a material of the core (or Bm), Choice of a flux density Bm, Enter amplitude of a flux density in the core (Tl) , Choice of frequency, Enter frequency of a network (Hz), Choice of thickness of plates, Enter thickness of plates of the core (mm), Choice of number windings, Enter an amount of windings, Choice of voltage, Enter voltage on the [1-st] winding (V), Enter voltage on the [, -th] winding (V), Choice current, Enter current on [, -th] winding (A), Choice current density, Enter a current density in windings (A/mm^2), To check up arranging windings on the core? (Y-Yes/N-No), To save results of account in file? (Y-Yes/N-No) , Usual , Impulse , Type of transformer, [F2]-Customisations, Select color, common framework... , framework menu... , background... , background menu... , background mark line , text... , marked text... , RESET DEFAULT , SAVE CUSTOMIZATIONS , EXIT FROM CUSTOMIZAT., Enter color for , framework menu (0...15), background (0...7), background menu (0...7), background marked line(0...7), text (0...15), selected text (0...15), common framework (0...15), SstSok - multiplication area, of section core on area of, window (y*y1*b*h) (sm^4), windw (D-d)*b*d^2*pi/8 (sm^4), M - size of the ring , core (Dxdxb) (mm), n - number of core (pic.), Sst-area section of core(s¬^2), Sok-area window of core(s¬^2), Ms - mass of core (g), ¥®¡å®¤¨¬® SstSok>, Calculated diam.wire [, -th] wire , M2000HM1-A , M2000HM1-B , M2000HM1-17 , M3000HM1-A , M6000HM-1 , CHOOSE REAL DIAMETER OF WIRE OF A' WINDING #' where:' d - diameter wire without isol.(mm)' dis - diameter wire with isolation' (PETW) (mm) ' r - specific resistance to' a direct current (Om/m)' Ring core ' Other ' Other ' OTHER WIRE... ' Shape of nonstandard core ' Enter a mass of the core (g)' Enter square of cut of the core (sm^4)' Enter square of window(sm^4)' Enter average length of a magnetic line(sm)' Enter resistance of 1 meter wire [' (Om/m) ' OUTCOMES OF EVALUATE OF THE IMPULSE TRANSFORMER' ring ' sm' Working frequency ' kHz.' Pulse duration ' mks.' Exterior diameter transformer:(with winding) ' mm' Residual interior diameter: ' mm (was given >= ' mm)' ILLCONDITIONED RELATION SUMMARIZED SQUARE WINDINGS TO SQUARE WINDOW!' it is desirable,that 0.19