function [y,Fs,bits,opt_ck] = wavread(file,ext) %WAVREAD Read Microsoft WAVE (".wav") sound file. % Y=WAVREAD(FILE) reads a WAVE file specified by the string FILE, % returning the sampled data in Y. The ".wav" extension is appended % if no extension is given. Amplitude values are in the range [-1,+1]. % % [Y,FS,NBITS]=WAVREAD(FILE) returns the sample rate (FS) in Hertz % and the number of bits per sample (NBITS) used to encode the % data in the file. % % [...]=WAVREAD(FILE,N) returns only the first N samples from each % channel in the file. % [...]=WAVREAD(FILE,[N1 N2]) returns only samples N1 through N2 from % each channel in the file. % SIZ=WAVREAD(FILE,'size') returns the size of the audio data contained % in the file in place of the actual audio data, returning the % vector SIZ=[samples channels]. % % [Y,FS,NBITS,OPTS]=WAVREAD(...) returns a structure OPTS of additional % information contained in the WAV file. The content of this % structure differs from file to file. Typical structure fields % include '.fmt' (audio format information) and '.info' (text % which may describe subject title, copy right, etc.) % % Supports multi-channel data, with up to 16 bits per sample. % % See also WAVWRITE, AUREAD. % % NOTE: This file reader only supports Microsoft PCM data format. % It does not support wave-list data. % % See also WAVWRITE, AUREAD, AUWRITE. % Author: D. Orofino % Copyright 1984-2001 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: 5.22 $ $Date: 2001/04/06 19:05:47 $ % Parse input arguments: nargchk(1,2,nargin); if nargin<2, ext=[]; end % Default - read all samples exts = prod(size(ext)); % length of extent info if ~strncmp(lower(ext),'size',exts) & (exts > 2), error('Index range must be specified as a scalar or 2-element vector.'); end if ~ischar(ext) & exts==1, if ext==0, ext='size'; % synonym for size else ext=[1 ext]; % Prepend start sample index end end % Open WAV file: [fid,msg] = open_wav(file); error(msg); % Find the first RIFF chunk: [riffck,msg] = find_cktype(fid,'RIFF'); %error(msg); if ~isempty(msg), error('Not a WAVE file.'); end % Verify that RIFF file is WAVE data type: msg = check_rifftype(fid,'WAVE'); error(msg); % Find optional chunks, and don't stop till found: found_data = 0; end_of_file = 0; opt_ck = []; while(~end_of_file), [ck,msg] = find_cktype(fid); error(msg); switch lower(ck.ID) case 'end of file' end_of_file = 1; case 'fmt' % found [opt_ck,msg] = read_wavefmt(fid,ck,opt_ck); error(msg); case 'data' % found: found_data = 1; if ~isfield(opt_ck,'fmt'), error('Corrupt WAV file: found audio data before format information.'); end if strncmp(lower(ext),'size',exts) | ... (~isempty(ext) & all(ext==0)), % Caller doesn't want data - just data size: [samples,msg] = read_wavedat(ck, opt_ck.fmt, -1); error(msg); y = [samples opt_ck.fmt.nChannels]; else % Read : [datack,msg] = read_wavedat(ck, opt_ck.fmt, ext); error(msg); y = datack.Data; end case 'fact' % Optional found: [opt_ck,msg] = read_factck(fid, ck, opt_ck); error(msg); case 'disp' % Optional found: [opt_ck,msg] = read_dispck(fid, ck, opt_ck); error(msg); case 'list' % Optional found: [opt_ck, msg] = read_listck(fid, ck, opt_ck); error(msg); otherwise % Skip over data in unprocessed chunks: if rem(ck.Size,2), ck.Size=ck.Size+1; end if(fseek(fid,ck.Size,0)==-1), error('Incorrect chunk size information in WAV file.'); end end end fclose(fid); % Parse structure info for return to user: Fs = opt_ck.fmt.nSamplesPerSec; if opt_ck.fmt.wFormatTag == 1, bits = opt_ck.fmt.nBitsPerSample; else bits = []; % Unknown end % end of wavread() % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Private functions: % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ % --------------------------------------------- % OPEN_WAV: Open a WAV file for reading % --------------------------------------------- function [fid,msg] = open_wav(file) % Append .wav extension if it's missing: [pat,nam,ext] = fileparts(file); if isempty(ext), file = [file '.wav']; end [fid,msg] = fopen(file,'rb','l'); % Little-endian if fid == -1, msg = 'Cannot open file.'; end return % --------------------------------------------- % READ_CKINFO: Reads next RIFF chunk, but not the chunk data. % If optional sflg is set to nonzero, reads SUBchunk info instead. % Expects an open FID pointing to first byte of chunk header. % Returns a new chunk structure. % --------------------------------------------- function [ck,msg] = read_ckinfo(fid) msg = ''; ck.fid = fid; ck.Data = []; err_msg = 'Truncated chunk header found - possibly not a WAV file.'; [s,cnt] = fread(fid,4,'char'); % Do not error-out if a few (<4) trailing chars are in file % Just return quickly: if (cnt~=4), if feof(fid), % End of the file (not an error) ck.ID = 'end of file'; % unambiguous chunk ID (>4 chars) ck.Size = 0; else msg = err_msg; end return end ck.ID = deblank(setstr(s')); % Read chunk size (skip if subchunk): [sz,cnt] = fread(fid,1,'ulong'); if cnt~=1, msg = err_msg; return end ck.Size = sz; return % --------------------------------------------- % FIND_CKTYPE: Finds a chunk with appropriate type. % Searches from current file position specified by fid. % Leaves file positions to data of desired chunk. % If optional sflg is set to nonzero, finds a SUBchunk instead. % --------------------------------------------- function [ck,msg] = find_cktype(fid,ftype) msg = ''; if nargin<2, ftype = ''; end [ck,msg] = read_ckinfo(fid); if ~isempty(msg), return; end % Was a required chunk type specified? if ~isempty(ftype) & ~strcmp(lower(ck.ID),lower(ftype)), msg = ['<' ftype '-ck> did not appear as expected']; end return % --------------------------------------------- % CHECK_RIFFTYPE: Finds the RIFF data type. % Searches from current file position specified by fid. % Leaves file positions to data of desired chunk. % --------------------------------------------- function msg = check_rifftype(fid,ftype) msg = ''; [rifftype,cnt] = fread(fid,4,'char'); rifftype = setstr(rifftype)'; if cnt~=4, msg = 'Not a WAVE file.'; elseif ~strcmp(lower(rifftype),lower(ftype)), msg = ['File does not contain required ''' ftype ''' data chunk.']; end return % --------------------------------------------- % READ_LISTCK: Read the FLIST chunk: % --------------------------------------------- function [opt_ck,msg] = read_listck(fid,ck, orig_opt_ck) opt_ck = orig_opt_ck; orig_pos = ftell(fid); total_bytes = ck.Size; % # bytes in subchunk nbytes = 4; % # of required bytes in header msg = ''; err_msg = 'Error reading chunk.'; if total_bytes < nbytes, msg = err_msg; return end % Read standard data: listdata = setstr(fread(fid,total_bytes,'uchar')'); listtype = lower(listdata(1:4)); % Get LIST type listdata = listdata(5:end); % Move past INFO if strcmp(listtype,'info'), % Information: while(~isempty(listdata)), id = listdata(1:4); switch lower(id) case 'iart' name = 'Artist'; case 'icmt' name = 'Comments'; case 'icrd' name = 'Creation date'; case 'icop' name = ['Copy' 'right']; case 'ieng' name = 'Engineer'; case 'inam' name = 'Name'; case 'iprd' name = 'Product'; case 'isbj' name = 'Subject'; case 'isft' name = 'Software'; case 'isrc' name = 'Source'; otherwise name = id; end if ~isfield(opt_ck,'info'), = []; end len = listdata(5:8) * 2.^[0 8 16 24]'; txt = listdata(9:9+len-1); % Fix up text: deblank, and replace CR/LR with LF txt = deblank(txt); idx=findstr(txt,setstr([13 10])); txt(idx) = ''; % Store - don't include the "name" info = setfield(, lower(id), txt ); if rem(len,2), len=len+1; end listdata = listdata(9+len:end); end else if ~isfield(opt_ck,'list'), opt_ck.list = []; end opt_ck.list = setfield(opt_ck.list, listtype, listdata); end % Skip over any unprocessed data: if rem(total_bytes,2), total_bytes=total_bytes+1; end rbytes = total_bytes - (ftell(fid) - orig_pos); if rbytes~=0, if (fseek(fid,rbytes,'cof')==-1), msg = err_msg; end end return % --------------------------------------------- % READ_DISPCK: Read the DISP chunk: % --------------------------------------------- function [opt_ck, msg] = read_dispck(fid,ck,orig_opt_ck) opt_ck = orig_opt_ck; orig_pos = ftell(fid); total_bytes = ck.Size; % # bytes in subchunk nbytes = 4; % # of required bytes in header msg = ''; err_msg = 'Error reading chunk.'; if total_bytes < nbytes, msg = err_msg; return end % Read standard data: data = fread(fid,total_bytes,'uchar'); % Process data: % First few entries are size info: icon_data = data; siz_info = reshape(icon_data(1:2*4),4,2)'; siz_info = siz_info*(2.^[0 8 16 24]'); is_icon = isequal(siz_info,[8;40]); if ~is_icon, % Not the icon: = 'DisplayName'; txt = deblank(setstr(data(5:end)')); opt_ck.disp.text = txt; end % Skip over any unprocessed data: if rem(total_bytes,2), total_bytes=total_bytes+1; end rbytes = total_bytes - (ftell(fid) - orig_pos); if rbytes~=0, if(fseek(fid,rbytes,'cof')==-1), msg = err_msg; end end return % --------------------------------------------- % READ_FACTCK: Read the FACT chunk: % --------------------------------------------- function [opt_ck,msg] = read_factck(fid,ck,orig_opt_ck) opt_ck = orig_opt_ck; orig_pos = ftell(fid); total_bytes = ck.Size; % # bytes in subchunk nbytes = 4; % # of required bytes in header msg = ''; err_msg = 'Error reading chunk.'; if total_bytes < nbytes, msg = err_msg; return end % Read standard data: opt_ck.fact = setstr(fread(fid,total_bytes,'uchar')'); % Skip over any unprocessed data: if rem(total_bytes,2), total_bytes=total_bytes+1; end rbytes = total_bytes - (ftell(fid) - orig_pos); if rbytes~=0, if(fseek(fid,rbytes,'cof')==-1), msg = err_msg; end end return % --------------------------------------------- % READ_WAVEFMT: Read WAVE format chunk. % Assumes fid points to the subchunk. % Requires chunk structure to be passed, indicating % the length of the chunk in case we don't recognize % the format tag. % --------------------------------------------- function [opt_ck,msg] = read_wavefmt(fid,ck,orig_opt_ck) opt_ck = orig_opt_ck; orig_pos = ftell(fid); total_bytes = ck.Size; % # bytes in subchunk nbytes = 14; % # of required bytes in header msg = ''; err_msg = 'Error reading chunk.'; if total_bytes < nbytes, msg = err_msg; return end % Read standard data: opt_ck.fmt.wFormatTag = fread(fid,1,'ushort'); % Data encoding format opt_ck.fmt.nChannels = fread(fid,1,'ushort'); % Number of channels opt_ck.fmt.nSamplesPerSec = fread(fid,1,'ulong'); % Samples per second opt_ck.fmt.nAvgBytesPerSec = fread(fid,1,'ulong'); % Avg transfer rate opt_ck.fmt.nBlockAlign = fread(fid,1,'ushort'); % Block alignment % Read format-specific info: switch opt_ck.fmt.wFormatTag case 1 % PCM Format: [opt_ck.fmt, msg] = read_fmt_pcm(fid, ck, opt_ck.fmt); end % Skip over any unprocessed fmt-specific data: if rem(total_bytes,2), total_bytes=total_bytes+1; end rbytes = total_bytes - (ftell(fid) - orig_pos); if rbytes~=0, if(fseek(fid,rbytes,'cof')==-1), msg = err_msg; end end return % --------------------------------------------- % READ_FMT_PCM: Read info % --------------------------------------------- function [fmt,msg] = read_fmt_pcm(fid, ck, fmt) % There had better be a bits/sample field: total_bytes = ck.Size; % # bytes in subchunk nbytes = 14; % # of bytes already read in header msg = ''; err_msg = 'Error reading PCM chunk.'; if (total_bytes < nbytes+2), msg = err_msg; return end [bits,cnt] = fread(fid,1,'ushort'); nbytes=nbytes+2; if (cnt~=1), msg = err_msg; return end fmt.nBitsPerSample=bits; % Are there any additional fields present? if (total_bytes > nbytes), % See if the "cbSize" field is present. If so, grab the data: if (total_bytes >= nbytes+2), % we have the cbSize ushort in the file: [cbSize,cnt]=fread(fid,1,'ushort'); nbytes=nbytes+2; if (cnt~=1), msg = err_msg; return end fmt.cbSize = cbSize; end % Simply skip any remaining stuff - we don't know what it is: if rem(total_bytes,2), total_bytes=total_bytes+1; end rbytes = total_bytes - nbytes; if rbytes~=0, if (fseek(fid,rbytes,'cof') == -1); msg = err_msg; end end end return % --------------------------------------------- % READ_WAVEDAT: Read WAVE data chunk % Assumes fid points to the wave-data chunk % Requires and structures to be passed. % Requires extraction range to be specified. % Setting ext=[] forces ALL samples to be read. Otherwise, % ext should be a 2-element vector specifying the first % and last samples (per channel) to be extracted. % Setting ext=-1 returns the number of samples per channel, % skipping over the sample data. % --------------------------------------------- function [dat,msg] = read_wavedat(datack,wavefmt,ext) % In case of unsupported data compression format: dat = []; fmt_msg = ''; switch wavefmt.wFormatTag case 1 % PCM Format: [dat,msg] = read_dat_pcm(datack,wavefmt,ext); case 2 fmt_msg = 'Microsoft ADPCM'; case 6 fmt_msg = 'CCITT a-law'; case 7 fmt_msg = 'CCITT mu-law'; case 17 fmt_msg = 'IMA ADPCM'; case 34 fmt_msg = 'DSP Group TrueSpeech TM'; case 49 fmt_msg = 'GSM 6.10'; case 50 fmt_msg = 'MSN Audio'; case 257 fmt_msg = 'IBM Mu-law'; case 258 fmt_msg = 'IBM A-law'; case 259 fmt_msg = 'IBM AVC Adaptive Differential'; otherwise fmt_msg = ['Format #' num2str(wavefmt.wFormatTag)]; end if ~isempty(fmt_msg), msg = ['Data compression format (' fmt_msg ') is not supported.']; end return % --------------------------------------------- % READ_DAT_PCM: Read PCM format data from chunk. % Assumes fid points to the wave-data chunk % Requires and structures to be passed. % Requires extraction range to be specified. % Setting ext=[] forces ALL samples to be read. Otherwise, % ext should be a 2-element vector specifying the first % and last samples (per channel) to be extracted. % Setting ext=-1 returns the number of samples per channel, % skipping over the sample data. % --------------------------------------------- function [dat,msg] = read_dat_pcm(datack,wavefmt,ext) dat = []; msg = ''; % Determine # bytes/sample - format requires rounding % to next integer number of bytes: BytesPerSample = ceil(wavefmt.nBitsPerSample/8); if (BytesPerSample == 1), dtype='uchar'; % unsigned 8-bit elseif (BytesPerSample == 2), dtype='short'; % signed 16-bit else msg = 'Cannot read PCM file formats with more than 16 bits per sample.'; return end total_bytes = datack.Size; % # bytes in this chunk total_samples = total_bytes / BytesPerSample; SamplesPerChannel = total_samples / wavefmt.nChannels; if ~isempty(ext) & ext==-1, % Just return the samples per channel, and fseek past data: dat = SamplesPerChannel; % Add in a pad-byte, if required: total_bytes = total_bytes + rem(datack.Size,2); if(fseek(datack.fid,total_bytes,'cof')==-1), msg = 'Error reading PCM file format.'; end return end % Determine sample range to read: if isempty(ext), ext = [1 SamplesPerChannel]; % Return all samples else if prod(size(ext))~=2, msg = 'Sample limit vector must have 2 elements.'; return end if ext(1)<1 | ext(2)>SamplesPerChannel, msg = 'Sample limits out of range.'; return end if ext(1)>ext(2), msg = 'Sample limits must be given in ascending order.'; return end end bytes_remaining = total_bytes; % Preset byte counter % Skip over leading samples: if ext(1)>1, % Skip over leading samples, if specified: skipcnt = BytesPerSample * (ext(1)-1) * wavefmt.nChannels; if(fseek(datack.fid, skipcnt,'cof') == -1), msg = 'Error reading PCM file format.'; return end % % Update count of bytes remaining: bytes_remaining = bytes_remaining - skipcnt; end % Read desired data: nSPCext = ext(2)-ext(1)+1; % # samples per channel in extraction range dat = datack; % Copy input structure to output extSamples = wavefmt.nChannels*nSPCext; dat.Data = fread(datack.fid, [wavefmt.nChannels nSPCext], dtype); % % Update count of bytes remaining: skipcnt = BytesPerSample*nSPCext*wavefmt.nChannels; bytes_remaining = bytes_remaining - skipcnt; % if cnt~=extSamples, dat='Error reading file.'; return; end % Skip over trailing samples: if(fseek(datack.fid, BytesPerSample * ... (SamplesPerChannel-ext(2))*wavefmt.nChannels, 'cof')==-1), msg = 'Error reading PCM file format.'; return end % Update count of bytes remaining: skipcnt = BytesPerSample*(SamplesPerChannel-ext(2))*wavefmt.nChannels; bytes_remaining = bytes_remaining - skipcnt; % Determine if a pad-byte is appended to data chunk, % skipping over it if present: if rem(datack.Size,2), fseek(datack.fid, 1, 'cof'); end % Rearrange data into a matrix with one channel per column: dat.Data = dat.Data'; % Normalize data range: min will hit -1, max will not quite hit +1. if BytesPerSample==1, % dat.Data = (dat.Data-128)/128; % [-1,1) else % dat.Data = dat.Data/32768; % [-1,1) end return % end of wavread.m